MM5 Party Planning in Darkside of Xeen, a continuation adventure that follows Clouds of Xeen. It is possible to explore Clouds and Darkside simultaneously or fully complete the Clouds storyline before ever setting foot in Darkside. Some dungeons and towers located on the Cloud-side are only accessible after finding the Keys on the Darkside.
You must unify both worlds.
Dragon PharaOh
What is new?
There are no gameplay changes between MM4 and MM5. It is much simpler to start a new party in MM4 as the starting areas have a lot more spells, gear, and skills suitable for a new party, refer to the MM4 Party Planning.
If are you continuing from Cloudside or playing both sides at the same time you may find these resources helpful:
Clouds Building Strength.
Clouds Quest list on MM4 Guide.
Clouds Map Details.
Darkside Building Strength.
Darkside Quest list on MM5 Guide.
Darkside Map Details.
How to obtain a copy of this game:
eBay link – PC version (1993)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)