MM2 Spells Database

MM2 Spells Database

MM2 Spells Database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Find out what level you will finally get Lloyd’s Beacon. Discover which Spells will cure certain Conditions.

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MM2 Spells

With 96 spells split between Cleric and Sorcerer classes, your journey in mastering the arcane is a long one. Many powerful spells are not just learned with level gain but instead you must seek out trainers and scrolls to learn many spells. Spell Points are the fuel for your spells, while you start off with just a few, you’ll earn more as you gain experience. Be mindful, though—higher-level spells aren’t just more potent; they also demand magical Gems. Check out the Foes Table below, to learn which enemies have Gems in their treasure.

Sorcerer Spell List
NumberNameSP CostTimingTargetDescriptionRequired LevelPurchasedFoundDetails
1-1Awaken1AnytimePartyCure ALSEEPSorcerer 1, Archer 7C-2, Middlegate (7,14) - 10gAwakens all sleeping members of the party, instantaneously cancelling the ASLEEP condition. May be critical if party is attacked during rest.CURE
1-2Detect Magic1SafetyCasterIdentify magic items and number of chargesSorcerer 1, Archer 7Reveals any magical items in caster's backpack, and notes the number of magical charges remaining in any item which must be charged for use. Also detects any magic surrounding or inside a chest.
1-3Energy Blast1*Lv +1GCombatFoeDeal (1-6)*Lv Energy damageSorcerer 1, Archer 7C-2, Middlegate (7,14) - 1000gZaps the foe with a blast of pure energy, inflicting 1-6 damage points per experience level of caster.DAMAGE
1-4Flame Arrow1CombatFoeDeal (2-8) Fire damageSorcerer 1, Archer 7Sends a burning shaft into the foe, inflicting 2-8 points of Fire damage, unless foe is immune to fire.DAMAGE
1-5Light1SafetyPartyCreate 1 light factorSorcerer 1, Archer 7Gives the party 1 light factor, sufficient to light a single darkened square. Multiple light spells can be cast, to accumulate light factors.BUFF
1-6Location1SafetyPartyReveal map sector, coordinates, and facing infoSorcerer 1, Archer 7Gives precise information on party's location. Shows a map of the current 16xl6 area that the party has mapped and shows your present location on that map. May be critical when party is lost or magically transported. In general, this spell is the key to successful mapping.
1-7Sleep1Combat4+1/lvlPrevent action until attackedSorcerer 1, Archer 7C-2, Middlegate (7,14) - 50gSends foe into a deep sleep, preventing them from attacking. Effective until foe is damaged or overcomes the spell.CONTROL
2-1Eagle Eye2*LvSafety OutdoorSpecialShow minimap for outdoor areasSorcerer 3, Archer 9
Go to Middlegate in C-2
Visit Nordon at 10,2 and accept the Quest
Enter Middlegate Dungeon at 8,0
Find the Goblet at 0,7
Return to Nordon
An eagle eye view of the outdoor terrain appears on the screen, providing a 5x5 overhead view of the area and your party's location.
2-2Electric Arrow2CombatFoeDeal (4-16) Electrical damageSorcerer 3, Archer 9Electrocutes a foe, inflicting 4-16 Electrical damage, unless foe is immune to electrical attack.DAMAGE
2-3Identify Monster2 +1GCombatFoeShow speed, attacks, damage, HP, AC, etc.Sorcerer 3, Archer 9C-2, Middlegate (7,14) - 100gInforms caster of the current condition of any one foe during combat.
2-4Jump2SafetyPartyTeleport 2 squares forward if no obstaclesSorcerer 3, Archer 9Moves the party 2 squares forward, providing there are no magical obstructions in the way
2-5Levitate2SafetyPartyPrevent damage and encounters from pit trapsSorcerer 3, Archer 9Raises all characters above ground level, protecting them from various dangers for 1 day.BUFF
2-6Lloyd's Beacon2 +1GSafetyPartySet/Return to beaconSorcerer 3, Archer 9
Go to Corak's Cave at 5,11 in C-1
Visit Ingenious Sorcerer at 7,11
Leaves a beacon at your current location so that you may instantaneously return to that location the next time you cast this spell.
2-7Protection from Magic1*Lv +2GAnytimePartyAdd 10%+(1%*Lv) Magic resistanceSorcerer 3, Archer 9E-4, Sandsobar (6,7) - 400gIncreases all characters' resistance to magic. Amount of the increase depends on experience level of caster. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
3-1Acid Stream1*Lv +2GCombatFoeDeal (2-8)*Lv Acid damageSorcerer 5, Archer 11E-4, Sandsobar (6,7) - 200gSprays a burning stream of Acid inflicting 2-8 points of damage per level of caster, unless immune to acid.DAMAGE
3-2Fly3Safety OutdoorPartyTeleport to target surface mapSorcerer 5, Archer 11Grants magical flight to all characters, allowing the party as a whole to move to any other outdoor area. The party will land in the safest square in that area.
3-3Invisibility3CombatPartyReduce chance of being hitSorcerer 5, Archer 11Drops a cloak of invisibility over all characters, greatly decreasing the monsters' chances of hitting them.BUFF
3-4Lighting Bolt1*Lv +2GCombat4 FoesDeal (1-6)*Lv Electrical damageSorcerer 5, Archer 11E-4, Sandsobar (6,7) - 1000gBlasts the monsters with a gigantic lightning bolt that inflicts 1-6 Electrical damage points per level of caster.DAMAGE
3-5Web3 +2GCombat4+1/lvlPrevent action, ranged onlySorcerer 5, Archer 11Wraps foes in a supernatural web, preventing them from fighting for the duration of combat or until they escape.CONTROL
3-6Wizard Eye3*Lv +2GSafety IndoorSpecialShow minimap for indoor areasSorcerer 5, Archer 11E-4, Sandsobar (7,4) - 100gUses the magical eye of a powerful wizard to show a 5x5 overhead view of your party's location in any indoor maze.
4-1Cold Beam1*Lv +3GCombatFoeDeal (6)*Lv Cold damageSorcerer 7, Archer 13E-4, Sandsobar (6,7) - 500gAttacks with a beam of intense Cold that penetrates to the foe's heart and inflicts 6 damage point per level of caster, unless the monster is immune to cold.DAMAGE
4-2Feeble Mind4 +3GCombat5 FoesPrevent abilitiesSorcerer 7, Archer 13A-1, Tundara (14,13) - 600gErases the foe's brain, removing all its abilities for the duration of combat or until the foe overcomes the spell.DEBUFF
4-3Fire Ball1*Lv +3GCombat6 FoesDeal (1-6)*Lv ranged Fire damageSorcerer 7, Archer 13A-1, Tundara (14,13) - 2000gHurl a deadly ball of fire into the foes' midst, inflicting 1-6 Fire damage points per level of caster.DAMAGE
4-4Guard Dog4SafetyPartyPrevent surprise attacksSorcerer 7, Archer 13Places a supernatural guard over party, preventing surprise attacks for 1 day.BUFF
4-5Shield4CombatPartyProtect against missile weaponsSorcerer 7, Archer 13Creates an invisible shield which surrounds the party and protects all characters from most missile weapons for the duration of combat.BUFF
4-6Time Distortion4 +3GCombatPartyCauses successful run from combatSorcerer 7, Archer 13Creates a warp in time that enables the party to retreat safely from most battles.
5-1Disrupt5 +5GCombatFoeDeal (100) ranged Physical damageSorcerer 9, Archer 15A-1, Tundara (14,13) - 3000gCreates a powerful energy field that disrupts the molecular bonds of the target, inflicting 100 points of Physical damage.DAMAGE
5-2Fingers of Death5 +5GCombat3 FoesGrants DEAD, non-undead onlySorcerer 9, Archer 15
Go to Atlantium A-4
Visit the Food Store at 12,10
Eat the Devils Food Brownie for 3000g
Visit 1,8 in C-1 for an Encounter
Defeat Grim Reaper (2)
Channels the ancient power of all dead sorcerers through the caster, resulting in death to the foes at whom the caster points a finger.DAMAGE
5-3Sandstorm2*Lv +5GCombat Outdoor10 FoesDeal (1-8)*Lv Physical damageSorcerer 9, Archer 15A-1, Tundara (14,13) - 3000gCalls upon the forces of nature to create a violent sand storm inflicting 1-8 points of Physical damage per level of caster.DAMAGE
5-4Shelter5SafetyPartyRest without encounterSorcerer 9, Archer 15Provides 1 day's rest free of the danger of encounter.
5-5Teleport5SafetyPartyTeleport 9 squares any directionSorcerer 9, Archer 15Instantly moves the party from its present position, up to 9 squares in any direction.
6-1Disintegration6 +6GCombat3 FoesDestroys FoesSorcerer 11, Archer 17E-1, Vulcania (11,5) - 5000gInflicts 50 damage points while disintegrating parts or all of the target.DAMAGE
6-2Entrapment6 +6GCombatAllPrevent fleeing from combatSorcerer 11, Archer 17Surrounds the battle with a magical energy field preventing all from escaping.CONTROL
6-3Fantastic Freeze2*Lv +6GCombat3 FoesDeal (10)*Lv ranged Cold damageSorcerer 11, Archer 17E-1, Vulcania (11,5) - 5000gShoots a fantastic beam of cold at 3 monsters, crystalizing them and inflicting 10 Cold damage per level of caster.DAMAGE
6-4Recharge Item6 +6GSafetyCasterAdd (1-6) charges to an itemSorcerer 11, Archer 17Restores 1-6 charges to any item in caster's backpack that still has 1 magical charge remaining. Some risk that the spell will fail and destroy the item.
6-5Super Shock2*Lv +6GCombatPartyDeal (20)*Lv Electrical damageSorcerer 11, Archer 17E-1, Vulcania (11,5) - 5000gShoots an intense beam of electricity, shocking a monster with 20 Electrical damage per level of caster.DAMAGE
7-1Dancing Sword3*Lv +7GCombat10 FoesDeal (1-12)*Lv Physical damageSorcerer 13, Archer 19
Visit 15,11 in A-2 for an Encounter
Defeat Mist Warrior
A magical sword that moves with lightning speed and inflicts 1-12 Physical damage per level of caster.DAMAGE
7-2Duplication7 +100GSafetyCasterCreate duplicate itemSorcerer 13, Archer 19E-1, Vulcania (11,5) - 25,000gAllows the caster to exactly duplicate any 1 item in his/her backpack, provided that there is room in the caster's pack for the new item. Small chance that the spell will fail and destroy the original item.
7-3Etherealize7 +7GSafetyPartyTeleport one square forwardSorcerer 13, Archer 19Alters all characters' molecular structure long enough to allow them to move 1 square forward through any barrier (force field, wall, mountain, etc.).
7-4Prismatic Light7 +7GCombat10 FoesRandom effectSorcerer 13, Archer 19A powerful, but erratic spell that has completely unpredictable effects.
8-1Incinerate3*Lv +8GCombatFoeDeal (20-40)*Lv Fire damageSorcerer 15Engulfs a monster with the heat of a thousand fires doing 20-40 Fire damage per level of caster.DAMAGE
8-2Mega Volts3*Lv +8GCombat10 FoesDeal (4-16)*Lv Electrical damageSorcerer 15A-4, Atlantium (0,8) - 50,000gCreates a chain of electricity connecting all opponents with the deadly voltage doing 4-16 Electrical damage per level of caster.DAMAGE
8-3Meteor Shower8+(1*Foes) +8GCombat OutdoorAll FoesDeal (5-30) Physical damageSorcerer 15A-4, Atlantium (0,8) - 50,000gBuries all monsters under a hail of meteors, inflicting 5-30 Physical damage on each monster.DAMAGE
8-4Power Shield8 +8GCombatParty50% damage reduction, all sourcesSorcerer 15Reduces the damage inflicted on all characters by any attack, by 1/ Lasts for the duration of combat.BUFF
9-1Implosion10 +10GCombatFoeDeal (1000) Physical damageSorcerer 17A-4, Atlantium (0,8) - 100,000gCreates a hole in space, at the center of the target foe, sucking it into nothingness for a moment.DAMAGE
9-2Inferno3*Lv +10GCombat10 FoesDeal (1-20)*Lv Fire damageSorcerer 17A-4, Atlantium (0,8) - 100,000gUnleashes the heat of the sun on all foes shown, doing 1-20 Fire damage per level of caster.DAMAGE
9-3Star Burst10+(1*Foes) +20GCombat OutdoorAll FoesDeal (20-200) Physical damageSorcerer 17
Only on Calendar Day 93!
Go to D-1
Teleport to Ground Zero at 5,6
Showers all foes with pieces of an exploding star, doing 20-200 Physical damage.DAMAGE
9-4Enchant Item50*Bonus +50GSafetyCasterAdd 1 to bonus of an itemSorcerer 17
Go to Gemmaker's Cave in E-1
Visit the Sweaty Master Gemmaker at 3,3
Answer "Y" to Age all characters +10 years
and learn the spell
Attempts to raise the magic ability of an item by increasing it's '+'.
Cleric Spell List
NumberNameSP CostTimingTargetDescriptionRequired LevelPurchasedFoundDetails
1-1Apparition1Combat10 FoesDecrease chance to hitCleric 1, Paladin 7C-2, Middlegate (7,7) - 10gCreates a frightening apparition in the foes memory causing them to be afraid, reducing their chance to hit.DEBUFF
1-2Awaken1AnytimePartyRemove ASLEEPCleric 1, Paladin 7C-2, Middlegate (7,7) - 10gAwakens all sleeping members of the party, instantaneously cancelling the ASLEEP condition. May be critical if party is attacked during rest.CURE
1-3Bless1CombatPartyIncrease accuracyCleric 1, Paladin 7Increases the accuracy with which all characters fight, for the duration of combat.BUFF
1-4First Aid1AnytimeCharacterHeal 8 HPCleric 1, Paladin 7Heals minor battle wounds, restoring 8 Hit Points to that character.HEAL
1-5Light1SafetyPartyCreate 1 light factorCleric 1, Paladin 7Gives the party 1 light factor, which is sufficient to light up 1 dark area. Multiple light spells can be cast to accumulate multiple light factors.BUFF
1-6Power Cure1*Lv +1GAnytimeCharacterHeal (1-10)*Level HPCleric 1, Paladin 7C-2, Middlegate (7,7) - 1000gRestores character's health by 1-10 Hit Points per experience level of caster.HEAL
1-7Turn Undead1CombatAll UndeadChance to destroy undead monstersCleric 1, Paladin 7Destroys some or all undead monsters, depending on caster's experience level and monster's power level.
2-1Cure Wounds2AnytimeCharacterHeal 15 HPCleric 3, Paladin 9Cures more serious wounds, restoring 15 Hit Points to the character.HEAL
2-2Heroism2 +1GCombatCharacterAdd 6 LevelsCleric 3, Paladin 9E-4, Sandsobar (6,11) - 250gTemporarily elevates a character 6 levels of experience. Spell lasts for the duration of combat.BUFF
2-3Nature's Gate2Safety OutdoorPartyTeleport to another time and placeCleric 3, Paladin 9
Go to Tundara in A-1
Visit the Food Store at 7,9
Eat the Red Hot Wolf Nipple Chips for 100g
Visit the Old Druid at 1,9 in C-3
Using the forces of nature, opens a portal between two locations in the land of Cron. These locations vary with time (days/years).
2-4Pain2CombatNon-UndeadDeal (2-16) Physical damageCleric 3, Paladin 9Cripples foe with pain, inflicting 2-16 damage points, unless the foe is immune to pain.
2-5Protection from Elements2 +1GAnytimePartyAdd 20%+(1%*Level) Elemental ResistCleric 3, Paladin 9E-4, Sandsobar (6,11) - 300gIncreases all character's resistance to Fear, Cold, Fire, Poison, Acid and Electricity. Amount of the increase depends on the caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.BUFF
2-6Silence2Combat4 + 1/lvlPrevent casting of spellsCleric 3, Paladin 9Prevents the foes from casting spells for the duration of combat, or until they overcome the spell.CONTROL
2-7Weaken2 +1GCombat10 Foes-50% Physical damageCleric 3, Paladin 9E-4, Sandsobar (6,11) - 200gWeakens all affected, reducing their Physical damage by half until the spell is overcome.DEBUFF
3-1Cold Ray3 +2GCombat5 FoesDeal (25) ranged Cold damageCleric 5, Paladin 11A-1, Tundara (11,13) - 400gAttacks with a ray of intensive Cold that penetrates to the foes heart and inflicts 25 points of damage to each foe affected.
3-2Create Food3 +2GSafetyCasterAdd 8 foodCleric 5, Paladin 11Adds 8 food units to caster's food supply. Caster may then distribute food among other party members, if he/she desires.
3-3Cure Poison3AnytimeCharacterCure POISONEDCleric 5, Paladin 11Flushes Poison out of a character's system, instantaneously removing the POISONED condition.CURE
3-4Immobilize3Combat5 FoesPrevent actionCleric 5, Paladin 11Immobilizes any foe affected.CONTROL
3-5Lasting Light3SafetyPartyCreate 20 light factorCleric 5, Paladin 11A-1, Tundara (11,13) - 100gBestows 20 light factors on the party, for use in dispelling darkness.BUFF
3-6Walk on Water3 +2GSafety OutdoorPartyAllow passage through waterCleric 5, Paladin 11C-2, Surface (11,1) - 50gCreates a floating sand dune upon which the party may walk on. Lasts 1 day.BUFF
4-1Acid Spray4 +3GCombat3 FoesDeal (6-60) ranged Acid damageCleric 7, Paladin 13Sprays a corrosive stream of Acid inflicting 6-60 points of damage, unless immune to acid.
4-2Air Transmutation4 +3GSafety OutdoorPartyAllow access to air elemental planeCleric 7, Paladin 13
Visit 8,8 in A-1
Transforms the party into air, allowing the exploration of the elemental plane of air.
4-3Cure Disease4AnytimeCharacterCure DISEASEDCleric 7, Paladin 13Restores full health to sick character, instantaneously removing the DISEASED condition.CURE
4-4Restore Alignment4 +3GSafetyCharacterRestore original alignmentCleric 7, Paladin 13A-1, Tundara (11,13) - 500gRestores a character's original alignment, after actions and responses have caused it to shift.CURE
4-5Surface4SafetyPartyTeleport to current surface mapCleric 7, Paladin 13Instantly transports all party members from an underground location to grounds surface.
4-6Holy Bonus4 +3GCombatPartyBuff (1) damage per 2 Levels of casterCleric 7, Paladin 13E-1, Vulcania (11,8) - 2000gThe generous forces of the cleric's deity increase the damage done by party members by 1 point per 2 levels of the caster.BUFF
5-1Air Encasement5 +5GCombatFoeDeal (10) damage/round and prevent actionCleric 9, Paladin 15
Visit 1,14 in A-1
Encases the target in a field of air, inflicting 10 points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle until the spell is overcome or the monster is attacked.
5-2Deadly Swarm5 +5GCombat10 FoesDeal (4-40) Physical damageCleric 9, Paladin 15Sends a swarm of killer insects against the foes, inflicting 4-40 damage points against each monster.
5-3Frenzy5 +5GCombatCharacterAttack All foes, -1 END, grants UNCONSCIOUSCleric 9, Paladin 15
Visit 8,1 in B-4 for an Encounter
Defeat Crazed Native (15)
Learn the Frenzy spell
Sends one party member into a frenzy, allowing him/her to attack all the foes on the screen. Drained from the experience, the character loses 1 point of endurance and is then rendered UNCONSCIOUS.
5-4Paralyze5 +5GCombat10 FoesPrevent actionCleric 9, Paladin 15Attempts to immobilize all foes and prevent them from fighting. May be partially or completely effective on some or all foes.CONTROL
5-5Remove Condition5 +5GAnytimeCharacterCure All Conditions except DEAD, STONED, ERADICATEDCleric 9, Paladin 15E-1, Vulcania (11,8) - 3000gReleases character from all undesirable conditions except DEAD, STONED, ERADICATED.CURE
6-1Earth Transmutation6 +6GSafety OutdoorPartyAllow access to earth elemntal planeCleric 11, Paladin 17
Visit 8,8 in E-4
Transforms the party into earth, allowing the exploration of the elemental plane of earth.
6-2Rejuvenate6 +6GSafetyCharacterSubtract (1-10) years from AgeCleric 11, Paladin 17A fountain of youth that trims 1-10 years off a character's age, restoring his/her abilities to the younger level. Spell carries some risk of producing the opposite effect.CURE
6-3Stone to Flesh6 +6GAnytimeCharacterCure STONEDCleric 11, Paladin 17Re-animates a character who has been turned to stone, removing the STONED condition.CURE
6-4Water Encasement6 +6GCombatFoeDeal (20) Acid damage/round and prevent actionCleric 11, Paladin 17
Visit 1,1 in A-4
Encases the target in a field of water, inflicting 20 points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle until the spell is overcome or the foe is attacked.
6-5Water Transmutation6 +6GSafety OutdoorPartyAllow access to water elemental planeCleric 11, Paladin 17
Visit 8,8 in A-4
Transforms the party into water, allowing the exploration of the elemental plane of water.
7-1Earth Encasement7 +7GCombatFoeDeal (40) Cold damage/round and prevent actionCleric 13, Paladin 19
Visit 14,1 in E-4
Encases the target in a field of earth, inflicting 40 points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle until the spell is overcome or the foe is attacked.
7-2Fiery Flail7 +7GCombatFoeDeal (100-400) Fire damageCleric 13, Paladin 19E-1, Vulcania (11,8) - 10,000gCreates a huge flail of Fire, striking a single opponent, inflicting 100-400 points of damage.
7-3Moon Ray7 +7GCombat Outdoor10 FoesHeal (10-100) HP & Deal (10-100) Physical damageCleric 13, Paladin 19Bathes all combatants in a beneficent ray that bestows 10-100 Hit Points on each character and removes 10-100 Hit Points from each foe.HEAL
7-4Raise Dead7 +7GAnytimeCharacterCure DEAD, +1 Age to participantsCleric 13, Paladin 19Brings the character back to life, removing the DEAD condition. Spell carries a moderate chance of failure and a remote chance of eradicating the character. (Note: Spell-caster and recipient age by 1 year.)CURE
8-1Fire Encasement8 +8GCombatFoeDeal (80) Fire damage/round and prevent actionCleric 15
Visit 14,14 in E-1
Encases the target in a field of fire, inflicting 80 points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle until the spell is overcome or the foe is attacked.
8-2Fire Transmutation8 +8GSafety OutdoorPartyAllow access to fire elemental planeCleric 15
Visit 8,8 in E-1
Transforms the party into fire, allowing the exploration of the elemental plane of fire.
8-3Mass Distortion8 +8GCombat2 FoesReduce HP by 50%Cleric 15A-4, Atlantium (4,7) - 20,000gIncreases the weight of foes causing them to fall and subsequently lose half their hit points.
8-4Town Portal8 +8GSafetyPartyTeleport to townCleric 15Opens a temporary portal to any town and moves the party through the portal to that town.
9-1Divine Intervention10 +20GCombatPartyCure/Heal All except ERADICATED, +5 Age to casterCleric 17
Go to the Druid's Cave at 1,5 in C-3
Use the Password "druids" to enter
Speak to the Elder Druid at 15,14
Defeat The Horvath at 1,5
Return to the Elder Druid
Intercedes with supernatural forces to restore all characters' Hit Points and remove all undesirable conditions, except ERADICATED. (Note: Spell-caster ages 5 years every time this spell is cast.)CURE HEAL
9-2Holy Word10 +10GCombatAll FoesDestroy all undead foesCleric 17
Visit 5,5 in C-1
Face South
Utters a single word of devastating power, that destroys all undead foes.
9-3Resurrection10 +10GSafetyCharacterCure ERADICATED, +5 age, -1 END, +1 age to casterCleric 17A-4, Atlantium (4,7) - 50,000gRemoves the ERADICATED condition from the character, adding 5 years to his/her age and subtracting 1 endurance point from his/her vital statistics. There is a chance that the spell will fail. Also Ages caster 1 year.CURE
9-4Uncurse Item10 +50GSafetyCasterRemove CURSED from item in backpackCleric 17A-4, Atlantium (4,7) - 100,000gAttempts to remove the CURSE from an item in casters backpack.


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How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1988)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)