MM4 Spells Database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Check the locations you can find spells for free before you pay for them in town. See which spells each casting class can cast!
Resource: Gear Database
MM4 Spells
With 96 spells split between Cleric, Sorcerer, and Druid classes, your journey in mastering the arcane is a long one. Many powerful spells are not just learned with level gain but instead you must seek out trainers and scrolls to learn many spells — see the tables below to learn where the spells are acquired.
Be mindful though, higher-level spells aren’t just more potent, they also demand magical Gems. Check out the Foes Database, to learn which foes have Gems in their treasure.
Sorcerer Spells
Name | SP Cost | Timing | Target | Short Description | Purchase Town | Find Location | |
Light | 1 | Anytime | Party | Provide light in dungeons and caves | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Ancient Temple of Yak 6,11 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Awaken | 1 | Anytime | Party | Remove SLEEP from all characters | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
Shrapmetal | 1/lvl | Combat | Foe Group | 2*lvl Physical damage to a group | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Energy Blast | 1/lvl+1G | Combat | Foe | (2-6)*lvl Energy damage to one monster | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Magic Arrow | 2 | Combat | Foe | 8 Magic damage to one monster | V,Sh,C,O - 200 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Power Shield | 2/lvl+2G | Anytime | Character | Add +1/lvl damage reduction for party | Ni,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus | |
Lightning Bolt | 2/lvl+2G | Combat | Foe Group | (4-6)*lvl Electrical damage to a group | Sh,C,O - 1000 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 10,6 (11 gems) | Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Fireball | 2/lvl+2G | Combat | Foe Group | (3-7)*lvl Fire damage to a group | Ni,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Sleep | 3+1G | Combat | Foe Group | Attempt to put a group to sleep | V,Sh,C,O - 300 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,11 (6 gems) | Control Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Dancing Sword | 3/lvl+10G | Combat | Foe Group | (6-14)*lvl Physical damage to a group | A,W,Sh,O - 1500 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Olympus Damage | |
Toxic Cloud | 4+1G | Combat | Foe Group | 10 Poison damage to a group | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 9,5 (11 gems) | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Jump | 4 | Safety | Party | Move the party 2 squares; noncombat only | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Levitate | 5 | Anytime | Party | Party floats over pits and clouds | Ni,R,Sh,C,O- 500 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Identify Monster | 5 | Combat | Foe Group | Show monster group hit points, other stats | Ni,R,Sh,C,O - 500 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Insect Spray | 5+1G | Combat | Foe Group | 25 damage to group of insects | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Wizard Eye | 5+2G | Anytime | Party | Show an overhead view of the vicinity | V,Ni,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Clairvoyance | 5+2G | Anytime | Party | Gives advice on noncombat decisions | Ni,R,Sh,C,O - 500 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,5 (11 gems) | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Detect Monster | 6 | Anytime | Party | Show number and location of nearby monsters | Ni,R,Sh,Sa,O - 600 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus | |
Lloyd's Beacon | 6+2G | Safety | Party | Set and recall location; noncombat only | R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600 | Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus | |
Time Distortion | 8 | Anytime | Party | Cause the entire party to flee combat | R,Sh,Sa,O - 800 | Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus | |
Teleport | 10 | Safety | Party | Teleport up to 9 squares; noncombat only | W,Sh,O - 1000 | Northern Sphinx Dungeon 0,15 | Winterkill Shangri-la Olympus |
Finger Of Death | 10+4G | Combat | Foe Group | Attempt to destroy a group | A,R,Sh,Sa,O - 1000 | Asp Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Dragon Sleep | 10+4G | Combat | Dragon | Attempt to paralyze one dragon | A,Sh,Sa,O - 1000 | Control Asp Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus | |
Super Shelter | 15+5G | Safety | Party | Allow safe rest; noncombat and on land only | Sh,Sa,O - 1500 | Quest B-3 @ 6,3 | Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus |
Recharge Item | 15+10G | Anytime | Item | Add +1-6 charges to a charged item | Sh,Sa,O - 1500 | Quest D-3 @ 12,8 | Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus |
Fantastic Freeze | 15+5G | Combat | Foe Group | 40 Cold damage to a group | A,R,Sh,Sa,O - 1500 | Asp Rivercity Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Item to Gold | 20+10G | Anytime | Item | Converts item into half gold value | Sh,L,O - 2000 | Northern Sphinx Dungeon 14,1 | Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus |
Golem Stopper | 20+10G | Combat | Golem | 100 damage to one golem | A,W,Sh,L,O - 2000 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus Damage | |
Poison Volley | 25+10G | Combat | All Foes | Shoots arrows that do 10 Poison damage each | Ni,W,Sh,L,O - 2500 | Nightshadow Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus Damage | |
Etherealize | 30+10G | Anytime | Party | Move straight through doors, other barriers | A,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 3000 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus | |
Enchant Item | 30+20G | Anytime | Item | Enchants an item which isn't already magical | Sh,L,Ne,O - 3000 | Quest Rivercity @ 25,20 | Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus |
Incinerate | 35+10G | Combat | Foe | 250 Fire damage to one monster | A,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 3500 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage | |
Day of Sorcery | 40+10G | Anytime | Party | Clairvoy.+Levitate+Power Shield+Wizard Eye | A,R,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 4000 | Buff Asp Rivercity Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus | |
Mega Volts | 40+10G | Combat | Foe Group | 150 Electrical damage to a group | Sh,L,Ne,O - 4000 | Quest C-2 @ 8,11 | Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage |
Prismatic Light | 60+10G | Combat | All Foes | 80 damage of random type to all monsters | Sh,L,Ne,O - 6000 | Tower of High Magic Level 4 @ 6,6 | Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage |
Inferno | 75+10G | Combat | Foe Group | 250 Fire damage to a group | W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 7500 | Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage | |
Implosion | 100+20G | Combat | Foe | 1000 Energy damage to one monster | Sh,Ne,O - 10,000 | Shangri-la Necropolis Olympus Damage | |
Elemental Storm | 100+10G | Combat | All Foes | 150 damage of random type to all monsters | W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 10,000 | Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage | |
Star Burst | 200+20G | Combat | All Foes | 500 Physical damage to all monsters | Sh,Ne,O - 20,000 | Northern Sphinx Head 12,8 | Shangri-la Necropolis Olympus Damage |
Cleric Spells
Name | SP Cost | Timing | Target | Short Description | Purchase Town | Find Location | |
Light | 1 | Anytime | Party | Provide light in dungeons and caves | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Ancient Temple of Yak 6,11 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Awaken | 1 | Anytime | Party | Remove SLEEP from all characters | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
First Aid | 1 | Anytime | Character | Heal 6 hit points to one character | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal | |
Sparks | 1/lvl+1G | Combat | Foe Group | Add 2*lvl Electrical damage to one group | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Ancient Temple of Yak 0,5 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Prot from Elements | 1/lvl+1G | Anytime | Party | Add 2/lvl+5 Elemental damage reduction for party | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Buff Vertigo Shangri-la, Castleview, Olympus | |
Flying Fist | 2 | Combat | Foe | 6 Physical damage to one monster | V,Sh,C,O - 200 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Revitalize | 2 | Anytime | Character | Remove WEAK from one character | V,Sh,C,O - 200 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
Bless | 2/lvl+1G | Anytime | Character | Add +1/lvl to Armor Class for party | Ni,Sh,C,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Holy Bonus | 2/lvl+1G | Anytime | Character | Add +1/lvl to Physical weapon damage for party | Ni,Sh,C,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Power Cure | 2/lvl+3G | Anytime | Character | Heal 2-12 hit points per level to one character | R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal | |
Heroism | 2/lvl+3G | Anytime | Character | Add +1/lvl toHit for party | Ni,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus | |
Cold Ray | 2/lvl+4G | Combat | All Foes | (2-4)*Level Cold damage to all monsters | Ni,Sh,C,O - 1000 | Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Cure Wounds | 3 | Anytime | Character | Heal 15 hit points to one character | V,Sh,C,O - 300 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal | |
Pain | 4 | Combat | Foe Group | 8 Physical damage to one group | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,10 (6 gems) | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Suppress Poison | 4 | Anytime | Character | Reduce POISONED on one character to 1 | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
Suppress Disease | 5 | Anytime | Character | Reduce DISEASED on one character to 1 | Ni,Sh,C,O - 500 | Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
Turn Undead | 5+2G | Combat | Foe Group | 25 damage to a group of undead | Ni,R,Sh,C,O-500 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Beast Master | 5+2G | Combat | Foe Group | Attempt to paralyze a group of animals | Sh,C,O - 500 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,6 (6 gems) | Control Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Nature's Cure | 6 | Anytime | Character | Heal 25 hit points to one character | Ni,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600 | Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal | |
Frost Bite | 7 | Combat | Foe | 35 Cold damage to one monster | R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 700 | Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Walk On Water | 7 | Anytime | Party | Allow the party to travel on deep water | R,Sh,Sa,O - 700 | Rivercity, Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus | |
Cure Poison | 8 | Anytime | Character | Remove POISONED from one character | R,A,W,Sh,Sa,O - 800 | Quest F-3 @ 12,8 | Rivercity Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure |
Acid Spray | 8 | Combat | All Foes | 15 Poison damage to all monsters | Sh,Sa,O - 800 | Ancient Temple of Yak 4,5 | Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage |
Cure Disease | 10 | Anytime | Character | Remove DISEASED from one character | A,W,Sh,Sa,O - 1000 | Quest F-3 @ 12,2 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure |
Cure Paralysis | 12 | Anytime | Character | Remove PARALYZED from one character | R,Sh,Sa,O - 1200 | Rivercity, Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure | |
Deadly Swarm | 12 | Combat | Foe Group | 40 Physical damage to one group | Ni,Sh,Sa,O - 1200 | Nightshadow Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Hypnotize | 15+4G | Combat | Foe Group | Attempt to paralyze a group | Sh,Sa,O - 1500 | Ancient Temple of Yak 30,3 | Control Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus |
Create Food | 20+5G | Anytime | Party | Create enough food for party if you lack it | A,W,Sh,L,Sa,O - 2000 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Sandcaster Olympus | |
Fiery Flail | 25+5G | Combat | Foe | 100 Fire damage to one monster | R,Sh,L,Sa,O - 2500 | Rivercity Shangri-la Lakeside Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Town Portal | 30+5G | Safety | Party | Teleport to a town; noncombat only | A,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 3000 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus | |
Stone to Flesh | 35+5G | Anytime | Character | Remove STONE from one character | A,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 3500 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Cure | |
Raise Dead | 50+10G | Anytime | Character | Remove DEAD from one character | A,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 5000 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Cure | |
Moon Ray | 60+10G | Anytime | Everyone | 30 Energy damage to all; heals party as well | Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 6500 | Quest C-2 @ 10,6 | Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Damage |
Mass Distortion | 75+10G | Combat | Foe Group | One group loses half its hit points | W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa,O - 7500 | Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Day of Protection | 75+10G | Anytime | Party | Bless, Heroism, Holy Bonus, Protection from Elements | R,A,W,Sh,L,Ne,Sa - 7500 | Buff Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Sandcaster | |
Holy Word | 100+20G | Combat | Foe Group | Destroy one group of undead | W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 10,000 | Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Necropolis Olympus Damage | |
Resurrect | 125+20G | Anytime | Character | Remove ERADICATED from one character; +5 Age | A,W,Sh,L,Ne,O - 12,500 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Lakeside Olympus Cure | |
Sun Ray | 150+20G | Combat | All Foes | 200 Energy damage to all monsters | Sh,Ne,O - 15,000 | Shangri-la Necropolis Olympus Damage | |
Divine Intervention | 200+20G | Anytime | Party | Heal party damage except ERADICATION; +5 Age | Sh,Ne,O - 20,000 | Northern Sphinx Head 2,8 | Shangri-la, Necropolis, Olympus Cure Heal |
Druid Spells
Name | SP Cost | Timing | Target | Short Description | Purchase Town | Find Location | |
Light | 1 | Anytime | Party | Provide light in dungeons and caves | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Ancient Temple of Yak 6,11 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Awaken | 1 | Anytime | Party | Remove SLEEP from all characters | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
First Aid | 1 | Anytime | Character | Heal 6 hit points to one character | V,Sh,C,O - 100 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal | |
Shrapmetal | 1/lvl | Combat | Foe Group | 2*lvl Physical damage to a group | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Sparks | 1/lvl+1G | Combat | Foe Group | 2*lvl Electrical damage to one group | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Ancient Temple of Yak 0,5 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Prot from Elements | 1/lvl+1G | Anytime | Party | Add 2/lvl +5 Elemental damage reduction for party | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Buff Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Energy Blast | 1/lvl+1G | Combat | Foe | (2-6)*lvl Energy damage to one monster | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Revitalize | 2 | Anytime | Character | Remove WEAK from one character | V,Sh,C,O - 200 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
Flying Fist | 2 | Combat | Foe | 6 Physical damage to one monster | V,Sh,C,O - 200 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Magic Arrow | 2 | Combat | Foe | 8 Magic damage to one monster | V,Sh,C,O - 200 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Bless | 2/lvl+1G | Anytime | Character | Add +1/lvl to Armor Class for party | Ni,Sh,C,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Holy Bonus | 2/lvl+1G | Anytime | Character | Add +1/lvl to Physical weapon damage for party | Ni,Sh,C,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Power Shield | 2/lvl+2G | Anytime | Character | Add 1/lvl damage reduction for party | Ni,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus | |
Lightning Bolt | 2/lvl+2G | Combat | Foe Group | (4-6)*lvl Electrical damage to a group | Sh,C,O - 1000 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 10,6 (11 gems) | Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Fireball | 2/lvl+2G | Combat | Foe Group | (3-7)*lvl Fire damage to a group | Ni,R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Heroism | 2/lvl+3G | Anytime | Character | Add +1/lvl toHit for party | Ni,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Buff Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus | |
Power Cure | 2/lvl+3G | Anytime | Character | Add (2-12)/lvl hit points to one character | R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 1000 | Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal | |
Cold Ray | 2/lvl+4G | Combat | All Foes | (2-4)*lvl Cold damage to all monsters | Ni,Sh,C,O - 1000 | Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Cure Wounds | 3 | Anytime | Character | Heal 15 hit points to one character | V,Sh,C,O - 300 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Heal | |
Sleep | 3+1G | Combat | Foe Group | Attempt to put a group to sleep | V,Sh,C,O - 300 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,11 (6 gems) | Control Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Pain | 4 | Combat | Foe Group | 8 Physical damage to one group | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,10 (6 gems) | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Suppress Poison | 4 | Anytime | Character | Reduce POISONED on one character to 1 | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
Jump | 4 | Safety | Party | Move the party 2 squares; noncombat only | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Toxic Cloud | 4+1G | Combat | Foe Group | 10 Poison damage to a group | V,Sh,C,O - 400 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 9,5 (11 gems) | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage |
Suppress Disease | 5 | Anytime | Character | Reduce DISEASED on one character to 1 | Ni,Sh,C,O - 500 | Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Cure | |
Identify Monster | 5 | Combat | Foe Group | Show monster group hit points, other stats | Ni,R,Sh,C,O - 500 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Levitate | 5 | Anytime | Party | Party floats over pits and clouds | Ni,R,Sh,C,O- 500 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Insect Spray | 5+1G | Combat | Foe Group | 25 damage to group of insects | V,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Beast Master | 5+2G | Combat | Foe Group | Attempt to paralyze a group of animals | Sh,C,O - 500 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 4,6 (6 gems) | Control Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Clairvoyance | 5+2G | Anytime | Party | Gives advice on noncombat decisions | Ni,R,Sh,C,O - 500 | Witch Tower Level 3 @ 5,5 (11 gems) | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus |
Turn Undead | 5+2G | Combat | Foe Group | 25 damage to a group of undead | Ni,R,Sh,C,O-500 | Nightshadow Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Olympus Damage | |
Wizard Eye | 5+2G | Anytime | Party | Show an overhead view of the vicinity | V,Ni,Sh,C,O - 500 | Vertigo Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Olympus | |
Nature's Cure | 6 | Anytime | Character | Heal 25 hit points to one character | Ni,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600 | Nightshadow Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Heal | |
Lloyd's Beacon | 6+2G | Safety | Party | Set and recall location; noncombat only | R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 600 | Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus | |
Walk On Water | 7 | Anytime | Party | Allow the party to travel on deep water | R,Sh,Sa,O - 700 | Rivercity, Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus | |
Frost Bite | 7 | Combat | Foe | 35 Cold damage to one monster | R,Sh,C,Sa,O - 700 | Rivercity Shangri-la Castleview Sandcaster Olympus Damage | |
Acid Spray | 8 | Combat | All Foes | 15 Poison damage to all monsters | Sh,Sa,O - 800 | Ancient Temple of Yak 4,5 | Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Damage |
Cure Poison | 8 | Anytime | Character | Remove POISONED from one character | R,A,W,Sh,Sa,O - 800 | Quest F-3 @ 12,8 | Rivercity Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure |
Cure Disease | 10 | Anytime | Character | Remove DISEASED from one character | A,W,Sh,Sa,O - 1000 | Quest F-3 @ 12,2 | Asp Winterkill Shangri-la Sandcaster Olympus Cure |
Source data provided by Where are We? application with permission. Google Sheets used for organization and to create formula for aggregation and analysis. Presented in NinjaTables.
How to obtain a copy of this game:
eBay link – PC version (1992)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)