MM6 Obelisks List

MM6 Obelisks are scattered around Enroth, one in each and every surface location. Find and inspect 15 obelisks you will get clues that will lead to a treasure.

Reveal Obelisk Locations…
Key PointLocationClueGPS
Obelisk #1Sweet WaterS of town-center, East edge of lake
Obelisk #2Paradise Valleyoutside-of-town to NE, S of Road
Obelisk #3Hermit's Islecenter-of-area, near Fountain
Obelisk #4Kriegspireoutside-of-town to NW, north of the snowy ridge
Obelisk #5Blackshireoutside-of-town to SE, south of the ridge
Obelisk #6Dragonsandoutside-of-town to NE, far to NE
Obelisk #7Frozen Highlandsoutside-of-town to E, to E of Castle Stormgard
Obelisk #8Free Havenoutside-of-town to SW, S of river, behind Temple of Baa
Obelisk #9Mire of the Damnedoutside-of-town to E, center of forest
Obelisk #10Silver Coveoutside-of-town to N, W edge of large island
Obelisk #11Bootleg Bayoutside-of-town to SE, near Hall of Fire Lord
Obelisk #12Castle Ironfistoutside-of-town to SW, in the rectangle
Obelisk #13Eel Infested Waters2nd Lower Island, counting from Left
Obelisk #14Misty Islandsoutside-of-town to NE, on the E island
Obelisk #15New Sorpigaloutside-of-town to N, in the volcano
Obelisk ChestDragonsandNE of pyramid
Reveal Obelisk Clues…
If you put them in order and read down each column you will see the clue

1 I t o t e c t h o t h e s a i p
2 n h r h _ a h e r h e a t v d i
3 _ e t e c p e _ _ e r s o e d e
4 t _ h a a t _ l t _ _ e n _ l c
5 h d _ s c a w e h S f d e w e e
6 e r b t h i e a e u u , _ o ' d
7 _ a y , e n i s _ n n _ a n s .
8 l g _ _ _ _ g t S _ c l n ; _ _
9 a o f l o ' h . h b t i d _ p _
10 n n a i f n t _ i e i f _ t u _
11 d _ r e _ e _ H p f o t y h z _
12 _ t _ s t a o i _ o n _ o i z _
13 o o n _ h t f d o r s t u s l _
14 f _ o t e h _ _ f e _ h _ _ e _
15 _ n r h _ _ t f _ _ c e h r _ _

In the land of the dragon to north by far northeast, lies the cache of the captain 'neath the weight of the least. Hid for the Ship of the Sun before her functions ceased, lift the stone and you have won; this riddle's puzzle pieced.
Reveal even more help…
Even though you know the clue, you still need to go touch each Obelisk to be able to access the treasure.  The treasure can be found in a Rock container in Dragonsand NE of the pyramid.  The chest contains 250,000 gold, high level Spell Books, and 3 artifact items that boost spell casting.


Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game

eBay link PC version (1999)
GOG link – Digital PC Version