MM1 Spells Database

MM1 Spells Database

MM1 Spells Database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Find out what level you will finally get Fly or Power Cure. Discover how to Cure various Conditions.

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MM1 Spells

With 94 unique spells split between Cleric and Sorcerer classes, your journey in mastering the arcane starts now. Spell Points are the fuel for your spells, while you start off with just a few, you’ll earn more as you gain experience. Be mindful, though—higher-level spells aren’t just more potent; they also demand magical Gems. Check out the Foe Database linked above, to learn which enemies have Gems in their treasure.

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Sorcerer Spell List
NumberNameSP CostTimingTargetLearnedDescriptionDetails
1-1Awaken1CombatPartySorcerer 1; Archer 7Remove asleep conditionAwakens all sleeping members of the party, instantaneously cancelling the sleep condition.Cure
1-2Detect Magic1Non-CombatCasterSorcerer 1; Archer 7Identify magic items and number of chargesReveals any magical items in caster's back pack, and notes the number of magical charges remaining in any item which must be charged for use. Also detects any magic surrounding or inside containers.
1-3Energy Blast1*Lv +1GCombatFoeSorcerer 1; Archer 7Deal (1-4)*Level Energy damageZaps the monster with a blast of pure energy, inflicting 1-4 damage points per Level.Damage
1-4Flame Arrow1CombatFoeSorcerer 1; Archer 7Deal (1-6)*Level Fire damageSends a burning shaft into the monster, inflicting 1-6 points of fire damage, unless monster is immune to fire.Damage
1-5Leather Skin1AnytimePartySorcerer 1; Archer 7Resist damageToughens all characters' skin, so that attacks from monsters bounce off rather than hitting.Buff
1-6Light1Non-CombatPartySorcerer 1; Archer 7Create 1 light factorGives the party 1 light factor, sufficient to light a single darkened square. Multiple light spells can be cast, to accumulate light factors.
1-7Location1Non-CombatPartySorcerer 1; Archer 7Reveal map sector, coordinates, and facing infoGives precise information on party's location. This spell is the key to successful mapping.
1-8Sleep1Combat5 FoesSorcerer 1; Archer 7Prevent action until attackedCasts monsters into a deep sleep, preventing them from attacking. Effective until monster is damaged.Control
2-1Electric Arrow2CombatFoeSorcerer 3, Archer 9Deal (2-12) Electrical damageElectrocutes a monster, inflicting 2-12 damage points, unless monster is immune to electrical attack.Damage
2-2Hypnotize2CombatFoeSorcerer 3, Archer 9Prevent action until attackedUses the power of suggestion to prevent a monster from attacking. Effective until monster is attacked.Control
2-3Identify Monster2 +1GCombatFoeSorcerer 3, Archer 9Show speed, attacks, damage, HP, AC etc.Informs caster of the nature of any one monster during combat.
2-4Jump2Non-CombatPartySorcerer 3, Archer 9Teleport 2 squares forwardGives all characters super strength, enabling them to jump 2 squares forward, providing there are no magical obstructions (force fields, etc.) in the way.
2-5Levitate2Non-CombatPartySorcerer 3, Archer 9Prevent damage and encounters from pit trapsRaises all characters above ground level, protecting them from various dangers for 1 day.
2-6Power2CombatCharacterSorcerer 3, Archer 9Add (1-4) MGTBoosts that character's Might by 1-4 points for the duration of combat.Buff
2-7Quickness2CombatCharacterSorcerer 3, Archer 9Add (1-4) SPDBoosts character's Speed by 1-4 points for the duration of combat, moving him/her further forward in order of combat.Buff
2-8Scare2CombatFoeSorcerer 3, Archer 9Decrease chance to hitStrikes fear into the monster's heart, decreasing its probability of hitting a character during combat.Debuff
3-1Fire Ball1*Lv +1GCombat5 FoesSorcerer 5, Archer 11Deal (1-6)*Level Ranged Fire damageRolls a deadly ball of fire into the monsters' midst, inflicting 1-6 damage points per level of experience on each monster.Damage
3-2Fly3Non-CombatPartySorcerer 5, Archer 11Teleport to surface mapGrants magical flight to all characters, allowing the party as a whole to move to any other outdoor area. The party will land in the safest square in that area.
3-3Invisibility3 +1GCombatPartySorcerer 5, Archer 11Reduce chance of being hitTurns all characters invisible, greatly decreasing the monsters' chances of hitting them.Buff
3-4Lighting Bolt1*Lv +1GCombat3 FoesSorcerer 5, Archer 11Deal (1-6) Electrical damageBlasts the monsters with a gigantic lightning bolt that inflicts 1-6 damage points per level of experience on each monster.Damage
3-5Make Room3CombatPartySorcerer 5, Archer 11Puts characters 1-5 into melee rangeExpands the combat area, allowing the first 5 characters to engage in hand-to-hand combat.Buff
3-6Slow3CombatAll FoesSorcerer 5, Archer 11Reduce speed by 50%Places an invisible force field around all monsters' feet, slowing them down to 1/2 their original speed and putting them farther back in order of combat.Debuff
3-7Weaken3 +1GCombatAll FoesSorcerer 5, Archer 11Deal (2) damage and -1 ACWeakens all monsters, reducing each monster's Hit Points by 2 and Armor Class by 1.Debuff
3-8Web3Combat5 FoesSorcerer 5, Archer 11Prevent action, ranged onlyWraps 1-5 monsters in a supernatural web, preventing them from fighting for the duration of combat or until they escape.Control
4-1Acid Arrow4CombatFoeSorcerer 7, Archer 13Deal (3-30) Acid damageAttacks with corrosive acid that inflicts 3-30 damage points, unless the monster is immune to acid.Damage
4-2Cold Beam4CombatFoeSorcerer 7, Archer 13Deal (4-40) Cold damageAttacks with a beam of intense cold that penetrates to the monster's heart and inflicts 4-40 damage points, unless the monster is immune to cold.Damage
4-3Feeble Mind4 +2GCombatFoeSorcerer 7, Archer 13Prevent abilitiesErases the monsters brain, removing all its abilities for the duration of combat or until the monster overcomes the spell.Control
4-4Freeze4CombatFoeSorcerer 7, Archer 13Prevent actionImmobilizes the monster, preventing it from attacking for the duration of combat. Monster's chance of overcoming this spell is very small.Control
4-5Guard Dog4Non-CombatPartySorcerer 7, Archer 13Prevent surprise attacksPlaces a supernatural guard over party, preventing surprise attacks for 1 day.Buff
4-6Psychic Protection4 +2GAnytimePartySorcerer 7, Archer 13Prevent damage from psychic trapsGrants all characters immunity from mind influencing spells for 1 day.Buff
4-7Shield4 +2GCombatPartySorcerer 7, Archer 13Protect against missile weaponsCreates an invisible shield which surrounds the party and protects all characters from most missile weapons for the duration of combat.Buff
4-8Time Distortion4 +2GNon-CombatPartySorcerer 7, Archer 13Causes successful run from combatCreates a warp in time that enables the party to retreat safely from most battles.
5-1Acid Rain5Non-CombatAll FoesSorcerer 9Deal (5-50) Acid damageUnleashes a torrent of acid rain that inflicts 5-50 damage points on each monster, unless immune to acid.Damage
5-2Dispel Magic5CombatEveryoneSorcerer 9Remove all protective and detrimental magicCancels all magic spells currently active, both for characters and monsters.Cure
5-3Finger of Death5 +3GCombatSpecialSorcerer 9Cause death, non-undead onlyChannels the ancient power of all dead sorcerers through the caster, resulting in death to the monster at whom the caster points a finger.Damage
5-4Shelter5 +3GNon-CombatPartySorcerer 9Rest without encounterProvides' 1 day's rest free of the danger of encounter.
5-5Teleport5 +3GCombatPartySorcerer 9Teleport 9 squares any directionInstantly moves the party from its present position, up to 9 squares in any direction.
6-1Dancing Sword6 +4GCombatAll FoesSorcerer 11Deal (1-30) Magic damageA magical sword that moves with lightning speed, inflicting 1-30 damage points on each monster. The sword cannot be avoided, nor can the damage from it be minimized.Damage
6-2Disintegration6 +4GCombatFoeSorcerer 11Cause deathReduces the monster to a pile of dust, utterly destroying it.Damage
6-3Etheralize6 +4GNon-CombatPartySorcerer 11Teleport one square forwardAlters all characters' molecular structure long enough to allow them to move 1 square forward through any special barrier (force field, etc.).
6-4Protection from Magic6 +4GAnytimePartySorcerer 11Add 20%+(1%*Level) Magic resistanceIncreases all characters' resistance to magic. Amount of the increase depends on experience level of caster. Spell lasts 1 day.Buff
6-5Recharge Item6 +4GNon-CombatCasterSorcerer 11Add (1-4) charges to a magic itemRestores 1-4 charges to any item in caster's back pack that still has 1 magical charge remaining. Some risk that the spell will fail and destroy the item.
7-1Astral Spell7 +5GNon-CombatPartySorcerer 11Teleport to astral planeTransports all characters' to the astral plane. This highly dangerous and unpredictable area is otherwise impossible to reach.
7-2Duplication7 +100GNon-CombatCasterSorcerer 13Create duplicate itemAllows the caster to exactly duplicate any 1 item in his/her back pack, provided that there is room in the caster's pack for the new item. Small chance that the spell will fail and destroy the original item.
7-3Meteor Shower7 +5GCombat, OutdoorAll FoesSorcerer 13Deal (1-120) ranged Energy damageBuries all monsters under a hail of meteors, inflicting 1-120 damage points on each monster.Damage
7-4Power Shield7 +5GCombatPartySorcerer 1350% damage reductionReduces the damage inflicted on all characters by any attack, by 1/2. Lasts for the duration of combat.Buff
7-5Prismatic Light7 +5GCombatAll FoesSorcerer 13Random effectA powerful, but erratic spell that has completely unpredictable effects on all monsters.Damage
Cleric Spell List
NumberNameSP CostTimingTargetLearnedDescriptionDetails
1-1Awaken1CombatPartyCleric 1, Paladin 7Cure ALSEEPAwakens all sleeping members of the party, instantaneously cancelling the sleep condition. May be critical if party is attacked during rest.CURE
1-2Bless1CombatPartyCleric 1, Paladin 7Increase accuracyIncreases the accuracy with which all characters fight, for the duration of combat.BUFF
1-3Blind1CombatFoeCleric 1, Paladin 7Reduce accuracyBlinds the affected monster for the duration of combat. Forced to rely on other senses, the monster's chances of landing a blow are diminished.DEBUFF
1-4First Aid1AnytimeCharacterCleric 1, Paladin 7Heal (8) HPHeals minor battle wounds, restoring 8 Hit Points to that character.HEAL
1-5Light1Non-CombatPartyCleric 1, Paladin 7Create 1 light factorGives the party 1 light factor, which is sufficient to light up 1 dark area. Multiple light spells can be cast to accumulate multiple light factors.BUFF
1-6Power Cure1*Lv +1GAnytimeCharacterCleric 1, Paladin 7Heal (1-10)*LevelRestores character's health and 1-10 Hit Points/lv.HEAL
1-7Protection from Fear1AnytimePartyCleric 1, Paladin 7Add 20%+(1%*Level) Fear ResistIncreases all characters' resistance to fear and spells of intimidation. Amount of the increase depends on experience level of the caster. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
1-8Turn Undead1CombatAll UndeadCleric 1, Paladin 7Chance to destroy undead monstersDestroys some or all undead monsters, depending on caster's experience level and monster's power level.
2-1Cure Wounds2AnytimeCharacterCleric 3, Paladin 9Heal (15) HPCures more serious wounds, restoring 15 Hit Points to the character.HEAL
2-2Heroism2 +1GCombatCharacterCleric 3, Paladin 9Add 6 MaxHP and 2 LevelsBestows 6 additional Hit Points and temporarily elevates character 2 levels of experience.BUFF
2-3Pain2CombatNon-UndeadCleric 3, Paladin 9Deal (2-12) Hold damageCripples monster with pain, inflicting 2-12 damage points, unless the monster is immune to pain.
2-4Protection from Cold2AnytimePartyCleric 3, Paladin 9Add 20%+(1%*Level) Cold ResistIncreases all character's resistance to cold or freezing spells. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
2-5Protection from Fire2AnytimePartyCleric 3, Paladin 9Add 20%+(1%*Level) Fire ResistIncreases all character's resistance to fire or heat spells. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
2-6Protection from Poison2AnytimePartyCleric 3, Paladin 9Add 20%+(1%*Level) Poison ResistIncreases all characters' resistance to poison and poisonous spells. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
2-7Silence2CombatFoeCleric 3, Paladin 9Prevent casting of spellsPrevents the monster from casting spells for the duration of combat.CONTROL
2-8Suggestion2CombatFoeCleric 3, Paladin 9Cause monster to not attackCoerces monster into refraining from attack, unless it is attacked. Lasts for the duration of combatCONTROL
3-1Create Food3 +1GNon-CombatCasterCleric 5, Paladin 11Add 6 foodAdds 6 food units to caster's food supply. Caster may then distribute food among other party members, if he/she desires.
3-2Cure Blindness3AnytimeCharacterCleric 5, Paladin 11Cures BLINDRestores sight to that character, instantaneously removing the blinded condition.CURE
3-3Cure Paralysis3AnytimeCharacterCleric 5, Paladin 11Cures PARALYSISRestores movement to that character, instantaneously removing the paralyzed condition.CURE
3-4Lasting Light3Non-CombatPartyCleric 5, Paladin 11Create 20 light factorBestows 20 light factors on the party, for use in dispelling darkness.CURE
3-5Produce Flame3CombatFoeCleric 5, Paladin 11Deal (3-18) Fire damageAttacks monster with a jet of flame that inflicts 3-18 damage points, providing monster is not immune to fire.
3-6Produce Frost3CombatFoeCleric 5, Paladin 11Deal (3-18) Cold damageInflicts severe frostbite on monster, doing 3-18 points of damage, unless monster is immune to cold.
3-7Remove Quest3Non-CombatPartyCleric 5, Paladin 11Remove castle questReleases party from its commitment to a quest (only affects those given by Lords of castles).
3-8Walk on Water3 +1GNon-CombatPartyCleric 5, Paladin 11Allow passage through waterCreates a floating sand dune upon which the party may walk on. Lasts 1 day.BUFF
4-1Cure Disease4Non-CombatCharacterCleric 7, Paladin 13Cure DISEASEDRestores full health to sick character, instantaneously removing the diseased condition.CURE
4-2Neutralize Poison4Non-CombatCharacterCleric 7, Paladin 13Cure POISONEDFlushes poison out of character's system, instantaneously removing the poisoned condition.CURE
4-3Protection from Acid4AnytimePartyCleric 7, Paladin 13Add 20%+(1%*Level) Acid ResistIncreases all characters' resistance to acid attacks. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
4-4Protection from Electricity4AnytimePartyCleric 7, Paladin 13Add 20%+(1%*Level) Electrical ResistIncreases all characters' resistance to electrical attacks. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
4-5Restore Alignment4 +2GNon-CombatCharacterCleric 7, Paladin 13Restores original alignmentRestores a character's original alignment, after actions and responses have caused it to shift.CURE
4-6Summon Lightning4Combat, Outdoor3 FoesCleric 7, Paladin 13Deal (4-32) ranged Electrical damageZaps monsters with lightning bolts, inflicting 4-32 damage points on each monster not immune to lightning.
4-7Super Heroism4 +2GCombatCharacterCleric 7, Paladin 13Add 10 MaxHP and 3 LevelsTemporarily bestows 10 additional Hit Points and 3 additional experience levels on character. Lasts for the duration of combat.BUFF
4-8Surface4 +2GNon-CombatPartyCleric 7, Paladin 13Teleport to surface mapInstantly transports all party members from an underground location to ground surface.
5-1Deadly Swarm5Combat, OutdoorAll FoesCleric 9Deal (2-20) Physical damageSends a swarm of killer insects against the monsters, inflicting 2-20 damage points against each monster.
5-2Dispel Magic5AnytimeEveryoneCleric 9Remove all protective and detrimental magicCancels all magic spells currently active both for characters and monsters.CURE
5-3Paralyze5CombatAll FoesCleric 9Prevent action, melee range onlyAttempts to immobilize all monsters and prevent them from fighting. May be partially or completely ineffective on some or all monsters.CONTROL
5-4Remove Condition5 +3GAnytimeCharacterCleric 9Cure All except DEAD, STONED, ERADICATEDReleases character from all undesirable conditions except dead, stoned or eradicated.CURE
5-5Restore Energy5 +3GAnytimeCharacterCleric 9Restore (1-5) LevelsReplaces 1-5 experience levels that have been lost or drained from character, up to his/her former level.CURE
6-1Moon Ray6 +4GCombat, OutdoorEveryoneCleric 11Heal (3-30) HP & Deal (3-30) Energy damageBathes all combatants in a beneficent ray that bestows 3-30 Hit Points on each character and removes 3-30 Hit Points from each monster.HEAL
6-2Raise Dead6 +4GAnytimeCharacterCleric 11Cure DEADBrings the character back to life, removing the dead condition. Spell carries a moderate chance of failure and a remote chance of eradicating the character.CURE
6-3Rejuvenate6 +4GNon-CombatCharacterCleric 11Subtract 1-10 years from ageA fountain of youth that trims 1-10 years off a character's age, restoring his/her abilities to the younger level. Spell carries some risk of producing the opposite effect.CURE
6-4Stone to Flesh6 +4GAnytimeCharacterCleric 11Cure STONEDRe-animates a character who has been turned to stone, removing the stoned condition.CURE
6-5Town Portal6 +4GNon-CombatPartyCleric 11Teleport to townOpens a temporary portal to any town and moves the party through the portal to that town.
7-1Divine Intervention7 +10GCombatPartyCleric 13Full Heal & Cure All except ERADICATEDIntercedes with supernatural forces to restore all characters' Hit Points and remove all undesirable conditions, except eradicated. Ages the caster 5 years.
7-2Holy Word7 +5GCombatAll UndeadCleric 13Destroy All UndeadUtters a single word of devastating power, that totally destroys all undead monsters.
7-3Protection from Elements7 +5GAnytimePartyCleric 13Add 25%+(1%*Level) Elemental ResistIncreases all characters' resistance to fear, cold, fire, poison, acid and electricity. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
7-4Resurrection7 +5GNon-CombatCharacterCleric 13Cure ERADICATED & +10 years & -1 ENDRemoves the eradicated condition from the character, adding 10 years to his/her age and subtracting 1 endurance point from his/her vital statistics. There is a chance that the spell will fail.CURE
7-5Sun Ray7 +5GCombat, OutdoorFoeCleric 13Deal (50-100) outdoor Fire damageSears the monster with a focused ray of deadly light, inflicting 50-100 damage points.


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How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC and C64 versions (1986)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)