MM2 Secondary Skills

MM2 Secondary Skills

MM2 Secondary Skills add capabilities to your party and there are 15 skills to find and purchase. Each of your 30 characters can have up to 2 secondary skills. Some skills benefit the character and some skills benefit the party as a whole.

All secondary skills are purchased in towns from individual trainers for a fee and you must pay the fee for each character that you want to train. In Middlegate, there is a cerebral detoxification specialist that will clear current secondary skills for a fee. All hirelings can also learn secondary skills and some are found with one.

Expand for benefits and locations
Arms MasterBoost ACY+5 for characterVulcania 15,3500g
AthleteBoost SPD+5 for characterAtlantium 6,2500g
CartographerEnables auto-mapping featureMiddlegate 0,1510g
CrusaderAt least 1 required in party to speak with Lords and get quests from CastlesTundara 2,14250g
DiplomatBoost PER+5 for characterSandsobar 3,4500g
GamblerBoost LUC+5 for characterSandsobar 3,0200g
GladiatorBoost MGT+5 for characterVulcania500g
Hero/HeroineBoost All Stats+1 for character, at least 1 required for some questsAtlantium 9,21000g
LinquistBoost INT+5 for character, also required for the character to collect some lootAtlantium 8,4500g
MerchantFavorable prices when buying and selling gearTundara 5,131000g
MountaineerAt least 2 required in party to allow traversal of mountain tilesMiddlegate 3,122000g
PathfinderAt least 2 required in party to allow traversal of dense forest tilesMiddlegate 1,92000g
NavigatorAt least 1 required in party to keep from becoming lost in large open spacesTundara 8,13750g
PickpocketBoost Thievery+15 for characterSandsobar 0,5300g
SoldierBoost END+5 for characterVulcania 0,3500g
Cerebral Detox SpecialistRemove all Secondary SkillsMiddlegate 12,10100g

MM2 Secondary Skill Strategies

Crusader is required to complete the game and also required to repeat Lord Hoardall or Lord Slayer’s quest lines; however, you only need to have the Skill when you are actively talking to the Lords. You can train it on a Hireling and make sure to bring them along when going to a Castle.

Cartographer is cheap but it takes up a slot so it is mostly avoidable. The auto-mapping is nice but it is not necessary to complete the game. If you are doing your own mapping, using WhereAreWe, or using online Maps then you really don’t need this.

Navigator is not hard-required but it certainly makes travelling in wide-open spaces much easier. Try to walk through the open Tundra in B-1 without this skill and you will understand the pain.

Merchant is the most exploitable mechanic because of the purchasable items that cast spells. A character with the merchant skill can buy and sell items for the same price. Shop owners will pay the same price for charge based items no matter how many charges they have. Do you see the exploit?

Reveal the Merchant Exploit

Let’s say you buy a Skill Potion for 500g, which grants temporary +5 Levels. It will come with 5 charges which you can confirm by casting Detect Magic. Use the Potion 4 times on the same character for +20 Levels and now there is 1 charge left on the Skill Potion. Your merchant can Sell the Skill Potion with 1 charge back to the vendor for 500g and buy another one with 5 charges for 500g.

This works for all items with more than 1 charge that you can buy at a vendor and these are the most useful ones to consider starting up a racket:
Magic Herbs (Cast: First Aid, 3 charges)
Herbal Patch (Cast: Cure Wounds, 2 charges)
Antidote Ale (Cast: Cure Poison, 8 charges)
Dove’s Blood (Cast: Cure Disease, 8 charges)
CureALL Wand (Cast: Remove Condition, 20 charges)
Instant Keep (Cast: Shelter, 35 charges)
Lava Grenade (Cast: Fire Ball, 5 charges)
Witch Broom (Cast: Fly, 20 charges)
Force Potion (MGT+10, 3 charges)
Skill Potion (+5 Levels, 5 charges)
Teleport Orb (Cast: Teleport, 25 charges)

Just don’t use up all the charges or the item poofs.. use Detect Magic to query the current charges. You can also cast Recharge Item to restore the charges but that is a Level 6 sorcerer spell. The Merchant exploit you can get going very early in the game and exploit the heck out of Teleport Orb way before you get the Teleport spell.


How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1988)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)