MM6 Hirelings List

MM6 Hirelings can be found and hired to bolster your party. Your party only has 2 spots for hirelings and so selecting hirelings with the right Profession is important. You can dismiss and change hirelings throughout the playthrough but each time you pay the up-front cost again. Go back to Party Design here.

Hireling Profession Details
ProfessionsCostTypeIn Party Benefit
Acolyte200gProxy SpellsCasts the Bless spell (duration 2 hours) at master ranking once per day.
Alchemist400gProxy SkillsUnlimited magic item repair.
Apprentice500gSkill BonusTwo point bonus to all spell skills for all characters.
Armorer200gProxy SkillsUnlimited armor repair.
Arms Master300gSkill BonusTwo point bonus to all weapon skills for all characters.
Banker1000gPassive BoostTwenty percent bonus on all gold found.
Bard1000gPassive BoostGrants a constant, single category bonus to your reputation.
Barrister300gSkill BonusEight point bonus to Diplomacy skill for all characters.
Burglar2000gSkill BonusDisarm Traps skill is increased by eight points for each character and Reputation is decreased by one full category.
Cartographer200gProxy SpellsKeeps the Wizard Eye spell at expert ranking going at all times.
Chef400gFoodMakes two days of food per day (maximum of 14 days).
Chimney Sweep200gPassive BoostTwenty point bonus to Luck statistic for all characters.
Cook300gFoodMakes one day of food per day (maximum of 14 days).
Counselor200gSkill BonusFour point bonus to Diplomacy skill for all characters.
Duper200gSkill BonusMerchant skill is increased by eight points for each character and Reputation is decreased by one full category.
Enchanter1000gProxy SpellsIncreases protection from the four elements by 20 constantly.
Expert Healer2000gProxy SpellsCures all party hit points and conditions (excepting dead, stoned, or eradicated) once per day.
Explorer100gTravelAll travel times reduced by one day (minimum of one day).
Factor500gPassive BoostTen percent bonus on all gold found.
Fool100gPassive BoostFive point bonus to Luck statistic for all characters.
Gate Master2000gProxy SpellsCasts the Town Portal spell at master ranking once per day.
Guide100gTravelAll map crossings one day faster (minimum one day).
Gypsy100gFoodFood use is reduced by one day's worth (minimum one day), Merchant skill is increased by three points for each character, and Reputation is decreased by one full category.
Healer500gProxy SpellsCures all party hit points once a day.
Horseman100gTravelTrips using the stables take two days fewer to complete (minimum one day).
Instructor700gPassive BoostFifteen percent bonus on all experience learned.
Locksmith300gSkill BonusSix point bonus to Disarm Traps skill for all characters.
Master Healer5000gProxy SpellsCompletely heals party of all hit points and conditions once per day.
Merchant200gSkill BonusSix point bonus to Merchant skill for all characters.
Mystic1000gSkill BonusThree point bonus to all spell skills for all characters.
Navigator200gTravelAll boat travel 3 days faster (minimum one day).
Negotiator500gSkill BonusBoth Merchant and Diplomacy skills are increased by four points for each character.
Pathfinder300gTravelAll map crossings three days faster (minimum one day).
Piper300gProxy SpellsCasts the Heroism spell (duration 2 hours) at master ranking once per day.
Pirate500gTravelAll boat travel reduced by two days, gold is increased by ten percent when found, and Reputation is decreased by one full category.
Porter100gFoodOne less day of food use when camping, (minimum of one used).
Psychic400gSkill BonusPerception skill is increased by five points and Luck statistics are increased by ten points for each character.
Quarter Master200gFoodTwo less days of food use when camping, (minimum of one used).
Sailor100gTravelAll boat travel 2 days faster (minimum one day).
Scholar500gProxy SkillsUnlimited item Identification and a 5 percent bonus on all experience gained.
Scout300gSkill BonusSix point bonus to perception skill for all characters.
Smith200gProxy SkillsUnlimited weapon repair.
Spell Master2000gSkill BonusFour point bonus to all spell skills for all characters.
Squire600gSkill BonusArmor and weapon skills are increased by two points for each character.
Teacher300gPassive BoostTen percent bonus on all experience learned.
Tinker200gSkill BonusFour point bonus to Disarm Traps skill for all characters.
Tracker200gTravelAll map crossings two days faster (minimum one day).
Trader100gSkill BonusFour point bonus to Merchant skill for all characters.
Water Master1000gProxy SpellsCasts the Water Walk spell (duration 3 hours) once per day.
Weapons Master400gSkill BonusThree point bonus to all weapon skills for all characters..
Wind Master2000gProxy SpellsCasts the Fly spell (duration 2 hours) once per day.

Houseless Hirelings

Houseless Hirelings are found walking around in the game world, usually in major towns. Once you dismiss a houseless hireling they are gone, they poof, and you cannot rehire them. You may find another hireling with the same profession. Houseless hireling Profession is randomly generated when the Map is loaded and therefore if you save and reload you will refresh the local talent. If you hire and release many houseless hirelings from the same town you will notice less hirelings walking around.

Housed Hirelings

In MM6, you can also find Hirelings that live in a particular house and you can always find these hirelings at their house, unless they are currently in your party. When you dismiss them they will return to the house.

Housed Hireling Locations
Stile BlokeArms MasterBlackshireW edge-of-town, small white-stucco building
Lorn HammerChefBlackshireS edge-of-town, large white-stucco building
Leo GrantCookBlackshireSW edge-of-town, 2-story white-stucco building, on the S side
Bejamin SotherlandFactorBlackshiretown-center, slight SW, small white-stucco building
David PikeHorsemanBlackshireS edge-of-town, large white-stucco building, side-entrance
Linda NicholsApprenticeBootleg BayN island-with-dock, SW of road, small log-on-stone building
Kachiko ToranagaBardBootleg BayN island-with-dock, SW of road, small log-on-stone building
Jean ActonFactorBootleg Baymainland, SW edge-of-town, small log-on-stone buildling
Svetlanta IrktuskSpell MasterBootleg Baymainland, W edge-of-town, in the Temple building
Cody RipperSquireBootleg BayN island-with-dock, near the dock, log-on-stone building
Gordon StylesArmorerCastle IronfistW edge of low-town, inside stables
Barrad UnterBankerDragonsandS edge-of-town, adobe building
Norris HortonBarristerDragonsandS edge-of-town, adobe building
Jason DusterEnchanterDragonsandW edge-of-town, small adobe building
Naomi WindGate MasterDragonsandN edge-of-town, slight W, small adobe building
Noah WhiteInstructorDragonsandNW edge-of-town, 2-story adobe building
Paul HapsburgMaster HealerDragonsandW edge-of-town, small adobe building
Faith KellenmoorMerchantDragonsandNW edge-of-town, 2-story adobe building
Jo HandlebaumSpell MasterDragonsandN edge-of-town, slight W, small adobe building
Ian TromTraderDragonsandW edge-of-town, slight S, adobe building
Deliah BwanaWater MasterDragonsandN edge-of-town, slight E, small adobe building
Darth CartwrightWeapons MasterDragonsandW edge-of-town, slight S, adobe building
Gertrude WhalerWind MasterDragonsandN edge-of-town, slight E, small adobe building
Randall NorrisNavigatorEel Infested Waterstown-center on N island, small white-stucco building
Shileka ToreenaWind MasterEel Infested Waterstown-center on N island, small white-stucco building
Rexella Van ImpAcolyteFree HavenW edge-of-town, S of road, medium 2-story stone-natural building
Amber PraetorBardFree HavenE edge-of-town, two-story black-brick building, near The Echoing Whisper
Iris PoppyfieldBardFree HavenSE of town-center, medium yellow-brick building
Doreen EspanaChefFree HavenE of town-center, SW edge-of-park, small yellow-brick building
Beauregard WolfDuperFree HavenNW of town-center, small yellow-brick building
Rosemarie ReyjavikMerchantFree HavenNW of town-center, medium yellow-brick building
Stephen IagoMerchantFree Haventown-center, tiny black-brick building
Hans SchultzMysticFree HavenW of town-center, S of the road, 2-story stone-natural building
Fabian SunQuarter MasterFree HavenW of town-center, S of the road, 2-story granite-stone building
NikobiScoutFree HavenNW ege-of-town, W of road,small yellow-brick building
Wilma CookGate MasterFree HavenNW edge-of-town
Donald DorfusSpell MasterFree HavenW of town-center, E of the road, 2-story stone-natural building
Richard HarpTraderFree HavenSE of town-center, SE of road, 2-story yellow-brick building
RalCarpenterFree HavenN of the small lake
George AlmondStone CutterFree Havennear Stone Temple
Miriam BoyerWeapons MasterFree HavenRockham area, N of road, medium black-brick building
Saul FoggAcolyteFrozen HighlandsS edge-of-town near Castle Stromgard, medium snowy-plank with double-door
Barry ShepherdBardFrozen HighlandsNW edge-of-town near Castle Stone, small rustic-plank building
Trevor JonesBurglarFrozen HighlandsSW edge-of-town, small snowy-plank building facing N
Dom MaliktoCartographerFrozen HighlandsN edge-of-town near Castle Stone, small rustic-plank building with chimeny
Harper NikeDuperFrozen HighlandsSW edge-of-town, small snowy-log building facing N
Abe MarkoviacExplorerFrozen HighlandsNE edge-of-town, large 2-story snowy-plank
Piter HarkonnenGate MasterFrozen HighlandsE edge-of-town, slight S, in the Stable biulding
Sly SilverstoneGypsyFrozen HighlandsS edge-of-town, small snowy-log building
Sharla QuinnMaster HealerFrozen HighlandsNW of town-center near Castle Stone, 2-story rustic-plank building
Marc TeaganNegotiatorFrozen HighlandsSE of town-center, small snowy-log building facing S
Arther JelnicPiperFrozen HighlandsS edge-of-town near Castle Stromgard, medium snowy-plank with double-door, in back
Shel StinewayPirateFrozen HighlandsS of town-center, large 2-story snowy-plank building
Ray BoswellPsychicFrozen HighlandsSE edge-of-town, small snowy-plank building
Les ParkerSquireFrozen HighlandsSE of town-center, small snowy-plank building
Jult BanditoWater MasterFrozen HighlandsNE edge-of-town near Castle Stone, small rustic-plank building without chimeny
Josef LoggerWind MasterFrozen HighlandsN edge-of-town near Castle Stone, small rustic-plank building without chimeny
Nero ClaudiusAlchemistKriegspireBalcony of Castle Kriegspire
Larry DorfmannArmorerKriegspireKriegspire Castle lower balcony
Eunbo KimCounselorKriegspiretown-center, slight SW, 2-story ordinary-stucco building
Rockwell HumdringExpert HealerKriegspiretown-center, slight SW, 2-story ordinary-stucco building
Droppa MaPantzFoolKriegspireN of town-center, S of road, small ordinary building
Ahmed A'sanziGuideKriegspiretown-center, medium stained-ordinary building
Iris AmbleGuideKriegspireBalcony of Castle Kriegspire
Sila DaewonInstructorKriegspireSE edge-of-town, N of path, facing S
Carl MoramirMaster HealerKriegspireN edge-of-town, 2-story ordinary-stucco building
Heather MitchellNegotiatorKriegspireN edge-of-town, 2-story ordinary-stucco building
Rodinia SidaraPiperKriegspireNE edge-of-town, small ordinary buliding
Drusis TiberioScholarKriegspireBalcony of Castle Kriegspire
Joy BrownSmithKriegspireKriegspire Castle lower balcony
Vance CorneliusTeacherKriegspireE edge-of-town, slightly S, small stained-ordinary building
Candice StreepTrackerKriegspireCastle Kriegspire balcony, across from Master Bowmanship
Kern CarnegieArms MasterMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)N of town-center, eyes on door,large stone building
Dolores CraftCookMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)town-center, upstairs, wood-shanty building
Belinda PikemanCookMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)E of town-center, down-stairs, wood-shanty building
Daphne CallowayCounselorMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)E of town-center, down-stairs, wood-shanty building
Eva SempleInstructorMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)W edge-of-town, behind The Haunt
Gohei MatsuPiperMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)SE of town-center, upstairs, earthen-cob building
Indihir VilandiPorterMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)SE of town-center, upstairs, basic-brick building
Wendy FeatherhillPsychicMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)NE of town-center, upstairs, narrow rustic-plank
AckbarQuarter MasterMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)E of town-center, upstairs, wood-shanty building
Avilia AsheedScoutMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)Town-center, down-stairs, small wood-shanty building
Lilly JuneSpell MasterMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)S of town-center, large rounded-door, 2-story basic-brick building
Hugger BrotherTraderMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)N edge-of-town, small wood-shanty building
Beth ThompsonWater MasterMire of the Damned (Darkmoor)E edge-of-town, upstairs, earthen-cob building
Lesiah MardukBurglarMisty IslandsNE edge-of-town, large yellow-brick, under Buccaneer's Lair
Kathleen MesterMysticMisty IslandsSW edge-of-town, in the southern lighthouse
Selena StipePirateMisty IslandsW edge-of-town, in the northern lighthouse
Myyra HianPsychicMisty IslandsW edge-of-town, small yellow-black building, first off the dock
Hugger BrotherSailorMisty Islandscenter-of-town, slight W, medium stone-natural building
Naomi HighlandHealerNew SorpigalNE Island, near Gharik's Forge
Orville CorvairScholarNew SorpigalNE Island, near Gharik's Forge
Ken ChomaisAlchemistParadise ValleyNE edge-of-town, 2-story red-rock building
Miriam GoodwifeBankerParadise ValleySW edge-of-town, small red-rock building
Yvonne D'arcyCookParadise Valleytown-center slight W, small red-rock building
Michael TuckGuideParadise ValleyN edge-of-town, small red-rock building
Wolf ArmstrongHealerParadise Valleytown-center slight S, small red-adobe building
Tyger HelmsNavigatorParadise ValleyS edge-of-town, small red-rock building
Miles LomanPathfinderParadise ValleyW edge-of-town, N of road, small red-rock building
Zeke MagellanSailorParadise ValleySE edge-of-town, small red=rock building
Beverly SweetwaterScholarParadise ValleyW edge-of-town, small red-rock building
Christian VelaScholarParadise ValleyE edge-of-town, small red-adobe building
Anthony HargraineTrackerParadise Valleytown-center slight N, N of road, small red-adobe building
Cassandra TimmonAcolyteSilver CoveN of town-center, N of road, medium stone-natural building
Bernice HatterAlchemistSilver CoveSE edge-of-town, small brick-mosaic building, near castle
NiganArms MasterSilver CoveN edge-of-town, small brick-mosaic builiding
Vera GrasslinBardSilver CoveW edge-of-town, small brick-mosaic building
Graham DanceyBarristerSilver Covetown-center, slight E, 2-story black-brick building
Alice OfenhauserBarristerSilver CoveNW edge-of-town near Castle Stone, small rustic-plank building
Castor LithgowBarristerSilver CoveN edge-of-town, 2-story duplex, brick-mosaic building, right door
Melody StoneCartographerSilver CoveN edge-of-town, 2-story duplex, brick-mosaic building, left door
Hugger BrotherLocksmithSilver Covenear dock
Hugger BrotherChimney SweepSilver Covetown-center, slight E, small brick-mosaic building
Egor IvanovichChimney SweepSilver CoveN of town-center, N of Road, small brick-mosaic building
Jasmine SpicerExpert HealerSilver CoveSW of town-center, small brick-mosaic building
Jacques RoscomonFoolSilver Covetown-center, slight N, small brick-mosaic building
Ellen RockwayGypsySilver CoveSW edge-of-town, 2-story stone-natural building
Miro ShinekHorsemanSilver CoveSW edge-of-town, medium stone-natural
Sheila WindLocksmithSilver CoveS edge-of-town, small brick-mosaic building
Madeleine TowersMerchantSilver CoveNW of town-center, small brick-mosaic buliding
AnawahPorterSilver CoveN edge-of-town, small black-brick building
Bronwyn BluePorterSilver CoveS of town-center, 2-story black-brick building
Daniel ForosminiQuarter MasterSilver Coveoutside-of-town to W, in the lighthouse
Ginger AstorTeacherSilver CoveNW edge-of-town, in the Stables building
Dolores FischerTrackerSilver CoveN of town-center, S of the N road, small brick-mosaic building
Soon LuWater MasterSilver CoveNW edge-of-town, medium brick-mosaic building


MMArchive used to extract game data for analysis then flattened and formatted for web presentation. Google Sheets used for organization and to create formula for aggregation and analysis. Presented in NinjaTables.

Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link PC version (1998)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)