MM5 Spells Database

MM5 Spells Database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Check the locations you can find spells for free before you pay for them in town. See which spells each casting class can cast!

Resource: Gear Database

MM5 Spells

With 96 spells split between Cleric, Sorcerer, and Druid classes, your journey in mastering the arcane is a long one. Many powerful spells are not just learned with level gain but instead you must seek out trainers and scrolls to learn many spells — see the tables below to learn where the spells are acquired.

Be mindful though, higher-level spells aren’t just more potent, they also demand magical Gems. Check out the Foes Database, to learn which foes have Gems in their treasure. MM4 and MM5 Spells are consolidated into one database, the only differences are locations to find the spells.

Sorcerer Spells
NameSP CostTimingTargetShort DescriptionPurchase TownFind Location
Light1AnytimePartyProvide light in dungeons and cavesV,Sh,C,O - 100Ancient Temple of Yak 6,11Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Awaken1AnytimePartyRemove SLEEP from all charactersV,Sh,C,O - 100Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
Shrapmetal1/lvlCombatFoe Group2*lvl Physical damage to a groupV,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Energy Blast1/lvl+1GCombatFoe(2-6)*lvl Energy damage to one monsterV,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Magic Arrow2CombatFoe8 Magic damage to one monsterV,Sh,C,O - 200Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Power Shield2/lvl+2GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1/lvl damage reduction for partyNi,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus
Lightning Bolt2/lvl+2GCombatFoe Group(4-6)*lvl Electrical damage to a groupSh,C,O - 1000Witch Tower Level 3 @ 10,6 (11 gems)Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Fireball2/lvl+2GCombatFoe Group(3-7)*lvl Fire damage to a groupNi,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Sleep3+1GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to put a group to sleepV,Sh,C,O - 300Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,11 (6 gems)Control Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Dancing Sword3/lvl+10GCombatFoe Group(6-14)*lvl Physical damage to a groupA,W,Sh,O - 1500Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Olympus Damage
Toxic Cloud4+1GCombatFoe Group10 Poison damage to a groupV,Sh,C,O - 400Witch Tower Level 3 @ 9,5 (11 gems)Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Jump4SafetyPartyMove the party 2 squares; noncombat onlyV,Sh,C,O - 400Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Levitate5AnytimePartyParty floats over pits and cloudsNi,R,Sh,C,O- 500Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Identify Monster5CombatFoe GroupShow monster group hit points, other statsNi,R,Sh,C,O - 500Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Insect Spray5+1GCombatFoe Group25 damage to group of insectsV,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Wizard Eye5+2GAnytimePartyShow an overhead view of the vicinityV,Ni,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Clairvoyance5+2GAnytimePartyGives advice on noncombat decisionsNi,R,Sh,C,O - 500Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,5 (11 gems)Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Detect Monster6AnytimePartyShow number and location of nearby monstersNi,R,Sh,Sa,O - 600Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Lloyd's Beacon6+2GSafetyPartySet and recall location; noncombat onlyR,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus
Time Distortion8AnytimePartyCause the entire party to flee combatR,Sh,Sa,O - 800Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Teleport10SafetyPartyTeleport up to 9 squares; noncombat onlyW,Sh,O - 1000Northern Sphinx Dungeon 0,15Winterkill Shangri-la Olympus
Finger Of Death10+4GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to destroy a groupA,R,Sh,Sa,O - 1000Asp Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Dragon Sleep10+4GCombatDragonAttempt to paralyze one dragonA,Sh,Sa,O - 1000Control Asp Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Super Shelter15+5GSafetyPartyAllow safe rest; noncombat and on land onlySh,Sa,O - 1500Quest B-3 @ 6,3Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Recharge Item15+10GAnytimeItemAdd +1-6 charges to a charged itemSh,Sa,O - 1500Quest D-3 @ 12,8Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Fantastic Freeze15+5GCombatFoe Group40 Cold damage to a groupA,R,Sh,Sa,O - 1500Asp Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Item to Gold20+10GAnytimeItemConverts item into half gold valueSh,L,O - 2000Northern Sphinx Dungeon 14,1Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus
Golem Stopper20+10GCombatGolem100 damage to one golemA,W,Sh,L,O - 2000Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus Damage
Poison Volley25+10GCombatAll FoesShoots arrows that do 10 Poison damage eachNi,W,Sh,L,O - 2500Nightshadow Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus Damage
Etherealize30+10GAnytimePartyMove straight through doors, other barriersA,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 3000Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus
Enchant Item30+20GAnytimeItemEnchants an item which isn't already magicalSh,L,Ne,O - 3000Quest Rivercity @ 25,20Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus
Incinerate35+10GCombatFoe250 Fire damage to one monsterA,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 3500Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage
Day of Sorcery40+10GAnytimePartyClairvoy.+Levitate+Power Shield+Wizard EyeA,R,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 4000Buff Asp Rivercity Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus
Mega Volts40+10GCombatFoe Group150 Electrical damage to a groupSh,L,Ne,O - 4000Quest C-2 @ 8,11Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage
Prismatic Light60+10GCombatAll Foes80 damage of random type to all monstersSh,L,Ne,O - 6000Tower of High Magic Level 4 @ 6,6Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage
Inferno75+10GCombatFoe Group250 Fire damage to a groupW,Sh,L,Ne,O - 7500Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage
Implosion100+20GCombatFoe1000 Energy damage to one monsterSh,Ne,O - 10,000Shangri-la Necropolis Olympus Damage
Elemental Storm100+10GCombatAll Foes150 damage of random type to all monstersW,Sh,L,Ne,O - 10,000Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage
Star Burst200+20GCombatAll Foes500 Physical damage to all monstersSh,Ne,O - 20,000Northern Sphinx Head 12,8Shangri-la Necropolis Olympus Damage
Cleric Spells
NameSP CostTimingTargetShort DescriptionPurchase TownFind Location
Light1AnytimePartyProvide light in dungeons and cavesV,Sh,C,O - 100Ancient Temple of Yak 6,11Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Awaken1AnytimePartyRemove SLEEP from all charactersV,Sh,C,O - 100Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
First Aid1AnytimeCharacterHeal 6 hit points to one characterV,Sh,C,O - 100Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal
Sparks1/lvl+1GCombatFoe GroupAdd 2*lvl Electrical damage to one groupV,Sh,C,O - 500Ancient Temple of Yak 0,5Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Prot from Elements1/lvl+1GAnytimePartyAdd 2/lvl+5 Elemental damage reduction for partyV,Sh,C,O - 500Buff Vertigo Shangri-la, Castleview, Olympus
Flying Fist2CombatFoe6 Physical damage to one monsterV,Sh,C,O - 200Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Revitalize2AnytimeCharacterRemove WEAK from one characterV,Sh,C,O - 200Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
Bless2/lvl+1GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1/lvl to Armor Class for partyNi,Sh,C,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Holy Bonus2/lvl+1GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1/lvl to Physical weapon damage for partyNi,Sh,C,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Power Cure2/lvl+3GAnytimeCharacterHeal 2-12 hit points per level to one characterR,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal
Heroism2/lvl+3GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1/lvl toHit for partyNi,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus
Cold Ray2/lvl+4GCombatAll Foes(2-4)*Level Cold damage to all monstersNi,Sh,C,O - 1000Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Cure Wounds3AnytimeCharacterHeal 15 hit points to one characterV,Sh,C,O - 300Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal
Pain4CombatFoe Group8 Physical damage to one groupV,Sh,C,O - 400Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,10 (6 gems)Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Suppress Poison4AnytimeCharacterReduce POISONED on one character to 1V,Sh,C,O - 400Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
Suppress Disease5AnytimeCharacterReduce DISEASED on one character to 1Ni,Sh,C,O - 500Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
Turn Undead5+2GCombatFoe Group25 damage to a group of undeadNi,R,Sh,C,O-500Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Beast Master5+2GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to paralyze a group of animalsSh,C,O - 500Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,6 (6 gems)Control Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Nature's Cure6AnytimeCharacterHeal 25 hit points to one characterNi,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal
Frost Bite7CombatFoe35 Cold damage to one monsterR,Sh,C,Sa,O - 700Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Walk On Water7AnytimePartyAllow the party to travel on deep waterR,Sh,Sa,O - 700Rivercity, Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Cure Poison8AnytimeCharacterRemove POISONED from one characterR,A,W,Sh,Sa,O - 800Quest F-3 @ 12,8Rivercity Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure
Acid Spray8CombatAll Foes15 Poison damage to all monstersSh,Sa,O - 800Ancient Temple of Yak 4,5Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Cure Disease10AnytimeCharacterRemove DISEASED from one characterA,W,Sh,Sa,O - 1000Quest F-3 @ 12,2Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure
Cure Paralysis12AnytimeCharacterRemove PARALYZED from one characterR,Sh,Sa,O - 1200Rivercity, Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure
Deadly Swarm12CombatFoe Group40 Physical damage to one groupNi,Sh,Sa,O - 1200Nightshadow Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Hypnotize15+4GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to paralyze a groupSh,Sa,O - 1500Ancient Temple of Yak 30,3Control Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Create Food20+5GAnytimePartyCreate enough food for party if you lack itA,W,Sh,L,Sa,O - 2000Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Sandcaster Olympus
Fiery Flail25+5GCombatFoe100 Fire damage to one monsterR,Sh,L,Sa,O - 2500Rivercity Shangri-la Lakeside Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Town Portal30+5GSafetyPartyTeleport to a town; noncombat onlyA,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 3000Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus
Stone to Flesh35+5GAnytimeCharacterRemove STONE from one characterA,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 3500Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Cure
Raise Dead50+10GAnytimeCharacterRemove DEAD from one characterA,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 5000Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Cure
Moon Ray60+10GAnytimeEveryone30 Energy damage to all; heals party as wellSh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 6500Quest C-2 @ 10,6Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Mass Distortion75+10GCombatFoe GroupOne group loses half its hit pointsW,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 7500Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Day of Protection75+10GAnytimePartyBless, Heroism, Holy Bonus, Protection from ElementsR,A,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa - 7500Buff Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster
Holy Word100+20GCombatFoe GroupDestroy one group of undeadW,Sh,L,Ne,O - 10,000Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage
Resurrect125+20GAnytimeCharacterRemove ERADICATED from one character; +5 AgeA,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 12,500Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus Cure
Sun Ray150+20GCombatAll Foes200 Energy damage to all monstersSh,Ne,O - 15,000Shangri-la Necropolis Olympus Damage
Divine Intervention200+20GAnytimePartyHeal party damage except ERADICATION; +5 AgeSh,Ne,O - 20,000Northern Sphinx Head 2,8Shangri-la, Necropolis, Olympus Cure Heal
Druid Spells
NameSP CostTimingTargetShort DescriptionPurchase TownFind Location
Light1AnytimePartyProvide light in dungeons and cavesV,Sh,C,O - 100Ancient Temple of Yak 6,11Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Awaken1AnytimePartyRemove SLEEP from all charactersV,Sh,C,O - 100Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
First Aid1AnytimeCharacterHeal 6 hit points to one characterV,Sh,C,O - 100Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal
Shrapmetal1/lvlCombatFoe Group2*lvl Physical damage to a groupV,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Sparks1/lvl+1GCombatFoe Group2*lvl Electrical damage to one groupV,Sh,C,O - 500Ancient Temple of Yak 0,5Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Prot from Elements1/lvl+1GAnytimePartyAdd 2/lvl +5 Elemental damage reduction for partyV,Sh,C,O - 500Buff Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Energy Blast1/lvl+1GCombatFoe(2-6)*lvl Energy damage to one monsterV,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Revitalize2AnytimeCharacterRemove WEAK from one characterV,Sh,C,O - 200Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
Flying Fist2CombatFoe6 Physical damage to one monsterV,Sh,C,O - 200Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Magic Arrow2CombatFoe8 Magic damage to one monsterV,Sh,C,O - 200Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Bless2/lvl+1GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1/lvl to Armor Class for partyNi,Sh,C,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Holy Bonus2/lvl+1GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1/lvl to Physical weapon damage for partyNi,Sh,C,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Power Shield2/lvl+2GAnytimeCharacterAdd 1/lvl damage reduction for partyNi,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus
Lightning Bolt2/lvl+2GCombatFoe Group(4-6)*lvl Electrical damage to a groupSh,C,O - 1000Witch Tower Level 3 @ 10,6 (11 gems)Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Fireball2/lvl+2GCombatFoe Group(3-7)*lvl Fire damage to a groupNi,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Heroism2/lvl+3GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1/lvl toHit for partyNi,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus
Power Cure2/lvl+3GAnytimeCharacterAdd (2-12)/lvl hit points to one characterR,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal
Cold Ray2/lvl+4GCombatAll Foes(2-4)*lvl Cold damage to all monstersNi,Sh,C,O - 1000Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Cure Wounds3AnytimeCharacterHeal 15 hit points to one characterV,Sh,C,O - 300Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal
Sleep3+1GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to put a group to sleepV,Sh,C,O - 300Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,11 (6 gems)Control Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Pain4CombatFoe Group8 Physical damage to one groupV,Sh,C,O - 400Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,10 (6 gems)Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Suppress Poison4AnytimeCharacterReduce POISONED on one character to 1V,Sh,C,O - 400Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
Jump4SafetyPartyMove the party 2 squares; noncombat onlyV,Sh,C,O - 400Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Toxic Cloud4+1GCombatFoe Group10 Poison damage to a groupV,Sh,C,O - 400Witch Tower Level 3 @ 9,5 (11 gems)Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Suppress Disease5AnytimeCharacterReduce DISEASED on one character to 1Ni,Sh,C,O - 500Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure
Identify Monster5CombatFoe GroupShow monster group hit points, other statsNi,R,Sh,C,O - 500Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Levitate5AnytimePartyParty floats over pits and cloudsNi,R,Sh,C,O- 500Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Insect Spray5+1GCombatFoe Group25 damage to group of insectsV,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Beast Master5+2GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to paralyze a group of animalsSh,C,O - 500Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,6 (6 gems)Control Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Clairvoyance5+2GAnytimePartyGives advice on noncombat decisionsNi,R,Sh,C,O - 500Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,5 (11 gems)Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Turn Undead5+2GCombatFoe Group25 damage to a group of undeadNi,R,Sh,C,O-500Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage
Wizard Eye5+2GAnytimePartyShow an overhead view of the vicinityV,Ni,Sh,C,O - 500Vertigo Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus
Nature's Cure6AnytimeCharacterHeal 25 hit points to one characterNi,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal
Lloyd's Beacon6+2GSafetyPartySet and recall location; noncombat onlyR,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus
Walk On Water7AnytimePartyAllow the party to travel on deep waterR,Sh,Sa,O - 700Rivercity, Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus
Frost Bite7CombatFoe35 Cold damage to one monsterR,Sh,C,Sa,O - 700Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Acid Spray8CombatAll Foes15 Poison damage to all monstersSh,Sa,O - 800Ancient Temple of Yak 4,5Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage
Cure Poison8AnytimeCharacterRemove POISONED from one characterR,A,W,Sh,Sa,O - 800Quest F-3 @ 12,8Rivercity Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure
Cure Disease10AnytimeCharacterRemove DISEASED from one characterA,W,Sh,Sa,O - 1000Quest F-3 @ 12,2Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure


How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1993)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)