MM9 Party finds themselves on Axeoth in a region called Chedian where an invasion is planned. You must build a coalition to repel the attack. Your final score is determined by how much you accomplish compared to the amount of in-game time it takes to complete those tasks. Efficiency is key to achieving a high score.
“Build your strength and unite the clans”
Yrsa the Troll
What is new?
Class Progression: All characters start as a Human, Dwarf, Elf, or Half-Orc and will select 1 of 2 starting classes. The Fighter begins the path of Might and the Initiate begins the path of Magic. Each path will promote twice and end with 1 of 8 final classes. Each class has limits on the skills and skills expertise that they can reach.
Skill Learning: Skillbooks are found as loot or purchased in the town Libraries. A skillbook can be used once to train the skill to a character with Novice expertise. Once the skill is learned then it is possible to progress the skill to higher Skill Levels (1,2,3,etc) and higher Skill Expertise (Expert, Master, GM).
Magic Skills: There are only 4 Magic Skills: Elemental, Spirit, Light, Dark and access to various spells are gated behind a combination of magic skill expertise. For example, to learn Town Portal a character must be an Expert in Elemental Magic AND a Novice in Light Magic.
Bugs: Bugs are the main protagonist in Writ of Fate. The GOG version is fully patched up but if you are playing another version please install Telp’s 1.3a before you get started. A fully patched game will still have a few challenges that you should know about.
Outstanding bugs
- During character creation, you must view the Party Summary page after committing a name change or else it will not actually save.
- The game crashes often when alt-tabbing to the desktop. Get in the habit of Quick-Saving before alt-tabbing out. You can also just Quick-Save then Alt+F4 and relaunch when ready.
- Class Promotions are not bugged but the way they work is not intuitive and can be a cause for much dismay. You will want to speak with the Quest giver to ask about the promotion and then select ALL your characters that you want to be promoted — THEN do the quest for the promotion(s).
Selecting Party Skills
Knowing the skill limits of each final Class is helpful to design your Party in a way that provides access to the skills and spells you want to use. Select your final classes first and then set forth on the path to reach progression goals.
Resource: Skills Database
Resource: Spells Database

Choose Race
Select a Race and plan Statistic allocation.
Statistical Analysis
Each character will start with 10 points to allocate. Note that you can subtract from starting values if you would like.
MIGHT: A higher MGT increases Damage in combat along with weapon choice and the Level and Expertise in related skills such as: Armsmaster, Unarmed, Blade, Spear, Cudgel.
MAGIC: A higher MAG increases your SP along with Character Level and the Level and Expertise in Meditation.
ENDURANCE: A higher END increases your HP along with Character Level and the Level and Expertise in Body Building.
ACCURACY: A higher ACY impacts ability to Hit a target in combat along with weapon choice and the Level and Expertise in related skills such as: Armsmaster, Unarmed, Blade, Spear, Cudgel.
SPEED: A higher SPD increases your AC and reduces recovery time along with armor choice and the Level and Expertise in related skills such as: Armor, Shield, Dodging.
LUCK: A higher LCK reduces damage taken from spells and traps primarily and may benefit the character in various other circumstances.
Racial Analysis
Race primarily impacts a characters starting Statistics. Affinity grants 2/1 Stat gains and Penalty grants .5/1 gains during character creation only.
Humans have no affinity or penalty.
Elves have affinity for ACY but penalty for END.
Dwarves have affinity for END but penalty for MAG.
Half-Orcs have affinity for MGT but penalty for SPD.
Ideally, select a Race with affinity for a key class statistic and no penalty for any key class statistics.
Choose Class
Select a Class and plan progression of Skills and Promotions.
Gladiator’s Path
The Gladiator is a melee damage dealer with GM access to Blade, Spear and Armsmaster which amounts to a lot of damage output. They have only Master access to Armor so they cannot fully eliminate the armor recovery penalty but they can wear Plate. Body Building GM gives them potential for a lot of HP.
Statistic Priority: MGT/ACY/SPD/END > LCK

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Assassin’s Path
The Assassin is a damage dealer with GM access to Blade and Thrown Weapon. Blades skill applies to Swords and Daggers, the later having quicker recovery. Thrown Weapon skill applies to throwing daggers and throwing axes. GM disarm traps will work 100% of the time. Similar to Gladiators, Assassins can wear Plate but cannot fully eliminate the recovery penalty.
Statistic Priority: MGT/ACY/SPD/LCK > END

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Paladin’s Path
The Paladin is a hybrid class and all 6 statistics can be important depending on if you want to lean into damage output or damage mitigation. GM access to Body Building means you could favor MAG over END and still have decent HP. GM Armor will allow you to maximize your AC without sacrificing recovery time. Pick Blade or Cudgel and decide if you want to use a Shield — if you don’t use a shield then you can do more damage with 2-hand weapons but a Shield can give you even more AC. With only Expert level Spirit and Light magic you will not learn Regeneration or Resurrection and your Heal spell will be inferior to a Priest or Druid.
Statistic Priority: SPD > END/MAG > MGT/ACY > LCK

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Ranger’s Path
The Ranger has GM access to Bow for great ranged damage but does not allow point blank shot. GM Perception will find all the secrets and allow you to open any chest without fear of trap damage. Identify Monster GM is not very useful but is fun to role play. Dodging GM and Armor/Shield path are mutually exclusive so pick one. Solid backup for anyone and a great choice for finding secrets and opening chests — but keep in mind that it takes awhile to GM Perception.. so have someone else handy to open chests early-game.
Statistic Priority: ACY/SPD/LCK > MGT/END/MAG

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Priest’s Path
The Priest is the fastest path to Master Town Portal due to the relative simplicity of Promotion 2 compared to Mage, Lich, and Druid. GM Repair Item insures you can repair anything in the field, even relics. The Priest magic skill capacity will allow for single target and AOE healing as well as nuking.
Statistic Priority: MAG/SPD > LCK > END

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Druid’s Path
The Druid’s survivability is high with GM Dodging and also the Natural Armor buff for a considerable AC coupled with GM Body Building to account for the occasional attack that gets through. Master Elemental allows for some spell nuking with Chain Lightning and Column of Fire though not as powerfully as the Priest or Mage. A druid can GM Unarmed for solid melee damage output which explains why they are magically inferior to Priest, Mage, and Lich.
Statistic Priority: SPD/MGT/ACY > MAG/LCK/END

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Mage’s Path
The Mage gets GM Identification allowing you to identify anything in the field, even relics. The Mage can almost heal as well as a Priest and the mage can even cast Divine Intervention. The mage also gets Eye of the Storm which is a high damage radial AOE but can only cast it once per day.
Key Statistics: MAG/SPD > LCK > END

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Lich’s Path
The Lich is the exclusive GM of Dark Magic, can exclusively cast Death’s Touch and Souldrinker, and in my opinion, is superior to the Mage for damage output and control magic. The Lich has the most difficult promotion quest but also the coolest.
Key Statistics: MAG/SPD > LCK > END

Promotion Quests
Risk | Base Class | New Class | Quest Origin | Key Point | Quest | XP | Gold | Award | Clue | Spoiler |
None | Initiate | Scholar | Thjorgard City | Tymon the Nord | Scholar Promotion | 2,750 | 1,000 | Observe a Magreeb in NE Thjorgard. | Speak to Tymon the Nord in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City. Exit Thjorgard City and head to the Lake in the NE, Hug the moutain to your right to avoid the ambush, theif camp, and bugs in the trees, approach the Magreeb on the NW side of the Lake. Once they move off, the quest is done, return to Tymon. | |
Medium | Scholar | Mage | Thjorgard City | Johannes Bem | Mage Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Eye of the Storm spellbook | Retrieve a book from Verhoffin Ruins, Isle of Ashes. Retrieve a book from a house in SE Drangheim. | Speak to Johannes in Bembridge University, NE Thjorgard City.# # Sail to Isle of Ashes and enter Verhoffin Ruins. Grab a Key in the room in the SE corner. Use water to cross to N side of ruins, enter the doors heading N into a small room. Use the Key to open a door to the E into a small room with a chest and the book. Return to Johannes.# # Jonannes sends you to find another book in a locked house in SE Drangheim. You will need to break out the floor to find the book. Return to Johannes. |
Extreme | Scholar | Lich | Frosgard City | Skulkil the Dark | Lich Promotion | 0 | 0 | New Portrait | Retrieve a note from Chasm of the Dead in Dragnheim then clear Lich Lab in Yorwick. | This quest behaves a little differently than the other promotion quests as you will not "mark" your Scholar for promotion -- you will learn how to promote yourself. You will face MANY undead in your search, this is the most difficult promotion quest.# # Find Skulkil the Dark in Frosgard City for part of the instructions, you can find him near the maypole.# # Enter Chasm of the Dead in N Drangheim. The first section has only Skeletons, clear it and make your way to the exterior section. Once outside you will need to stay high on the ledge and walk all the way around the chasm to a door leading W back into the mountain. Apparitions will spawn behind you as you move around the ledge, move slowly to deal with 1 at a time. Once back to the interior head W to a large square room with mummy coffins around the perimeter. Clear the room, then grab the instructions from the room center.# # Enter Connecting Tunnels in NW Thronheim. Make your way W to exit to Yorwick. You will exit S of a large mountain range, the Lich Lab is far to the NE but you must go far S to get around the mountain. You will face many Apparitions but eventually you will find some looking away from you, looking toward the Lich Lab -- you can avoid fighting those that look away if you move past them to the NE tight against the mountains to your right. Reach a small group of Sorcerers, dispatch them. Here near their little camp you can jump up onto the moutain and head NW towards the Lich Lab avoiding many Apparitions, this is a minor convenience. Enter the Lich Lab.# # ~in Lich Lab# There are 3 floors here, you have entered on the main floor. Explore and clear the main floor to find the Storage room in the center of the map and collect Ingredients and Jars, a set for each aspiring Lich in your party. Now return to the entry point and go up the grand stairs to the top floor. Explore and clear the top floor to find the alchemy lab. Use the cookpot and burner to create a Potion for each aspiring Lich, don't drink it just yet. Now return to the main floor, N hallway looking over the large machine. Off this N hallway enter the door to the N, which leads W then S to a staircase down to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is a long spiraling hallway with many side rooms, most with loot and nasties to deal with, clear it and make your way to the E hall. On the E hall, the S doorway leads to a large library, clear it. The door to the W from here leads into the large machine. Clear the room with the machine, I suggest pulling foes into the library to deal with there. Once access to the machine is safe you can start the process. On the S of the machine on the upper gangway is a lever, pull it. Aspiring Liches, drink your potions and enter the entact chamber on the bottom part of the machine then pull the lever there. |
None | Initiate | Healer | Guberland City | Tjolnir the Super-neat | Healer Promotion | 6,125 | 1,000 | Cure Nurtigan's cavorka. | Speak to Tjolnir the Super-neat, speak to Skarphedinn Njalssen in the Apothecary in SE Guberland City, retrieve a lock of the Old Hag's hair from her cave in NW Guberland, return the Hair to Njalssen and tap your fingers for 2 hours, speak to Nutty Nurtigan just outside the Town Hall in the center of town, give him the Potion then return to Tjolnir. | |
High | Healer | Priest | Guberland City | Gray Slemnir | Priest Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Journey to the Monastery in NE Lindisfarne, retrieve an item from the Ruined Temple in Frosgard then speak with Nath'i A'Mor in Frosgard City. | Gray Slemnir in Guberland Temple will send you to Lindisfarne, once there, head SW around the central mountain then back to the NW to reach the Monastery. Speak wth the abbot in the N chamber then exit the Monastery and wait until the next day then return to the Monastery and find a new NPC in the courtyard area and ask him to come to Guberland, he will accept.# # Travel to Frosgard, look to the SW to find the Ruined Temple, get in there. Clear this place out as you go and you will have an easier time getting out later. You will find a pedetal with a button. Match the symbols on the wall to the symbols on the pedestals then push the button, going down. In he room with the coffin, press the button on the side of the door to drop the block revealing a breakable floor inside the coffin, going down. Climb back up to find the Tree of Life and a way out.# # Go to Frosgard City and speak with Nath'i A'Mor in the pen just NE of the Apothecary. | |
Medium | Healer | Druid | Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir | Druid Promotion | 15,000 | 5,000 | Journey to Frosgard City, find the Green Man in SE Frosgard, complete 3 tasks in Frosgard City | Menja Ketildotir in Frosgard City will send you to find the Green Man in SE Frosgard. Speak to the Green Man and he will send you back to Frosgard City to complete three tasks. First, pay 500g to Soxolf Tryggvassen to repair the maypole, find him near the maypole. Second, convince the Jarl to carve a runestone. Third, walk around talking to villages and find 6 willing to pledge to honor the Green Man.. eveyone you need is outside and standing still. Once complete, return to the Green Man. | |
Low | Fighter | Mercenary | Thronheim City | Thirfinn Skullsplitter | Mercenary Promotion | 6,000 | 1,000 | Guard a Merchant ship in Guberland | Speak to Thirfinn Skullsplitter in the Thronheim City Tavern and he will send you to Guberland. Once in Guberland, speak with Atli Sigmundssen just outside of the Gathering in SE Guberland. Be at the docks at 3am and you will see the guard walk away. Stand ready for a small band of bandits rush the docks, defeat them and wait until 6am then talk to Atli again. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Gladiator | Strumford City | Fridlief Gjukissen | Gladiator Promotion | 15,750 | 5,000 | Kill a basalisk in Sturmford, grab an unguarded shield in Thronheim City, and win Lord Level Arena fight in Thjorgard City. | Speak with Fridlief Gjukissen in Sturmford City Town Hall. You can find a Basalisk all alone behind Anskram Keep. Kira's Shield is unguarded, leaning against the wall outside the council chambers in SE Thronheim City. The E exit from Thjorgard City is actually the Arena. Select Lord Level and win the fight -- the foes you face are random so you can try a few times or wait until you are stronger as needed. When its all done, return to Fridlief. | |
Medium | Mercenary | Assassin | Drangheim City | Atli the Quick | Assassin Promotion | 15,000 | 4,500 | Kill a bandit and also raid Kluso's House in Drangheim City. | Speak to Atil the Quick in the Drangheim City Tavern. Find and kill Guaire A'Velsi in Drangheim City, near the Tavern. He looks like a bandit with weapons. If you keep climbing in Drangheim City you can find a window to enter Kluso's House, this will prevent being acosted by many guards as soon as you enter on the main level. The dagger you seek is in the parlor with the fireplace on SW of main level. There is also a black chest here but the dagger on the fireplace mantle. Grab it and reutrn to Atil. | |
Medium | Fighter | Crusader | Drangheim City | Keith Bloodaxe | Crusader Promotion | 7,500 | 6,500 | Defeat Yobboe Gang in Central Drangheim | Speak to Keith Bloodaxe in Drangheim City Temple. NW of the windmill in the center of Drangheim is a gang of bandits that will attack on sight. You can find an elevated position on the nearby rocks to take out a few. You can retreat into Drangheim City to heal. It can be done at early levels if you want to exploit the pathing a bit. Wait till later if you want to take them on toe to toe. Return to Keith when its done. | |
High | Crusader | Ranger | Frosgard City | Fenja Tree-Friend | Ranger Promotion | 36,000 | 5,000 | Explore the depths below Dook's Castle in SE Guberland and solve the Dugeon of Secrets in SW Frosgard. | Speak to Fenja Tree-Friend in S Frosgard City, near the Bank. # # Enter the Dungeon of Secrets in NW Frosgard. Dungeon of Secrets is a series of tests that must be completed without setting off any traps. You will want to Autosave after completing each test and restore as needed until you figure out the test then repeat until you make it through. IMPORTANT: Each test is timed from the point you pull the lever to the point when you open the door and you will only know if you have done it quick enough based on what happens when you open the door -- if a blade arm swings down, you were too slow.. if no blade arm, you are good -- enter the door and autosave before the next lever. If you set off any traps you need to restore and try again. A few things to remember, you can crouch with C, you can Jump with X, you can turn on/off autorun in Settings, you can cast Fleet Foot to move quicker, you must WAIT for fleet foot to fade if you want to turn it off.# # Press the Button to open the gate and so it begins...# # Test 1: A winding hallway with a seiries of Levers and Doors. Pull the lever and open the door, only proceed if you do not see the swing arm. You can get a feel for the timing on the very first door.# # Test 2: Use the grate to swim under the trap trigger and Jump out on the otherside to the lever and no timer on this one only.. enter the door.# # Test 3: You need to jump on the tiles without touching the edges before the time runs out, pull the lever and go. Remember, if you set of any traps or if the swing arm comes down at the door then restore and try again. The running jump distant is too long, try jumping at angles or with auto-run off for this one.# Test 4: Watch your head here and get up the stairs fast.# # Test 5: Look into smoky window and identify the lever you need to pull, the details on the wall will help.# # Test 6: Jump over the trap trigger and the pit, if you set off the trap, fall in the pit, or see the swing arm at the door, restore and try again# # Test 7: The high point is an elevator down, the lever is down there as is the door.# # Test 8: You will need to jump straight and diagonally and/or use strafe to get through here quickly without setting off a trap... check with the Attendant to see if you really got it. # OK, that was the easy one.. now head to Dook's Castle in SE Guberland.# ~in Dook's Castle# in the NE Room, twist the wall-mounted Shield in the NE corner to reveal a staircase in the SW corner. Once you open this passageway, the Half-Orcs will be upset with you, unless you already killed them. Head down the passage to the caves below. Take the first right turn to the South. Pull the Winged folks single into the tunnel. Hop to East end for Everstrike but note that it is in a Black Chest so bring someonw with Master 10 Disarm or higher. Return to Fenja. | |
Medium | Crusader | Paladin | Lindisfarne Monastary | Grehgknak the Right | Paladin Promotion | 17,000 | 15,000 | Find the quest giver is in Lindisfarne Monastery and the rest occurs in Sturmford City and Thjorgard City | Speak to Grehgknak the Right in Lindisfarne Monastery and then head to Sturmford Town Hall to ask about "thefts". You can now start talking to everyone in Sturmford to find the thief named Hatlati Oord near the Weapons and Magic shops, confront him and "arrest" him then walk him to Town Hall main floor cell. Hatlati's kids are now without a father and they will need help, speak to them at their home in the NW near Ludwig Van's home. The oldest son is open to work but doesnt know where to start. Check with all the vendors to find that the Magic Shop will hire him, let Itlor know about the Magic Shop -- this part is done (quest log is buggy but will clean up soon).# # For the next part, head to Thjorgard City and show the Jarl the note you got from Grehgknak. Listen to the Jarl's plan and proceed to the Arena and enter as a combatant. There will be no combat in this case, just a dialoge with a man in the arena, are you not entertained? Talk to everyone in town to find Harris Willington in the General Store. "Arrest" him and return to the Jarl.. then return to Grehgknak to complete the promotion. |
Official manual is here.
How to obtain a copy of this game
eBay link – PC version (2002)
GOG link – Digital PC Version