MM4 Boosts List

MM4 Boosts, like in all Might and Magic games, are a sure-fire way to get stronger by boosting your Statistics and Resistances. Refer to the Statistic Breakpoints to see how raising your statistics will allow you to deal more damage, hit more often or cast more spells.

Temporary Boosts

Temporary boosts expire at 5am every morning, as do the Spell buffs. To get the most out of these day long effects collect them just after 5am. The boost locations are spread around the surface of Xeen but luckily there are mirror portal drops into most zones, if you know the keyword. The trick becomes popping around to get a collection of boosts and have enough time left in the day to actually use them.

For the +50 boosts and the +30 AC boost, I have included a Steps From nearest Portal value (sfp) which shows game minutes to use mirror portal and walk to the boost. A step is 1 game minute. I have also included the portal reference for the best boosts so you know what to type into the mirror prompt. Tick tock!

My Morning Routine
I like to Set a Lloyd's Beacon at the SP Well in Rivercity, which is also 5 steps from a Portal Mirror, which allows you to get nearly anywhere relatively quickly.

1. Mirror to Nightshadow at 4:30am
2. Walk to well and wait till 5:00am
(space bar will pass 1 minute)
3. Use Well for all characters
(Level +10)
4. Lloyd's then Mirror to 'asp'
5. Use Well for all 6 characters
(HPMax+ Silver bars)
6. Lloyd's then Mirror to 'winterkil'
7. Use Well for Might characters
(MGT +50)
8. Exit winterkill to A-3
9. Walk N to Fountain at 3,14
10. Use Well for all characters
(AC +30)
11. Lloyd's then Cast spell buffs
(day of sorcery, day of protection)
12. Use Well for casters until MaxSP
(SP +100)
13. 5 steps to Mirror Portal, GO SMASH!

This takes about 3 hours of the day. You are buffed and ready to rock at 8am.

I prefer a Might heavy party personally, so the above routine is geared towards that. Below are all the temporary boosts and their location. Build your own morning routine. Build one for a specific encounter with appropriate resistances. Add in SPD for really fast foes that are wiping you out, see if you can take them out in one turn. Btw, If they are taking you out at range before you can even get in there, teleport onto their face to initiate combat.

Click or Tap a row for more details.

Reveal the Temporary Boosts!
AttributeBoostLocationCoordinatesMirror Port Code
Fire Resistance +20E-39,14
Fire Resistance +50E-213,3red dwarf range (7sfp)
Cold Resistance +20E-39,14
Cold Resistance +50A-412,14land of the giants (7sfp)
Electric Reistance +20E-39,14
Electric Reistance +50D-315,4pitchfork creek (7sfp)
Poison Resistance +20E-39,14
Poison Resistance +50F-314,6toad meadow (11sfp)
Energy Resistance +50A-17,6castle basenji (7sfp)
Magic Resistance +50C-315,0new castle (6sfp)
Armor Class +5F-312,12
Armor Class +30A-33,14winterkill (10sfp)
Character Level +5F-30,1
Character Level +10Nightshadow7,7nightshadow (13sfp)
Might +10C-315,10
Might +50D-23,8jousters savannah (6sfp)
Intelligence +10D-38,9
Intelligence +50B-315,4ogre hills (10sfp)
Personality +10D-38,9
Personality +50C-30,0newcastle (13sfp)
Endurance +10C-315,10
Endurance +50C-12,4gargoyle range (12sfp)
Speed +10C-315,10
Speed +50E-23,4red dwarf range (8sfp)
Accuracy +10C-315,10
Accuracy +50B-30,3cave of illusion (6spf)
Luck +60F-31,7ever blossom orchard (9sfp)

Fill-up Boosts

HP fill-up boosts can be used repeatedly to heal up and also just a bit over get the Silver Bars. SP can also be topped off with repeated use.

Reveal the Fill-Up Boosts!
AttributeBoostConditionLocationCoordinatesMirror Port Code
Hit Points +25IF HP<MaxF-3 7,7
Hit Points +100IF HP<MaxAsp 8,3asp (2sfp)
Hit Points +250IF HP<MaxA-1 4,12castle basenji (2sfp)
Spell Points +25IF SP<MaxE-2 8,6pitchfork creek (3sfp)
Spell Points +100IF SP<MaxRivercity 14,18rivercity (21sfp)
Spell Points +250IF SP<MaxA-4 7,7land of the giants (15sfp)

Uncapped Permanent Boosts

There are 126 places where Stats can be raised permanently. Most of these are found in dungeons and can only be activated once so you will need to decide which character to give it to. This type of perm boosts is counted and listed on the Map Details page, check it out.

Capped Permanent Boosts

In some rarer cases, the Perm Boost is repeatable but only works when the Statistic total is below a threshold – meaning some Boosts need to be found and used early before you grow too strong. The list below details the Perm Boosts with such a threshold so you can find them early.

Reveal the Capped Permanent Boosts
Endurance +5Repeatable IF END<21Ancient Temple of Yak19,8
Personality +5 Repeatable IF PER<21Ancient Temple of Yak14,8


How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1992)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)