MM8 Enchanting List

MM8 Enchanting is accomplished with the Master Water spell Enchant Item. You can only enchant items that do not already have magical properties. If you fail or if the item is too low level it will become Broken. It is ideal to save your game before enchanting and then restore if you do not like the result. If you are only looking for Gold, you want the Antique property as it will elevate the Sell value by 10x.

Resource: Gear Database

Click or Tap on the Property Row to see what it may appear on. Use the May Appear on… filter to see which properties may appear on various item types.

Enchanting List
NameBonus DescriptionMay Appear on...Value Mod
of ProtectionAdd +10 to top four ResistancesArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Ring, Amulet1000
of The GodsAdd +10 to all Seven StatisticsWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet3000
of CarnageExplosive Impact! (fireball radius, weapon dmg)Missile5000
of ColdAdd 3-4 points of Water damageWeapon, Missile500
of FrostAdd 6-8 points of Water damageWeapon, Missile1000
of IceAdd 9-12 points of Water damageWeapon, Missile2000
of SparksAdd 2-5 points of Air damageWeapon, Missile500
of LightningAdd 4-10 points of Air damageWeapon, Missile1000
of ThunderboltsAdd 6-15 points of Air damageWeapon, Missile2000
of FireAdd 1-6 points of Fire damageWeapon, Missile500
of FlameAdd 2-12 points of Fire damageWeapon, Missile1000
of InfernosAdd 3-18 points of Fire damageWeapon, Missile2000
of PoisonAdd 5 points of Body damageWeapon, Missile500
of VenomAdd 8 points of Body damageWeapon, Missile1000
of AcidAdd 12 points of Body damageWeapon, Missile2000
VampiricHeal 20% of damage done on attackWeapon, Missile*2
of ImmunityImmune to DISEASED conditionArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet1000
of SanityImmune to INSANITY conditionArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet1000
of FreedomImmune to PARALYZED conditionArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet2000
of AntidotesImmune to POISONED conditionArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet1000
of AlarmsImmune to ASLEEP conditionArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet500
of The MedusaImmune to STONED conditionArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet2000
of Air Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Air Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Body Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Body Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Dark Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Dark Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Earth Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Earth Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Fire Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Fire Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Light Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Light Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Mind Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Mind Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Spirit Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Spirit Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of Water Magic50% increase of effect and duration, Water Spells (applies once)Ring, Amulet2000
of ShieldingHalf damage from all missile attacks (applies once)Armor, Shield, Cape, Ring, Amulet1000
of RegenerationRegenerate Hit points over timeArmor, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet1000
of ManaRegenerate Spell points over timeArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Ring, Amulet1000
Ogre SlayingDouble Damage vs Ogres (ogres, trolls, cyclops)Weapon, Missile*2
Dragon SlayingDouble damage vs DragonsWeapon, Missile*2
of DarknessHeal 20% of damage done on attack, Increased weapon speedWeapon, Missile*3
of DoomAdd +1 to Seven Stats, HP, SP, Armor, ResistancesWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet750
of EarthAdd +10 to Endurance, Armor, Hit pointsWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet2000
of LifeAdd +10 Hit points and Regenerate Hit points over timeArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet2000
Rogues'Add +5 Speed and AccuracyWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet500
of The DragonAdds 10-20 points of Fire damage and +25 MightWeapon, Missile3000
of The EclipseAdd +10 Spell points and Regenerate Spell points over timeBelt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet2000
of The GolemAdd +15 Endurance and +5 ArmorWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots,Ring, Amulet1500
of The MoonAdd +10 Intellect and LuckWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet1000
of The PhoenixAdd +30 Fire Resistance and Regenerate Hit points over timeArmor, Shield, Helm3000
of The SkyAdd +10 Spell points, Speed, IntellectWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet2500
of The StarsAdd +10 Endurance and AccuracyWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet1000
of The SunAdd +10 Might and PersonalityWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet1000
of The TrollAdd +15 Endurance and Regenerate Hit points over timeWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet1500
of The UnicornAdd +15 Luck and Regenerate Spell points over timeWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet1500
Warriors'Add +5 Might and EnduranceWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet500
Wizards'Add +5 Intellect and PersonalityWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet500
AntiqueIncreased ValueWeapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helm, Gauntlets, Ring, Amulet*10
SwiftIncreased Weapon speed (-20 recovery)Weapon, Missile*2
of IdentifyingAdd +3 Identify Item and Identify Monster skillsBelt, Cape, Boots, Ring, Amulet1500
Elemental SlayingDouble Damage vs ElementalsWeapon, Missile*2
Undead SlayingDouble Damage vs Undead (vampires, zombies, skeletons, ghosts, wights)Weapon, Missile*2
of PlentyRegenerate Spell points and Hit points over timeArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Ring, Amulet2500
Assassins'Add 5 points of Body damage and +2 Disarm skillWeapon, Missile1000
Barbarians'Add 6-8 points of Water damage and +5 Armor ClassWeapon, Missile1500
of the StormAdd +20 Air Resistance and ShieldingArmor, Shield, Helm1500
of the OceanAdd +10 Water Resistance and +2 Alchemy skillArmor, Shield, Helm1000
of Water WalkingPrevents damage from drowningArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Cape, Boots, Ring, Amulet1500
of Feather FallingPrevents damage from fallingArmor, Belt, Cape, Boots, Ring, Amulet1000
of MightAdd +(1-5) MGTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MightAdd +(3-8) MGTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MightAdd +(6-12) MGTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MightAdd +(10-17) MGTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ThoughtAdd +(1-5) INTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ThoughtAdd +(3-8) INTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ThoughtAdd +(6-12) INTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ThoughtAdd +(10-17) INTArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of CharmAdd +(1-5) PERArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of CharmAdd +(3-8) PERArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of CharmAdd +(6-12) PERArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of CharmAdd +(10-17) PERArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of VigorAdd +(1-5) ENDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of VigorAdd +(3-8) ENDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of VigorAdd +(6-12) ENDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of VigorAdd +(10-17) ENDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of PrecisionAdd +(1-5) AGIArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of PrecisionAdd +(3-8) AGIArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of PrecisionAdd +(6-12) AGIArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of PrecisionAdd +(10-17) AGIArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of SpeedAdd +(1-5) SPDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of SpeedAdd +(3-8) SPDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of SpeedAdd +(6-12) SPDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of SpeedAdd +(10-17) SPDArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of LuckAdd +(1-5) LUCArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of LuckAdd +(3-8) LUCArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of LuckAdd +(6-12) LUCArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of LuckAdd +(10-17) LUCArmor, Helm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of HealthAdd +(1-5) HPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of HealthAdd +(3-8) HPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of HealthAdd +(6-12) HPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of HealthAdd +(10-17) HPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MagicAdd +(1-5) SPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MagicAdd +(3-8) SPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MagicAdd +(6-12) SPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MagicAdd +(10-17) SPArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DefenseAdd +(1-5) ACArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DefenseAdd +(3-8) ACArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DefenseAdd +(6-12) ACArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DefenseAdd +(10-17) ACArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Fire ResistanceAdd +(1-5) Fire ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Fire ResistanceAdd +(3-8) Fire ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Fire ResistanceAdd +(6-12) Fire ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Fire ResistanceAdd +(10-17) Fire ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Air ResistanceAdd +(1-5) Air ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Air ResistanceAdd +(3-8) Air ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Air ResistanceAdd +(6-12) Air ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Air ResistanceAdd +(10-17) Air ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Water ResistanceAdd +(1-5) Water ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Water ResistanceAdd +(3-8) Water ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Water ResistanceAdd +(6-12) Water ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Water ResistanceAdd +(10-17) Water ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Earth ResistanceAdd +(1-5) Earth ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Earth ResistanceAdd +(3-8) Earth ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Earth ResistanceAdd +(6-12) Earth ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Earth ResistanceAdd +(10-17) Earth ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Mind ResistanceAdd +(1-5) Mind ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Mind ResistanceAdd +(3-8) Mind ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Mind ResistanceAdd +(6-12) Mind ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Mind ResistanceAdd +(10-17) Mind ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Body ResistanceAdd +(1-5) Body ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Body ResistanceAdd +(3-8) Body ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Body ResistanceAdd +(6-12) Body ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of Body ResistanceAdd +(10-17) Body ResistArmor, Shield, Helm, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of AlchemyAdd +(1-5) Alchemy SkillBelt, Cape, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of AlchemyAdd +(3-8) Alchemy SkillBelt, Cape, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of AlchemyAdd +(6-12) Alchemy SkillBelt, Cape, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of AlchemyAdd +(10-17) Alchemy SkillBelt, Cape, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DisarmingAdd +(1-5) Disarm Trap SkillHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DisarmingAdd +(3-8) Disarm Trap SkillHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DisarmingAdd +(6-12) Disarm Trap SkillHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of DisarmingAdd +(10-17) Disarm Trap SkillHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ItemsAdd +(1-5) Identify ItemsHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ItemsAdd +(3-8) Identify ItemsHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ItemsAdd +(6-12) Identify ItemsHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ItemsAdd +(10-17) Identify ItemsHelm, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MonstersAdd +(1-5) Identify MonsterBelt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MonstersAdd +(3-8) Identify MonsterBelt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MonstersAdd +(6-12) Identify MonsterBelt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of MonstersAdd +(10-17) Identify MonsterBelt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, AmuletAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ArmsAdd +(1-5) Armsmaster SkillArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Gauntlets, BootsAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ArmsAdd +(3-8) Armsmaster SkillArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Gauntlets, BootsAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ArmsAdd +(6-12) Armsmaster SkillArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Gauntlets, BootsAdd 100 p/Bonus
of ArmsAdd +(10-17) Armsmaster SkillArmor, Shield, Helm, Belt, Gauntlets, BootsAdd 100 p/Bonus


MMArchive used to extract game data for analysis then flattened and formatted for web presentation. Google Sheets used for organization and to create formula for aggregation and analysis. Presented in NinjaTables.

How to obtain a copy of this game

eBay link PC version (2000)
GOG link – Digital PC Version