MM3 Spells Database

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MM3 Spells

With 72 total spells split between Cleric and Sorcerer classes your journey in mastering the arcane is a long one. The Druid is a new class, poised to backup-cast, as their spell book is a conglomeration of low and mid level spells from both Cleric and Sorcerer spell books. The druid does however have exclusive access to a few key spells, such as Walk on Water.

Spell Points are the fuel for your spells, while you start off with just a few, you’ll earn more as you gain experience. Be mindful, though—higher-level spells aren’t just more potent; they also demand magical Gems. Check out the Foes Table below, to learn which enemies have Gems in their treasure.

In MM3, spells are not learned with level gain but instead you must become a member of local guilds where you can purchase spells for gold. Hybrid classes such as the Paladin, Archer, and Ranger will pay double for their training. You can also find spell scrolls that teach new spells for no cost during your adventures. In the spell tables below you can see the details of each spell. Click or Tap the Spell Row to see more details, including where to purchase or find the spell.

Sorcerer Spell List
NameSP CostTimingTargetDescriptionPurchasedFoundDetails
Light1AnytimePartyProvide lightFH - 100Ancient Temple of Moo 5,1Provides a magical light for the darker areas.Fountain Head
Awaken1AnytimePartyRemove ASLEEPFH - 100Pulls all sleeping party members from their slumber.Fountain Head Cure
Detect Magic1AnytimeCasterShow charges remaining on items in backpackFH - 100If there be a magical item in your pack this will make it known, and reveal the number of its limited use.Fountain Head
Elemental Arrow2CombatFoeDeal 8 Elemental damageFH - 200Expels a single bolt of flame, electricity, acid, or ice upon your foe.Fountain Head Damage
Energy Blast1*Lv +1GCombatFoeDeal (2-6)*Lv Energy damageFH - 500The greater your skills, the more devastating the blow of this pure energy blast. Crisping death is delivered to its wretched recipient.Fountain Head Damage
Sleep3 +1GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to put a group to sleepFH - 300Hypnotizes a group of foes into a sleep-like trance to halt their actions.Fountain Head Control
Create Rope3AnytimePartyAllow descent into a pit without a ropeFH - 300If you find yourself without a rope, fear not. This enchantment will conjure up the very strand you lack. Cast it over a pit to make it useful.Fountain Head
Toxic Cloud4 +1GCombatFoe GroupDeal 10 Poison damageFH - 400Exudes a noxious cloud around a group of monsters so foul they will choke away their very existence.Fountain Head Damage
Jump4SafetyPartyMove the party 2 squaresB - 400Cyclops Cavern 17,31The great hand of the genie Vaultus will sweep you up and over the next step directly ahead, provided there are no walls of matter or magic. (This spell is handy not only jumping over traps and holes in the ground, but also putting distance between you and a monster lacking a ranged attack.)Baywatch
Acid Stream5CombatFoeDeal 25 Poison damageB - 500Cyclops Cavern 19,31Sprays a stream of liquescent acid from your palm, robbing an unfortunate foe of much health.Baywatch Damage
Levitate5AnytimePartyKeep the party safe from pitsB - 500Baywatch Cavern 15,7For much of the waking day your party will ride above the ground on the breath of the genie Floatious, protecting you from pits of peril.Baywatch
Wizard Eye5 +2GAnytimePartyShow an overhead view of the vicinityB - 500A-1 13,6Allows your party to see an overhead view of the surroundings.Baywatch
Identify Monster5CombatPartyShow foe HP and other statsB - 500A-1 13,8Gives your party knowledge of the condition of any monsters directly in front of you.Baywatch
Lightning Bolt2*Lv +2GCombatFoe GroupDeal (4-6)*Lv Electrical damageB - 1000Baywatch Cavern 3,5
Cyclops Cavern 7,16
Summons a great bolt of lightning directed against a group of your foes. Your strength is reflected in the crackling charge.Baywatch Damage
Lloyd's Beacon6 +2GSafetyPartySet and recall locationW - 600Baywatch Cavern 15,5This special spell can be very useful for returning from long distances. Cast it once to lay the beacon and then again from anywhere to return.Wildabar
Power Shield2*Lv +2GAnytimeCharacterDamage reduction +1*LvW - 1000Cyclops Cavern 18,23This magical wall of force absorbs a great deal of damage before letting any pass through to your character. (The damage reduction from this spell applies to all sources of damage; it applies after resistance. If damage is reduced to zero, then additional status conditions from that attack do not apply.)Wildabar Buff
Detect Monster6AnytimePartyShow number and location of nearby foesW - 600Cyclops Cavern 19,17Here is a little notion of what's out there lurking around the corner and watching from behind.Wildabar
Fireball2*Lv +2GCombatFoe GroupDeal (3-7)*Lv Fire damageW - 1000Ancient Temple of Moo 12,24
Cyclops Cavern 18,19
Magic Cavern 13,29
Heaves a flaming package of death to a group of those unfortunate enough to draw your fire.Wildabar Damage
Time Distortion8 +3GCombatPartyCause the entire party to flee combatW - 800A-3 8,14
Cyclops Cavern 3,17
Magic Cavern 26,23
Even in the most evil of places there are areas of haven. Go there with this incantation.Wildabar
Feeble Mind8CombatFoe GroupBlock spellcastingW - 800Magic Cavern 16,16Turn the minds of those you fight against themselves, and they can no longer take action against you.Wildabar Control
Teleport10SafetyPartyTeleport up to 9 squaresST - 1000B-3 12,7Move like the wind with this spell and travel, light and invisible, nine steps where you like.Swamp Town
Finger of Death10 +4GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to destroyST - 1000Cyclops Cavern 2,17Your hand becomes that of all Wizards of lore, resulting in power so great it can only mean suffering to the group receiving its attention.Swamp Town Damage
Super Shelter15 +5GSafety, LandPartyAllow safe restST - 1500Magic Cavern 5,24Creates an aura of well being and peace allowing your party to rest in an area otherwise precarious.Swamp Town
Dragon Breath3*Lv +5GCombatAll FoesDeal 5*Lv Elemental damageST - 1500A-3 5,15
Swamp Town Cavern 13,15
Magic Cavern 30,22
Brings forth a torrent of flame, electricity, acid or ice that engulfs any unfortunate enough to be within your view.Swamp Town Damage
Recharge Item15 +10GAnytimeCasterAdd (1-6) charges to a charged itemST- 1500Arachnoid Cavern 5,31Any item of limited use can be rejuvenated with this spell, but know the danger of destruction that faces the greedy. (This will never destroy an item, contrary to what the documentation or game may claim. The maximum number of charges an item may hold is 63. An item that can cast Recharge Item can be used to recharge itself.)Swamp Town
Fantastic Freeze15 +5GCombatFoe GroupDeal 40 Cold damageST - 1500Cyclops Cavern 1,10Creates a freezing gale that inflicts much damage to those accustomed to warmer climates.Swamp Town Damage
Duplication20 +50GAnytimeCasterDuplicate an item of level 1-4ST - 2000Magic Cavern 22,15Any item in your pack can be reproduced, but the risk of the greedy is more than the weak of heart can bear.Swamp Town
Disintegrate25 +8GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to disintegrate a grouST - 2500Magic Cavern 26,20Pieces of your enemy will dissolve into thin air.Swamp Town Damage
Etherealize30 +8GAnytimePartyMove straight through doors, other barriersBH - 3000B-3 6,6
Magic Cavern 30,12
Waver like a vision in the heat and pass through thin walls and locked doors.Blistering Heights
Dancing Sword3*Lv +10GCombatFoe GroupDeal (6-14)*Lv Physical damageBH - 1500Magic Cavern 29,2Summons the magical blade of the ages to dance around a group of foes and harm them rather badly.Blistering Heights Damage
Enchant Item30 +20GAnytimeCasterEnchants an item which isn't already magicalBH - 3000B-3 8,2
Arachnoid Cavern 18,20
Gives the weapon of your choice a little extra edge in battle, if you can cut through my meaning.Blistering Heights
Incinerate35 +10GCombatFoeDeal 250 Fire damageBH - 3500Blistering Heights Cavern 5,12Reduces a foe to cindering ashes. Few monsters can withstand the heat of this inferno.Blistering Heights Damage
Mega Volts40 +10GCombatFoe GroupDeal 150 Electrical damageBH - 4000Magic Cavern 5,0Chain lightning dances through a group of foes with force enough to bring even a giant among giants to his knees.Blistering Heights Damage
Inferno75 +10GCombatFoe GroupDeal 250 Fire damageBH - 7500Magic Cavern 13,2Unleashes the very heat of the sun on a group of enemies resulting in great, fiery destruction to all.Blistering Heights Damage
Implosion100 +20GCombatFoeDeal 1000 Energy damageBH - 10,000Magic Cavern 11,2One of the most devastating spells that can be cast on a single creature, causing its recipient's body to collapse in on itself.Blistering Heights Damage
Star Burst200 +20GCombatAll FoesDeal 500 Physical damageBH - 20,000Magic Cavern 2,24Pieces of an exploding star rain down before you in a shower of stellar destruction sure to cripple the most formidable of armies.Blistering Heights Damage
Cleric Spell List
NameSP CostTimingTargetDescriptionPurchasedFoundDetails
Light1AnytimePartyProvide lightFH - 100Ancient Temple of Moo 5,1Provides a magical light for the darker areas.Fountain Head
Awaken1AnytimePartyRemove ASLEEPFH - 100Pulls all sleeping party members from their slumber.Fountain Head Cure
First Aid1AnytimeCharacterHeal 6 HPFH - 100An adventurer's minor wounds of battle can quickly be healed with this anointing incantation.Fountain Head Heal
Flying Fist2CombatFoeDeal 6 Physical damageFH - 200Summons an enchanted gauntlet to deliver a stinging punch to a single foe.Fountain Head Damage
Revitalize2AnytimeCharacterRemove WEAKNESSFH - 200Restores a weakened adventurer to former strength.Fountain Head Cure
Cure Wounds3 +1GAnytimeCharacterHeal 15 HPFH - 300Cures serious battle damage. Restores the broken flesh of warriors.Fountain Head Heal
Sparks1*Lv +1GCombatFoe GroupDeal 2*Lv Electrical damageFH - 500Generates a shower of sparks from your hand that cascades through a group of foes to deliver tiny electric shocks.Fountain Head Damage
Prot. from Elements1*Lv +2GAnytimePartyAdd (2*Lv)+5 Elemental resistanceFH - 500Temporarily raises the resistance of your party to elemental damage. The more disciplined the caster, the greater the resistance (This is cast at a power level equal to 5 plus twice the caster's level, with a maximum of 200. This provides damage reduction against the specific elemental form; it does NOT provide resistance, which is separate, and applies before reduction. If damage is reduced to zero, then additional status conditions from that attack do not apply.).Fountain Head Buff
Pain4CombatFoe GroupDeal 8 Physical damageFH - 400Ancient Temple of Moo 6,29Overcomes a group of foes with writhing pain. A little more than your average bee sting.Fountain Head Damage
Suppress Poison4AnytimeCharacterReduce POISONED to a minimum of 1FH - 400Ancient Temple of Moo 2,16Without removing poison from an adventurer's system, this incantation will slow its degenerative effects.Fountain Head Cure
Suppress Disease5AnytimeCharacterReduce DISEASED to a minimum of 1B -500Ancient Temple of Moo 9,12The disease will remain and still requires treatment, but this spell will temporarily halt the spreading sickness.Baywatch Cure
Turn Undead5 +2GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to destroy a group of UndeadB - 500Baywatch Cavern 0,8
Ancient Temple of Moo 26,1
Dissipates the magical energy that animates the dead, reducing to dust any undead armies before you.Baywatch Damage
Silence6CombatFoe GroupBlock spellcastingB - 600Ancient Temple of Moo 31,15Steals the tongues of a group of foes to prevent them from reciting spells, but be careful. That which is lost can once again be found.Baywatch Control
Blessed2*LvAnytimeCharacterAdd +1*Lv ACB - 1000Cathedral of Carnage 25,8For a time, this will clothe an adventurer in a magical armor as strong as the one who summons it.Baywatch Buff
Holy Bonus2*LvAnytimeCharacterAdd +1*Lv Weapon damageB - 1000Swamp Town 14,14Brings forth favor from the graces of Bellum, lending extra strength to those who would strike their enemy.Baywatch Buff
Power Cure2*Lv +3GAnytimeCharacterHeal (2-12)*Lv HPB - 1000Baywatch Cavern 0,10A very powerful aid to the stricken adventurer. More experienced healers can do a wounded warrior well with this spell.Baywatch Buff
Heroism2*Lv +3GAnytimeCharacterAdd +1*Lv toHit valueW - 1000Swamp Town 12,5An aura of greatness overcomes your character. You will seem better able to perform within your chosen disciplines.Wildabar Buff
Immobilize6 +3GCombatFoe GroupPrevent from attackingW - 600Cathedral of Carnage 26,8Freezes any vulnerable group of monsters in their tracks, preventing them from attacking with might or magic.Wildabar Control
Cold Ray2*Lv +4GCombatAll FoesDeal (2-4)*Lv Cold damageW - 1000Cathedral of Carnage 27,8Unleashes a deluge of freezing mist that glaciates all before you. More powerful conjurers will find this quite effective.Wildabar Damage
Cure Poison8AnytimeCharacterRemove POISONEDW - 800B-2 11,7
Wildabar 14,2
Arachnoid Cavern 24,31
Removes toxins from the affected adventurer's system.Wildabar Cure
Acid Spray8CombatAll FoesDeal 15 Poison damageW - 800Cathedral of Carnage 28,8Showers all foes within sight in a spray of acid.Wildabar Damage
Cure Disease10AnytimeCharacterRemove DISEASEDW - 1000Wildabar 14,1Removes diseases from an infected adventurer's body.Wildabar Cure
Cure Paralysis12CombatCharacterRemove PARALYZEDST - 1200Swamp Town 9,2Restores the ability of movement to a party member rendered immobile.Swamp Town Cure
Paralyze15 +4GAnytimeFoe GroupStronger version of ImmobilizeST - 1500Cathedral of Carnage 30,3Attempts to stiffen the bodies of a group of foes to prevent them from attacking or casting spells.Swamp Town Control
Create Food20 +5GAnytimePartyAdd 1 foodST - 2000B2 2,15
Swamp Town Cavern 10,10
When the adventure wears longer than anticipated this life saving incantation will increase your party's food supply.Swamp Town
Fiery Flail25 +5GCombatFoeDeal 100 Fire damageST - 2500Arachnoid Cavern 5,15Summons an enormous flail of fire to bring great peril to a single foe.Swamp Town Damage
Town Portal30 +5GSafetyPartyTeleport to a town; noncombat onlyST - 3000Cathedral of Carnage 30,4Opens a mysterious gateway to any town. A great way to return from a tiring adventure.Swamp Town
Stone to Flesh35 +5GAnytimeCharacterRemove STONEDST - 3500Cathedral of Carnage 30,5Restores the flesh of an adventurer to a less ingenious state.Swamp Town Cure
Half for Me40 +10GAnytimeCharacterOne character Healed; caster damaged for 1/2ST - 4000Arachnoid Cavern 15,26A great testimony to the resolve of the healer, this special spell will restore a member of your party back to health, at great cost.Swamp Town Heal
Raise Dead50 +10GAnytimeCharacterRemove DEADST - 5000Blistering Heights Cavern 11,12
Cathedral of Carnage 30,6
Restores life to the unlucky in battle. But life is cheap neither to the one who regains it nor the one who restores. (This will permanently reduce the Endurance of the recipient by 1. This may be circumvented by raising via either a temple or the Divine Intervention spell.)Swamp Town Cure
Moon Ray60 +10GAnytimeEveryoneDeal 30 Energy damage to all; Heals party as wellBH - 6000Cathedral of Carnage 4,11Bathes all combatants in a beneficent ray that drains the enemy and restores the adventurers. A very powerful spell, indeed.Blistering Heights Damage Heal
Mass Distortion75 +10GCombatFoe GroupReduced to half HPBH - 7500Cathedral of Carnage 4,3Makes a group of foes so heavy their every movement inflicts damage upon themselves.Blistering Heights Damage
Holy Word100 +20GCombatAll FoesDestroy that which are UndeadBH - 10,000F-3 6,15
Cathedral of Carnage 18,21
It is a word of such devastating power it destroys all undead that are unlucky enough to hear it's resounding cry.Blistering Heights Damage
Resurrect125 +20GAnytimeCharacterRemove ERADICATED; +5 AgeBH - 12,500Cathedral of Carnage 18,20So powerful is this incantation that it can bring the ashes of a fallen warrior back to their former glory. Not, of course, without a price. (This will permanently reduce the Endurance of the recipient by 1. This may be circumvented by resurrecting via a temple.)Blistering Heights Cure
Sun Ray150 +10GCombatAll FoesDeal 200 Energy damageBH - 15,000Tomb of Terror 28,10Heat above description emanates from your body, delivering great, fiery death to all foes before you.Blistering Heights Damage
Divine Intervention200 +20GAnytimePartyHeal/Cure All except ERADICATED; +5 AgeBH - 20,000F-2 3,2
Tomb of Terror 22,10
Calls upon the supernatural powers of Esoterica to completely restore your party to full health. (This will reduce or raise hit points to the normal maximum, and will remove all status conditions except ERADICATED, including those which you cannot otherwise heal yourself.)Blistering Heights Cure Heal
Druid Spell List
NameSP CostTimingTargetDescriptionPurchasedFoundDescription
Light1AnytimePartyProvide lightFH - 100Ancient Temple of Moo 5,1Provides a magical light for the darker areas.Fountain Head
Awaken1AnytimePartyRemove ASLEEPFH - 100Pulls all sleeping party members from their slumber.Fountain Head Cure
First Aid1AnytimeCharacterHeal 6 HPFH -100An adventurer's minor wounds of battle can quickly be healed with this anointing incantation.Fountain Head Heal
Detect Magic1AnytimeCasterShow charges remaining on items in backpackFH -100If there be a magical item in your pack this will make it known, and reveal the number of its limited use.Fountain Head
Elemental Arrow2CombatFoeDeal 8 Elemental damageFH - 200Expels a single bolt of flame, electricity, acid, or ice upon your foe.Fountain Head Damage
Revitalize2AnytimeCharacterRemove WEAKNESSFH - 200Restores a weakened adventurer to former strength.Fountain Head Cure
Create Rope3AnytimePartyAllow descent into a pit without a ropeFH - 300If you find yourself without a rope, fear not. This enchantment will conjure up the very strand you lack. Cast it over a pit to make it useful.Fountain Head
Sleep3+1GCombatFoe GroupAttempt to put a group to sleepFH - 300Hypnotizes a group of foes into a sleep-like trance to halt their actions.Fountain Head Control
Prot. from Elements1/lvl+2GAnytimePartyAdd (2*Lv)+5 Elemental resistanceFH - 500Temporarily raises the resistance of your party to elemental damage. The more disciplined the caster, the greater the resistance (This is cast at a power level equal to 5 plus twice the caster's level, with a maximum of 200. This provides damage reduction against the specific elemental form; it does NOT provide resistance, which is separate, and applies before reduction. If damage is reduced to zero, then additional status conditions from that attack do not apply.).Fountain Head Buff
Suppress Poison4AnytimeCharacterReduce POISONED to a minimum of 1FH - 400Ancient Temple of Moo 2,16Without removing poison from an adventurer's system, this incantation will slow its degenerative effects.Fountain Head Cure
Suppress Disease5AnytimeCharacterReduce DISEASED to a minimum of 1B - 500Ancient Temple of Moo 9,12The disease will remain and still requires treatment, but this spell will temporarily halt the spreading sickness.Baywatch Cure
Identify Monster5CombatPartyShow Foe HP and other statsB - 500A-1 13,8Gives your party knowledge of the condition of any monsters directly in front of you.Baywatch
Nature's Cure6AnytimeCharacterHeal 25 HPB - 600The healing powers of Gaiam are bestowed upon you to restore a great deal of fitness to whomsoever you choose.Baywatch Heal
Immobilize6+3GCombatFoe GroupPrevent attackingB - 600Cathedral of Carnage 26,8Freezes any vulnerable group of monsters in their tracks, preventing them from attacking with might or magic.Baywatch Control
Walk on Water7AnytimePartyAllow travel on deep waterW - 700Wildabar 14,6You will step over the waves like walking on a carpet of air. Deep water will no longer be an obstacle.Wildabar
Frost Bite7CombatFoeDeal 35 Cold damageW - 700Summons the freezing winds of the Frozen Isles to whip around a foe for no small amount of distress.Wildabar Damage
Lightning Bolt2/lvl+2GCombatFoe GroupDeal (4-6)*Lv Electrical damageW - 1000Baywatch Cavern 3,5
Cyclops Cavern 7,16
Summons a great bolt of lightning directed against a group of your foes. Your strength is reflected in the crackling charge.Wildabar Damage
Acid Spray8CombatAll FoesDeal 15 Poison damageW - 800Cathedral of Carnage 28,8Showers all foes within sight in a spray of acid.Wildabar Damage
Cold Ray2/lvl+4GCombatAll FoesDeal (2-4)*Lv Cold damageW - 1000Cathedral of Carnage 27,8Unleashes a deluge of freezing mist that glaciates all before you. More powerful conjurers will find this quite effective.Wildabar Damage
Nature's Gate10SafetyPartyPortal dependent on dayW - 1000Wildabar 14,10
Arachnoid Cavern 23,15
Dependent on the day of the week, calls forth a portal to the Towns and Castles of Terra. In order from Onesday to Tensday: Baywatch, Wildabar, Swamp Town, Blistering Heights, Whiteshield, Blood Reign, Dragontooth, Greywind, Blackwind, Fountain HeadWildabar
Fireball2/lvl+2GCombatFoe GroupDeal (3-7)*Lv Fire damageST - 1000Ancient Temple of Moo 12,24
Cyclops Cavern 18,19
Magic Cavern 13,29
Heaves a flaming package of death to a group of those unfortunate enough to draw your fire.Swamp Town Damage
Deadly Swarm12CombatFoe GroupDeal 40 Physical damageST - 1200Arachnoid Cavern 31,3Summons a swarm of poisonous, stinging insects that fly around a group of foes to cause a great deal of discomfort.Swamp Town Damage
Cure Paralysis12AnytimeCharacterRemove PARALYZEDST - 1200Swamp Town 9,2Restores the ability of movement to a party member rendered immobile.Swamp Town Cure
Paralyze15+4GCombatFoe GroupStronger version of ImmobilizeST - 1500Cathedral of Carnage 30,3Attempts to stiffen the bodies of a group of foes to prevent them from attacking or casting spells.Swamp Town Control
Create Food20+5GAnytimePartyAdd 1 foodST - 2000B-2 2,15
Swamp Town Cavern 10,10
When the adventure wears longer than anticipated this life saving incantation will increase your party's food supply.Swamp Town
Stone to Flesh35+5GAnytimeCharacterRemove STONEDST - 3500Cathedral of Carnage 30,5Restores the flesh of an adventurer to a less ingenious state.Swamp Town Cure
Raise Dead50+10GAnytimeCharacterRemove DEADST - 5000Blistering Heights Cavern 11,12
Cathedral of Carnage 30,6
Restores life to the unlucky in battle. But life is cheap neither to the one who regains it nor the one who restores. (This will permanently reduce the Endurance of the recipient by 1. This may be circumvented by raising via either a temple or the Divine Intervention spell.)Swamp Town Cure
Prismatic Light60+10GCombatAll FoesRandom effectsBH - 6000A powerful but erratic spell that has completely unpredictable effects and should thus be used with caution.Blistering Heights
Elemental Storm100+10GCombatAll FoesDeal 150 Elemental damageBH - 10,000Unleashes a torrent of elemental destruction inflicting massive damage to all enemy before you.Blistering Heights Damage


How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1991)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)