Darkside of Xeen Guide

Darkside of Xeen Guide

This Darkside of Xeen Guide takes us through the perils of Xeen and strives to give you the info you need to explore and solve the game in conjunction with your own mapping process. Refer often to the Data page to get key details about Weapons, Foes, Spells during your play. Refer also to the Maps page for mapping tools and tips.

Creating your Party

If you want guidance on creating a party, take a look at our MM4 Party Creation page.

Early Game

Early Game

If you are coming in after defeating Lord Xeen in Clouds, your characters will be strong and easily walk through the first few areas. The list below represents the order that you can visit the areas. If you want further detail about a given area, expand the detail view for coordinates of npcs, traps, loot, boosts, and other spoiler information.

Size: 32x32
Foes: Gremlin (20HP|2x2d10DMG),
Gremlin Guard (50HP|2x6d5DMG),
Goblin (10HP|2x2d6DMG),
Gettlewaithe (100HP|2x5d5DMG)
Loot: L1-L4 Items

Travel Notes: There are many access points to the Castleview Sewer that sits below the city. To fully explore Castleview you will need to clear out the sewers. Ellinger's Tower also sits inside the city walls.

12,10 Ellinger's Tower ()
3,27 Guild
15,1 Temple
8,17 Training
21,16 Bank
20,25 Inn
9,22 Store
23,22 Mayor Snarfbald
Award: Cleaned up Castleview
10,000g, 50,000xp
IF Defeated Gettlewaith
5,28 Guild Membership Vendor
Award: Castleview Guild Member
IF Pay 50g
29,27 Skill: Path Finder
IF Pay 1500g
30,23 Skill: Cartographer
IF Pay 10g
7,19 Skill: Swimmer
IF Pay 250g
30,20 Miles the Cartographer
Award: Cartographer's Challenge
IF answer "Sandcaster"
28,30 Joe the Mapmaker
Fake Map
IF Pay 1000g
22,24 Jethro the Mapmaker
Treasure Map
IF Have Fake Map
Award: Rescued Jasper
6500g, 10,000xp
IF Rescued Jasper
27,19 Nadia the Hoarder
Award: Helped Nadia
Key to Ellinger's Tower
IF Have Onyx Necklace
16,23 Bob the Drawkcab Monk
16,15 Otto the Drawkcab Monk
13,15 Pip the Drawkcab Monk
13,23 Tinit the Drawkcab Monk
Award: Member of Drawkcab Brotherhood
IF Talk in order Bob, Otto, Pip, Tinit
1,20 Jasper
29,13 Gettlewaithe, the Gremlin King
2,2 Ellinger's Reward Chest
200,000g 500G, 5xL5 Items
IF Meet Ellinger
Castleview Sewers
Size: 32,32 
Foes: Sewer Slug (25HP|2d10DMG),
Sewer Rat (40HP|3d10DMG),
Rooka (60HP|3d10DMG)
Loot: L3-6 Items

31,26 Valio, the Simple
Award: Exterminated Queen Rat
25,000xp, 1xL4 Item
IF Defeated Rooka
30,26 Valio's Chest
400g, 10G, 1x L5 Item
Combat with Valio
Unable to get above bonuses
3,25 Skill: Directions Sense
IF Pay 1000g
2,26 Perm Boost: MGT+5 (Diseased)
2,25 Perm Boost: MGT+5 (Diseased)
4,26 Perm Boost: MGT+5 (Diseased)
4,25 Perm Boost: MGT+5 (Diseased)
20,8 Perm Boost: END+5 (Poisioned)
20,7 Perm Boost: END+5 (Poisioned)
20,6 Perm Boost: END+5 (Poisioned)
22,8 Perm Boost: END+5 (Poisioned)
22,7 Perm Boost: END+5 (Poisioned)
22,6 Perm Boost: END+5 (Poisioned)
21,8 Rooka, the Queen Rat
21,9 Onyx Necklace
20,22 1xL4 Ring
15,21 1xL3 Chain Mail
9,20 1xL3 Long Sword
15,14 1xL3 Shield
31,13 1xL4 Ring
2,6 1xL6 Ring
4,2 1xL4 Ring
Ellinger’s Tower – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

Notes: The decision point forces you to select one of 3 options. Option 1 will open a passageway to South and Option 2 will open a passageway to North. Option 3 will do 100Ph damage and move you out of the tower. Regarding the North vs South path, they seem to be relatviely the same. There are many many pairs of boots to loot in this tower.

10,8 Decision Point
9,8 Portal Mirror
7,8 Stairs Up
Ellinger’s Tower – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

Notes: There are 5 buttons here, 4 of them will remove the Lava tiles and the 5th one will restore the Lava tiles.

5,11 Button: Removes Lava at 7,6
4,10 Button: Removes Lava at 9,10
4,6 Button: Rmwoves Lava at 9,6
5,5 Button: Removes Lava at 7,10
3,8 Button: Restores the Lava tiles
10,10 Button: Remove Wall at 10,7
9,11 Perm Boost: El Resist+20
9,5 Perm Boost: Fi Resist+20
9,8 Stairs Up
7,8 Stairs Down
Ellinger’s Tower – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

5,11 Button: Remove Wall at 6,7
5,5 Button: Remove Wall at 6,9
7,8 Stairs Up (to Ellinger)
11,8 Stairs Up
9,8 Stairs Down
Ellinger’s Tower – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

4,8 Quest: Ellinger
5,11 Perm Boost: INT+25 IF<50&Sor
7,8 Stairs Down
11,8 Stairs Down
9,8 Stairs Up (Skyroad A-4)
Surface A-4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Electrapede (200HP|50d1DMG)
Portals: Castleview

14,10 Castleview (Pass to Castleview)
14,8 Castleview Sewers ()
5,14 Castle Kalindra ()
IF 5 Energy Disks to Ellinger
15,12 Justine the Thief
Pass to Castleview
IF Pay 1000g
1,4 Brother Reger the Monk
Award: Drawkcab Extraordinaire
IF Award: Member of Drawkcab Brotherhood
IF Answer: "Palindrome"
7,1 Falista the Unicorn
SP to MaxSP
IF Award: Restored Falista
13,15 Luna the Druid
Award: Returned Statuettes
Level+5 Permanent
IF give Golden Pegasus Statuette
IF give Golden Dragon Statuette
IF give Golden Griffin Statuette
3,10 Temp Boost AC+10
IF TempAC=0
9,11 Temp Boost MGT+25
IF TempMGT=0
2,7 Search the Ship
12,000g, 100G, 5xL3 Items
3,1 Monga Melon
8,4 Monga Melon
14,3 Monga Melon
Surface B-4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Medusa Sprite (30HP|3d3DMG),
Electrapede (200HP|50d1DMG)

8,12 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
1,4 2000g, 50G
12,13 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
7,2 2000g, 50G
11,6 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
14,4 2000g, 50G
3,12 Nibbler the Monkeydog
IF give Monga Melon x2
Key to Temple of Bark
Award: Fed Nibbler
2,2 Temp Boost LCK+100
IF TempLCK=0
1,4 Monga Melon
Surface C-4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Medusa Sprite (30HP|3d3DMG)
Portals: Sprite Forest

2,8 Temple of Bark ()
4,14 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
26,3 1500g, 30G, 1xL5 Item
5,12 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
1,0 Perm Boost All Stats+1
2,10 Perm Boost All Stats+1
9,10 Perm Boost All Stats+1
10,10 Perm Boost All Stats+1
4,9 2000g, 50G
7,9 1500g, 30G, 1xL5 Item
7,5 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
15,9 Perm Boost All Stats+1
16,9 Perm Boost All Stats+1
17,9 Perm Boost All Stats+1
19,14 2000g, 50G
14,11 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
29,22 2000g, 50G
30,22 1500g, 30G, 1xL5 Item
13,5 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
25,11 Perm Boost All Stats+1
25,10 Perm Boost All Stats+1
30,12 2000g, 50G
29,10 1000g, 10G, 1xL6 Item
27,10 1500g, 30G, 1xL5 Item
1,7 Sharla, First of the Sprites
40,000g, 200G, 2x Energy Disks
Award: Rescued Sprite
IF Rescued Sheewana from Temple of Bark
2x Energy Disks only
IF Attack and Defeat Sharla
6,14 Perm Boost INT+10
6,12 Perm Boost SPD+10
13,4 Perm Boost END+10
8,4 It's a Trap!!
15,12 It's a Trap!!
Surface D-4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Dark Wolf (70HP|3x3d8DMG)

2,7 Southern Tower() 2,7
8,12 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
19,18 1000g, 10G, 1xL6 Item
14,5 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
14,18 Perm Boost All Stats+1
14,17 Perm Boost All Stats+1
13,20 2000g, 50G
6,12 Perm Boost PER+10
2,4 Temp Boost All Elem Resist+50
IF Any Temp Resistance Boosts=0
12,4 Temp Boost All Statistics+10
IF Any Temp Statistic Boosts=0
Surface E-4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Mantis Ant (300HP|2x2d100DMG),
Killer Cobra (1000HP|2d100DMG)
Portals: Howling Woods,
Aging Forest

6,8 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
30,30 1000g, 10G, 1xL6 Item
5,5 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
20,31 Perm Boost All Stats+1
21,31 Perm Boost All Stats+1
24,31 Perm Boost All Stats+1
25,31 Perm Boost All Stats+1
20,30 Perm Boost All Stats+1
25,30 Perm Boost All Stats+1
13,6 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
7,24 Hobstadt the Troll King
2xL7 Items
IF Option 3
IF Win Combat
7,22 Perm Boost All Stats+1
8,22 Perm Boost All Stats+1
7,26 1000g, 10G, 1xL6 Item
8,26 225,000g
5,12 Skill: Spot Secret Doors
IF Pay 500g
5,4 Perm Boost ACY+10
13,13 Perm Boost MGT+10
0,13 Loot: 250,000 gold
8,15 It's a Trap!!
7,11 It's a Trap!!
15,15 It's a Trap!!
12,11 It's a Trap!!
13,7 It's a Trap!!
9,6 It's a Trap!!
Surface F-4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Mantis Ant (300HP|2x2d100DMG),
Killer Cobra (1000HP|2d100DMG)
Portals: Venom Pond

13,9 Celia and Derek
1x L6 Long Sword
IF Rescued Celia
6,7 Thaddeus and the Fountain of the Ages
Temporary Age set to 0
IF Fountain is restored
Key To Great Southern Tower
IF Fountain is not restored
Award: Restored Fountain of Youth
IF have Jewel of Ages
2,15 Perm Boost LCK+10
14,3 Temp Boost AC+50
IF Temp AC=0
5,10 It's a Trap
6,10 It's a Trap
3,9 It's a Trap
4,9 It's a Trap
5,9 It's a Trap
6,9 It's a Trap
3,8 It's a Trap
4,8 It's a Trap
5,8 It's a Trap
6,8 It's a Trap
4,7 It's a Trap
5,7 It's a Trap
Temple of Bark – Level 1
Temple of Bark Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Orc Guards (60HP|3d10)
Spell Failure: Teleport

9,8 Lever to open door at 6,9
9,6 Lever to open door at 6,5
9,3 Nathan the Prisoner
10,3 Sky the Prisoner
14,2 Lever to raise gate at 6,4
13,14 Lever to raise gate at 6,10
2,15 Perm Boost MGT+5 (3 drinks)
2,11 Perm Boost PER+5 (3 drinks)
15,12 Stairs down to Level 2
Temple of Bark – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Orc Guards (60HP|3d10DMG),
Orc Shaman (50HP|5d5DMG)
Spell Failure: Teleport

16,8 Pressure Plate
Removes Wall at 12,14
Removes Wall at 12,10
12,13 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 12,14
12,11 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 12,10
10,15 Perm Boost INT+5 (3 drinks)
15,15 Perm Boost END+5 (3 drinks)
12,9 It's a Trap
14,19 Perm Boost ACY+5 (3 drinks)
14,7 Perm Boost SPD+5 (3 drinks)
13,6 Perm Boost LCK+5 (3 drinks)
11,6 Perm Boost MGT+5 (3 drinks)
7,12 Pressure Plate
Removes Wall at 5,12
Removes Wall at 7,14
7,13 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 7,14
6,12 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 5,12
10,7 It's a Trap!!
4,7 It's a Trap!!
3,7 It's a Trap!!
2,7 It's a Trap!!
1,7 It's a Trap!!
2,14 Perm All Stats+3, Temp Age+10
1,14 Perm All Stats+3, Temp Age+10
2,13 Perm All Stats+3, Temp Age+10
1,13 Perm All Stats+3, Temp Age+10
7,7 Pressure Plate
Removes Wall at 5,7
Removes Wall at 9,7
8,7 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 9,7
6,7 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 5,7
7,3 Pressure Plate
Removes Wall at 5,3
Removes Wall at 9,3
6,3 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 5,3
8,3 Pressure Plate
Creates Wall at 9,3
4,3 It's a Trap!!
10,3 It's a Trap!!
2,3 It's a Trap!!
12,4 Perm Boost PER+5 (3 drinks)
14,4 Perm Boost INT+5 (3 drinks)
12,1 Perm Boost SPD+5 (3 drinks)
14,1 Perm Boost ACY+5 (3 drinks)
15,3 Perm Boost END+5 (3 drinks)
7,0 Stairs down to Level 3
Temple of Bark – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Orc Guards (60HP|3d10DMG),
Orc Shaman (50HP|5d5DMG),
Orc Elite (200HP|2x5d10DMG)
Spell Failure: Teleport

1,2 Alicia the Just
10,12 Snog the Good
6,12 Princess Sheewana
8,8 Shaalth the Orc King
25 Poison DMG
Teleport to 8,9
13,3 It's a Trap!!
2,13 It's a Trap!!
13,11 It's a Trap!!
14,0 Stairs down to Level 4
Temple of Bark – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Orc Shaman (50HP|5d5DMG),
Orc Elite (200HP|2x5d10DMG),
Shaalth (125HP|5d10)

15,3 Dial reads 1-4 (set to 3)
15,8 Dial reads 1-4 (set to 3)
0,4 Dial reads 1-4 (set to 1)
0,11 Dial reads 1-4 (set to 1)
2,15 Dial reads 1-4 (set to 2)
9,15 Dial reads 1-4 (set to 2)
15,14 Lever (pull it)
8,7 Pool of Dark Water
Award: Disciple of Bark
Perm Boost All Stats+19
IF Dials set correctly, OR Dead
1,0 Stairs down to Level 5
Disciples of Bark Only
Temple of Bark – Level 5
Size: 32x32
Foes: Barkman (40,000HP|250d1)
Spell Failure: Teleport

40,000HP is too many. You can collect the very nice Resistance Boosts and the 2 Energy Disks without dropping Barkman. Come back later for Barkman.

0,28 Feed Me Skull (Feed 5x)
1,21 Feed Me Skull (Feed 5x)
0,0 Feed Me Skull (Feed 5x)
7,0 Feed Me Skull (Feed 5x)
22,0 Feed Me Skull (Feed 5x)
31,0 Feed Me Skull (Feed 5x)
31,21 Feed Me Skull (Feed 5x)
2,11 Perm Boost +50 Fire Resist
9,12 Perm Boost +50 Elem Resist
23,12 Perm Boost +50 Cold Resist
30,10 Perm Boost +50 Pois Resist
13,9 Pressure Plate
Removes Wall at 16,9
14,9 Pressure Plate
Removes Wall at 16,9
18,9 Pressure Plate
Removes Wall at 16,9
0,18 Energy Disk
31,17 Energy Disk
16,10 Barkman
1,24 Chest with 25,000G
Opens only after Barkman defeated
30,25 Chest with 2,000,000g
Opens only after Barkman defeated
16,11 Chest with 3xL7 Items
Opens only after Barkman defeated
Castle Kalindra – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: None
Notes: Level 1 is available after turning in 5 Energy Disks.

8,6 Skill: Arms Master
8,8 Skill: Danger Sense
11,15 Button opens door at
12,3 Button opens door at
8,2 Button opens door
4,14 Safe with 1xL5 Helm
IF Code entered 8/12/32
2,14 Safe with 1xL5 Plate Mail
IF Code entered 69/25/71
1,13 Safe with 1xL5 Chain Mail
IF Code entered 14/4/25
4,11 Safe with 1xL5 Helm
IF Code entered 4/9/53
1,1 Safe with 1xL5 Amulet
IF Code entered 5/17/58
0,4 Safe with 1xL6 Shield
IF Code entered 6/6/6
0,10 Safe with 1xL6 Shield
IF Code entered 12/99/12
Southern Tower – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Rogue (50HP|1d60DMG)

9,11 Portal Mirror
5,11 Button to open door at 7,10
4,10 Button closes door 7,10 and 4,8
10,10 Button opens door 10,8
9,5 Button closes door 7,5 and 10,8
5,5 Button opens door 7,5
4,6 Button opens door 4,8
Southern Tower – Level 2
Size: 16,16
Foes: Rogue (50HP|1d60DMG),
Thief (100HP|1d100DMG)

7,9 Gong 3x opens doors 6,8 and 8,8
IF not 3 times, 100El DMG
Southern Tower – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

7,9 Gong 3x opens doors 6,9
IF not 3 times, 100El DMG
7,9 Gong 3x opens doors 8,9
IF not 3 times, 100El DMG
4,8 It's a Trap!!
3,8 It's a Trap and drops to Level 2
5,7 It's a Trap!!
9,8 It's a Trap!!
11,8 It's a Trap and drops to Level 2
10,6 It's a Trap!!
5,8 1000g, 2xL4 Items
4,7 1000g, 2xL4 Items
4,6 300,000g with Password "Opensesamesame"
IF wrong password 500El DMG
Move your Lock Picker to Position 1
5,5 Energy Disk
9,5 Energy Disk
10,8 5000g, 50G
10,7 500g, 2xL5 Items
9,7 500g, 2xL5 Items
Southern Tower – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Rogue (50HP|1d60DMG),
Thief (100HP|1d100DMG),
Master Thief (100HP|1d250DMG)

3,8 It's a Trap and drops to Level 3
11,8 It's a Trap and drops to Level 3
5,11 500,000xp for Robber or Ninja
IF other class 100El DMG
9,11 Perm Boost Level+5
IF "Prince of Thieves" award
IF NOT Eradicated
7,12 Stairs up to Skyroad D-4

Mid Game

Mid Game

Continue to grow your strength for the coming battles. The list below represents the order that you can visit the areas. If you want further detail about a given area, expand the detail view for coordinates of npcs, traps, loot, boosts, and other spoiler information.

Surface A-3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Barbarian (50HP|3x1d20),
Arachnoid (50HP|3d5DMG)
Portals: Dark Grove,
Great Western Tower

4,9 Western Tower ()
14,7 Stairs up to Skyroad A-3
12,14 Linus the Ruby Gemsmith
Create Ruby Weapon/Armor
IF Pay 100G, 5x Ruby Rock
13,12 Simon the Emerald Gemsmith
Create Emerald Weapon/Armor
IF Pay 200G, 5x Emerald Rock
15,11 Toby the Sapphire Gemsmith
Create Sapphire Weapon/Armor
IF Pay 400G, 5x Sapphire Rock
8,10 Dreyfus High Priest of Mok
8,14 Temp Boost Level+3
IF TempLevel=0
3,3 Perm Boost HP+50
2,10 Perm Boost SP+50
Surface B-3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Barbarian (50HP|3x1d20),
Arachnoid (50HP|3d5DMG)

10,9 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Beholder Bat (75HP|5d5DMG)
Mine Section Details:
25,3 It's a trap!!
27,2 It's a trap!!
24,2 Diamond Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
26,4 Diamond Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
27,1 Diamond Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,3 Diamond Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
27,1 Diamond Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000En DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 3x Hit
30,2 Horn of Raising Dead
1,12 Hector the Diamond Gemsmith
Create Diamond Weapon/Armor
IF Pay 1000G, 5x Diamond Rock
6,12 Yog the Barbarian
Answer Yes for Combat
Answer No for Assistance
Answer 1 to query Energy Disks
Answer 2 to fill Packs Food
11,4 Kramer the Caravan Owner
Award: Helped Kramer
150,000g, 150,000xp
IF Destroyed Ogre Forts
7,1 Vespar the Wizard
Award: Helped Vespar
Pass to Sandcaster
IF Vespar's
Emerald Handle
13,10 Barbarian Camp
IF destroy the camp
Surface C-3
Size: 16x16

6,9 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Beholder Bat (75HP|5d5DMG)
Mine Section Details:
11,12 God of Minerals
Replenishes all Gems
IF Pay 250,000g
9,12 It's a trap!!
10,13 It's a trap!!
13,12 It's a trap!!
12,18 It's a trap!!
8,0 Diamond Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
8,13 Diamond Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
14,11 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
15,15 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
10,15 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
10,18 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
14,18 Sapphire Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
13,16 Sapphire Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
6,7 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Sabertooth (100HP|3x5d10)
Mine Section Details:
25,9 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
29,17 Ruby Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,12 Ruby Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,8 Ruby Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000En DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein expires after 3x Hit
31,17 Ruby Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000En DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein expires after 3x Hit
12,7 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Sabertooth (100HP|3x5d10)
Mine Section Details:
31,23 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,25 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,21 Emerald Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,27 Emerald Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,29 Diamond Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein expires after 1x Hit
31,31 Emerald Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000Po DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 3x Hit
25,31 Emerald Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000Po DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein expires after 3x Hit
2,0 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
22,3 1500g, 30G, 1xL5 Item
Surface D-3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Vulture Roc (2500HP|5d60),
Ogre (100HP|4d10),
Dark Wolf (70HP|3x3d8DMG)
Portals: Ogre Pass

4,5 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Sabertooth (100HP|3x5d10)
Mine Section Details:
6,24 It's a Trap!!
7,22 1xL4 Ring
10,25 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
10,22 Ruby Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
6,7 Ruby Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000En DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
11,31 Diamond Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
11,29 Diamond Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
10,27 Diamond Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000En DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Diamond Rck
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Diamond Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
4,18 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
2,18 Emerald Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
7,31 Emerald Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
0,18 Emerald Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000Po DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
4,31 Emerald Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000Po DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
31,23 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
31,25 Sapphire Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
31,21 Sapphire Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Co DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Sapphire Rck
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
31,27 Sapphire Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Co DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Sapphire Rock
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
31,31 Sapphire Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000Co DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Sapphire Rck
20% Fail for 250Co DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Sapphire Rock
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
11,5 Graalg The Ogre Chief
2x Energy Disks
IF Defeat Graalg
3,7 Ogre Fort
IF Burn
9,8 Ogre Fort
IF Burn
Castle Kalindra – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

Notes: Level 2 is available after turning in 10 Energy Disks.

11,15 Megan, Daughter of Dimitri
Key to Dungeon of Lost Souls
Award: Helped Megan
1000g, 3,000,000xp
IF Helped Megan
10,15 Dimitri, Captain of the Guard
Award: Cheered Dimitri
5xL7 Items
IF Have Songbird of Serenity
3,6 Skill: Astrologer
0,2 L5 Broad Sword
0,1 L5 Hammer
9,2 L5 Long Bow
11,1 L5 Sling
8,5 Energy Disk
IF 64/52/31 AND Dimitri healed
4,15 Energy Disk
IF 64/52/31 AND Dimitri healed
2,15 Energy Disk
IF 64/52/31 AND Dimitri healed
0,15 Energy Disk
IF 64/52/31 AND Dimitri healed
0,12 Energy Disk
IF 64/52/31 AND Dimitri healed
0,10 Energy Disk
IF 64/52/31 AND Dimitri healed
Surface E-3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Armadillo (800HP|100d6DMG),
Mantis Ant (300HP|2x2d100DMG)

4,12 Sandcaster()
13,13 Caleb the Inventor
Award: Helped Caleb
50,000g, 500,00xp
IF Have Caleb's Magnifying Glass
15,13 Erica the Boot Merchant
1xL6 Boots
IF Pay 20,000g
15,12 Buckler the Belt Maker
1xL6 Belt
IF Pay 30,000g
15,10 Katrina the Jeweler
IF Pay 50,000g and 500G
13,10 Luigi the Tailor
IF Pay 50,000g
12,10 Aldo the Food Vendor
IF Food<244 and Pay 100g
13,5 Vespar's Emerald Handle
7,0 Troll Hole ()
Fall in for 7ph DMG
IF NOT Levitate
Hole Loot:
13,27 1500g, 30G, 1xL5 Item
15,27 1500g, 30G, 1xL5 Item
Size: 32x32
Foes: Enchantress (100HP|3d150DMG),
Sorceress (200HP|2d50DMG),
Wizard (250HP|10d25DMG),
Master Wizard (500HP|2x10d40DMG),
Morgana (300HP|2d60DMG),
Xenoc (700HP|10d50)
Spell Failure: Teleport

1,16 Temple
9,13 Inn
18,22 Guild
9,19 Store
19,12 Training
27,17 Edmond the Weapons Forger
Award: Superior Intellect
IF Answer is 3
20,14 Astra the Good Sorceress
Award: Defeated Xenoc/Morgana
1000G, 2,000,000xp
IF Xenoc/Morgana are defeated
23,17 James the Merchant
Award: Merchant's Challenge
IF Merchant AND Answer 100
IF Wrong lose Merchant Skill
18,10 Niccolo the Guildsman
Award: Sandcaster Guild Member
IF Pay 20,000g
18,8 Geoffrey the Monitor
Pass to Lakeside
IF Pay 25,000g
6,21 Digga the Salesman
Vulture Repellant
IF Pay 19,995g
19,5 Geogor the Navigator
Skill: Navigator
IF Pay 10,000g
19,1 Tibora the Magician
Skill: Prestidigitator
IF Pay 1000g
21,4 Natasha the Enchantress
Enchanted Bridle
IF Have Bridle & 50,000g
19,27 Morgan the Merchant
Skill: Merchant
IF Pay 5000g
19,30 Natalie the Linguist
Skill: Linguist
IF Pay 25,000g
13,3 Perm Boost INT+10 (3 drinks)
13,5 Perm Boost INT+10 (3 drinks)
23,10 Perm Boost INT+10 (3 drinks)
25,10 Perm Boost SPD+10 (3 drinks)
8,1 Perm Boost SPD+10 (3 drinks)
1,10 Perm Boost SPD+10 (3 drinks)
30,1 Key to Great Eastern Tower
27,1 25,000g, 100G
26,1 1xL3 Item
21,1 100,000g, 4xL4 Items
19,3 1xL3 Item
12,2 50,000g, 100G, 3xL6 Items
6,1 100,000g, 4xL4 Items
3,10 25,000g, 100G
27,22 1xL3 Item
23,22 1xL3 Item
29,29 1xL3 Item
4,22 25,000g, 100G
3,22 25,000g, 100G
1,30 50,000g, 100G, 3xL6 Items
13,28 Stairs down to Sewer
1,26 Stairs down to Sewer
1,1 Stairs down to Sewer
13,9 Stairs down to Sewer
30,21 Stairs down to Sewer
Sandcaster Sewers
Size: 32x32
Foes: Sewer Hag (75HP|10d25DMG),
Beholder Bat (75HP|5d5DMG)

25,4 Barticus the Body Builder
Opens the door to the Gym
IF Pay 50,000g
27,3 Skill: Body Builder
29,3 Perm Boost END+10 (6x)
30,4 Perm Boost MGT+10 (6x)
9,8 1xL6 Charm
5,1 1xL6 Charm
2,29 1xL6 Ring
0,16 Stairs up to Surface D-2 @12,2
1,26 Stairs up to Sandcaster 1,26
13,28 Stairs up to Sandcaster 13,28
30,21 Stairs up to Sandcaster 30,21
27,10 Stairs up to Sandcaster 27,10
1,1 Stairs up to Sandcaster 13,9
Stairs up to Sandcaster 1,1
Sandcaster Section
Foes: Wizard (250HP|10d25DMG),
Master Wizard (500HP|2x10d40DMG)
Section Details:
1,10 Perm Boost: SPD+10 (3x)
8,1 Perm Boost: SPD+10 (3x)
13,5 Perm Boost: INT+10 (3x)
3,10 25,000g, 100G
6,1 100,000g, 4xL4 Items
Surface F-3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Mantis Ant (300HP|2x2d100DMG),
Gargoyle (150HP|2x5d50DMG)
Portals: River of Wrath,
Great Eastern Tower

4,13 It's a Trap!
10,5 It's a Trap!
11,1 It's a Trap!
13,14 It's a Trap!
10,9 Eastern Tower ()
Eastern Tower – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Mystic Mage (200HP|10d20DMG)

7,12 Stairs up to Level 2
Eastern Tower – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Mystic Mage (200HP|10d20DMG)

7,12 Stairs down to Level 1
7,11 Stairs up to Level 3
Eastern Tower – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Foes: Mystic Mage (200HP|10d20DMG)

7,11 Stairs down to Level 2
7,12 Stairs up to Level 4
4,6 Stairs up to Level 4 (INT Boost)
5,11 Jewel of Ages
7,4 Energy Disk
11,8 Energy Disk
Eastern Tower – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Mystic Mage (200HP|10d20DMG), Magic Mage (300HP|10d30DMG), Mega Mage (500HP|10d40DMG) Gamma Gazer (5000HP|10d20DMG)

Stairs down to Level 3 (to Jewel of Ages)
Stairs down to Level 3 (to Energy Disks)
Stairs down to Level 3 (to Exit)
It's a Trap!
It's a Trap!
Perm Boost INT+50
IF Sorcerer, Ranger or Archer
Perm Boost Level+5
ALSO lose ALL Secondary Skills
Perm Boost Any Stat+10
IF Stat<10
Perm Boost Level+1
ALSO Temporary Age+50
Surface F-2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Armadillo (800HP|100d6DMG),
Gargoyle (150HP|2x5d50DMG),
Octopod (HP|DMG)
Portals: Octopod Lake,
Isle of Lost Souls

6,10 Dungeon of Lost Souls ()
3,15 Lakeside ()
8,5 Temp Boost Magi Resist+50
IF Temp Resist=0
Size: 16x16
Foes: Witch (150HP|10d10DMG),
Coven Leader (255HP|10d15DMG)

2,1 It's a Trap!
7,1 It's a Trap!
1,1 Camilla the Captured
6,1 Rhett the Wimp
13,1 Naomi the Prisoner
14,5 Isabella the Victim
4,12 Aretha the Helpless
3,5 Guild Membership
IF Answer Witch
1,9 Guild
9,5 Perm Boost END+25
IF second use, STONE
14,1 Perm Boost PER+25
IF second use, STONE
14,4 Perm Boost SPD+25
IF second use, STONE
6,12 Perm Boost SPD+25
IF second use, STONE
2,8 3xL5 Scrolls
4,8 3xL5 Scrolls
12,9 10,000g, 100G
10,11 35,000g, 7xL5 Items
8,12 10,000g, 100G
1,14 36,000g, 200G, Pass to Necropolis
1,13 2xL6 Items (Jewelry)
Lakeside Sewers
Size: 16x16
Foes: Sewer Stalker (250HP|3d100DMG)

6,4 Skill: Prayer Master
12,11 Golden Dragon Statuette
14,15 Potion of Stone to Flesh
12,14 Potion of Resurrection
14,2 Potion of Resurrection
8,2 Potion of Stone to Flesh
Dungeon of Lost Souls – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Minotaur (3000HP|100d4DMG)
Spell Failure: Teleport

2,9 Hourglass
5,10 Hourglass
11,10 Hourglass
14,9 Hourglass
Dungeon of Lost Souls – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Minotaur (3000HP|100d4DMG)
Spell Failure: Teleport

9,1 It's a Trap!
14,8 Dial, set to 1
14,8 Dial, set to 1
14,14 Dial, set to 1
14,2 Dial, set to 1
14,2 Lever
3,3 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
3,6 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
3,9 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
3,12 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
11,13 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
13,13 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
11,10 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
13,10 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
11,7 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
13,7 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
11,4 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
13,4 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
11,1 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
13,1 Soul Waters grant 654,321xp (1x)
7,1 Stairs down to Level 3
Dungeon of Lost Souls – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Minotaur (3000HP|100d4DMG),
Gorgon (4000HP|100d3DMG)
Spell Failure: Teleport

14,2 Lever, pull it
13,14 Lever, pull it
1,10 Lever, pull it
1,1 Lever, pull it
7,14 Stairs down to Level 4
Dungeon of Lost Souls – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Minotaur (3000HP|100d4DMG),
Gorgon (4000HP|100d3DMG)
Spell Failure: Teleport

6,10 Lever, pull it
14,10 Lever, pull it
14,2 Stairs down to Level 5
Dungeon of Lost Souls – Level 5
Size: 32x32
Foes: Minotaur (3000HP|100d4DMG),
Gorgon (4000HP|100d3DMG)
Spell Failure: Teleport

Ethererialize through the gate at 20,17

27,31 Perm Boost END+6, All Characters
26,30 Perm Boost ACY+6, All Characters
26,28 Perm Boost LCK+6, All Characters
31,24 Perm Boost MGT+6, All Characters
24,31 Perm Boost SPD+6, All Characters
20,24 Perm Boost PER+6, All Characters
31,15 Perm Boost END+6, All Characters
29,15 Perm Boost LCK+6, All Characters
29,17 Perm Boost MGT+6, All Characters
29,19 Perm Boost ACY+6, All Characters
26,15 Perm Boost END+6, All Characters
31,10 Perm Boost SPD+6, All Characters
20,11 Perm Boost PER+6, All Characters
1,8 Songbird of Serenity
Castle Kalindra – Level 3
Castle Kalindra Dungeon
Size: 16x16
Foes: Power Lich (500HP|10d10DMG),
Dragon Mummy (3000HP|2000d2DMG),
Scraps (3000HP|2000d2DMG)

Notes: Dungeon Level is available after turning in 15 Energy Disks.

11,2 1xL6 Splint Mail
IF 7/7/7
11,0 1xL7 Chain Mail
IF 3/6/9
9,2 1xL6 Helm
IF 1/2/3
9,0 1xL7 Helm
IF 10/20/30
9,2 1xL6 Helm
IF 1/2/3
7,2 1xL7 Amulet
IF 10/11/12
7,0 1xL7 Amulet
IF 10/11/12
Surface A-2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Gamma Gazer (5000HP|7x10d20DMG),
Barbarian (50HP|3x1d20DMG)
Portals: Ogre Pass

7,2 Barbarian Archers Camp
5,0 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Beholder Bat (75HP|5d5DMG)
Mine Section Details:
1,4 It's a Trap!
4,1 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
0,3 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
4,3 Ruby Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
4,6 Ruby Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
0,6 Ruby Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000En DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 250En DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Ruby Rock
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
7,4 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Sabertooth (100HP|3x5d10)
Mine Section Details:
2,13 It's a Trap!
3,11 It's a Trap!
4,12 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
0,14 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
2,10 Emerald Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Emerald Rck
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
0,10 Emerald Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000Po DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Emerald Rck
20% Fail for 250Po DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Emerald Rock
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
13,1 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Beholder Bat (75HP|5d5DMG)
Mine Section Details:
12,1 Sapphire Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Co DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Sapphire Rck
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
11,5 Sapphire Vein - 2
20% Fail for 250Co DMG
Hit ⤒100G|3x Sapphire Rck
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
8,1 Sapphire Vein - 3
20% Fail for 1000Co DMG
Hit ⤒1100G|3x Sapphire Rck
20% Fail for 250Co DMG
Hit ⤒100G|Sapphire Rock
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 3x Hit
Surface B-2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Gamma Gazer (5000HP|7x10d20DMG),
Barbarian (50HP|3x1d20DMG),
Iguanasaurus (2500HP|10d50DMG)
Portals: Necropolis,
Forbidden Zone

13,14 Freeda the Mountain Woman
Skill: Mountaineering
IF Pay 5000g
0,2 Barbarian Camp
8,12 Necropolis ()
1,0 Gemstone Mine ()
4,2 Gemstone Mine ()
Mine Section Foes:
Beholder Bat (75HP|5d5DMG)
Mine Section Details:
16,2 It's a Trap!
18,10 It's a Trap!
18,9 1xL4 Broach
20,24 1xL4 Medal
20,27 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
10,1 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
20,2 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
20,4 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
20,29 Ruby Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Ruby Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
16,4 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
17,5 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
17,31 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
15,31 Emerald Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Po DMG
Hit for 1x Emerald Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
14,25 Diamond Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
15,21 Diamond Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
16,7 Diamond Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100En DMG
Hit for 1x Diamond Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
15,27 Sapphire Vein - 1
20% Fail for 100Co DMG
Hit for 1x Sapphire Rock
Vein 0 after 1x Hit
Size: 16x16
Foes: Higher Mummy (400HP|10d40DMG),
Power Lich (500HP|10d10DMG),
Sandro (1000HP|10d10DMG)

You can get in, get what you need, and out of here without clearning everything or stepping on a single square of lava. You will need to defeat Sando once.

10,10 Golden Griffin Statuette
10,6 Guild Membership Vendor
IF Pay 50,000g
5,1 Guild
1,9 Stairs down (to Sandro's Heart)
Teleport 8N to Sandro's Heart
10,8 Sandro the Lich
Key to Dungeon of Death
IF Have Sandro's Heart
AND Defeat Sandro
Surface C-2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Iguanasaurus (2500HP|10d50DMG),
Sand Flower (100HP|5x5d5DMG),
Griffin (800HP|2x50d6DMG)
Portals: Desert of Doom

12,13 It's a Trap
14,7 It's a Trap
1,8 Temp Boost: Level+15
IF Temp Level<0
11,10 The Enchanted Boulder
Award: Paladin's Friend
IF Answer Paladin
11,5 The Enchanted Boulder
Obsidian Plate Mail
IF Paladin's Friend
11,0 The Enchanted Boulder
Obsidian Helm
IF Paladin's Friend
2,6 Genie of the Lamp
500,000xp OR
10,000g OR
6,11 Genie of the Lamp
500,000xp OR
10,000g OR
3,15 Genie of the Lamp
500,000xp OR
10,000g OR
Surface D-2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Vulture Roc (2500HP|5d60DMG),
Sand Flower (100HP|5x5d5DMG)

0,5 Great Pyramid ()
0,10 The Enchanted Boulder
Obsidian Shield
IF Paladin's Friend
5,10 The Enchanted Boulder
Obsidian Guantlets
IF Paladin's Friend
5,5 The Enchanted Boulder
Obsidian Boots
IF Paladin's Friend
5,0 The Enchanted Boulder
Obsidian Cape
IF Paladin's Friend
0,0 The Enchanted Boulder
Obsidian Long Sword
IF Paladin's Friend
0,15 Genie of the Lamp
500,000xp OR
10,000g OR
Surface E-2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Vulture Roc (2500HP|5d60DMG),
Armadillo (800HP|100d6DMG)
Portals: Forest of Peril

16,4 Ector the Woodsman
Award: Helped Ector
Obsidian Battleaxe
IF Have Ector's Ring
8,15 Leafpoint the Tree
Surface F-1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Gargoyle (150HP|2x5d50DMG),
Hell Hornet (250HP|2x5d50DMG)
Portals: Castle Blackfang

9,11 Castle Blackfang ()
10.0 Caleb's Magnifying Glass
2,1 It's a Trap!
13,8 Perm Boost HP+500
Surface E-1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Magic Mountain

13,12 It's a Trap
10,10 It's a Trap
6,12 It's a Trap
15,1 It's a Trap
10,2 It's a Trap
3,1 It's a Trap
11,12 Ector's Ring
2,10 Perm Boost SP+1000
Surface D-1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Giant (500HP|2x100d5DMG)
Portals: Parabolic Barrier,
Great Northern Tower

10,5 Gurodel The Giant
2x Energy Disks
16,3 Bosco the Dwarf King
Key to the Great Norther Tower
Award: Taste Tester Royale
1,000,000xp AND 100,000g
IF Have Chalice of Protection
0.12 Giant's Lair
6,1 Temp Boost MGT+100
IF Temp MGT=0
Great Northern Tower – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Slayer Knight (500HP|2d250DMG)

1,10 Book awards 500,000xp
IF Answer eoauaaue
4,10 Book awards 500,000xp
IF Answer eeeioie
5,11 1xL6 Shield
9,11 1xL6 Shield
7,12 Stairs up to Level 2
Great Northern Tower – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Slayer Knight (500HP|2d250DMG)

5,11 Book awards 500,000xp
IF Answer eeeoeaoueieeeoee
9,11 Book awards 500,000xp
IF Answer oeooeieoooaei
4,9 1xL6 Helm
4,7 1xL6 Helm
10,9 1xL6 Plate Armor
10,7 1xL6 Chain Mail
7,4 Stairs up to Level 3
7,12 Stairs down to Level 1
Great Northern Tower – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Death Knight (750HP|2x2d250DMG)

10,6 Book awards 500,000xp
IF Answer iieeeoeeeouie
10,10 Book awards 500,000xp
IF Answer aooaioeaeooae
4,10 Book awards 500,000xp
IF Answer oooaioeieou
9,11 1xL6 Ring Mail
5,11 1xL6 Shield
4,6 1xL6 Helm
7,12 Stairs up to Level 4
7,4 Stairs down to Level 2
Great Northern Tower – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Slayer Knight (500HP|2d250DMG),
Death Knight (750HP|2x2d250DMG),
Doom Knight (1000HP|4x2d250DMG)

5,11 It's a Trap
11,8 Energy Disk
3,8 Energy Disk
7,4 Chalice of Protection
IF Answer aie
6,8 Emo Throne awards DEPRESSED
8,8 Emo Throne awards HEART BROKEN
6,7 Emo Throne awards CONFUSED
8,7 Emo Throne awards INSANE
7,6 Euphoria Throne
50El DMG
Perm Level+2
Perm All Stats+7
Cure All Conditions
IF you sat on all Emo Thrones
Surface C-1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Giant (500HP|2x100d5),
Griffon (800HP|2x50d6)
Portals: Quivering Forest

9,11 Giant's Lair
1,7 Temp Boost En Resist+50
IF Temp Energy Resist=0
Surface B-1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Griffin (800HP|2x50d6DMG),
Giant (500HP|100d5DMG),
Gamma Gazer (5000HP|7x10d20DMG)
Portals: Griffin Pass

2,9 Escape Pod 2 ()
14,13 Temp Boost All Resistances+100
IF TempResist<100 (each checked)
12,5 Ambrose the Queen Knight
IF Answer Dimitri
Award: Enchanted Bridle
50,000g, 500,000xp
IF Have Enchanted Bridle
Castle Blackfang – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Vampire (400HP|10d10DMG),
Vampire Lord (500HP|10d30DMG)

15,13 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL4 Necklace
15,11 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL4 Medal
15,7 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL5 Amulet
15,5 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL4 Broach
1.0 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL4 Belt
0,3 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL5 Ring
0,7 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL4 Scarab
1,9 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL4 Ring
9,15 It's a Trap
9,14 It's a Trap
7,13 It's a Trap
7,12 It's a Trap
5,14 It's a Trap
3,13 It's a Trap
3,12 It's a Trap
1,14 It's a Trap
1,15 It's a Trap
Castle Blackfang – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Vampire (400HP|10d10DMG),
Vampire Lord (500HP|10d30DMG)

3,8 1xL4 Cameo
3,6 1xL5 Ring
3,4 1xL6 Necklace
7,3 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL4 Cameo
14,13 It's a Trap
12,14 It's a Trap
10,13 It's a Trap
8,14 It's a Trap
6,13 It's a Trap
4,14 It's a Trap
2,13 It's a Trap
0,14 It's a Trap
Castle Blackfang – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Vampire (400HP|10d10DMG),
Vampire Lord (500HP|10d30DMG),
Blackfang (1500HP|10d100DMG),
Royal Vampire (750HP|10d50DMG)

After defeating Blackfang, you can take the back stairs at 15,12 all the way back down to the Dungeon where Kalindra is kept. There are invisible traps along the way that you can Jump over.

7,3 1xL4 Belt
3,5 1xL6 Cape
3,7 1xL6 Cameo
14,6 1xL5 Pendant
1,14 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL7 Belt
5,14 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL7 Ring
9,14 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL7 Scarab
13,14 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL7 Cape
1xL7 Cloak
1xL7 Amulet
12,1 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL7 Scarab
12,0 Search, Fight, Loot
1xL7 Cloak
Castle Blackfang – Dungeon
Size: 16x16
Foes: Octopod (2500HP|2d100DMG)

1,1 Queen Kalindra
Safe Combination: 3/31/62
Award: Saved the Queen
5,000,000 xp
Key to Ancient Pyramid
IF Have Queen Kalindra's Crown
Castle Kalindra = Level 3
Size: 16x16

2,15 Queen Kalinda's Crown
IF Answer 3/31/62
8,15 Perm Boost PER+10
9,15 Perm Boost PER+10
9,14 Perm Boost PER+10
1,1 Activate Mirror Portals
8,2 Perm Boost MGT+10
8,1 Perm Boost MGT+10
9,2 Perm Boost MGT+10
9,1 Perm Boost MGT+10
9,0 Perm Boost MGT+10

Late Game

Late Game

Time to prepare for the final sequences.

The Great Pyramid – Level 1
Size: 32x32
Foes: Green Dragon (2500HP|500d1DMG),
Cloud Dragon (2000HP|600d1DMG)

18,6 Lever, Pull it
22,6 Lever, Pull it
26,6 Lever, Pull it
5,4 Lever, Pull it
4,28 Lever, Pull it
11,30 Lever, Pull it
20,27 Quiz Skull Answer 8
26,27 Quiz Skull Answer 5
18,25 Quiz Skull Answer 7
22,25 Quiz Skull Answer 9
24,25 Quiz Skull Answer 10
28,25 Quiz Skull Answer 6
20,23 Quiz Skull Answer 3
26,23 Quiz Skull Answer 4
25,20 Lever, Pull it
IF Skulls Answered Correctly
23,15 2,500,000g, 5000G, 5xL7 Items
5,6 Stairs up to Level 2
The Great Pyramid – Level 2
Size: 32x32
Foes: None

9,9 Stairs up to Level 3
Passcode: 1701
6,6 Stairs down to Level 1
The Great Pyramid – Level 3
Size: 32x32
Foes: None

Jump over the Teleport squares.

11,19 Teleport
20,13 Teleport
13,16 Teleport
18,14 Teleport
16,16 Stairs up to Level 4
The Great Pyramid – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

6,7 It's a Trap!
7,5 Button, Push it
5,5 1,000,000xp
If Answer 20/30/1
6,9 Dragon Pharaoh
Award: Chosen One
Pass to Olympus
IF you have talked to Corak
10,5 Stairs to Olympus
IF Chosen One
Escape Pod 1
Size: 32x16
Foes: None

25,8 Main Power Console
28,6 Strange Energy Device
Any Stat+50 AND Temp Age+50
IF Stat<50
IF Main Console is active
2,8 Main Stasis Console
Answer: Where no man has gone before
4,8 Corak the Mysterious
Award: Freed Corak
IF Have Soul Box
Escape Pod 2
Size: 32x16
Foes: None

4,9 Log Panel
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

10,7 Stairs down to Sewers
Sewer Section Details:
10,12 Riddle: Tribbles
5,14 Stairs Up to Olympus
10,14 Soul Box
Olympus Sewers
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

Nothing down here except for the passageway to the Soul Box. See Olympus write up.
Surface A-1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Gamma Gazer (5000HP|7x10d20DMG),
Lava Dweller (1500HP|5d100DMG)

10,4 Castle Alamar()
2,13 +2500 HP IF HP<Max
Castle Alamar – Level 1
Size: 16x16	

0,8 Stairs up to Level 2
Castle Alamar – Level 2
Size: 16x16

After setting the dials, walk across the platforms to center from west side.

15,8 Stairs up to Level 3
0,15 Fire Time, set to 9
14,15 Air Time, set to 9
14,1 Earth Time, set to 9
0,1 Water Time, set to 9
Castle Alamar – Level 3
Size: 16x16

This is a maze of pitfalls that drop to lower levels. You must have Soul Box with Corak Inside.

From the Stairs: Levitate IS active
1W, 2S, Jump-2W, 1S, 1W,
1S, 4W, 1S, 1W, 1S, 4W

2,13 Sheltem
Cube of Power
Award: Defeated Sheltem
IF Have Soul Box w/Corak Inside
Castle Alamar – Dungeon
Size: 16x16

10,15 Perm Boost Level+5
10,11 Perm Boost Level+5
10,7 Perm Boost Level+5
8,5 Lever, Pull it
6.5 Lever, Pull it
13,3 Key to Dragon Tower
15,5 Lever, Pull it
IF Have Silver ID Card
11,9 Key to Darkstone Tower
15,9 Lever, Pull it
IF Have Gold ID Card
11,10 Perm Boost Level+5
15,13 Perm Boost Level+5
13,15 Prince Roland
Award: Rescued Roland
Amulet of (Key to Southern Sphinx)
Dragon Tower – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Dragon Tower – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Dragon Tower – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Dragon Tower – Level 4
Size: 16x16

5,9 3xL7 Items, 5000Fi DMG
9,9 3xL7 Items, 5000Fi DMG
7,6 10xL7 Items, 10,000Fi DMG
3,8 1,000,000g, 2xL7 Items
11,8 1,000,000g, 2dL7 Items
4,6 10,000,000xp
10,6 10,000,000xp
Dragon Clouds
Size: 32x32
Foes: Phase Dragon (4000HP|750d1DMG),
Green Dragon (2500HP|500d1DMG),
Energy Dragon (5000HP|1000d1DMG),
Cloud Dragon (2000HP|600d1DMG)

8,0 It's a Trap!
22,0 It's a Trap!
15,30 Silver ID Card
IF Answer Infinity
Darkstone Tower – Level 1
Size: 16x16
Foes: Onyx Golem (10,000HP|2d250DMG)

7,9 Gong, Ring it
7,7 Gong, Ring it
7,12 Stairs up to Level 2
Darkstone Tower – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: Onyx Golem (10,000HP|2d250DMG)

7,9 Gong, Ring it
7,12 Stairs up to Level 2
Darkstone Tower – Level 3
Size: 16x16
Foes: Onyx Golem (10,000HP|2d250DMG)

7,9 Gong, Ring it
7,7 Gong, Ring it
7,12 Stairs up to Level 4
Darkstone Tower – Level 4
Size: 16x16
Foes: Onyx Golem (10,000HP|2d250DMG)

7,9 Riddle Skull, Answer 120
9,8 Gold ID Card
7,4 Stairs to Clouds of the Ancients
IF Have Chime of Opening
Southern Sphinx – Level 1
Size: 16x32
Foes: Ghost Mummy (500HP|200d5DMG)

7,10 Stairs Up to Level 2
IF Have Chime of Opening
IF Answer Picard
Southern Sphinx – Level 2
Size: 16x16
Foes: None

7,3 Picard the Aged
Chime of Opening
IF Have Widget
Southern Sphinx – Level 3
Size: 16,16

0,0 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
2,1 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
15,0 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
15,2 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
14,5 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
15,15 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
13,15 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
12,10 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
0,13 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
0,15 Perm Boost: +5 Level (1x)
6,15 2,000,000g & 10xL7 Items
Elemental Plane of Water
Via Skyroad A-4
2,2 Access Elemental Plane of Water
IF Answer: Water

Elemental Plane of Water
Size: 16x16
Foes: Tidal Terror (1000HP|5d100)

3,3 Water Sleeper
Award: Awakened Water Sleeper
4,11 Test of Water
2500 Co DMG
9,1 1000g, Cryo Ring,
Cryo Scarab, Cryo Amulet
IF Accepted Test of Water

Via Cloudside F-4
15,0 Activate the Water Reflector
Elemental Plane of Fire
Via Cloudside F-4
15,0 Activate the Water Reflector

Via Skyroad A-1
2,13 Access Elemental Plane of Fire
IF Answer Fire
3,12 Fire Sleeper
Award: Awakened Fire Sleeper
10,13 Test of Fire
2500 Fi DMG
1000g, Scorching Ring,
Scorching Belt, Scorching Scarab
IF Accepted Test of Fire

Via Cloudside F-1
15,15 Activate the Fire Reflector
Elemental Plane of Earth
Via Skyroad F-4
13,2 Access to Elemental Plane of Earth
IF Answer Earth

12,3 Earth Sleeper
Award: Awakened Earth Sleeper
3,4 Test of Earth
2500 Ph DMG
1000g, Obsidian Helm,
Obsidian Boots, Obsidian Gauntlet
IF Accepted Test of Earth

Via Cloudside F-1
0,0 Activate the Earth Reflector
Elemental Plane of Air
via Skyroad A-4
13,13 Access Elemental Plane of Air
IF Answer Air

12,12 Air Sleeper
Award: Awakened Air Sleeper
10,2 Test of Air
2500 Ph DMG
1000g, Dyna Staff,
Dyna Cloak, Dyna Belt
IF Accepted Test of Air

Via Cloudside F-1
0,15 Activate the Air Reflector
Clouds of the Ancients
Size: 32x32
Foes: None

Keep Levitate active. It takes over 1 day to walk the cloud spiral and so you need to use the safe spots to mash Space bar to let the day end so you can re-cast Levitate before you continue. This really showcases the inferior mechanic where spells expire promptly at 5am even if you cast the spell at 4:48am. Let's hope that the future Might and Magic developers have taken the time to refactor this mechanic.



How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1993)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)
