Thief of Fate, a Bards Tale Guide

Thief of Fate, a Bards Tale Guide

This Bards Tale Guide takes us through many perils and strives to give you the info you need to explore and solve the game in conjunction with real-time mapping.

Spell Point Regenerators will save you a trip to my shop but you will have to twiddle your thumbs while you wait.


Creating your Party

If you want guidance on creating a brand new party, take a look at our Party Creation page.

There is a character that you MAY add to your party for some missions but I completed the game never having done so.. it is safe to make a Party of 7 and just stick with them the whole way through, if you like.


Traps are everywhere. All traps are easily solved with Trap Zap but sometimes magic use is blocked, thus you need to know how to deal with them. The traps densely set in all the dungeons are the true test for any adventuring party. Multiple traps can be set at the same location such as Darkness and a Magical Spinner, a devious combination sure to confound. You must learn to deal with traps if you are to survive.

Triggered Traps

These may trigger when you step on the tile and if they are triggered, they do not rearm unless you reset the floor by using Stairs or Up/Down Portals.

Triggered Trap Mitigations
Active Levitate gives a 75% chance to avoid triggering all triggered traps except for Ignitable Gas. Repeated steps on tile will retest 75% each time. A failed check will trigger the trap.

-- Ignitable Gas --
Problem: Tile has gas and may ignite dealing damage to party. Any type of light will ignite it, including Bard songs with light.
Solution: Locate Traps or Sorcerer Sight will reveal it, Cat Eyes will provide sight without igniting the gas.

Persistent Traps

These traps are always active and so it becomes necessary to have a strategy for dealing with them during your adventure.

Persistent Trap Mitigations
-- Darkness --
Problem: Dispels light spells and torches. Bardic Light will stop working while in darkness but will not dispel.
Solution: Kiel’s Magic Compass is ideal to keep track of your direction as you traverse the darkness. Sorcerer Sight will reveal traps in the darkness.
-- Smoke Screen --
Problem: Obscures vision.
Solution: Leave the area.
-- Magical Spinner --
Problem: Spinner tiles will rotate the party and randomize facing direction. Attempting to turn left, right, or to back will cause Spinner to activate again. If you don’t realize you are spinning, it will trigger eraser use when mapping.
Solution: Kiel’s Magic Compass is ideal, but without that at least Scry Site will reveal direction facing. Knowing the direction you are facing while ON a spinner tile allows you to tap right or left and then move Forward ONLY when you are facing the direction you want.
-- One-Way Door (or Wall) --
Problem: You can get stuck unable to backtrack.
Solution: Phase Door works to backtrack if the spell is not cursed. Good mapping can help next time around.
-- Hidden Teleport --
Problem: All of a sudden you are somewhere else and you have lost your bearings. You may not even notice, which is quite confusing.
Solution: Cast Scry Site immediately after being teleported and write down the tile you came from and the tile you landed on for next time. Keeping track of teleports is key to finding your way.
-- Spell Drain Aura --
Problem: Steady loss of SP.
Solution: Definitely get off the title asap!
- Hit Point Drain Aura --
Problem: Steady loss of HP.
Solution: Get off the title!
-- Silence Aura --
Problem: Ends Bard songs.
Solution: Get off the tile and restart your song. Bard’s have limited Songs until they need drink. You can carry wineskins full of liquor to replenish on adventure. Also there are various weapons that provided “unlimited bard songs”. The Bardsong is the first and drops start to appear in Catacombs Level 1.
-- Anti-Magic Aura --
Problem: You lose all your buffs and your light.
Solution: Recast the spells. Find a Spell Points Recharge point to compensate.

-- Magic Chains --
Problem: Party can get stuck here and will need to repeatedly try to move off the tile until it works. Levitate does not help.
Solution: Locate Traps or Sorcerer Sight will reveal it. Avoid it or plan for a sticky step.


I am providing multiple levels of assistance to suit your play style. Use what you want and ignore the rest. Firstly, regions are ordered in a plausible play order. This is the first level of assistance. If you want more, expand the details for the area and see the following, where applicable.

  • Key Points: coordinates of the places you might want to visit or avoid.
  • Grind Notes calling out optimal loops to grind experience.
  • Travel Notes is the lore posted in the dungeons, for easy review.
  • Riddle Info posts the question and the reward but not the answer.
  • Walkthrough details the steps required to complete the level including Riddle Answers.
Jump To: ArboriaGelidiaLucenciaKinestiaTenebrosiaTarmitiaMalefia


This is where you begin and where you come back to throughout your adventure.

Key Points:
N16 E24	The Adventurers Guild (Refugee Camp)
N18 E30 Scrapwood Inn
N11 E0 Shrine
N24 E17 Skara Brae
N8 E9 Aboria Runestones (1)
N31 E2 Gelidia Runestones (2)
N28 E29 Lucencia Runestones (3)
N4 E1 Kinestia Runestones (4)
N12 E31 Tenebrosia Runestones (5)
N16 E15 Tarmitia Runestones (6)
N0 E31 Malefia Runestones (7)
Travel Notes:
N12 E31 Stabbing up into the sky like an obsidian dagger.  Shadow Rock is utterly alien to the surrounding landscape.
N0 E31 Foul, noxious gases reeking of rotten eggs, bubble up through the turgid yellow, mud-laden waters of Sulphur Springs.
N28 E29 Amid the bountiful trees you find a bubbling Cyrstal Spring that almost glows with purity.
N31 E2 Here, halfway up Earthdagger Mountain, winds swirl around and make this place earn its name: Cold Peak.
N16 E15 The flat, grassy plain stretches peacefully out in all directions. This is the Vale of Lost Warriors.
N8 E9 Deeply hidden in verdant shadows, this grove, the Twilight Copse, is quiet and feels very peaceful.
N4 E1 Lovingly tunneled into the mountainside, the opening to the Old Dwarf Mine looks natural.
New Party: Explore the area thoroughly and earn some experience.

Transferred Party: Enter Skara Brae at N24 E17

Skara Brae

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N20 E23 The Review Board
N7 E21 Dragonbreath Tavern
N15 E18 Temple of the Mad God
N15 E4 A Storage Building
There is nowhere to Sell loot in bt3
There is no Roscoe's for Spell Points
Spell Point Recharge tiles in dungeons
Will also find Items that recharge SP

New Party:
Explore the area for XP
Visit the Storage at N15 E4
Meet the Scarlet Bard at N7 E21
Visit The Review Board

Transferred Party:
Organize inventory with Storage N15 E4
Go to Dragonbreath Tavern at N7 E21
Buy Bard Songs from Scarlet Bard
Visit The Review Board


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Up (out)
N0 E8 Stairs Up (out, alternate)
N7 E8 Spell Point Recharge
N1 E1 Silence Trap tutorial
N7 E3 Hit Point Drain trap tutorial
N12 E2 Stairs Down
Travel Info:
N0  E1	The smoldering ruins smell odd and seem somewhat unfocused. It seems very much as if they do not belong here at all. Something very alien is present.
N1 E1 There is a strange silence ahead
N7 E3 Foul reeking air is coming from under the door.
N6 E12 The priest seek another word...
To find Catacombs, Say "Tarjan" 
to the Mad God Priests at N15 E18

Once inside,
Door to East at N11 E8
Down to Tunnels at N12 E2


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Up
N1 E14 Magical Spinner trap tutorial
N1 E9 Anti-Magic trap tutorial
N3 E2 Magic Chains trap tutorial
Travel Notes:
N3  E2  The floor sure feels sticky here.
N1 E9 Your magic wavers near here.
N1 E14 There seems to be an odd magnetic disturbance near.
N1 E2 ... this word will allow access to the unholy domain of Brilhasti ap Tarj.
N4 E11 This dark, gloomy tunnel reeks of death and moldy rot. You shiver to think something could live down here, and you shier to think you might die down here.
N0 E20 Written in Blood are large letters which spell out CHAOS.
The purpose of this area is to find the KEYWORD needed to enter the next dungeon.  Review the Travel Notes, KEYWORDS are in a specific case.

UnterBrae – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E14	Stairs Up (out)	
N10 E13 Teleport Trap tutorial
N7 E2 Spell Point Recharge
N14 E12 Stairs Down
Travel Notes:
N0  E1	The shade of the winds' home will make you free.
N9 E1 A splash of noble's blood colors the exit.
N14 E14 The tint of melancholy paves the way.
N10 E13 Note Reads: Those who enter this door will never leave through it.
N0 E13 Although Skara Brae lay in ruins, it felt far more alive than this place. Something here just feels wrong: it is not of this world. Even breathing this air feels dirty.
Riddle Info:
N14 E11 Speak the rhyming word to pass through!
Answer: ???
Reward: Access to Stairs
To find Catacombs, Say "Chaos" 
to the Mad God Priests at N15 E18

Once inside,
Hidden Door to North at N11 E8
Answer "Blue" at E14 E11
Down to Level 2 at N14 E12

UnterBrae – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N14 E12 Stairs Up
N13 E12 Spell Drain tutorial
N3 E6 Spell Point Recharge
N5 E0 Stairs Down
Travel Notes:
N13 E12 The air down here smells of dry rot and other putrefaction. The dry air feels uncomfortable and leeches moisture from you as it saps your strength and courage.
N10 E14 Light huts me and bleeds me, but leaves me behind it always.
N4 E0 Return from beyond this place is not possible by this means.
N0 E10 Down below, eschew the first right thing to do.
Riddle Info:
N3  E1	I am nothing, I make nothing, but my opposite creates me even as it destroys me.  What am I?
Answer: ???
Reward: Access to Stairs
1-Way Wall to South at N7 E4
Answer "Shadow" at N3 E1
Down to Level 3 at N5 E0

UnterBrae – Level 3

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N5  E0	Stairs Up
N4 E8 Spell Point Recharge
N0 E0 Portal Down
Travel Notes:
N6  E0	The spectral hand of fear runs bony fingers down your spine. This air is hot and close. This place feels like the inside of a grave.
N10 E14 Things that lurk, in shadows below Make it an unsafe place to go. First Ward: Spin lest ye be spun.
N5 E7 The first Ward's key: NevEr Now, EvEr iS SEEn, ElitE aNd NarroW, North by NorthWest Way, Doves MourN.
N2 E7 Only a fool would frontally assault the second Ward.
N13 E1 The thrid Ward's path of darkness is not without danger, but there is more to fear in the light of Brilhasti's insanity.
N0 E1 The three Wards below will try your soul, but that's the only way out of this hole. Brilhasti is cold and he is mean. Make sure his death is quick and clean.
Riddle Info:
N0  E2	I have no lips, yet my kiss is deadly. I am not a razor, but those I caress need never shave again. Your best friend, I will kill you. Speak my name, then ready me.
Answer: ???
Reward: Access to Portal
Hidden Door to East at N7 E5
Answer "Sword" at N0 E2
Go down Portal at N0 E0

UnterBrae – Level 4

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Defeat Brilhasti ap Tarj.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Portal Up
Travel Notes:
N5  E4  Diddledy high, Diddledy low, Come brave blood sheep, you've a goodly way to go.
N13 E4 So far, so good, this you all think, Come even further, your blood I will drink. Brilhasti am I, and great is my god. Come to me, come, down the path few have trod.
North through gap at N5 E4
North through gap at N12 E4
Door to North in the Darkness at N19 E0
Defeat Brilhasti ap Tarj at N20 E1
Dark Guards (4)
Teleport to Old Man, talk to him.


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues. There is an NPC that you can allow to join but it is not required to solve the game.

Key Points:
N20 E18 Runestones
N11 E12 Ciera Brannia
N17 E4 Old Fisherman
N17 E5 Beautiful Lake
N4 E3 Valarians Tower
N5 E9 Large Oak Tree
N4 E17 Festering Pit
N18 E18 Arefolia Leaves
Travel Notes:
N16 E19 This field is full of beautiful flowers that float and dance on the light breezes.
N15 E4 An old hut sits by the shore of a beautiful lake. Fishing equipment is stacked neatly against the hut's wall.
N16 E5 The finger of the lake shimmers in a natural glow all its own.
N5 E3 Reaching into the sky, Valarian's Tower stands as a monument for what once was.

To get here, start in Wilderness
Go to Arboria Runestones at N8 E9
Chronomancer casts Apport Arboria

Once in Arboria,
Visit the Fisherman at N17 E4
Buy the Gilles Gillis spell for 500g
Map and Explore Ciera Brannia
Get Quest from King at N10 E9
Collect an Acorn from Arboria N5 E9
Map and Explore Underwater Palace
Collect Water of Life from Lake Palace
Map and Explore Valarian's Tower
Collect the Nightspear
Map and Explore Festering Pit
Defeat Tslotha Garnath
Talk to the King
Map and Explore the Sacred Grove
Collect Valarian's Bow
Collect Arrows of Life
Return to Old Man in Skara Brae

Ciera Brannia

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N5  E6  Wizard's Guild
N10 E4 Forest Lawn Temple
N10 E9 King's Castle
N8 E7 Sacred Grove
N6 E12 Stagger Inn
N2 E3 Hic Haven
Nowhere here to recharge Magic Points
Nowhere anywhere to sell loot

Buy spells at the Wizard's Guild
Advancement is at the Wizard's Guild
Get the Quest from the King
Enter Sacred Grove after helping King

Underwater Palace

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Collect Water of Life

Key Points:
N4  E14 Stairs Up (out)
N9 E6 Spell Point Recharge
N6 E1 Life Spring
Travel Notes:
N5  E12 The Palace's beauty has been washed out by the centuries beneath the water, but its majesty is undiminished.  The water is dark, yet warm, and you - an air breather - feel curiously welcome.
To get here, from Arboria
Explore N17 E5

Recast Gilles Gillis as needed!
Door to West at N4 E11
Door to North at N7 E8
Door to West at N8 E8
Door to North at N5 E2
Heal with Water of Life N6 E1
Collect Water of Life in Canteen
Exit and head to Valarian's Tower

Valarian’s Tower – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N2  E0	Stairs Down (out)
N3 E3 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N1  E0	Beyond the shattered door you see a floor littered with dust and dry leaves. You see some signs of small animals, but beyond that, you see no signs of normal life.
N3 E4 An old tapestry adorns the wall here, it depicts a beautiful castle underneath a lake.
Door to South at N2 E3
Door to North at N1 E4
Up to Level 2 at N3 E3

Valarian’s Tower – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N3  E3  Stairs Down
N2 E0 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N3  E4	Something here feels wrong. You sense the tower has been violated and, while you are not the offending party, you will share in the tower's wrath.
N1 E1 The Water of Life has many regenerative powers.
Door to South in the Darkness at N3 E2
Door to South in the Darkness at N1 E2
Door to West at N0 E1
Up to Level 3 at N2 E0

Valarian’s Tower – Level 3

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N2  E0	Stairs Down
N4 E4 Spell Point Recharge
N2 E2 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N2  E0	This level shows fewer signs of neglect, yet talon-scratches through bright murals suggest something has contemptuously desecrated Valarian's private demesne.
N2 E1 A round portal blocks your way into the central core. On the massive stone disk you see a carving of an oak tree holding a similar disk up.
N4 E0 Seek the Water of Life in the Crystal Palace.
Use the Acorn at N2 E1
Use the Water of Life at N2 E1
Up to Level 4 at N2 E2

Valarian’s Tower – Level 4

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Collect the Nightspear

Key Points:
N2  E2	Stairs Down
N3 E2 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N2  E3	This level appears inviolate, which you should take as little consolation. Instead of fearing the beasts lurking below, you now face whatever has kep them from this level in the first place.
Door to West at N0 E4
Hidden Door to East at N4 E2
Collect the Nightspear from N4 E3

Festering Pit – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Up (out)
N5 E9 Spell Point Recharge
N14 E14 Stairs Down
Travel Notes:
N1  E7  This place feels very strange. The darkness is palpable, as if almost alive, and it hungers for your flesh.
N1 E0 White bones and bright blood, life very frail. Be wary, Mortals, indeed you shall fail. Tslotha Garnath knows but on fear: His life is absorbed by the Nightspear!
Hidden Door to North at N6 E5
Hidden Door to East at N11 E9
Hidden Door to East at N9 E11
Hidden Door to North at N11 E13
Down to Level 2 at N14 E14

Festering Pit – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Defeat Tslotha Garnath!

Key Points:
N11 E11	Stairs Up
N3 E7 Portal Up
N1 E6 Portal Up
Travel Notes:
N11 E10 A chill raises the hairs on the back of your neck, but you realize it is not a physical cold. The evil in this place seeps through your flesh and worms its icy way into your bones.
Door to West in the Darkness at N6 E10
Up to Level 1 at N3 E7
Down to Level 2 at L1:N4 E9
Door to West in the Darkness at N1 E6
Fake Wall to North at N2 E5
Hidden Door to North at N6 E3
Defeat Tslotha Garnath at N11 E2
Return to the King in Ciera Brannia

Sacred Grove

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Find Valarian’s Bow and the Arrows of Life.

Key Points:
N9  E0	Stairs Up (out)
N1 E9 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N4  E4  Through the gilded bars of the door between you and the tomb entrance, you see the flickering eternal flame. In its blue-white light you see writing on the walls within.
N3 E4 The door to the tomb looks like Valarian himself standing tall. The words beside the tomb read: "In life my heart knew but on ache, one task undone. Heal that pain so I may rest, and what is mine is yours."
Once the King allows entry, 
Enter at N8 E7 in Ciera Brannia

Use Tslotha's Heart at N3 E4
Use Water of Life at N3 E4
Hidden Door to East at N0 E7
Collect Valarian's Bow from N0 E9
Collect Arrows of Life from N0 E9
Back to The Review Board in Skara Brae


Check the Outpost and then head to the Keep to look for the Wand of Power and Sphere of Lanatir.

Key Points:
N15 E3	Runestones
N12 E5 Outpost
N6 E10 Ice Keep
To get here, start in Wilderness
Go to Gelidia Runestones at N31 E2
Chronomancer casts Apport Gelidia

Once in Gelidia,
Check the Outpost at N12 E5
Enter the Ice Keep at N6 E10
Collect Wand of Power
Collect Sphere of Lanatir
Return to Old Man in Skara Brae

Ice Keep – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E1	Stairs Down (out)
N9 E0 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N1  E1	The solid, ice-laden walls of this massive castle help hold the savage storm outside. Even so, the keep is not warmed the danger of frosty death stays with you even here.
N9 E11 Scrawled on the wall you see: Lift the veil, Then counter it, False door frees, True door.
N0 E0 Scrawled on the wall you see: Wolf to sate hunger, A hero true, but not one at all, Focus its attention, but better not be see at all.
N0 E11 Scrawled on the wall you see: Bright light, Loud thunder, Whispered terror term, Flaming guide to lead the way, Join the wall, Then no one will be the wall.
N9 E5 Carved in stone are three overlapping circles with each arrow pointing towards the castle's towers.
Riddle Info:
N0  E3  Speak your name, defender, and pass a friend.
Answer: ???
Reward: Access to Level 2
N9 E6 Speak your name, defender, and pass a friend.
Answer: ???
Reward: Access to Level 2
N2 E11 Speak your name, defender, and pass a friend.
Answer: ???
Reward: Access to Level 2
Exploring Ice Keep Level 2 is optional
Answer "Alendar" N0 E3, N2 E11, N9 E6

Collect Crystal Lens from White Tower
Collect Black Lens from Black Tower
Collect Smokey Lens from Grey Tower

Go to Ice Dungeon - Level 1

Ice Keep – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. There is nothing here you need quest-wise.

Key Points:
N2  E11	Stairs Down
N0 E3 Stairs Down
N9 E6 Stairs Down

White Tower – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Down (out)
N3 E2 Spell Point Recharge
N4 E4 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N0  E0	Inch thick sheets of ice coat the tower walls. Stone carvings, barely visible beneath the icy sheath, remind you of the splendor that once was Castle Lanatir.
To get here, from Ice Keep
Go to N9 E11
Cast Levitation
Cast Anti-Magic
Cast Phase Door
Up to White Tower - Level 1 at N9 E11

Once inside,
Door to North at N0 E4
Up to Level 2 at N4 E4

White Tower – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience or just proceed up.

Key Points:
N4 E4	Stairs Up/Down
Travel Notes:
N3  E4	Light shimmers over the ice on the north wall and reveals a brightly painted mural. It features a young Hawkslayer and a dozen baleful creatures locked in mortal combat. The painting is old in style, yet no less beautiful for it.
Up to Level 3 at N4 E4

White Tower – Level 3

Map it out, explore, and get some experience or just proceed up.

Key Points:
N4  E4	Stairs Up/Down
N0 E1 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N4  E3	Shattered ice on the wall reveals a small carving that reads: Cala and Hawkslayer, New Age, Anno Uno and eternity.
N2 E0 A small crib is here. Engraved in a heart shaped border is "Hawkslayer and Cala" and underneath this emblem is the name "Utor"
Up to Level 4 at N4 E4

White Tower – Level 4

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for the Crystal Lens

Key Points:
N4  E4	Stairs Down
N1 E1 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N3  E4  The rime crusted walls are a perfect example of antique architecture long since lost to the world you call home. The frozen beauty of this tower is a priceless treasure you will carry with you always.
Door to West in the Darkness at N3 E2
Defeat White Wizards at N0 E4
Collect Crystal Lens
Done here, Return to Ice Keep

Black Tower – Level 1

Map it out, explore. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N4  E0	Stairs Down (out)
N2 E4 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N4  E0	You know it seems mad, and you can sense things in the darkness, but you see nothing, absolutely not a thing. making up the foundation of the Black Tower.
To get here, from Ice Keep
Go to N0 E11
Cast Greater Revelation
Cast Shock Sphere
Cast Word of Fear
Cast Summon Elemental
Cast Spell Bind
Up to Black Tower - Level 1 at N0 E11

Once inside,
Up to Level 2 at N2 E3

Black Tower – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N2  E4	Stairs Down
N1 E0 Spell Point Recharge
N1 E3 Spell Point Recharge
N2 E0 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N2  E3	Again you see a level without visible barriers, but you feel this place is not as formless as the level below.  You do know evil dwells in its black heart.
Stairs Up are East 1 from Stairs Down

Black Tower – Level 3

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N2  E0	Stairs Down
N3 E1 Spell Point Recharge
N3 E2 Spell Point Recharge
N3 E3 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N0  E3	As you climb higher in the Black Tower, the fabric of reality, though twisted and weird, becomes stronger. Chittering howls and gibbering laughter echoes throughout the void you now face.
Fake Wall to North at N2 E0
Fake Wall to East in Darkness at N4 E0
Fake Wall to East in Darkness at N4 E2
Up to Level 4 at N3 E3

Black Tower – Level 4

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for the Black Lens.

Key Points:
N3  E3	Stairs Down
N1 E3 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N2  E3	As you step into this area, you see a vision of a dark circle eclipsing a scarlet moon.  The moon vanishes, and the dark disk pulses with vibrant and ebon power.
Fake Wall to North at N3 E2
Defeat Black Wizards at N4 E3
Collect Black Lens
Done here, Return to Ice Keep

Grey Tower – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E4	Stairs Down (out)
N2 E2 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N0  E4	This grey tower has an odd feel to it. Ice fills it, yet here has an ethereal aspect. It does seem, curiously, as if the ice is here only because the tower does not take notice of it.
To get here, from Ice Keep
Go to N9 E0
Cast Instant Wolf
Cast Wind Hero
Cast Force Focus
Cast Invisibility
Up to Grey Tower - Level 1 at N9 E0

Once inside,
Activate your Compass
Watch for Magical Spinners
Door to North at N1 E2
Up to Level 2 at N2 E2

Grey Tower – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N2  E2	Stairs Down
N4 E4 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N1  E2	This level feels odd because the walls warp and change. The light wavers and dims, making you unsure of everything you see.
From Stairs, 
South 4 to N3 E2
West 2 then North 1
Door West at N4 E0
Up to Floor 3 at N4 E4

Grey Tower – Level 3

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N4  E4	Stairs Down
N3 E4 Spell Point Recharge
N1 E4 Spell Point Recharge
N0 E0 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N4  E3	This level's icy chill seeps deep in through your flesh and sucks the warmth from your bones. It feels almost alive, and malevolent. The dark miasma leeches your courage away and leaves you very uneasy.
From Stairs,
West 4 to N4 E0
South 4
Up to Level 4 at N0 E0

Grey Tower – Level 4

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for the Smokey Lens.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Down
N0 E1 Spell Point Recharge
N0 E3 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N0  E1	Broken cross is the goal, yet hidden it doth be. Through the flaw egress is won, but peril is not lost. Win the lens, one third prize, but at what cost?
From Stairs,
East 1 for Spell Point Recharge
Turn off your Lights
Apport Arcane to N0 E2
Defeat Grey Wizards at N3 E2
Collect Smokey Lens
Done here, Return to Ice Keep
(Apport Arcane from N0 E2)

Ice Dungeon – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N8  E2	Stairs Up (out)
N8 E8 Stairs Down
Travel Notes:
N8  E1	Unlike the rest of the castle, the dungeon gives mute evidence of the invasion's fierce fighting. Debris is scattered about and bodies lie encased in icy coffins.
To get here, from Ice Keep
Use Lens x3 at N9 E5
Down to Ice Dungeon at N9 E5

Once inside,
Door to North at N4 E8
Down to Level 2 at N8 E8

Ice Dungeon – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for Wand of Power and Sphere of Lanatir.

Key Points:
N4  E0	Stairs Up
N3 E2 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N2  E0	Dread creatures little the floor here, and your skin crawls with the overwhelming sense of latent magic.
Riddle Info:
N3  E4	Here lies Lanatir, last guardian of all magics. Only in the name of his blood may you enter.
Answer: ???
Reward: Door Appears
Hidden Door to South at N3 E0
Hidden Door to East at N0 E1
Hidden Door to North at N2 E2
Answer 'Cala' at N3 E4
Enter the door to South that appears
Collect Wand of Power at N0 E4
Collect Sphere of Lanatir at N0 E4
Back to The Review Board in Skara Brae


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N13 E12	Runestones
N8 E11 Celaria Bree
N14 E1 Violet Mountain
N2 E12 Yellow Rose Bush
N11 E6 White Rose Bush
N6 E4 Blue Rose Bush
N1 E1 Red Rose Bush
N4 E9 Bush with no Roses
N7 E0 Alliria's Tomb
To get here, start in Wilderness
Go to Lucencia Runestones at N28 E29
Chronomancer casts Apport Lucencia

Once in Lucencia,
Explore Celaria Bree
Learn Kiel's Overture
Learn Divine Intervention
Explore Violet Mountain
Obtain Crystal Key and Dragon Blood
Explore Cyanis' Tower
Obtain the Magic Triangle
Collect all 5 roses
(Dragon Blood at N4 E9, Rainbow Rose)
Explore Alliria's Tomb
Obtain Crown of Truth
Obtain Belt of Alliria
Return to Old Man in Skara Brae

Celaria Bree

Map it out, explore. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N13 E7	Cheers Inn
N13 E9 Bard's Hall
N4 E5 Hall of Wizards
N2 E7 Temple
Learn Kiel's Overture at N13 E9
Learn Divine Intervention at N4 E5

Violet Mountain – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E9	Stairs Down (out)
N11 E10 Spell Point Recharge
N6 E8 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N1  E9	The purple rock that forms the mountain is warm to the touch. A rough-hewn tunnel extends forward a short way, and ends in a solid, but magically pulsing wall.
To get here, from Lucencia
Enter at N14 E1

Once inside,
Hidden Door to North at N4 E9
Up to Level 2 at N6 E8

Violet Mountain – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N10 E0	Stairs Down (out)
N4 E7 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N10 E1	The darkness seems thicker here below the mountain. The hot air is fetid and stirs with the breath of a mighty, yet unseen, beast.
N0 E3 The thick, wet air whistles sharply and the tang of brimstone tastes sour to you. A musty reptilian scent almost overpowers you. You know the dragon is far too near for peace of mind.
Defeat Rainbow Dragon at N0 E5
Collect Crystal Key
Collect Dragon Blood (with Canteen)
Done here, back to Lucencia

Cyanis’ Tower – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Down (out)
N1 E4 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N1  E0	Cyanis' Tower is made entirely of turquiose. A narrow corridor leads in to a wall that has a small keyhole in the center of it.
To get here, from Lucencia
Enter at N3 E4

Once inside,
Use the Crystal Key at N1 E0
Teleport from N6 E4 -TO- N0 E3
West then North to center of spiral
Up to Level 2 at N3 E3

Cyanis’ Tower – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N3  E3	Stairs Down
N3 E1 Spell Point Recharge
N5 E3 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N2  E3	Strange grasping gargoyles frozen in the walls reach out toward you. Beyond them and on their bodies you see the carvings of Cyanis and Alliria as they once were.
N5 E5 On the south wall you find an icon of Cyanis himself. It shows a handsome, intelligent man, but has only one disturbing aspect to it: its eyes have been clawed out.
N5 E1 Somehow a sculpture on the south wall escaped Cyanis' madness. It is a carved icon of Alliria, and you can see in its beauty the reason her death would unbalance Cyanis. Below it is the word, "Beloved".
Approach Stairs from North at N5 E3

Cyanis’ Tower – Level 3

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N5  E3	Stairs Down
N3 E6 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N6  E1	Trapped within azure stone that moves in sluggish slow motion, small demons repeatedly play through battles old and forgotten.
N5 E0 The once smooth wall now writhes with figures obscene and blasphemous. Cyanis and his foul insanity pulse through this tower level and chill you.
N0 E1 Set in the south wall you see the image of Hawkslayer. He looks younger then when you first met him and has no scars. You also hear Cyanis' shrill voice crying. "Friend, why can you not save my beloved?"
Do not kill Cyanis' at N2 E3
Cast FLAN or similar.
Collect Magic Triangle
Done here, back to Lucencia

Alliria’s Tomb – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Down (out)
N0 E2 Spell Point Recharge
N16 E6 Stairs Up
Travel Notes:
N0  E2	The necropolis near Alliria's tomb once must have been a glorious sight, but now the white marble tombs are stained gray. You sense great evil from all directions.
N5 E6 The silver door is tinged with dark tarnish. Vile and obscene things have been scratched into its surface by sharp claws.
N6 E6 Throughout the tomb you see signs of violation. What was once beautiful has been defaced and what was sincere has been mocked.
N6 E7 Foul beasts slink through the shadows and derisive laughter echoes hauntingly through the halls.
To get here, from Lucencia
Enter at N7 E0

Once inside,
Use Magic Triangle at N15 E6
Up to Level 2 at N16 E6

Alliria’s Tomb – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Stairs Down
Travel Notes:
N0  E1	You see no signs of the desecration that took place in the outer chamber. Here the walls glow with intricate memorials lovingly created by the gnomes of Celaria Bree.
N4 E6 Inset into the creamy white walls you see roses of different shades carved from gemstones. They sparkle with a deep light and calm you even here in the heart of danger.
N0 E4 I want the Flower of truth.
N5 E0 I want the Flower of valor.
N8 E6 I want the Flower of kinship.
N0 E10 I want the Flower of Nature
N4 E10 I want the Flower of Alliria.
Use White Rose at N0 E4
Use Blue Rose at N5 E0
Use Red Rose at N8 E6
Use Yellow Rose at N0 E10
Use Rainbow Rose at N4 E10
Collect Crown and Truth from N5 E9
Collect Belt of Alliria from N5 E9

Kinestia (Ferofist)

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues. There is an NPC that you can allow to join but it is not required to solve the game.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Runestones
N0 E11 Passageway to Barracks
N11 E17 Passageway to Private Quarter
N4 E17 Passageway to Private Quarter
N17 E13 Passageway to Workshop
Travel Notes:
N1  E2	Carved from solid rock, the Dwarven castle you find yourself standing in radiates strength and power.  Sadly, however, its wall also bear the scars of war - and many of them are very recent.
N8 E10 Ferofist's Throne Room, stripped of the fine furnishings it once had, seems violated and dead. Broken and long dead combatants fill the room. It is a very grim sight.
N11 E10 Scratched deep into the wall, with coppery shards of metal embedded in the stone, you read: Why must those who rise to rival their creators always be considered damned?
N8 E4 The castle's Grand Reception room looms high over your head, its vaulted ceiling lost in the dim light above you. Strewn throughout you see the torn and shattered bodies of Dwarves and strange machines.
Riddle Info:
Colder than myself, I cover myself with myself, and shrink so I can grow large again.
To get here, start in Wilderness
Go to Kinestia Runestones at N4 E1
Chronomancer casts Apport Kinestia

Once in Kinestia,
Explore Barracks
Right Key
Explore Private Quarters
Obtain Left Key
Explore Workshop
Explore Urmech's Paradise
Explore Viscous Plane
Create a Geomancer
Collect Ferofist's Helm
Collect Hammer of Wrath
Return to the Old Man in Skara Brae


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N14 E11	Exit Passageway
N2 E7 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N13 E11	Despite the smoke choking the passageway, you see, nailed to the walls, battle standards of Dwarven battalions. Many have been torn and defaced, but they still hang in the barracks entrance.
Door to South at N1 E9
Collect the Right Key at N2 E11

Private Quarters

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N3  E0	Exit Passageway
N10 E0 Exit Passageway
N10 E6 Spell Point Recharge
Travel Notes:
N15 E2	A Dwarf handed us a message: Bright hand, true hand, Thine are the months of six summers. Sinister hand, Dark hand, Three plagues upon each finger. In opposition, you ward the lair of my foolish death.
Collect the Left Key at N11 E8


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E6	Exit Passageway
N3 E2 Portal Down
Use both keys at N3 E2
Turn Right Key 18 turns.
Turn Left Key 15 turns.
Use Portal Down

Urmech’s paradise

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N1  E7	Exit Portal
N5 E3 Spell Point Recharge
N3 E7 Portal Down
Door to South at N5 E7
Down to Viscous Plane

Viscous Plane

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues. Gilles Gills

Key Points:
N8  E7	Portal Up
N5 E5 Spell Point Recharge
N0 E0 Portal to Sanctum
Travel Notes:
N4  E7	You feel a slight current moving through the oily fluid. Something swishes through the murky lake and you feel a chainlike body writhe between your legs.
N1 E0 A light from the south cuts through the murk and reveals stone walls worn smooth by the thick liquid flowing through this underground lake.
Up to Sanctum at N0 E0


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Find Urmech.

Key Points:
N3  E12 Portal Down
Travel Notes:
N4  E6  Urmech's private sanctum is a beautiful world of symmetrical metal tubes, jeweled globes and silvery tools. Here you sense great power and feel a facet of magic you have never sensed before.
Do not kill Urmech at N7 E6
Choose to become Geomancer N3 E6
Collect Ferofist's Helm at N3 E7
Collect Hammer of Wrath at N3 E7

Tenebrosia (Nowhere)

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N10 E12 Black Scar
N13 E3 Tar Quarry
N2 E2 Dark Copse
N2 E11 Shadow Canyon
N7 E7 Middle of Nowhere
To get here, start in Wilderness
Go to Tenebrosia Runestones at N12 E31
Chronomancer casts Apport Tenebrosia

Once in Tenebrosia,
Go to Black Scar for new spells
Go to Tar Quarry
Go to Dark Copse
Go to Shadow Canyon
Defeat Sceadu
Collect Helm of Justice
Collect Sceadu's Cloak
Return to the Old Man in Skara Brae

Black Scar

Map it out, explore. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N7  E6	Bard's Hall
N7 E9 Wizard's Guild
N9 E8 Twilight Temple
Go to Bard's Hall
Learn Minstrel Shield for 30,000g
Go to Wizard's Guild
Learn Gotterdammerung for 50,000g

Make sure you have a Canteen/Wineskin
If not, buy one at the Inn

Tar Quarry

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for Molten Tar.

Key Points:
N16 E10 Passage back to Nowhere
Travel Notes:
N16 E10	The god-awful stench of sulphureous tar swirls through this pit like a cyclone. Through the wisps of choking mist you see a small building amid bubbling tar flats.
N11 E0 To the east you see a wide area of oozing tar that produces noxious burst of steam as bubbles burst and flick tar droplets around. To your horror you see things moving in the seething pool
N2 E5 North and south of you the skeletons and gnawed corpses of creatures trapped in the tar serve as grisly evidence of the deceptive dangers of the tar pit.
N11 E6 The roiling slime-pit to the west reeks of putrefaction and decay. You see something move within the tar, but you are wise enough to keep your distance.
N9 E5 In the middle of the little building you see a small fountain jetting viscous black tar.
To get here, from Nowhere
Enter at N13 E3

Once inside, Sorcerer's Sight is your friend here. Magic Chains and HP/SP Drain is a nasty triple combo. There is a spiraling path of safety, find it using Sorcerer's Sight.

Use Canteen at N9 E5
Collect Molten Tar
Done here, back to Nowhere

Dark Copse

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for Shadow Door.

Key Points:
N10 E5  Passage back to Nowhere
To get here, from Nowhere
Enter at N2 E2

Once inside,
Use Molten Tar at N5 E6, facing West
Obtain Shadow Door at N5 E5
Done here, back to Nowhere

Shadow Canyon

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N21 E3 Passage back to Nowhere
Travel Notes:
N15 E2	The walls are rotted around the traps.
N14 E8 The canyon recedes into the land's twilight murk and you feel at the end of the canyon, yet still firmly in the middle of it. This place seems to ignore all logic.
N8 E5 Scrawled in a crude hand on the canyon wall you see the message: A castle is only as weak as its strongest wall.
N5 E4 Gibbering howls echo from black sandstone walls. You cannot tell from whence they originate, but yo udo know no human throat uttered the cries. You shiver involuntarily.
Riddle Info:
To get here, from Nowhere
Enter at N2 E11

Once inside,
Cast WAWA spell at N9 E11 facing East
Collect Shadow Lock from N7 E3
Done here, back to Nowhere

Sceadue’s Demesne – Level 1

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N1  E1	Portal Up (out)
N7 E11 Spell Point Recharge
N6 E9 Portal Down
Travel Notes:
N2  E1  The darkness feels warm and living, yet is not menacing. It conceals things, but the sharply defined shadows also reveal a stability that lets you know this is the heart of Tenebrosia.
N1 E2 Through the murk you see walls defining rooms with an utter absence of anything you would consider reason. You don't feel mortal dread, but a healthy fear of the unknown mixed with fear of surprises.
N5 E10 Scratched on the wall you see: Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean you don't have enemies. You feel unfriendly eyes watching you closely.
N7 E5 Hushed whispers remind you of town gossips, and your ears burn as you are certain you've heard yourself mentioned several times, but you can recall no specific item and remember no definite words.
To get here, from Middle of Nowhere
Use Shadow Door at N7 E7
Use Shadow Lock at N7 E7

Once inside,
Fake Wall to West at N6 E10
Down to Level 2 at N6 E9

Sceadue’s Demesne – Level 2

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N0  E0  Portal Up
Travel Notes:
N5  E7  Carved into the black basalt floor you see the gilded question: "If Nowhere is a circle, then the middle is at the end, isn't it?
N5 E3 A laugh floats hauntingly through the air. "Alas, this is not the end you seek."
N5 E11 You hear laughter echoing in your ears. "Close, but the other end is where your prize lurks.
Walk North through the wall at N10 E7
Defeat Sceadu
- Archers Tune
- Take him at range, no spells
- He has ~2000 HP
Collect Helm of Justice
Collect Sceadu's Cloak


Apport Termitia lands you in Berlin, a sort of test, before you get to Termitia proper. Map out Berlin, Nottingham, Stalingrad, Hiroshima, Troy, Rome, Wasteland, and Ku’n Wang to search each location for the Key Name required to solve the level. Each level has 3 teleporters that will take you to another one of the levels.

There are a myriad of different types of enemies you will face here.. Gotterdammerung spell is quite effective verses them all. Find the Spell Point Recharge on each level and spend a bit of time nuking in some XP.

Key Points:
N0  E0	Runestones
N10 E1 Rip to Rome
N5 E5 Rip to Nottingham
N6 E10 Rip to Wasteland
Travel Notes:
N1  E5	A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as ARES," whispered in your ear.
N7 E3 Men in ragged green uniforms, with red stars on their caps, stalk the streets. Children in black uniforms oppose them and battle fiercely for their city.
N3 E9 Through the smoke you see children in uniforms carrying weapons and scurrying for cover. Men in green, with red stars on their caps, oppose them.
Riddle Info:
N4  E7	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
To get here, start in Wilderness
Go to Tarmitia Runestones at N16 E15
Chronomancer casts Apport Tarmitia

Once in Berlin,
Berlin, Say "Tyr" at N4 E7

Once answered correctly in all 8
Berlin, Say "Werra" at N4 E7
This ports you to Tarmitia proper!


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N1  E2	Rip to Wasteland
N8 E1 Rip to Stalingrad
N1 E10 Rip to Berlin
Travel Notes:
N0  E0	Warriors clad in Lincoln green lead a peasant mob in assaults against Norman knights. The battle appears to be even.
N3 E6 Norman knights, clad in mail armor, battle a rabble of peasants and men in Lincoln green. Though the battle rages around you, no one side is clearly superior.
N9 E9 Ragged bands of Saxon peasants rush through the muddy streets and engage Norman knights wherever they meet. The Saxons appear to be winning their fight.
N8 E9 A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as YEN-LO-WANG", whispered in your ear.
Riddle Info:
N6  E6	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
Answer 'St. George' at N6 E6


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N11 E9	Rip to Nottingham
N6 E3 Rip to Hiroshima`
N2 E11 Rip to K'un Wang
Travel Notes:
N8  E8	Cold winds whip through the desolate streets. Men in black uniforms slink through the streets and battle with weary warriors in ragged green uniforms.
N3 E8 Men in ragged, green uniforms, with red stars on their caps, rage through the streets and assault warriors in black uniforms. Despite the biting cold, the battle is very nasty.
N0 E2 Here, out of the wind, you watch as men frmo opposing armies battle each other with clubes and shovels. All looks weary, but they do not surrender to their fatigue.
N8 E9 A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as SDIABM", whispered in your ear.
Riddle Info:
N0  E9	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
Answer 'Svarazic' at N0 E9


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N10 E5	Rip to Stalingrad
N3 E10 Rip to Rome
N8 E7 Rip to Troy
Travel Notes:
N2  E9	Warriors in tan fatigues contrast wildly with the subtle beauty of the wooden and paper buildings in the city. Everyone stares at you because you are obviously foreigners.
N7 E6 Fierce warriors in tan fatigues patrol the streets. A rising sun flag flutters atop a nearby building, and your odd garb makes you an immediate object of everyone's attention.
N3 E5 Buildings of wood and paper look out of place compared to the machined weapons the warriors carry through the streets. You are marked immediately as strangers and warriors move to engage you.
N8 E6 A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as TYR", whispered in your ear.
Riddle Info:
N1  E10	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
Answer 'Susa-no-o' at N1 E10


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N2  E4	Rip to Hiroshima
N5 E7 Rip to Rome
N9 E4 Rip to K'un Wang
Travel Notes:
N3  E7	Struggling warriors fight through the streets and attack anyone or anything belligerent within sight. You see bodies and blood everywhere, and you know this city is already lost.
N6 E6 The Trojan palace is a gorgeous building filled with massive marble statues and gilded furnishings. Here warriors oppose your passage, but more, you sense, to stop your stealing their loot then out of loyalty.
N10 E5 Greek warriors in ornate breastplates battle with bold Trojan warriors in the city streets. In the chaos you are able to pass through the area without organized opposition.
N11 E5 A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as SVARAZIC", whispered in your ear.
Riddle Info:
N4  E2	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
Answer 'Ares' at N4 E2


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N6  E2	Rip to Hiroshima
N8 E9 Rip to Berlin
N0 E3 Rip to Troy
Travel Notes:
N1  E1	Huns roam this city of marble and brick, killing citizens and battling soldiers. Despite your strange garb, you are ignored by many of those fighting around you.
N9 E5 Huns stalk the city streets looking for anyone to kill and anything to steal. Their cruel expressions send a chill up your spine. This city is doomed.
N5 E8 Roman legionnaires wander the streets in small squads, rooting out Huns and other looters, then killing them on the spot. Citizens flee lest they fall prey to these angry soldiers.
N1 E3 A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as SUSA=NO-O," whispered in your ear.
Riddle Info:
N6  E6	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
Answer 'Mars' at N6 E6


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N13 E4	Rip to Berlin
N8 E8 Rip to Nottingham
N4 E1 Rip to K'un Wang
Travel Notes:
N0  E1	A dry wind drives dust over you that rattles off armor. The blood-red sky forms a bowl over a broken, glowing landscape that something hideous and powerful has smashed utterly.
N5 E7 Shattered buildings surround you. Misshapen and misbegotten creatures lurk in the ruins. Whatever destroyed this place warped and destroyed these things as well.
N1 E1 A cruel, hard wind sweeps over you as you hear, "I am known as MARS," whispered in your ear.
Riddle Info:
N1  E10	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
Answer 'Sdiabm' at N1 E10

K’un Wang

Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for clues.

Key Points:
N6  E10	Rip to Wasteland
N8 E1 Rip to Stalingrad
N11 E4 Rip to Troy
Travel Notes:
N1  E2	The acrid scent of burning wood floats on the air. Mongol warriors and Imperial soldiers fight in the streets around you while Chinese peasants flee for their lives.
N6 E5 Mongol invaders and Chinese warriors batle openly in the streets around you. In the confusion you pass almost unnoticed despite your odd garb and looks.
N0 E4 A cruel, hard wind sweeps over you as you hear, "I am known as SUSA-NO-O," whispered in your ear.
Riddle Info:
N3  E4	You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
Answer 'YEN-LO-WANG' at N3 E4


Map it out, explore, and get some experience. Look for Werra’s Shield.

Key Points:
N11 E11	Portal to Skara Brae
Travel Notes:
N11 E1	Through the smoke you see only shadows and swirls of light. Things gibber and cavort just out of sight, and the wind sounds like the groans of dying warriors.
N3 E9 Here is the strongest feeling of power you have had in this strange warland. Through the door to the south, fate awaits you.
Defeat Werra at N2 E9
You can Run from the Black Slayers
Collect Werra's Shield at N0 E10

Prepare for Malefia!

The final showdown has a sequence of battles so plan for heavy combat and for spell point endurance. You will also need to explore Malefia and interact with 6 statues on the way to the final showdown. “On the way” is a wild misnomer as Malefia is an expansive 4-level dungeon with a multitude of Stairs and Portals to confuse your journey.

Before you go..

  • Stop by the Storehouse and BRING ALL 6 special items you have found
    Valarian Bow, Sceadu’s Cloak, Werra’s Shield, Belt of Alliria, Ferofist’s Helm, Sphere of Lanatir
  • You need an appropriate Class character to invoke each item.. the most restrictive item is Sceadu’s Cloak so if you are playing without a Rogue you will need to swap in a Level 1 rogue just to invoke the Cape.. then make a trip back to swap them out.
  • Stock up on Crystal and Harmonic gems for Spell Point recovery
  • If you need Advancement, check a Wizard’s Guild such as in Dark Scar

When you are ready..
Head to Sulphur Springs in Wilderness at N0 E31
Apport to Malefia


You can spend some time and Map out the levels and you will find all the statues and the doorway. Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 intertwine to be one large 3 dimensional level. You should have no problem running from every encounter if you have Speedboots so up until the final Doorway, the only risk is getting lost or frustrated. After the doorway the risk swings to the combat encounters.

Runestones -TO- Scadeau Statue:
Teleporter at L1:N0 E21
Portal UP at L3:N3 E5
Portal DOWN at L2:N2 E12
Use Cloak of Scadeau at L3:N20 E15
You hear a voice say "He cannot be defeated by what he can see."

Scadeau Statue -TO- Valarian Statue:
Portal UP at L3:N19 E18
Portal UP at L2:N21 E12
Portal DOWN at L1:N12 E21
Use Valarian Bow at L2:N16 E18
You hear a voice say "He cannot be defeated by what he can see."

Valarian Statue -TO- Lanatir Statue:
Portal UP at L2:N12 E21
Portal DOWN at L1:N21 E12
Portal UP at L2:N21 E10
Portal DOWN at L1:N14 E8
Use Sphere of Lanatir at L2:N12 E9
You hear a voice say "To oppose the Usurper's usurpers."

Lanatir Statue -TO- Alliria Statue:
Portal UP at L2:N14 E8
Portal DOWN at L1:N21 E10
Portal UP at L2:N21 E9
Use Belt of Alliria at L1:N16 E3
You hear a voice say "Legions hoirrid and vast."

Runestones -TO- Ferofist Statue:
Teleporter at L1:N0 E0
Portal DOWN at L2:N4 E21
Use Ferofist's Helm at L3:N2 E21
You hear a voice say, "He opens the Gates of Hell."

Runestones -TO- Werra Statue:
Teleporter at L1:N0 E21
Portal UP at L3:N3 E5
Portal DOWN at L2:N5 E11
Use Werra's Shield at N5 E12
You hear a voice say "It can be stolen from the jaws of defeat. The way is open for the new generation."
Door appears to North at N7 E11

Final map named "Tarjan" is a spiral: Proceed through 2 preparatory combats and finally a confrontation with Tarjan!



How to obtain a copy of this game

GOG link – Digital PC Bundle (Remastered Trilogy) (includes games 1-3)
GOG link – Digital PC Bundle (Action RPG Version 2004) (includes Original Trilogy 1-3)