MM6 Spells Database

MM6 Spells Database will help you find the spells you want. All characters start the game with 4 Novice Skills and if any of them are Magic Skills then that character will also start with at least 1 Spellbook. The default Spells by Skill is noted in the Spell List with brackets like this [spell name]. Return to Building Strength.

Spell List by Rank
SkillNameTypeSPNormal Description (Novice Rank)Expert RankMaster Rank
Spirit1[Spirit Arrow]Damage1Deal (1d6) Magic Damage to Single Target. Skill-based Hit Rate.Faster RecoverySP Cost Zero
Spirit2[Bless]Buff2Increase Hit Rate 5+(1/Skill Level) for 60m+(1m/Skill Level).Target PartyDuration 60m+(15m/Skill Level)
Spirit3Healing TouchHeal3Heal Single Target 3-7 damage. Skill-based Recovery Rate.Heal (5-9) damageHeal (7-11) damage
Spirit4Lucky DayBuff4Increase LCK by 10+(2/Skill Level) on one Character for 8 hoursAdd 10+(3/Skill Level)Target Party
Spirit5Remove CurseCure5Removes CURSED condition if (Time<3m/Skill Level)If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Spirit6Guardian AngelBuff8Total Wipe protection, party is transported to last visited Temple with 1HP and 1/2 GoldRestored with 1/2 Max HPRestored with Max HP
Spirit7HeroismBuff10Increase Damage 5+(1/Skill Level) for 60m+(5m/Skill Level)Target PartyDuration 60m+(15m/Skill Level)
Spirit8Turn UndeadControl15Forces visible undead to flee for 3m + 3m/Skill Level.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Spirit9Raise DeadCure20Removes DEAD condition if Time<3m/Skill Level. Grants WEAKNESS.If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Spirit10Shared LifeHeal25Total Party HP +1/Skill Level, divide HP amongst party members evenly.Bonus is 2/Skill LevelBonus is 3/Skill Level
Spirit11ResurrectionCure30Removes ERADICATED condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level). Grants WEAKNESS.If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Mind1[Meditation]Buff1Increase INT,PER by 10+(2/Skill Level) on one Character for 8 hoursAdd 10+(3/Skill Level)Target Party
Mind2[Remove Fear]Cure2Removes AFRAID condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Mind3Mind BlastDamage3Deal 5+(1d2/Skill Level) Magic Damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Mind4PrecisionBuff4Increase ACY by 10+(2/Skill Level) on one Character for 8 hoursAdd 10+(3/Skill Level)Target Party
Mind5Cure ParalysisCure5Removes PARALYSIS condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Mind6CharmControl8Prevents attack, Single Target for (3m/Skill Level). Damage breaks.Duration (6m/Skill Level)Duration (12m/Skill Level)
Mind7Mass FearControl10Seen Non-Undead will Flee for (3m/Skill Level). Damage breaks.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Mind8FeeblemindControl15Prevents spell casting from Single Target for (5m/Spell Level).Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Mind9Cure InsanityCure20Removes INSANITY condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Mind10Psychic ShockDamage25Deal 12+(1d12/Skill Level) Magic Damage.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Mind11TelekinesisUtility30Switch/Collect/Open from a safe distance as STR value as (1/Skill Level)STR value as (2/Skill Level)STR value as (3/Skill Level)
Body1[Cure Weakness]Cure1Removes WEAKNESS condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Body2[First Aid]Heal2Heal Single Target 5 damage. Skill-based Recovery Rate.Heal (7) damageHeal (10) damage
Body3Protection from PoisonBuff3Add (1/Skill Level) Poison Resistance to Party.Add (2/Skill Level)Add (3/Skill Level)
Body4HarmDamage4Deal 8+(1d2/Skill Level) Magic Damage.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Body5Cure WoundsHeal5Heal Single Target 5+(2/Skill Level).Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Body6Cure PoisonCure8Removes POISONED condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Body7SpeedBuff10Increase SPD by 10+(2/Skill Level) on one Character for 8 hoursAdd 10+(3/Skill Level)Target Party
Body8Cure DiseaseCure15Removes DISEASED condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level)If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Body9PowerBuff20Increase MGT,END by 10+(2/Skill Level) on one Character for 8 hoursAdd 10+(3/Skill Level)Target Party
Body10Flying FistDamage25Deal 30+(1d5/Skill Level) Magic DamageFaster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Body11Power CureHeal30Heal Party 10+(2/Skill Level).Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Fire1[Torch Light]Utility1Increase radius of light surrounding party for (1h/Skill Level).Brighter LighterBrightest Light
Fire2[Flame Arrow]Damage2|1|0Deal (1d8) Fire Damage to Single Target. Skill-based Hit Rate.Faster Rec (1SP/Skill Level)Fastest Recovery (0SP)
Fire3Protection from FireBuff3Add (1/Skill Level) Fire Resistance to Party.Add (2/Skill Level)Add (3/Skill Level)
Fire4Fire BoltDamage4Deal (1d4/Skill Level) Fire Damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Fire5HasteBuff5Faster Recovery for 1h+(1m/Spell Level). Grants WEAKNESS after-effect.Target PartyDuration 1h+(3m/Spell Level)
Fire6FireballDamage8Deal (1d6/Skill Level) Fire Damage to a Target and everyone nearby.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Fire7Ring of FireDamage10Deal 6+(1/Skill Level) Fire Damage in a Ring around the Caster.Larger RingLargest Ring
Fire8Fire BlastDamage15Deal 4+(1d3/Skill Level) Fire Damage in spread volley, 3 shots. No bounce.Faster Recovery, 5 shotsFastest Recovery, 7 shots
Fire9Meteor ShowerDamage20Deal 8+(1/Skill Level) Fire Damage AOE, 8 meteors. Forward outdoor target.Faster Recovery, 12 meteorsFastest Recovery, 16 meteors
Fire10InfernoDamage25Deal 12+(1/Skill Levle) Fire Damage to all Foes in Sight.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Fire11IncinerateDamage30Deal 15+(1d15/Spell Level) Fire Damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Air1[Wizards Eye]Utility1Terrain and Monsters are revealed on the Minimap for (1h/Skill Level).also shows Treasurealso shows Key Points
Air2[Static Charge]Damage2|1|0Deal (2-6) Electric Damage to Single Target.Faster Rec (1SP/Skill Level)Fastest Recovery (0SP)
Air3Protection from ElecBuff3Add (1/Skill Level) Electric Resistance to Party.Add (2/Skill Level)Add (3/Skill Level)
Air4SparksDamage4Deal 2+(1/Skill Level) Elec Damage in spread volley, 3 bouncing sparks.Faster Recovery, 5 sparksFastest Recovery, 7 sparks
Air5Feather FallBuff5Prevents falling damage for (5m/Skill Level).Duration (10m/Skill Level)Duration (1h/Skill Level)
Air6ShieldBuff8Halves damage from ranged attacks such as rocks and arrows for 1h+(5m/Spell Level)Target PartyDuration 1h+(15m/Spell Level)
Air7Lightning BoltDamage10Deal (1d8/Skill Level) Electric Damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Air8JumpUtility15Jump forward 60 feet taking no falling damage.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Air9ImplosionDamage20Deal 10+(1d10/Spell Level) Physical damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Air10FlyUtility25Allows Flight with pgup/insert for (5m/Skill Level). Continuous cost of 1SP per 5m.Duration (10m/Skill Level)Duration (1h/Skill Level)
Air11StarburstDamage30Deal 20+(1/Skill Level) Physical Damage, 8 stars. Area surrounds Outdoor Target.Faster Recovery, 12 starsFastest Recovery, 16 stars
Water1[Awaken]Cure1Removes ASLEEP condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).If (Time<10m/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Water2[Cold Beam]Damage2|1|0Deal (2-6) Cold Damage to Single Target.Faster Rec (1SP/Skill Level)Fastest Recovery (0SP)
Water3Protection from ColdBuff3Add (1/Skill Level) Cold Resistance to Party.Add (2/Skill Level)Add (3/Skill Level)
Water4Poison SprayDamage4Deal 2+(2/Skill Level) Poison Damage in spread volley, 1 shot.Faster Recovery, 3 shotsFastest Recovery, 5 shots
Water5Water WalkUtility5Allows water movement for (5m/Skill Level). Continuous cost of 1SP per 20m.Duration (10m/Skill Level)Duration (1h/Skill Level)
Water6Ice BoltDamage8Deal (1d7/Skill Level) Cold Damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Water7Enchant ItemUtility10Attempt weak enchantment on non-magical non-weapon. Succeed (10%/Skill Level)Stronger EnchantmentsWeapons Allowed
Water8Acid BurstDamage15Deal 9+(1d9/Skill Level) Acid Damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Water9Town PortalUtility20Teleport party from outdoors to fountain in last town visited. Succeed (10%/Skill Level)From indoors allowedTo choice of town
Water10Ice BlastDamage25Deal 12+(1d2/Skill Level) Cold Damage to a Target and others nearby.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Water11Lloyd's BeaconUtility30Set a Beacon and Teleport back to it Later3 Beacons Last(1d/Skill Point)5 Beacons Last(1w/Skill Point)
Earth1[Stun]Control1Knock a foe back a little and stun them for a time before they can act.Stronger EffectStrongest Effect
Earth2[Magic Arrow]Damage2|1|0Deal (3-8) Physical Damage to Single Target. Skill-based Hit Rate.Faster Rec (1SP/Skill Level)Fastest Recovery (0SP)
Earth3Protection from MagicBuff3Add (1/Skill Level) Magic Resistance to Party.Add (2/Skill Level)Add (3/Skill Level)
Earth4Deadly SwarmDamage4Deal 5+(1d3/Skill Level) Physical Damage to Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Earth5Stone SkinBuff5Temporarily increase AC by 5+(1/Skill Level) for 1h+(5m/Skill Level).Target PartyDuration 1h+(15m/Skill Level)
Earth6BladesDamage8Deal (1d5/Skill Level) Physical Damage to Single Target. Skill-based Hit Rate.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Earth7Stone to FleshCure10Removes STONED condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).If (Time<1h/Skill Level)If (Time<1d/Skill Level)
Earth8Rock BlastDamage15Deal (1d8/Skill Level) Physical Damage to a Target and others nearby.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Earth9Turn to StoneControl20Grant Target STONED condition for (5m/Skill Level). Invulnerable to attack.Duration (10m/Skill Level)Duration (20m/Skill Level)
Earth10Death BlossomDamage25Deal 20+(1/Skill Level) Physical Damage to Outdoor Target and everyone nearby.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Earth11Mass DistortionDamage30Deal 25%+(2%/Spell Level) of Target's MaxHP as Magic Damage.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Light1Create FoodUtility20Create 1-2 days of food and add it to your total up to Max Food.2-4 days of food6+ days of food
Light2Golden TouchUtility25Convert Item to 40% of its value in gold. Succeed (10%/Skill Level). Fail breaks Item.60% of item value in gold80% of item value in gold
Light3Dispel MagicControl30Removes all spells on all foes in the caster's sight.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Light4SlowControl35Slows a foes movement speed and increases their recovery time.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Light5Destroy UndeadDamage40Deal 16+(1d16/Spell Level) to Single Undead Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Light6Day of the GodsBuff45Casts Power, Meditation, Speed, Lucky Day, Precision, and Guardian Angel on Party at (2*Skill Level)Buff Power (3*Skill Level)Buff Power (4*Skill Level)
Light7Prismatic LightDamage50Deal 12+(1/Skill Levle) Magic Damage to all Indoor Foes in Sight.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Light8Hour of PowerBuff55Casts Haste, Heroism, Shield, Stone Skin, and Bless on Party at (2*Skill Level).Buff Power (3*Skill Level)Buff Power (4*Skill Level)
Light9ParalyzeControl60Prevent any action and target is susceptible to attack for (3m/Spell Level)Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Light10Sun RayDamage70Deal 20+(1d20/Spell Level) Light Damage to Single Outdoor Daytime Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Light11Divine InterventionUtility75Heal, Cure, and restore Spell Points to Max for whole Party once/day. Caster Ages +10 years.Cast Only Twice/DayCast Only Thrice/Day
Dark1ReanimateControl20Raise a dead foe with (10hp/Skill Level), but not more than MaxHitPointsAnimates with 20hp/Skill LevelAnimates with 30hp/Skill Level
Dark2Toxic CloudDamage30Deal 25+(10/Spell Level) Poison Damage to Single Target via Slow Moving Cloud.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Dark3Mass CurseControl40CURSED condition granted to all foes in sight for (2m/Skill Level).Duration (3m/Skill Level)Duration (4m/Skill Level)
Dark4SharpmetalDamage50Deal 6+(1d6/Skill Level) Physical Damage in spread volley, 3 fragments.Faster Recovery, 5 fragmentsFastest Recovery, 7 fragments
Dark5Shrinking RayControl60Shrink a foe's Size and Damage to 50% for (5min/Skill Point).Reduce Size/Damage to 33%Reduce Size/Damage to 25%
Dark6Day of ProtectionBuff70Wizard Eye, Feather Fall, and Protection from Fire, Electric, Cold, Poison, Magic at (2*Skill Level).Buff Power (3*Skill Level)Buff Power (4*Skill Level)
Dark7Finger of DeathDamage80Attempt to Kill Single Target. Succeed (3%/Skill Level).Succeed (4%/Skill Level)Succeed (5%/Skill Level)
Dark8Moon RayDamage, Heal90Deal (1d4/Skill Level) Magic Damage to Outdoor Night Targets in Sight. Heal Party.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Dark9Dragon BreathDamage100Deal (1d25/Skill Level) Poison Damage to Target in Front and everyone nearby.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery
Dark10ArmageddonDamage150Deal 50+(1/Skill Level) to EVERYONE on the Map, once/day. Outdoors Only.Cast Only Twice/DayCast Only Thrice/Day
Dark11Dark ContainmentControl200Attempt to contain a Single Target.Faster RecoveryFastest Recovery

To learn new Spells, you will need to find or buy Spellbooks from the respective Magic Guild, after acquiring a Membership.

Spell Vendors by Guild
BlackshireAdept Guild of DarkUp to L10SE edge-of-town, medium white-stucco building
BlackshireAdept Guild of LightUp to L10SE of town-center, small black-brick building
Castle IronfistInitiate Guild of BodyBody, up to L7E edge-of-high-town, a cluster of small buildings
Castle IronfistInitiate Guild of MindMind, up to L7E edge-of-high-town, a cluster of small buildings
Castle IronfistInitiate Guild of SpiritSpirit, up to L7E edge-of-high-town, a cluster of small buildings
Free HavenAdept Guild of AirUp to L11S of lake, nudge W, small black-brick building
Free HavenAdept Guild of BodyUp to L11SE of lake, large black-brick building
Free HavenAdept Guild of EarthUp to L11SE of lake, medium granite-stone building
Free HavenAdept Guild of FireUp to L11S of lake, small stone-natural building
Free HavenAdept Guild of MindUp to L11N of town-center, medium black-brick building
Free HavenAdept Guild of SpiritUp to L11NW of lake, medium stone-natural cross building
Free HavenAdept Guild of WaterUp to L11S edge-of-town, E of bridge, near water, snall black-brick building
Frozen HighlandsInitiate Guild of the DarkUp to L5town-center, small snowy-log building
Frozen HighlandsAdept Guild of the ElementsUp to L8town-cetner, nudge N, medium snowy-plank building
Misty IslandsInitiate Guild of AirAir, up to L7S edge-of-town, small ornate-marble building
Misty IslandsInitiate Guild of FireFire, up to L7S edge-of-town, small ornate-marble building
Misty IslandsInitiate Guild of WaterWater, up to L7S edge-of-town, small ornate-marble building
New SorpigalInitiate Guild of ElementsFire, Water, Earth, Air up to L3, discountedNE edge-of-town, medium red-brick building
New SorpigalInitiate Guild of the SelfMind, Body, Spirit up to L3, discountedNW edge-of-town, medium 2-story brick-mosaic building
Silver CoveInitiate Guild of EarthUp to L8SW of town-center, small black-brick building
Silver CoveInitiate Guild of LightUp to L5town-center, nudge S, medium stone-natural building
Silver CoveAdept Guild of the SelfUp to L8SW edge-of-town, medium brick-mosaic building
Guild representatives for Membership
BlackshireRebecca CalawayGuild of Dark1000gN edge-of-town, small rustic-plank building
BlackshireMartos FerrisGuild of Light1000gN edge-of-town, small rustic-plank building
BlackshireTess TuckerSmuggler's Guild50gE of town-center, small white-stucco building
Castle IronfistAndrew BesperBerserker' Fury50gW edge-of-low-town, medium brick-mosaic building
Castle IronfistBernice WeaverGuild of Body100gW edge-of-high-town, medium brick-mosaic building
Castle IronfistTracy FlautaGuild of Mind100gNE of low-town-center, small stone-natural building
Castle IronfistBishop IquisitorioGuild of Spirit100gNW edge-of-high-town, medium building
Free HavenWinston HistorianDuelist's Edge50gNE of town-center, small black-brick building
Free HavenJessica CarsonGuild of Air50gSE of town-center, medium yellow-brick building
Free HavenPeggy WoodsGuild of Body100gSW edge-of-town, near bridge, medium yellow-brick building
Free HavenIke PargrewGuild of Earth50gSE of town-center, small building near road to Oracle
Free HavenCorey RozburgGuild of Fire50gSE of town-center, medium 2-story yellow-brick building
Free HavenElsie FreedmanGuild of Mind100gSW of town-center, medium black-brick building
Free HavenWilma RothwingGuild of Spirit100gSW edge-of-town, near bridge, small building
Free HavenDominique JuarezGuild of Water50gSE of town-center, medium 2-story yellow-brick building
Free HavenSergio CarringtonSmuggler's Guild50gNE edge-of-town, very near to bridge
Frozen HighlandsFredrick PilesBlades' End25gS edge-of-town, medium building
Frozen HighlandsRachel HerzlGuild of Dark1000gNW edge-of-town, small snowy-log building
Frozen HighlandsWarren HolmesGuild of Elements100gNW edge-of-town, small snowy-log building
Frozen HighlandsMarcellus LutvigProtection Services50gSW edge-of-town near Castle Stone, small building
Misty IslandArthur O'LeeryBuccaneer's Lair25gNW edge-of-town, medium 2-story yellow-brick building
Misty IslandGonzalo RamirezDuelist's Edge50gNW of town-center, medium yellow-brick building
Misty IslandCaao SalemGuild of Air50gS edge-of-town, small stone-natural building
Misty IslandJazebelGuild of Fire50gS edge-of-town, small yellow-brick building
Misty IslandHarper CollinsGuild of Water50gS edge-of-town, small yellow-brick building
New SorpigalHarold HessBlades' End25gSE of town-center, small white-stucco building
New SorpigalHejaz MawsilBuccaneer's Lair25gSE of town-center, small white-stucco building
New SorpigalBuford T. AllmanGuild of Elements100gNE of town-center, small white-stucco building
New SorpigalViolet DawsonGuild of the Self100gNE of town-center, small white-stucco building
Silver CoveHorace RoseBerserker' Fury50gNE of town-center, small brick-mosaic building
Silver CoveHolly StruthersGuild of Earth50gE edge-of-town, small black-brick building
Silver CoveVirginia StandridgeGuild of Light1000gE edge-of-town, nudgely N, small brick-mosaic building
Silver CoveIsaac StreetmanGuild of the Self100gE edge-of-town, nudgely S, small brick-mosaic building
Silver CoveLucky OsterProtection Services50gSW edge-of-town, small 2-story stone-natural building


Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game

eBay link PC version (1999)
GOG link – Digital PC Version