The Might and Magic Series

Might and Magic I - Secret of the Inner Sanctum thumbnail
Might and Magic II - Gates to Another World thumbnail
Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra thumbnail
Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen thumbnail
Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen thumbnail
Might and Magic VI - The Mandate of Heaven thumbnail
Might and Magic VII - For Blood and Honor thumbnail
Might and Magic VIII - Day of the Destroyer thumbnail
Might and Magic IX - Writ of Fate thumbnail
Might and Magic X - Legacy thumbnail

The Might and Magic series is a cornerstone of the role-playing game (RPG) genre. It stands as a monumental saga across the gaming landscape. With its inception in the late 1980s, this series pioneered many elements that became staples in RPGs. What sets the Might and Magic (MM) series apart from its contemporaries is its seamless blend of fantasy and science fiction, and its expansive worlds filled with rich lore. A consistent evolution that respects its roots while embracing innovation. Unlike Wizardry, which maintained a hardcore dungeon crawler approach, or Ultima, which focused more on morality, MM offered a balance. Might and Magic has deep lore, vast open worlds, and a mix of narrative-driven and exploration-based gameplay with vibrant landscapes. In addition, this unique combination ensured that it not only captivated gamers of its time but also left a lasting legacy in the RPG genre.

Significantly, the first 9 games in the series were developed by New World Computing, which became a subsidiary of the 3D0 Company in 1996, when 3D0 closed its doors the series ended. The rights to the Might and Magic name were purchased by Ubisoft, which rebooted the franchise with no apparent connection to the previous lore or characters. Might and Magic X stands alone in lore meanwhile returns to the roots with turn-based combat and tile-based movement. Might and Magic VII, VIII, IX stand apart from the rest, markedly, with fluid movement in a 3d game world. Experience what Might and Magic has to offer by starting from the beginning.