MM2 Guide through CRON

MM2 Guide through the perils of CRON

MM2 Guide through the perils of CRON strives to give you the info you need to explore and solve the game in conjunction with your own mapping process.

Creating Party

If you want guidance on creating a party, take a look at our MM2 Party Planning guide here and also the MM1 Party Planning guide here for more backstory.

Building Strength

There are many ways to build your strength and it is necessary in one form or another through hireling development, statistic boosting, repeating side quests, level grinding, etc. Check out the options here!

Getting Started

You start out your adventure in the town of Middlegate. Every time you check into the Inn you will Save your game and also Reset the static encounters in the town. If you close down the game without checking in at the Inn, upon return, you will start at the point where you last checked in to the Inn. Thus, if you have a bad encounter you have the option to close the game and reload from your last save.

Raising a Level is an important activity that you must do when you are able. It cost Gold to raise a level in the Training Hall and it is important to level up as soon as you can so that your power grows, allowing you to explore more regions.

When mapping, it helps to note tiles that have static encounters, so you can regularly avoid them or grind them. You will need to fight many encounters to earn Gold (g) and Experience (XP) so you can grow in strength. It is possible to explore too fast and find foes that you are not yet ready to face. Whether grinding or exploring, it is often safter to encroach encounters that have predictable foes and avoid the encounters that have random foes, at least until you are more powerful. Use Rope & Hook or Jump to skip encounters that don’t smell right. Later on, use Teleport and Etherealize to skip dungeon segments and avoid many encounters.

Questing on CRON

If you want to meet some NPCs and follow the main quest chain you can find the details listed in this table. You can follow the quests to the end but you will need to take some time to build your strength along the way. For each quest, click or tap on the row to get more details. You can reveal a Clue or the Spoiler for each quest.

Reveal Main Quest details
PriorityQuest OriginQuestQuesting forDescriptionQuest RewardsClueSpoiler
YesMain QuestN/AFind the Castle KeyCastle AccessFind the Castle Key so you can enter the castlesCastle KeyDonate at all temples in Middlegate C-2
7,7   Donate at the Temple
0,5   Port to Sandsobar
 in Sandsobar E-4
6,11  Donate at the Temple
4,15  Port to Tundara
 in Tundara A-1
11,13 Donate at the Temple
6,9   Port to Vulcania
 in Vulcania E-1
11,8  Donate at the Temple
8,3   Port to Atlantium
 in Atlantium A-4
4,7   Donate at the Temple
Obtain the Fe Farthing
12,0  Port to Middlegate
 in Middlegate
15,15 Flick your Fe Farthing
Obtain Castle Key
NoMain QuestA-2, Castle Pinehurst at 4,3Rescue Lord Peabody's SonLord PeabodyFind Lord Peabody's son and return with himAccess Way Back MachineMust have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in A-2
1,1   Enter Castle Pinehurst
10,5  Door to S
4,3   Speak with Lord Peabody for quest
 in B-4
10,1  Defeat Amazon (10)
 in Atlantium A-4
Sherman in your party
Return to Lord Peabody
YesMain QuestN/AWin Green Triple CrownBlack Triple Crown AccessWin 3 Arena battles and save a bishop13,000 XP; 2200g; access to YellowBuy Ticket and Key Middlegate in Middlegate C-2
4,4   Green Tickets: 10 gold
1,8   Green Key: 500 gold
13,2  Venue 1: Arena
 in Altantium A-4
7,9   Venue 2: Colosseum
 in Sandsobar E-4
13,8  Venue 3: Monster Bowl
 in Castle Woodhaven C-1
10,6  Free Green Bishop
2,11  Collect the Radicon
YesMain QuestN/AWin Yellow Triple CrownBlack Triple Crown AccessWin 3 Arena battles and save a bishop55,000 XP; 10,000g; access to RedBuy Ticket and Key Sandsobar in Sandsobar E-4
7,15  Yellow Ticket: 25 gold
6,2   Yellow Key: 1000 gold
`in Middlegate C-2
13,2  Venue 1: Arena
 in Atlantium A-4
7,9   Venue 2: Colosseum
 in Sandsobar E-4
13,8  Venue 3: Monster Bowl
 in Castle Pinehurst A-2
13,3  Free Yellow Bishop
7,6   Collect the Fluxer
YesMain QuestN/AWin Red Triple CrownBlack Triple Crown AccessWin 3 Arena battles and save a bishop108,000 XP; 32,000g; access to BlackBuy Ticket and Key in Vulcania in Vulcania E-1
15,8  Red Tickets: 125 gold
0,8   Red Key: 25000 gold
 in Middlegate C-2
13,2  Venue 1: Arena
 in Atlantium A-4
7,9   Venue 2: Colosseum
 in Sandsobar E-4
13,8  Venue 3: Monster Bowl
 in Castle Hillstone D-4
11,4  Free Red Bishop
3,13  Grab the Capitor
YesMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,13Win Black Triple CrownQueen LamandaWin 3 Arena battles and save a bishop210,000 XP; 100,000gBuy Ticket and Key in Atlantium in Atlantium A-4
4,4   Black Tickets: 500 gold
3,10  Black Key: 50,000 gold
 in Middlegate C-2
13,2  Venue 1: Arena
 in Atlantium A-4
7,9   Venue 2: Colosseum
 in Sandsobar E-4
13,8  Venue 3: Monster Bowl
 in Luxus Palace Royale
14,14 Free Black Bishop
0,6   Grab the Todilor
NoMain QuestD-2, (7,0)Class PromotionsJurors of Mt. FairviewKnights and Robbers group5,000,000 XP; Earn a + medalDefeat the Dread Knight in Jousters WayKnights and Robbers Only
 in B-3
5,14  Defeat Dread Knight,
If you take out the Conjurer first it is a bit safer. Physical attacks on Dread Knight
 in D-2
7,0   Return to Mt. Fairview
NoMain QuestD-2, (7,0)Class PromotionsJurors of Mt. FairviewPaladins and Robbers group5,000,000 XP; Earn a + medalDefeat the Frost Dragon in the dungeon below Forbidden ForestPaladin and Robbers Only
 in C-3
15,0  Enter Forbidden Forest Cavern
 in Forbidden Forest Cavern
8,8   Defeat Frost Dragon
They will breath first turn but they are slow and you are flush with Robbers. Also remember your Paladins have Bless and Heroism and Heals
 in D-2
7,0   Return to Mt. Fairview
NoMain QuestD-2, (7,0)Class PromotionsJurors of Mt. FairviewArchers and Robbers group5,000,000 XP; Earn a + medalStop Baron Wilfrey from terrorizing Falcon ForestArchers and Robbers Only
 in B-2
11,2  Defeat Baron Wilfrey
No Name's Energy Blast is effective
 in D-2
7,0   Return to Mt. Fairview
NoMain QuestD-2, (7,0)Class PromotionsJurors of Mt. FairviewClerics and Robbers group5,000,000 XP; Earn a + medalReunite the soul of Corak to his bodyWith Real Party
 in Sandsobar Cavern E-4
0,0   Obtain Admit 8 Pass
 in C-1
10,15 Defeat Ghost(8)
Obtain Corak's Soul

Clerics and Robbers Only
 in C-2
5,11  Enter Corak's Cave
 in Corak's Cave
13,3  Lower Barriers req: Corak's Soul
8,0   Defeat Crypt Fiend(8)
 in D-2
7,0   Return to Mt. Fairview
NoMain QuestD-2, (7,0)Class PromotionsJurors of Mt. FairviewSorcerers and Robbers group5,000,000 XP; Earn a + medalRelease Good and Evil Wizards from Isle of AncientsSorcerers and Robbers Only
 in B-3
12,4  Teleport W8
4,4   Enter Castle of Evil
 in Castle of Evil
4,10  Set Code 23
2,10  Set Code 46
3,10  Release Ybmug
 in B-3
4,0   Passage S to B-4
 in B-4
4,10  Enter the Castle of Good
 in Castle of Good
11,5  Set Code 64
13,5  Set Code 32
12,5  Release Yekop
 in D-2
7,0   Return to Mt. Fairview
NoMain QuestD-2, (7,0)Class PromotionsJurors of Mt. FairviewNinjas and Robbers group5,000,000 XP; Earn a + medalAssassinate Dawn of Dawn's Mist BogNinjas and Robbers Only
 in D-4
3,7   Enter Dawn's Cavern
 in Dawn's Cavern
2,14  Defeat Giant Ogre(2)
8,9   Defeat Dawn
 in D-2
7,0   Return to Mt. Fairview
This is a tough fight as all three of them can light up the whole party. The way I did it after a few tries at Level 16 was to Temple Buff, which was 60% magic resist, very helpful. Then I took out the Enchantresses first. The magic resistance is what made it work, otherwise I was getting hit for 150 per character from each of them
NoMain QuestD-2, (7,0)Class PromotionsJurors of Mt. FairviewBarbarians and Robbers group5,000,000 XP; Earn a + medalDefeat Brutal Bruno, the barbarian chieftainBarbarians and Robbers Only
 in C-4
Brutal Bruno
0,15  Defeat Brutal Bruno
 in D-2
7,0   Return to Mt. Fairview
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,13Help King KalohnQueen LamandaFind the Element OrbElement OrbDawn's Cavern, but don't bother herHave at least 1 Hireling with you
 in D-4
3,7   Enter Dawn's Cave
 in Dawn's Cave 2,14  Defeat Giant Ogre(2)
7,12  Defeat Greedy Snitch(200)
11,12 Defeat Orb Guardian(4)
Collect Element Orb
Give the Element Orb to the Hireling
Dismiss the Hireling
Exit Dawn's Cave
You are prevented from leaving Dawn's Cave with the Element Orb and at least one way around this is to give the Orb to your hireling, dismiss them.. and then go meet them at the Inn and get your Orb back.
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,14Help King KalohnQueen LamandaFind the Elemental DiscsFire Disc, Air Disc, Water Disc, Earth DiscCastle Xabran in A-2
1,1   Enter Castle Pinehurst
 in Castle Pinehurst
2,5   Use the Way Back Machine
 Set the Dial to 8
 in C-4
 Walk/Fly to C-2
 in C-2
14,8  Enter Castle Xabran
 in Castle Xabran
6,14  Collect the Fire Disc
15,15 Collect the Air Disc
15,0  Collect the Water Disc
6,2   Collect the Earth Disc
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,15Help King KalohnQueen LamandaFind the Water TalonWater TalonSW Plane in A-4
8,8   Learn Water Transmutation
1,1   Learn Water Encasement
 Cast Water Transmutation
0,0   Enter Plane of Water
 in Plane of Water
11,10 Defeat Element Hydra
             Water Elemental(3)
10,10 Collect the Water Talon
Rest, to pop back to present day
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,16Help King KalohnQueen LamandaFind the Air TalonAir TalonNW Plane in A-1
8,8   Learn Air Transmutation
1,14  Learn Air Encasement
 Cast Air Transmutation
0,15  Enter Plane of Air
 in Plane of Air
10,7  Defeat Element Hydra
             Air Elemental(3)
11,7  Collect the Air Talon
Rest, to pop back to present day
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,17Help King KalohnQueen LamandaFind the Fire TalonFire TalonNE Plane in E-1
8,8   Learn Fire Transmutation
14,14 Learn Fire Encasement
 Cast Fire Transmutation
15,15 Enter Plane of Fire
4,5   Defeat Element Hydra
             Fire Elemental(3)
             Pryo Hyrda(2)
8,8   Collect the Fire Talon
Rest, until pop back to present day
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,18Help King KalohnQueen LamandaFind the Earth TalonEarth TalonSE Plane in E-4
8,8   Learn Earth Transmutation
14,1  Learn Earth Encasement
 Cast Earth Transmutation
15,0  Enter Plane of Earth
7,8   Defeat Element Hydra
             Earth Elemental(3)
8,8   Collect the Earth Talon
Rest, until pop back to present day
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,13Help King KalohnQueen LamandaDeliver the Orb and Talons to King KalohnChange History, obtain Password: WAFEWay BackReq: Element Orb, Air Talon, Fire Talon, Earth Talon, Water Talon

 in Castle Pinehurst A-2
2,5  Enter 8 on the dial
 in C-4 (past)
14,5  Give Items to King Kalohn
Rest, until pop back to present day
 Present Day
Go to Great Luxus Palace Royal and see who is now sitting on the throne. Speak with him for the final Quest to save CRON.
NoMain QuestD-2, Great Luxus Palace Royale at 8,13Save CRONCRONSolve the Secret of Square Lake and save CRON50,000,000 XP; Savior of CRONSquare Lake Cave in C-2
10,7  Enter Square Lake Cave
Defeat 12 Static RND Encounters on a single path through a never-ending hallway plus any wandering encounters that may happen to trigger. Once you are warmed up:

11,14  Defeat Devil King (66)
0,15  Defeat Sheltem
             Water Elemental
             Air Elemental
             Fire Elemental
             Earth Elemental
Answer WAFE, as the King directed
Solve the Cryptogram

We, the people of Terra, in order to
form a more perfect union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense...

the above text is encrypted on your screen with a substitution cypher
YesSide QuestA-3, (7,7)The GourmetThe GourmetTry all all of the Tavern Food100,000 XPEat the 3 Meals in each townEating all 15 Dishes costs 14,230 gold
Middlegate in C-2 has:
  Horrors D'oeuvres (10g)
  Soup De Ghoul w/Garlic Toast (50g)
  Dragon Steak Tartare (100g)
Altantium in A-4 has:
  Lightly Salted Toad Tongue (1000g)
  Puree of Gnome (2000g)
  Devil's Food Brownie (3000g)
Tundara in A-1 has:
  Sizzling Swine Soup (200g)
  Red Hot Wolf Nipple Chips (100g)
  Roast Leg of Wyvern (1000g)
Vulcania in E-1 has:
  Pickled Pixie Brains (5000g)
  Deep Fried Troll Liver (500g)
  Cream of Kobold Soup (1000g)
Sandsobar in E-4 has:
  Dinner B - Wyrm Chop Suey(20g)
  Roast Peasant Under Glass (50g)
  Phantom Pudding, very-low cal (250g)

 in A-3
7,7   Gourmet has your reward
YesSide QuestC-2, Middlegate at 10,2Lost GobletNordonFind Nordon's lost goblet2000 XP; 1000g; Eagle Eye spellStolen by goblins who dwell in the cave below in Middlegate
10,2  Talk to Nordon for Quest
8,0   Enter Caverns Under Middlegate
2,8   Door to W
0,7   Collect Gold Goblet
Return to Nordon
YesSide QuestD-4, Castle Hillstone at 5,2Page Level Trophy HuntLord SlayerFind and defeat the RND monster that is assignedXP reward scales with Foe to hunt.
Check the Foe table for the Index and lookup below:
1-47 : 2000 XP
48-63 : 4000 XP
64-79 : 5000 XP
80-95 : 7000 XP
96-111 : 10,000 XP
112-127 : 15,000 XP
128-143 : 25,000 XP
144-159 : 50,000 XP
160-175 : 100,000 XP
176+ : 250,000 XP
Must have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in D-4
13,1  Enter Castle Hillstone
5,2   Lord Slayer about Page quest
You will be asked to seek and destroy a random (RND) foe. Destroy them and return to Lord Slayer. The Foe Database may be helpful, check it out.
YesSide QuestD-4, Castle Hillstone at 5,3Squire Level Trophy HuntLord SlayerFind and defeat the RND monster that is assignedXP reward scales with Foe to hunt.
Check the Foe table for the Index and lookup below:
1-47 : 2000 XP
48-63 : 4000 XP
64-79 : 5000 XP
80-95 : 7000 XP
96-111 : 10,000 XP
112-127: 15,000 XP
128-143: 25,000 XP
144-159: 50,000 XP
160-175: 100,000 XP
176+ : 250,000 XP
Must have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in D-4
13,1  Enter Castle Hillstone
5,2   Lord Slayer about Squire quest
You will be asked to seek and destroy a RND foe. Destroy them and return to Lord Slayer. The Foe Database may be helpful, check it out.
YesSide QuestD-4, Castle Hillstone at 5,4Knight Level Trophy HuntLord SlayerFind and defeat the RND monster that is assignedXP reward scales with Foe to hunt.
Check the Foe table for the Index and lookup below:
1-47 : 2000 XP
48-63 : 4000 XP
64-79 : 5000 XP
80-95 : 7000 XP
96-111 : 10,000 XP
112-127: 15,000 XP
128-143: 25,000 XP
144-159: 50,000 XP
160-175: 100,000 XP
176+ : 250,000 XP
Must have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the questsin D-4
13,1  Enter Castle Hillstone
5,2   Lord Slayer about Knight quest
You will be asked to seek and destroy an RND foe. Destroy them and return to Lord Slayer. The Foe Database may be helpful, check it out.
YesSide QuestC-1, Castle Woodhaven at 9,11Page Level Item HuntLord HoardallFind the RND item that is assignedXP reward scales with Item to hunt. Check the Item table for the Value and multiply by 8.Must have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in C-1
3,14  Enter Castle Woodhaven
9,11  Lord Hoardall about Page quest
You will be asked to acquire a RND item. Find the item and return it to Lord Hoardall. The Item Database may be helpful. Check it out.
YesSide QuestC-1, Castle Woodhaven at 9,12Squire Level Item HuntLord HoardallFind the RND item that is assignedXP reward scales with Item to hunt. Check the Item table for the Value and multiply by 8.Must have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in C-1
3,14  Enter Castle Woodhaven
9,11  Lord Hoardall about Squire quest
You will be asked to acquire a RND item. Find the item and return it to Lord Hoardall. The Item Database may be helpful. Check it out.
YesSide QuestC-1, Castle Woodhaven at 9,13Knight Level Item HuntLord HoardallFind the RND item that is assignedXP reward scales with Item to hunt. Check the Item table for the Value and multiply by 8.Must have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in C-1
3,14  Enter Castle Woodhaven
9,11  Lord Hoardall about Knight quest
You will be asked to acquire a RND item. Find the item and return it to Lord Hoardall. The Item Database may be helpful. Check it out.
YesSide QuestB-1, (9,9)Name the pegasusGuardian PegasusName your guardian pegasus100,000gRepeatable, once per year. Be sure to Search!in B-1
9,9   Talk to Guardian Pegasus
 Answer "Meenu" Search!
YesSide QuestN/AReduce AgeParty StrengthRejuvenate at Murray's Hot SpringsAge-5Ride Ferry from Middlegate in Middlegate
14,8  Buy a ticket for 5000g
 in C-3
7,9   Catch the ferry
 in B-4
2,3   Rejuvenate
YesSide QuestB-1, (5,5)Help Lord HaartLord HaartTravel back in time and help Lord Haart50,000g; 500GUse the Way Back Machine behind Lord Peabody in B-1
5,5   Speak to Lord Haart
 in A-2
1,1   Castle Pinehurst
2,5   Use WBM to 7th century          req: rescue Peabody's son
 in 7th Century
 in A-1
11,3  Defeat Spaz Twit
             White Knight
Only Males can hurt the White Knight. Be sure to Search and get the Phaser. When you finish, Rest to go back to your own time.
 in 8th Century
 in E-2
5,4   Defeat The Long One
             Crazed Natives(30)
Rest to go back to your own time  in B-1 5,5   Return items to Lord Haart
YesSide QuestC-1, (11,1)Mark's KeysMarkFind and Return Mark's Keys10,000 XPFind the Keys before you talk to Mark in A-2
2,9   Answer "keys"
Obtain Mark's Keys
 in C-1
11,1  Talk to Mark
YesSide QuestN/ACircus GamesParty StrengthWin Statistics boosts at the circus!Based on the Game you play:
Test of Strength: MGT+10
Kissing Booth: PER+10
Horseshoes: ACY+10
Head Dunk: END+10
Sack Race: SPD+10
Lucky Dice: LUC+10
Shell Game: INT+10
All Stat raises are ADDED if the before total is less than 101. If the before total is higher than 100 then the award will be SUBTRACTED
Circus in in B-2 only Days 140-170Day 140-170 Only
 in B-2
14,4  Win a Cupie Doll
 in D-3
7,13  Learn about Inner Limits
 in E-3 10,12 Bath in the inner pool
If you have not given a Cupie Doll to the madman in D-3 this pool will destroy all the items in your backpack!  in B-2
14,4  Play more games
NoSide QuestMurray's Cave, (1,8)Defeat DawnMurrayDefeat Murray's foul adversary in Dawn's Cave100,000gMurray is an eccentric chap: No Hirelings, Character 1 needs at least 40 MGT, at least 1 Character must have Hero/Heroine skill.You can raise your MGT as needed in Druid's Cave, see Permanent Boosts. You can acquire Hero/Heroine skill at 9,2 in Atlantium

 in B-4
2,2   Enter Murray's Cave
7,8   Door to W
6,8   Door to W
5,8   Door to W
4,8   Door to W
3,8   Door to W
1,8   Talk to Murray
 in D-4
3,7   Enter Dawn's Cave
1,14  Door to E
8,10  Door to S
8,9   Defeat Dawn
Return to Murray for reward
NoSide QuestD-4, Castle Hillstone at 5,4Defeat Royal Envoys of EvilLord SlayerDefeat Crawling Envoy, Slithering Envoy, and Winged Envoy.1,000,000 XPMust have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in D-4
13,1  Enter Castle Hillstone
5,2   Lord Slayer about the 3 envoys
 in E-2
11,6  Defeat Queen Beetle
 in E-3
5,6   Defeat Serpent King
 in D-1
10,12 Defeat Dragon Lord
Return to Lord Slayer
NoSide QuestC-1, Castle Woodhaven at 9,11Find Swords of ChivalryLord HoardallFind Honor Sword, Noble Sword, and Valor Sword100,000 XPMust have a Crusader in the party and a Castle Key to get the quests in C-1
3,14  Enter Castle Woodhaven
9,11  Lord Hoardall about the swords
 in D-4
14,11 Defeat Guardian(6)
Collect Honor Sword
 in D-1
0,8   Defeat Priest
Collect Noble Sword
 in A-2
15,11 Defeat Mist Warrior
Collect Dancing Sword
Return to Lord Hoardall

Exploring CRON

If you prefer to just start exploring CRON and mapping out the surface and dungeons then refer to this table which lists details about each region. This table shows relative difficulty between the areas.

Reveal Map details

ES refers to Encounter Size and larger number indicates potential for larger encounters with more foes.
MG refers to Monster Group and this indicates which Foes may be encountered. Foes are placed in encounters based on their Index value. Monster Group 1 for example could have any Foes with Index between 0-16. Generally, higher MG number means more difficult foes. You can see the Index value for a Foe in the Foe List here.
Teleport, Etherealize, Town Portal, or Surface spells are blocked from use by unknown forces in some dungeons and castles.

Quick Start Guide

Or.. if you prefer to follow more specific direction and mirror our playthrough use this Quick Start Guide. We will call out some key areas for grinding XP and building your strength along the way and walk through each required quest.

Middlegate part 1

Let’s get one thing straight. Level 1 is too low to be safe anywhere in Might and Magic Book Two. Get used to running and pick your battles wisely. Try to avoid the (RND) encounters that have random foes and try to target the encounters that have predictable and acceptable foes. I will do some extra hand holding for Middlegate and Middlegate Cavern, after that, I will keep all the spoiler details in the Expand. Click it if you wan to see those details or ignore it otherwise.

First Fight

First off all, remember to search after combat, rest often, don’t run out of food, and make sure to equip your equipment. Save after every fight and restore from save when it goes poorly.

We have three suggestions for the initial combat.

Option 1: Works best with a Robber/Cleric. Pick the door to 10,4 and use Turn Undead to quickly dispatch the 15 skeletons. I found this tactic was poor with a gold-broke level 1 ninja with no tools. The ninja simply had too much trouble with the door.

Option 2: Make 10 nobody characters and sell their starting weapon for 1 gold each, buy Rope’n’Hooks for the real party. Get Nordon’s quest. Go down below at 8,0. Stand at 12,9 facing W and use the Rope’n’Hooks to jump over the nasty RND encounter. Goblin(8) at 4,8 is an ideal first combat. Susceptible to Sleep. In fact, using Sleep liberally, you might even make it all the way to the Goblet at 0,7 on this initial excursion. On your way out, Run from that nasty RND encounter because your Rope’n’Hooks is now a UselessItem. If you make it out, your first excursion will be very lucrative.

Option 3: Works best if you take pride in running away. Save at the Inn, 4 steps to 8,2 for random encounter. Like 70% of the foes will be too hard so run. But if you get a few kobolds, sprites, goblins, beggars, or burglars you can do it. If you have to run, it works almost always, and drops you right in front of the Inn. Almost no walking in this plan but you might have to cycle a bit to get a decent encounter. Be sure to save it after every successful encounter!

The first grind for XP and Gold

Once you get to Level 3 it gets more interesting. Since you will be short on gold, be sure to train your Sorcerer to Level 3 first so you can get Jump. Don’t neglect the other characters, but Jump is key.

Once you get jump you can rack up XP and gold very quickly. Save at the Inn, Pick up Nordon’s Goblet quest at 10,2 and go down below at 8.0. Jump over the RND encounters at 11,9 and 11,7. The remaining 3 encounters 4,8–3,8–1,8 on the way to the Goblet at 0,7 are pretty straight forward. Do that and return the Goblet for excellent XP and gold reward.

Now Save at the Inn, then go grab Nordonna’s quest at Middlegate 1,2 and grab Nordon’s Goblet quest again, yes it’s repeatable, go down below. Again, jump over the RND encounters at 11,9 and 11,7. Go collect the Goblet once again but before you return it, the 3 encounters 5,15–3,15–1,15 on the way to save Drog and Sir Hyron at 0,15 are also quite easy. Save them. Now return to Middlegate and turn in both Nordon and Nordonna quests, hire both Hirelings at the Inn so they can get some XP.

Save at Inn, get Nordon’s Quest, go down below, jump over the RND encounters, dispatch all 6 of the encounters that you have defeated before, collect the orb.

Before you go back up, there is one more easy encounter to add to the loop. Jump over the RND encounter at 12,3 and then attack the Blood Sucker (60) at 14,6! Yes, there are 60 foes in this fight but only the first 4 or 5 can reach you. Use Sleep to keep the first 5 asleep while you dispatch the rest. Use (F)ight instead of (A)ttack so you can target just the foes that are awake. If you have Missiles, target J with those. Keep reapplying Sleep and in a few minutes you will be done and its worth 2250 XP!

Now go back to Middlegate, turn in the Goblet quest, SAVE AT THE INN, and then repeat. Repeat a bunch of times. The XP is great and so is the gold.

60 Blood Suckers

Exploring all 5 towns

We want to make a trip to all 5 towns, do some grinding and mapping along the way for XP and Gold, and eventually buy up training, spells, gear, and secondary skills for all your characters.

There are teleports town to town and you can make a full circuit. (expand for details)
Middlegate 0,5  to Sandsobar  10 gold
Sandsobar 4,15 to Tundara 50 gold
Tundara 6,9 to Vulcania 50 gold
Vulcania 8,3 to Atlantium 100 gold
Atlantium 12,0 to Middlegate 25 gold

If you do this sensibly you can minimize the travel costs and pick up all your needs in one circuit. Don’t start teleporting just yet, there is more to wrap up here.

Middlegate part 2

If you haven’t already, finish mapping out Middlegate and down below. Buy any Secondary Skills and Spells you need from here and prepare for departure. The Green Key is here for when you need it. Use the teleport to Sandsobar for 10 gold. Remember what Nordonna told you after you saved Sir Hyron and Drog!

Expand for location details
16,5   Mountaineering Trainer
1,9 Pathfinder Trainer
0,15 Cartography Trainer
1,12 Mage Guild membership vendor
Be sure to Donate at the Temple


Start mapping out Sandsobar. Pick Pocket, Gambler, and Diplomacy are trained here. There is a Wizard Eye spell vendor to be found. There is some XP and gold to be had with encounters. When you have purchased what you need from Sandsobar, find the stairs to down below.

Expand for location details
0,5   Pick Pocket trainer
3,0 Gambler trainer
3,4 Diplomacy trainer
7,4 Wizard Eye spell trainer
10,0 Stairs to down below
6,2 Yellow Key is 1000 gold
0,12 Mage Guild membership vendor
Be sure to Donate at the Temple


Start mapping out Tundara. Crusader, Navigator, and Merchant are trained here. There is plenty of XP and gold to find here in town. Try to stay out of trouble with the guards. There is a sequence here to obtain a ring with great defensive properties but you will need to come back later when you are higher level. For a little grinding, there are 12 predictable encounters each isolated in 1 of 12 rooms in the southern area of map. You can explore down below if you like. Once you have what you need from Tundara either take the portal to Vulcania or a quick trip to B-2 for gold then to Vulcania.

Expand for location details
2,14  Crusader trainer
5,13 Merchant trainer
8,13 Navigator trainer
7,6 Stairs to down below
9,7 Mage Guild membership vendor
15,8 Gertrude, Rat Fink and The Snowbeast
Be sure to Donate at the Temple


Start mapping out Vulcania. Soldier, Arms Master, and Gladiator are trained here. There are quite a few encounter spots but they are random and unpredictable. You can meet Thund R. and Aeriel hirelings here. The Red Key is also available for purchase in town. Once you are ready for the next town, take the portal to Atlantium

Expand for location details
0,3   Soldier trainer
15,3 Arms Master trainer
3,9 Gladiator trainer
10,0 Stairs to down below
3,7 Mage Guild membership vendor
0,8 Red Key vendor
Be sure to Donate at the Temple


Map it out. Hero/Heroine, Athlete, and Linguist are trained here. A lot of rooms with predictable encounters, good for grinding. You can meet Big Bootay and Cleogotcha, a few hirelings. Black Key is sold here.

Expand for location details
6,2   Athlete trainer
9,2 Hero/Heroine trainer
8,4 Linguist trainer
0,15 Stairs to down below
11,7 Mage Guild membership vendor
3,10 Black Key vendor
Be sure to Donate at the Temple Receive: Fe Farthing

Exploring more of CRON

Take the Portal back to Middlegate and flick your farthing to get a required item. Save at the Inn. You should have 2 characters with Pathfinding and Mountaineering so you can get around. Linguist will net you some quest rewards in addition to the INT. Crusader allows to take castle quests. You need a Navigator as well. At this point, you should have Fly, use it to get there quicker. Fly everywhere and finish mapping and exploring all the locations you have been to thus far. Let’s meet at Castle Pinehurst at Level 11.

Expand for location details
You will acquire the Fe Farthing item once you Donate at all 5 Temples
In Middlegate, flick the Farthing at 15,15 to obtain the Castle Key

Fully outfit your party with spells, armor, weapons, skills, and a lot of XP. Use Fly to save some gold as you bounce around from town to town getting everything just right. The store inventories change day to day. If you use the Where are We? companion app on PC you have a view of all the town shop inventories in real-time. Further, the application reveals exactly what bonuses are to be expected on a given calendar day. Check it out.

If you do not feel strong enough for an area you may not be, circle back to the methods to Building Strength here.

Great Luxus Palace Royale – Queen Lamanda

The Queen is distraught and needs the assistance of a true hero. Speak with her to see how to become such a hero in her eyes.

Castle Pinehurst – Lord Peabody

Fly to A-2 and go into Pinehurst to visit with Lord Peabody to accept his quest to save his son. This is a required quest as you will need access to the way back machine.

Expand for quest details
Fly to B-4
10,1 Defeat Amazon (10)
Fly to Atlantium
Put Sherman in your party
Return to Lord Peabody

Triple Crown

Time to fight in the gladiatorial games. There are 4 ranks of difficulty: Green, Yellow, Red, Black, progressively more difficult in this order. You must win 3 venues for each color and then you may free the Bishop with the same color key. I was able to complete Green, Yellow, and Red at Level 11, but I am going to come back for Black after I level up more.

Expand for Green details
in Middlegate
4,4 Green Tickets: 10 gold
1,8 Green Key: 500 gold
13,2 Venue 1: Arena
in Altantium
7,9 Venue 2: Colosseum
in Sandsobar
13,8 Venue 3: Monster Bowl
in Castle Woodhaven
10,6 Free Green Bishop
2,11 Collect the Radicon
Expand for Yellow details
in Sandsobar
7,15 Yellow Ticket: 25 gold
6,2 Yellow Key: 1000 gold
in Middlegate
13,2 Venue 1: Arena
in Atlantium
7,9 Venue 2: Colosseum
in Sandsobar
13,8 Venue 3: Monster Bowl
in Castle Pinehurst
13,3 Free Yellow Bishop
7,6 Collect the Fluxer
Expand for Red details
In Vulcania
15,8 Red Tickets: 125 gold
0,8 Red Key: 25000 gold
in Middlegate
13,2 Venue 1: Arena
in Atlantium
7,9 Venue 2: Colosseum
in Sandsobar
13,8 Venue 3: Monster Bowl
in Castle Hillstone
11,4 Free Red Bishop
3,13 Grab the Capitor
Expand for Black details
in Atlantium
4,4 Black Tickets: 500 gold
3,10 Black Key: 50,000 gold
in Middlegate
13,2 Venue 1: Arena
in Atlantium
7,9 Venue 2: Colosseum
in Sandsobar
13,8 Venue 3: Monster Bowl
in Luxus Palace Royale
14,14 Free Black Bishop
0,6 Grab the Todilor

Earning your Plus – Class Quests

You will need to solve at least one of these to complete the game. For these quests your party will be restricted to characters with Class matching the quest you are doing. You will also be able to bring Robbers along. If you took the time to collect all the Hirelings then you have more party options for this section. If you did not collect all the Hirelings, consider reconsidering that decision. Details on Hireling acquisition is here.

I was able to collect all the Hirelings with a Level 15 party and decent gear. The Lich Lord took some beating on but ultimately it was just a matter of time. He would drop one of my party to Unconscious each round, but a quick heal would get them back up, meanwhile everyone else just beats on the Lich Lord.

Your standard party is going to get broken up for these quests and if you are doing all the class quests then you party will change up for each of the quests. The only common factor is that you can bring Robbers to all the class quests. This is a good excuse to outfit and try out all your various characters. I had no idea that No Name was such an accomplished spell caster until I pulled them into a party.

A few tips that can be helpful: Create 2 new Robbers that will accompany on all class quests. Give each nub Robber Mountaineer/Pathfinder and Herbal Patches. With this strategy, you will have a clear path to the primary target for each class quest through mountains and forests. All the class quests are a pretty short walk from Middlegate so that is a good base for Hireling swapping. The Herbal Patches (Cure Wounds) can be used to heal the Unconscious. Most of the fights have foes that will knock your characters unconscious one at a time, the Herbal Patches will counter their feeble tactic. Once you complete all the quests head back to Mt. Fairview.

Knight — Must defeat Dread Knight of Jouster’s Way
Jouster's Way at B-3 5,14
Take out the Conjurer
Melee down the Dread Knight
Return to Middlegate to Save at the Inn
Prepare your next party
Barbarian — Must defeat Brutal Bruno, the Barbarian Chieftain
Brutal Bruno at C-4 0,15
Take out the Barbarians first
Melee down Brutal Bruno
Return to Middlegate to Save at the Inn
Prepare your next party
Archer — Stop Baron Wilfrey from terrorizing Falcon Forest
Baron Wilfrey at B-2 11,2
Take down Baron Wilfrey
No Name's Energy Blast is pretty effective
Return to Middlegate to Save at the Inn
Prepare your next party
Paladin — Must defeat the Frost Dragon beneath Forbidden Forest
Forbidden Forest Cavern at C-3 15,0
Defeat Frost Dragon at 8,8

They will breath first turn but they are slow and you are flush with Robbers. Also remember your Paladins have Bless and Heroism and Heals.
Sorcerer — Release both Good and Evil Wizards from Isle of the Ancients
Fly to B-3 and Teleport to 4,4 
Enter Castle of Evil
4,10 Set Code 23
2,10 Set Code 46
3,10 Release Ybmug
Walk to B-4
4,10 Enter the Castle of Good
11,5 Set Code 64
13,5 Set Code 32
12m5 Release Yekop
Return to Middlegate to Save at the Inn
Prepare your next party
Ninja — Must assassinate the Dawn of Dawn’s Mist
in D-4
3,7 Enter Dawn's Cavern
in Dawn's Cavern
2,14 Defeat Giant Ogre (2)
8,9 Defeat Dawn

This is a tough fight as all three of them can light up the whole party. The way I did it after a few tries at Level 16 was to Temple Buff, which was 60% magic, very helpful. Then I took out the Enchantresses first. The magic resistance is what made it work, otherwise I was getting hit for 150 per character from each of them.
Cleric — Reunite the soul of Corak with his body
With Real Party
in Sandsobar Cavern
0,0 Obtain Admit 8 Pass
in C-1
10,15 Obtain Corak's Soul

Switch to CLE/ROB Party
in C-2
5,11 Enter Corak's Cave
13,3 Address barriers
8,0 Defeat Crypt Fiend (8)

in D-2
7,0 Return to Mt. Fairview

Queen Lamanda

Check back with the Queen in Great Luxus Palace Royale now that you have completed the Triple Crown and got your Pluses!

Castle Xabran

Castle Xabran is near to Middlegate and the Square Lake but only 100 years ago. In the current era, 900, the castle is ruins. It is time to use the Way Back machine to explore past eras and collect long lost relics.

Expand for location details
in A-2
1,1 Enter Castle Pinehurst

in Castle Pinehurst
2,5 Use the Way Back Machine
Set the Dial to 8
You arrive at C-4 14,4
Walk/Fly to C-2

in C-2
14,8 Enter Castle Xabran

in Castle Xabran
6,14 Collect the Fire Disc
15,15 Collect the Air Disc
15,0 Collect the Water Disc
6,2 Collect the Earth Disc
Return to Middlegate and Save

Elemental Planes

You will need to take each Disc into the correct Plane to find the Talon matching the element.

Expand for Air Plane details
in A-1
8,8 Learn Air Transmutation
1,14 Learn Air Encasement spell
Cast Air Transmutation spell
0,15 Enter Plane of Air

in Elemental Plane
10,7 Defeat Element Hydra
Air Elemental (3)
11,7 Collect the Air Talon
Rest, until pop back to Middlegate
Save at the Inn
Expand for Water Plane details
In A-4
8,8 Learn Water Transmutation
1,1 Learn Water Encasement spell
Cast Water Transmutation spell
0,0 Enter Plane of Water

in Plane of Water
11,10 Defeat Element Hydra
Water Elemental (3)
10,10 Collect the Water Talon
Rest, until pop back to Middlegate
Save at the Inn
Expand for Earth Plane details
in E-4
8,8 Learn Earth Transmutation
14,1 Learn Earth Encasement spell
Cast Earth Transmutation spell
15,0 Enter Plane of Earth
7,8 Defeat Element Hydra
Earth Elemental (3)
8,8 Collect the Earth Talon
Rest, until pop back to Middlegate
Save at the Inn
Expand for Fire Plane details
in E-1
8,8 Learn Fire Transmutation
14,14 Learn Fire Encasement spell
Cast Fire Transmutation spell
15,15 Enter Plane of Fire
4,5 Defeat Element Hydra
Fire Elemental (3)
Pryo Hyrda (2)
8,8 Collect the Fire Talon
Rest, until pop back to Middlegate
Save at the Inn

Dawn’s Cavern – Element Orb

You will need to defeat the Orb Guardian in Dawn’s Cavern to obtain the Element Orb.

Expand for Element Orb details
Make sure you have a Hireling along with you
in D-4
3,7 Enter Dawn's Cavern

in Dawns Cavern
2,14 Defeat Giant Ogre (2)
7,12 Defeat Greedy Snitch (200)
11,12 Defeat Orb Guardian (4)
Give the Element Orb to the Hireling
Dismiss the Hireling
Exit Dawn's Cavern

Deliver the Element Orb to Kalohn

You will need to deliver the Element Orb to Kalohn so that he can change the present.

Expand for Quest details
Return to Castle Pinehurst to use the Way Back machine
Enter 8 on the dial
Step 1 North
Rest and return to 900

Talk to Kalohn

You need to seek out Kolohn back at Great Luxus Palace Royale

Final Sequence

Stock up on everything. Do any final level building and get some Potions. You have a series of non-trivial random encounters followed by a confrontation with Sheltem ahead of you. There is a puzzle to solve as well.

Expand for Quest Details
in C-2
10,7 Enter Square Lake Cave
Defeat 12 RND Encounters
11,14 Defeat Devil King (66)
0,15 Defeat Sheltem
Water Elemental
Air Elemental
Fire Elemental
Earth Elemental
Answer WAFE, as the King directed
Solve the Cryptogram

We, the people of Terra, in order to
form a more perfect union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense...

the above text is encrypted on your screen with a substitution cypher
Reveal the Final Solution
Enter "Preamble" and case matters


How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1988)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)