MM1 Building Strength

MM1 Building Strength

MM1 Building Strength is provided to help you find the best grind spots and the best gear for your heroes. This is how you get started. Need help building your party? Check Party Development page here.

“The greatest adventures are born from the pages of the learned.”

Merchant of ancient tomes

Quest or Grind

There are a plethora of side-quests that are repeatable and following these will send you all around VARN. You can only have 1 active quest at a time so it can feel a little tedious at first. Later in the game once you acquire spells like Town Portal, Fly, and Teleport, repeating quests becomes a quick way to earn XP and Gold. You will need to start out grinding in Sorpigal to get at first.

Conversely, you can completely skip all the side-quests and instead grid out your experience by exploring and mapping all the locations of VARN. To reset the encounters on a map simply exit and re-enter the map. This is a matter of preference and of course you will likely do a little of both.

List of Side-Quests
PriorityQuestDescriptionQuest RewardsClueSpoiler
YesSide QuestLord Hacker 1Lord HackerB-1, Castle Blackridge South (11,7)Bring me garlic.1000 XP and Get his next questThe Garlic must be in the first character's backpack. in C-2
10,10 Enter Sorpigal
 in Sorpigal
6,5   Buy Garlic in Store
YesSide QuestLord Hacker 2Lord HackerB-1, Castle Blackridge South (11,7)Bring me wolfsbane.2000 XP and Get his next questThe Wolfsbane must be in the first character's backpack. in D-4
7,7   Enter Algary
 in Algary
12,12 Buy Wolfsbane in Algary Store
YesSide QuestLord Hacker 3Lord HackerB-1, Castle Blackridge South (11,7)Bring me belladonna3000 XP and Get his next questThe Belladonna must be in the first character's backpack. in B-1
13,1  Enter Erliquin
 in Erliquin
3,9   Buy Belladonna in Erliquin Store
YesSide QuestLord Hacker 4Lord HackerB-1, Castle Blackridge South (11,7)Bring me the head of a medusa.4000 XP and Get his next questMedusa's Lair is in B-2 in B-2
8,4   Enter Medusa's Lair
 in Medusa's Lair
 Cast Levitate
12,10 Door to E
16,7  Door to W
13,6  Hidden Door to S
15,5  Door to S
15,4  Defeat Medusa
She is resistant to Hold/Paralyze but only has max 40 HP. She may grant STONED.
YesSide QuestLord Hacker 5Lord HackerB-1, Castle Blackridge South (11,7)Bring me the eye of a wyvern.6000 XP and Get his next questMany wyverns in C-2  in C-2
5,1   Passage to N
7,7   Defeat 8 Headed Hydra,
YesSide QuestLord Hacker 6Lord HackerB-1, Castle Blackridge South (11,7)Bring me a dragon's tooth.8000 XP and Get his next questA Red Dragon lives near the Valley of Fire in A-2
11,3  Defeat Red Dragon,
             Minor Devil
YesSide QuestLord Hacker 7Lord HackerB-1, Castle Blackridge South (11,7)Bring me the Ring of Okrim."Admittance" to Castle Dragadune - Level 4 (7,4)Pit of Peril is no pleasure cruise in B-1
13,5  Ancient Wizard Lair
 in Ancient Wizard Lair
9,1   Door to S
0,6   Stairs Down to Level 2
5,7   Door to N
15,14 Stairs Up to Level 1
1,10  Door to E
11,12 Door to E
12,12 Defeat Okrim,
You can avoid turning in this last part unless you want a free teleport to Level 4 of Castle Dragadune. If you want to repeat castle quests, go for Inspectron or Ironfist quests.
YesSide QuestLord Inspectron 1Lord InspectronB-1, Castle Blackridge North (7,4)Find the ancient ruins in the Quivering Forest.1000 XP and Get his next questAncient Wizard Lair is south of the castle in B-1
13,1  Teleport 4 N

Longer route without Teleport:
 in Erliquin
15,7  Enter Erliquin Dungeon
4,9   Use "YICU2ME3"
11,9  Use "YICU2ME3"
15,7  Exit dungeon
14,3  Hidden Passage W
13,4  Hidden Passage E
12,4  Hidden Passage N
2,2   Enter Ancient Wizard Lair
Expore, or just exit
YesSide QuestLord Inspectron 2Lord InspectronB-1, Castle Blackridge North (7,4)Visit Blithes Peak, and report.2000 XP and Get his next questHighest peak overlooking Portsmith in B-2
  Cast Water Walk
10,7  Passage to W
9,6   Reach the Peak
YesSide QuestLord Inspectron 3Lord InspectronB-1, Castle Blackridge North (7,4)The people of the desert have much to trade, bring me a sample of their goods.3000 XP and Get his next questCareful, you will trade the first unequipped item in D-1
4,9   Teleport 5E
9,9   Teleport 4N
Prepare backpack, first item traded
10,13 Answer "Y"
If you are going to walk through the desert, you should do Ironfist Quest 2 first as you will obtain the Map of Desert which makes desert travel less dangerous. If you have Teleport via spell or item you can skip that.
YesSide QuestLord Inspectron 4Lord InspectronB-1, Castle Blackridge North (7,4)Find the shrine of Okzar in the caves below Dusk.4000 XP and Get his next questTeleport. in Dusk
14,0  Enter Dusk Dungeon
 in Dusk Dungeon
0,0   Teleport 2E
0,15  Teleport 1S
Spin to trigger square
If your first character has current alignment that matches starting alignment you will get some extra rewards.
YesSide QuestLord Inspectron 5Lord InspectronB-1, Castle Blackridge North (7,4)Find the fabled fountain of Dragadune.6000 XP and Get his next questCastle Dragadune is near DuskFly to E-1
Etherealize N from (12,11)
Turn around to Enter Castle Dragadune
Teleport 6E
Spin to trigger square
YesSide QuestLord Inspectron 6Lord InspectronB-1, Castle Blackridge North (7,4)Solve the riddle of the ruby.8000 XP and Get his next questThe courier quest solves the riddle in B-2
6,9   Teleport 3E
9,9   Enter Warrior's Stronghold
 in Warrior Stronghold
7,4   Teleport 7N
6,11  Answer "Crystal"
Obtain Crystal Key
YesSide QuestLord Inspectron 7Lord InspectronB-1, Castle Blackridge North (7,4)Defeat the stronghold in the enchanted forest10,000 XPAll 4 lead to (7,5) in B-3
3,2   Teleport 5E
14,2  Blow Ruby Whistle 2 times
14,2  Enter Stronghold/Enchanted Forest
7,8   Door to W
4,12  Defeat the Strangling Vine
1,12  Down Stairs to Level 2
0,14  Teleport E8
8,14  Defeat Gray Minotaur,
Long way without Teleport:
 on Level 2
0,7   Door to S
0,6   Defeat the Deadly Spores
1,6   Door to E
6,3   Observe "maze" sign
6.3   Door to N after reading below

 You will enter onto a conveyer
 spam N until you make it off to 7,5

 Maze steps from 7,5:
NNEN NWNW NNEN E and N for Encounter
For Inspectron's quest, you can defeat or run from Gray Minotaur
YesSide QuestLord Ironfist 1Lord IronfistB-3, Castle White Wolf (1,8)Find the stronghold in Ravens Wood1000 XP and Get his next questEnter from S, not E in B-2
10,5  Hidden Passage N
12,6  Hidden Passage N
11,7  Hidden Passage N
10,8  Hidden Passage N
9,9    Enter Warrior's Stronghold
You found it, you can leave and turn in quest. A later quest will bring you back here.
YesSide QuestLord Ironfist 2Lord IronfistB-3, Castle White Wolf (1,8)Find Lord Kilburn2000 XP and Get his next questMountains S of Sporpigal in C-3
8,12  Passage N
4,14  Hidden Passage S
5,13  Hidden Passage S
5,12  Hidden Passage S
5,11  Hidden Passage E
6,14  Answer "Y"
Obtain Map of Desert
YesSide QuestLord Ironfist 3Lord IronfistB-3, Castle White Wolf (1,8)Discover the secret of Portsmith3000 XP and Get his next questEvil lurks just 5 from the temple in B-3
3,3   Enter Portsmith
 in Portsmith
10,4  Hidden Passage E
11,7  Door to N
11,8  Defeat Succubus Queen,
             Greater Devil
You can run or fight to satisfy quest
YesSide QuestLord Ironfist 4Lord IronfistB-3, Castle White Wolf (1,8)Find the pirates secret cove4000 XP and Get his next questFoil the hermit with empty packsThe hermit selling the Priate Map items is in C-3 at 2,10 but he is a trickster. You will lose all your unequipped items and he will fill up your backpacks with junk along with the 2 Pirate Map items. This is a real pain because you lose your Passes and Keys. You don't actually need the maps to complete the quest, but you will miss out on some treasure (300 Gems and 4000 Gold) if you don't have the maps. You can offload your items on a mule character is you like.
Assuming you are skipping the maps:
 in A-2
 Cast Water Walk
 Traverse the water
1,4   Hidden Passage E
2,4   Search!
 Traverse the water
0,4   Hidden Passage N
0,5   Hidden Passage E
2,5   Search!
YesSide QuestLord Ironfist 5Lord IronfistB-3, Castle White Wolf (1,8)Find the shipwreck of the Jolly Raven6000 XP and Get his next questBest to heal before stepping twice on a volcano in C-4
7,13  Teleport 1E
8,13  Answer "Y" to Search!

Dangerous route without Teleport:
 Cast Water Walk
8,12  Passage N
8,13  Answer "Y" to Search!
Note that 8,12 is a volcano and has a percent chance to erupt when you step on it.
YesSide QuestLord Ironfist 6Lord IronfistB-3, Castle White Wolf (1,8)Defeat the pirate ghost ship Anarchist8000 XP and Get his next questAnarchist intercepts those looking for trivia island in B-4
 Cast Water Walk
8,7   Defeat Pirate Captain,
YesSide QuestLord Ironfist 7Lord IronfistB-3, Castle White Wolf (1,8)Defeat the stronghold in Ravens Wood10,000 XPYou must jump and push in B-2
9,9   Enter Warrior's Stronghold
7,4   Door to N
7,5   Hidden Passage E
8,5   Door to S
8,1   Down Stairs to Level 2
9,1   Door to N
10,3  Etherialize N
13,4  Jump E
15,4  Answer "Y" to Push Button
14,2  Door to S
14,1  Defeat Lord Archer,
             Master Archer
If you decide to "Submit" you will lose all your gold
YesMain QuestCourier Service 1An Elderly ManHiddenAgree to become a courierVellum ScrollFind the elderly man below where you start in Sorpigal
14,0  Enter Sporpigal Dungeon
 in Sorpigal Dungeon
13,0  Door to E
2,2   Door to E
1,2   Answer "Y"
Obtain Vellum Scroll
YesMain QuestCourier Service 2AgarHiddenTake this scroll to the wizard Agar in Erliquin1000 XP; next quest.Agar is behind the edlerly gnome in spectacles in C-2
11,15 Hidden Passage N
 in C-1
Follow Path N then W to B-1
 in B-1
8,10  Passage to S
7,3   Passage to E
13,1  Enter Erliquin
 in Erliquin
4,3   Agar is behind the Innkeeper
YesMain QuestCourier Service 3TelgoranHiddenNow take it to Telgoran in Dusk1500 gold; 2500 XP; next questTelgoran hides in the darkness in C-1
15,9  Passage E to D-1
 in D-1
4,9   Straight E to 11,9
15,8  Passage E to E-1
 in E-1
5,8   Hidden Passage E
9,11  Enter Dusk
 in Dusk
8,0   Talk to Telgoran
YesMain QuestCourier Service 4ZamHiddenThe brothers you must find... Portsmith and Algary are combinedClue: My clue is C-15; next quest"combined" refers to the borthers' cluesBacktrack to B-1 (9,0)
Passage S to B-2
Follow passage S all the way to B-3
Continue S to the Sign
Entrance to Portsmith is at (3,3)
Hidden Passage E at (11,0), then NN
Zam is at (12,2)
YesMain QuestCourier Service 5ZomHiddenThe brothers you must find... Portsmith and Algary are combinedClue: My clue is 1-15; next quest"combined" refers to the borthers' clues in B-1
9,0   Passage S to B-2
 in B-2
Follow passage S all the way to B-3
 in B-3
3,12   Continue S
3,3   Enter Portsmith
 in Portsmith
11,0  Hidden Passage E
12,0  Hidden Passage N
12,1  Hidden Passage N
12,2  Talk to Zam
YesMain QuestCourier Service 6N/AN/ACombine and follow the clues2000 gold; Ruby WhistleCombine the clues "C-15" and "1-15" to something helpfulProper combination is C-1 15,15
Go there to obtain the Ruby Whistle
YesMain QuestCourier Service 7N/AN/AActivate the statue10,000 XP, Gold Key, and a Clue "Remember B.J."The sabe and white dog are on Level 2 in B-3
10,1  Hidden Passage E
11,1  Hidden Passage N
11,2  Hidden Passage E
12,2  HiddenPassage E
13,2  Hidden Passage E
14,2  Answer "2" and then "Y"
14,2  Enter Stronghold/Enchanted Forest
 in Stronghold/Enchanted Forest
7,8   Door to W
1,12  Down Stairs to Level 2
0,7   Door to S
1,5   Door to E
3,4   Search the Statue
If you desecrate this statue, you will spawn a Gold Dragon. You can do this multiple times.
YesSide QuestRestore Og's Sight 1OgHiddenFind the Black Queen IdolBlack Queen Idol (BQI)BQI is in Ancient Wizard Lair in B-1
13,5  Enter Ancient Wizard Lair
9,1   Door to S
0,6   Stairs Down to Level 2
5,7   Door to N
W then N then all the way E
15,14 Stairs Up to Level 1
1,10  Door to E
11,12 Door to E
12,12 Defeat Okrim,
Answer question:
  "Yes" will grant 1x ERADICATED
   also allow Search for Ring of Okrim
  "No" will avoid ERADICATED
   but miss the Ring of Okrim

Either way, proceed to Black Queen Idol
12,10 Hidden Door S
0,15  Search at for the BQI
YesSide QuestRestore Og's Sight 2OgHiddenFind the White Queen IdolWhite Queen Idol (WQI)WQI is in Fabled Building of GoldShort route requires the Crystal Key
 in C-4
13,13 Use the Portal of Power
 in Fabled Building of Gold - Level 4
13,5  Door to N
Go All the way W
0,15  Search!
Obtain White Queen Idol

The long route is to go get the Crystal Key first on Level 1 of the Warrior Stronghold in B-2
YesSide QuestRestore Og's Sight 3OgHiddenDeliver both idols25,000 XP, and a Clue "important prisoner in Mt Doom"Og is in D-4 in D-4
7,7   Teleport 6S
7,1   Answer "Queen to Kings Level 1"
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsClerics of the SouthE-1, Castle Dragadune - Level 4 (12,0)Become worthyBecome worthyFind Clerics of the in E-1
12,12 Enter Castle Dragadune
 in Castle Dragadune
7,15  Hidden Passage W
0,8   Hidden Passage N
4,10  Stairs Down to Level 2
0,9   Hidden Passage S
6,4   Door to S
6,2   Door to S
E all the way, N then W
7,15  Stairs Down to Level 3
W all the way, S, E, N, W
8,15  Stairs Down to Level 4
7,12  Door Number 2 to S
12,0  Talk to Clerics of the South
Use Etherialize to reach each Gong
Hear all 3 tones, return to Clerics
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsN/AE-2, (3,13)Quest for IntelligenceAdd +4 INT IF Current less than 26 and you are worthyOnly works if INT is less than 26 in E-2
3,11  Investigate the Crash Site
Answer "Friendly" for a Clue
3,13  Interact with Alien Device
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsN/AQuest for MightAdd +4 MGT if you are worthyMax 255, you have to reset the dungeon in Portsmith 0,15  Enter Portsmith Dungeon
 in Portsmith Dungeon
0,5   Teleport N7 0,12  Spin to interact with Glowing Pool
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsN/AQuest for PersonalityAdd +4 PER IF Current less than 26 and you are worthyOnly works if PER is less than 26 in D-2
10,12 Interact with the Pool
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsN/AQuest for EnduranceAdd +4 END IF Current less than 26 and you are worthyOnly works if END is less than 26 in A-1
12,1  Interact wtih the Pool
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsN/AQuest for SpeedAdd +4 SPD if you are worthyMax 255, you have to reset the dungeon in Dusk
14,0  Enter Dusk Dungeon
 in Dusk Dungeon
12,7  Door to S
12,6  Hidden Passage to S
14,5  Interact with Flame of Agility
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsN/AQuest for AccuracyAdd +4 ACY if you are worthyMax 255, you have to reset the dungeon in Dusk
14,0  Enter Dusk Dungeon
 in Dusk Dungeon
 Cast Levitate
15,15 Interact with Prism of Precision
YesSide QuestBoost your StatisticsN/AQuest for LuckAdd +4 LUC if you are worthyMax 255, you have to reset the dungeon in E-1
12,12 Enter Castle Dragadune
 in Castle Dragadune
2,7   Hidden Door to S
4,0   Door to W
1,1   Interact with the Green Clover
YesSide QuestClimb 19 trees in D-3Arenko GuireD-3, (0,2)Climb each tree without leaving D-33000 gold OR 200 Gems OR mid-game itemReward is not worthyClimb 19 trees wihtout leaving the D-3
is no small feat, each tree interaction
has a random chance for encounter
and what is listed below:
 1. Uneventful climb
 2. -100% SP
 3. Fall, -75% HP
 4. Food +5
 5. RND Character DISEASED
 6. Teleport to RND square
 7, RND Character POISONED
 8. Curse
 9. -75% HP

Trees are at (6,15)
YesSide QuestEncounter the 13Crazed WizardC-2, Crazed Wizard Cave (1,15)Trigger each encounter without leaving Crazed Wizard Cave12,000 gold; Bronze KeyCrazed Wizard Cave is in C-2 in C-2
15,11 Enter the Crazed Wizard Cave
0,12  Encounter
10,11 Encounter
7,10  Encounter
6,9   Encounter
4,8   Encounter
6,7   Encounter
10,6  Encounter
9,5   Encounter
15,4  Encounter
14,3  Encounter
3,2   Encounter
11,1  Encounter
14,0  Encounter
1,15  Encounter
1,15  Talk to the Crazed Wizard
YesSide QuestLand that time forgotN/AE-1, (3,3)Quest for YouthReduce Age 20 years, minimum 18Behind the Alien Crash Site in E-2
0,15  Passage to N
0,3   Etherialize E
3,3   Turn the Hourglass
YesSide QuestSolve Cave of Square MagicN/ASolve the Square Magic puzzle20 Gems; 2000 XP, +2 INT if <252n(n2+1)​ in D-3
7,13  Enter Cave of Square Magic
 in Cave of Square Magic
Set 9 dials correctly, listed here
from West to East, North to South

2,14  =16 [already set]
6,14  =3
10,14 =2
14,14 =13 [already set]
2,10  =5
6,10  =10 [already set]
10,10 =11 [already set]
14,10 =8
2,6   =9
6,6   =6
10,6  =7
14,6  =12 [already set]
2,2   =4
6,2   =15 [already set]
10,2  =14 [already set]
14,2  =1
0,15  Pull the Platinum Lever
YesSide QuestSteal Erliqun's TreasureN/ASteal treasureEach Treasure: 600 gold; 10 GemsGuards are deaf but they will see guilt on your face in Erliquin
Teleport/Etherialize as needed
YesSide QuestJudge the PrisonersWizard RanalouB-3, Cave at the Korin Bluffs (5,15)Judge prisoners according to character aligment and earn Judgement PointsJP = 0 (no reward)
JP = 1 (4096 XP)
JP = 2 (8192 XP)
JP = 3 (12,288 XP)
JP = 4 (16,384 XP; RND Stat +3 [IF<26])
JP = 5 (20,480 XP; RND Stat +3 [IF<26])
JP = 6 (24,576 XP; RND Stat +3 [IF<26])
Use the Teleporters in Korin Bluffs to get right to the Floor with the prisonersCaves of Korin Bluffs has a teleporter to each Castle and to each Town for convience. I think it would be great if this wizard was named Lloyd.. but no such luck.
 in B-3
0,7   Enter Caves at the Korin Bluffs
 in Caves at Korin Bluffs
 Cast Levitate
6,15  Door to W
5,15  Talk to Ranalou

0,13  Teleport to Castle Doom
3,15  Door to W
1,14  Judge the prisoner
   Set Free +JP for Good
   Torment +JP for Evil
   Do nothing +JP for Neutral
 Surface and Fly back to B-3
1,13  Teleport to Castle Dragadun
11,0  Door to E
14,1  Judge the prisoner
   Set Free +JP for Good
   Torment +JP for Evil
   Do nothing +JP for Neutral
 Surface and Fly back to B-3
2,13  Teleport to Castle Alamar
0,3   Door to E
2,2   Judge the prisoner
   Set Free +JP for Good
   Torment +JP for Evil
   Do nothing +JP for Neutral
 Surface and Fly back to B-3
3,13  Teleport to Castle Blackridge South
12,1  Door to N
13,2  Judge the prisoner
   Set Free +JP for Evil
   Torment +JP for Good
   Do nothing +JP for Neutral
 Surface and Fly back to B-3
4,13  Teleport to Castle Blackridge North
13,1  Door to N
12,1  Judge the prisoner
   Set Free +JP for Evil
   Torment +JP for Good
   Do nothing +JP for Neutral
 Surface and Fly back to B-3
5,13  Teleport to Castle White Wolf
8,8   Door to S
12,4  Judge the prisoner
   Set Free +JP for Evil
   Torment +JP for Good
   Do nothing +JP for Neutral
 Surface and Fly to E-1
6,13  Hidden Passage E
9,13  Interact with the Scale of Judgement
YesSide QuestBeast WheelN/ASpin to win, better reward chance if you defeat the beasts firstReward is RND
Bad Spin: Loser! no reward
Level 1 Reward: 4000 XP, 1000g, 30G
Level 2 Reward: 8000 XP, 2000g, 60G
Level 3 Reward: 16,000 XP, 4000g, 120G
Level 4 Reward: 32,000 XP, 8000g, 240G
The beasts can be foun in A-1, D-1, A-3, and D-4 in A-1
5,2   Defeat Dark Rider,
 in D-1
10,5  Defeat Giant Scorpian,
 in D-4
9,9   Defeat Winged Beast,              Celestial Stag  in A-3
7,9   Defeat Great Sea Beast,
3,6   Spin the Wheel
YesSide QuestTrivia IslandN/AAnswer the questions for Gems50 Gems per right answertrees play for free in B-4
8,2   Pay the entrance fee, 500g
15,15 Branch to play for free
8,1   Answer "Lord Ironfist"
8,0   Answer "Current Trends"
9,0   Answer "I Be Me"
7,0   Answer "Og"
6,0   Answer "Lara"
YesMain QuestEye of GorosN/AObtain the Eye of GorosEye of GorosYou heard about someone being held captive in Castle DoomThere are a few ways to into Castle Doom
 in A-1
7,15  Front Door
7,15  Back Door, if visit 15,7 first
0,13  Korin Bluffs Cave Teleporter
7,7   Door to N, use Golden Key
7,8   Speak wth King Alamar
Backdoor is direct to King but the other routes work if you Ethererialize S from 7,12
YesMain QuestKings PassPercella the DruidA-2, (0,15)Obtain the Kings PassKings PassPercella the Druid is Good in A-1
0,15  Answer "Yes"
YesMain QuestExpose Imposter"King Alamar"E-3, Castle Alamar (12,7)Confront "King Alamar"Imprisonment in Soul MazeDaily passwords reset daily. in E-3
9,2   Speak to Heratio Harper and write down the daily password

12,6  Answer
14,7  Enter Castle Alamar
2,7   Door to E req: Merchant Pass
8,7   Door to E req: Kings Pass
12,7  "King Alamar" req:Eye Of Goros
You will be teleported into Soul Maze, which is a necessary penalty.
YesMain QuestEscape Soul MazeA Strange BeingSoul Maze (6,0)Find a way to leave the mazeExit the Maze to the safety of SorpigalMapping in the keyMap the Dungeon to see the clue in the wall configuration
6,0   Answer "SHELTEM"
YesMain QuestLearn your SignToothless GypsyC-2, (9,11)Learn your sign, it's importantLearn your signLearn your sign, it's importantThe signs are:
 Red    - Thorac
 Blue   - Ogram
 Green  - Bagar
 Yellow   Limra
 Purple - Sagran
 Orange - Oolak
 Black  - Dresidion
 White  - Dilithium
YesMain QuestCross the BridgeHooden FigureA-4, (4,6)To cross the bridge each character must report a colorCrystal KeyTalk to the Toothless Gypsy first in A-4
4,6   The Hooded Figure
Answer correctly for each character
4,2   Collect the Crystal Key
YesMain QuestSpeak with Volcano GodVolcano GodC-4, Volcano ()Obtain the Key Card from the Volcano GodKey CardAnswer correctly to avoid combat in C-4
7,2   Enter the Volcano req: Coral Key
5,0   Kiss a virgin for a clue you know
7,3   Door to W, Set Dial to "B"
7,3   Door to E, Set Dial to "J"
7,8   Step on
7,11  Speak wtih Volcano God
 Answer "Challege" for Encounter
7,11  Defeat Volcano God,
             Volcano Beast
 Answer "Riddle", then "Gala"
Obtain the Key Card
YesMain QuestEnter the Inner SanctumN/AThis is the final sequenceReveal the secrects of the Inner SanctumThere is a spell called Astral SpellCast Astral Spell with a L11 Sorcerer From the Entrance each time...

Astral Projector 1:
ESEE Door to N

Astral Projector 2:

Astral Projector 3:

Astral Projector 4:

Astral Projector 5:
NNWS WN and Door to N

Inner Sanctum:
WWWW WSSS WNWS and Door to S
(req: Key Card and 5 projectors set)

6,7   Save VARN
List of Grind spots
Early Game:
Sorpigal is the place to grind for the first few levels and then progress to Sorpigal Dungeon. Each town and town dungeon is a good place to grind due to proximity to the Inn save and healing. Dusk is the toughest. You can also explore the areas surroundings the towns and find the saftest surface path between the towns.

Mid Game:
Once you are ready for Wyverns, the best mid-game grind spot is Wyvern Peeks in E-3.

Late Game:
Once you are ready for Dragons, the best late-game grind spot is around the Dragon Council in E-4. There are many dragons here as well as a few fights with Lich, Vampire and Mummy.


In the early game a lot of your money will go toward Food and Training but you should pick up a Ranged weapon for the Robber and Archer. This will help with early combat when no character can afford to do nothing.

Check out the Gear database here.


There are two schools of spell casting, Sorcerer and Cleric. Sorcerer spells are cast by Sorcerers and Archers and especially focus on damage and some utility. Cleric spells are cast by Clerics and Paladins and equally focus on healing and protection.

Check out the Spells database here.


How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC and C64 versions (1986)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)