MM9 Spells work somewhat differently than in previous Might and Magic games. There are 4 Magic Skills Elemental, Spirit, Light, and Dark. Each spell casting class is able to learn 1, 2, 3, or all 4 magic skills with varying expertise. Any given spell requires a certain expertise in 2 or 3 magic skills before it can be learned.
Refer back to Party Planning to see Skill Limits by Class.
Each spell has a Primary magic skill, as your character raises expertise in that magic skill the spell will get more powerful. Additionally, spells scale effectiveness as the relevant skills level up. One you learn the spell you may be able to up-cast it at higher levels if your class allows a higher magic skill expertise.
Class Spell Lists
The following spell lists are all the spells that each Class will be able to learn. Click or tap on the spell row in the spellbook below to see all the details.
Initiate Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
11 | Elemental Blast | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Expert Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(180in) with Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
25 | Magic Mine | Place a damaging proximity mine in the environment. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Expert Elemental | Novice Dark | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 7SP. Mine deals minimal damage | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
5 | Curse | Foe(s) attack rate and casting progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Novice Dark | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Attack Penalty of 20+(1*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn |
Healer Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
0 | Arms of Earth | Foe(s) in target vacinity are immobilized. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Expert Elemental | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(30in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 75% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
11 | Elemental Blast | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Expert Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(180in) with Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
25 | Magic Mine | Place a damaging proximity mine in the environment. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Expert Elemental | Novice Dark | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 7SP. Mine deals minimal damage | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (2*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(3*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
15 | Enrage | Cause Foe to engage combat with nearby foes. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
30 | Phantom Fighter | Animate a 1-h Bladed weapon to fight with you. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-2 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 6 Fighter. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP. Weapon is consumed | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
41 | Spell Reaver | Foes in target vacinity are dispelled. | Light | Light | Control | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(10in*Light Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
5 | Curse | Foe(s) attack rate and casting progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Novice Dark | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Attack Penalty of 20+(1*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn |
Priest Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Very Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1-2 Item with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Emit 9 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 9SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 150% damage to attacker. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 150% for 60m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
0 | Arms of Earth | Foe(s) in target vacinity are immobilized. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Expert Elemental | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(30in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 75% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(60in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 50% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town of choice when you have Green risk bubble. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
11 | Elemental Blast | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Expert Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(180in) with Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(240in) with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
25 | Magic Mine | Place a damaging proximity mine in the environment. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Expert Elemental | Novice Dark | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 7SP. Mine deals minimal damage | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 15SP. Mine deals low damage | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
48 | Wrath of Bugs! | Increase Foe recovery time. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Master Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Adds (Elemental Skill) and (Spirit Skill) to Target Foe Recovery for (2m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 35SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
2 | Chain Lightning | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(100in) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
4 | Column of Fire | Elemetnal damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal 30+(1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
24 | Lloyd's Beacon | Point to point teleport, once you have been there. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Master Elemental | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Cast for 60SP to drop beacon or to teleport. Up to 3 beacons can be deployed and each lasts for (10080m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery | Mage, Lich | unable to learn |
26 | Meteor Shower | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity, outdoors. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Call Meteors on outdoor Target+AOE(60in*Light Skill) that deal 50+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
32 | Poison Cloud | Cloud damages all foes it touches. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Dark | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Cloud will travel (20in*Dark Skill) away from party. Cloud deals 25+(d10*Elemental Skill) to each Foe in its path. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (2*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (3*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (4*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Very Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(3*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(4*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(10*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | Deal 8+(1*Light Skill) to Undead Foes in Sight. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | Priest, Druid | Deal 16+(2*Light Skill) to Undead Foes in Sight. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
15 | Enrage | Cause Foe to engage combat with nearby foes. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
30 | Phantom Fighter | Animate a 1-h Bladed weapon to fight with you. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-2 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 6 Fighter. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP. Weapon is consumed | Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-3 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 10 Fighter. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 25SP. Weapon is consumed. | Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-5 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 20 Fighter. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 30SP. Weapon is consumed. | |
27 | Natural Armor | Increase AC when not wearing Armor or Shields. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Master Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | Increases Character AC by 2*(Spirit Skill/2) for (10m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP. Only works if Leather Armor or less is worn | Priest, Druid | Increases Character AC by (2*Spirit Skill) for (10m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP. Only works if Leather Armor or less is worn. | |
33 | Power Draw | Target's next attack does maximum damage. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Master Spirit | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | Characters next attack does maximum damage, power draw disappates after use or in (3m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 40SP | Priest, Druid | Characters next attack does maximum damage, power draw disappates after use or in (4m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 40SP | |
38 | Shared Life | Party HP are pooled and distributed evenly. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Master Spirit | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | Pool Party HP and Add (3*Spirit Level) and distribute even to Characters up to MaxHP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Priest, Druid | Pool Party HP and Add (4*Spirit Level) and distribute evenly to Characters up to MaxHP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | Party Attack Bonus of 10+(1*Light Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | Party Attack Bonus of 15+(1*Light Skill) for (10m*Spirit Skill) with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes and Treasure in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes and Treasure in surrounding area for (15m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Clear all conditons from Character. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Priest | Clear all conditons from Character and heal (1*Light Skill) HP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (3*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | Mage, Priest | Increase Party Dark Resistance by (4*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | Add 10+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Party attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Add 15+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Party attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Reduce Party Recovery Time by 3s*(2/Light Skill) for 60m+(3*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | Mage, Priest | Reduce Party Recovery Time by (2s*Light Skill) for 60m+(4*Light Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
41 | Spell Reaver | Foes in target vacinity are dispelled. | Light | Light | Control | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(10in*Light Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(15in*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(20in*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | |
35 | Regeneration | Regenerate HP over time. | Light | N/A | Support | Master Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | Character regenerates (1*Elemental Skill) HP per minute for (1m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Priest | Party regenerates (1*Elemental Skill) HP per minute for (3m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 40SP | |
37 | Resurrection | Resurrect a Dead character. | Light | N/A | Support | Master Light | Expert Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | Resurrect a Dead Character to Uncouncious state with 0HP. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 90SP | Mage, Priest | Resurrect a Dead Character to Weak state with 1HP. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 30SP | |
9 | Divine Intervention | Party Total Heal and Cure, once per day. | Light | N/A | Support | Grandmaster Light | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | Restore all HP, SP and Cure Conditions with Fast Recovery and for 55SP (once per day) |
5 | Curse | Foe(s) attack rate and casting progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Novice Dark | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Attack Penalty of 20+(1*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Attack Penalty of 20+(2*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP. Target attack rate is also halved. | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
8 | Disease | Dark damage over time. | Dark | Dark | Damage, DOT | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Deal 2 damage to Target per minute for (5m*Dark Skill) with Normal Recovery and for (2*Spirit Skill)SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
29 | Paralyze | Paralyze Foe for progressive duration. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Paralyze Target for (1m*Dark Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
19 | Fear | Non-Undead Foe flees. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Non-Undead Target flees for (5m*Dark Skill) or until damaged. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
28 | Pain Reflection | Return incoming damage to attacker. | Dark | Dark | Damage | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Character returns (10*Dark Skill)% of damage taken back to attacker for (5m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
16 | Eye of Leggib | Controllable avatar with progressive skillset. | Dark | N/A | Utility | Expert Dark | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Controllable 1HP avatar moves within 300in*(Dark Skill/2) for 5m. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 20SP. Avatar is visible to Foes | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
47 | Wound | Dark damage to Foe. | Dark | Dark | Damage | Expert Dark | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Deal 10+(2d3*Dark Skill) damge on Target in melee range. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn |
Druid Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Very Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1-2 Item with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Emit 9 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 9SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 150% damage to attacker. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 150% for 60m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
0 | Arms of Earth | Foe(s) in target vacinity are immobilized. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Expert Elemental | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(30in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 75% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(60in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 50% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town of choice when you have Green risk bubble. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
11 | Elemental Blast | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Expert Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(180in) with Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(240in) with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
25 | Magic Mine | Place a damaging proximity mine in the environment. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Expert Elemental | Novice Dark | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 7SP. Mine deals minimal damage | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 15SP. Mine deals low damage | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
48 | Wrath of Bugs! | Increase Foe recovery time. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Master Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Adds (Elemental Skill) and (Spirit Skill) to Target Foe Recovery for (2m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 35SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
2 | Chain Lightning | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(100in) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
4 | Column of Fire | Elemetnal damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal 30+(1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
24 | Lloyd's Beacon | Point to point teleport, once you have been there. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Master Elemental | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Cast for 60SP to drop beacon or to teleport. Up to 3 beacons can be deployed and each lasts for (10080m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery | Mage, Lich | unable to learn |
26 | Meteor Shower | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity, outdoors. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Call Meteors on outdoor Target+AOE(60in*Light Skill) that deal 50+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (2*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (3*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (4*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Very Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(3*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(4*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(10*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | Deal 8+(1*Light Skill) to Undead Foes in Sight. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | Priest, Druid | Deal 16+(2*Light Skill) to Undead Foes in Sight. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
15 | Enrage | Cause Foe to engage combat with nearby foes. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
30 | Phantom Fighter | Animate a 1-h Bladed weapon to fight with you. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-2 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 6 Fighter. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP. Weapon is consumed | Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-3 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 10 Fighter. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 25SP. Weapon is consumed. | Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-5 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 20 Fighter. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 30SP. Weapon is consumed. | |
27 | Natural Armor | Increase AC when not wearing Armor or Shields. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Master Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | Increases Character AC by 2*(Spirit Skill/2) for (10m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP. Only works if Leather Armor or less is worn | Priest, Druid | Increases Character AC by (2*Spirit Skill) for (10m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP. Only works if Leather Armor or less is worn. | |
33 | Power Draw | Target's next attack does maximum damage. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Master Spirit | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | Characters next attack does maximum damage, power draw disappates after use or in (3m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 40SP | Priest, Druid | Characters next attack does maximum damage, power draw disappates after use or in (4m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 40SP | |
38 | Shared Life | Party HP are pooled and distributed evenly. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Master Spirit | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | Pool Party HP and Add (3*Spirit Level) and distribute even to Characters up to MaxHP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Priest, Druid | Pool Party HP and Add (4*Spirit Level) and distribute evenly to Characters up to MaxHP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
41 | Spell Reaver | Foes in target vacinity are dispelled. | Light | Light | Control | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(10in*Light Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
5 | Curse | Foe(s) attack rate and casting progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Novice Dark | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Attack Penalty of 20+(1*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Attack Penalty of 20+(2*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP. Target attack rate is also halved. | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn |
Scholar Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
11 | Elemental Blast | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Expert Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(180in) with Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
25 | Magic Mine | Place a damaging proximity mine in the environment. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Expert Elemental | Novice Dark | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 7SP. Mine deals minimal damage | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
5 | Curse | Foe(s) attack rate and casting progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Novice Dark | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Attack Penalty of 20+(1*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Attack Penalty of 20+(2*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP. Target attack rate is also halved. | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
8 | Disease | Dark damage over time. | Dark | Dark | Damage, DOT | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Deal 2 damage to Target per minute for (5m*Dark Skill) with Normal Recovery and for (2*Spirit Skill)SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
29 | Paralyze | Paralyze Foe for progressive duration. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Paralyze Target for (1m*Dark Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
19 | Fear | Non-Undead Foe flees. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Non-Undead Target flees for (5m*Dark Skill) or until damaged. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
28 | Pain Reflection | Return incoming damage to attacker. | Dark | Dark | Damage | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Character returns (10*Dark Skill)% of damage taken back to attacker for (5m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn |
Mage Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Very Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-10)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Very Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1-2 Item with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Has (20*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1-3 Item with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 5SP | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Emit 9 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Emit 12 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 9SP | Mage, Lich | Large Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 12SP | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-10)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 150% damage to attacker. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 200% damage to attacker. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 40SP. Last until used up. | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 150% for 60m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Increase Party movement speed by 175% for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
0 | Arms of Earth | Foe(s) in target vacinity are immobilized. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Expert Elemental | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(30in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 75% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(60in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 50% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | Target+AOE(60in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 25% for (2m*Elemental Skill) and deal (2-12) damage with Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town of choice when you have Green risk bubble. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Transport Party to the Town of choice when you have Yellow or Green risk bubble. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
11 | Elemental Blast | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Expert Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(180in) with Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(240in) with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-10)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(420in) with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
25 | Magic Mine | Place a damaging proximity mine in the environment. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Expert Elemental | Novice Dark | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 7SP. Mine deals minimal damage | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 15SP. Mine deals low damage | Mage, Lich | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Fast Recovery and for 30SP. Mine deals moderate damage | |
48 | Wrath of Bugs! | Increase Foe recovery time. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Master Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Adds (Elemental Skill) and (Spirit Skill) to Target Foe Recovery for (2m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 35SP | Mage, Lich | Adds (Elemental Skill) and (Spirit Skill) to Target Foe Recovery and reduces Accuracy for (2m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 40SP | |
2 | Chain Lightning | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(100in) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(200in) with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | |
4 | Column of Fire | Elemetnal damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal 30+(1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | Deal 30+(1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(100in) with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | |
24 | Lloyd's Beacon | Point to point teleport, once you have been there. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Master Elemental | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Cast for 60SP to drop beacon or to teleport. Up to 3 beacons can be deployed and each lasts for (10080m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery | Mage, Lich | Cast for 45SP to drop beacon or to teleport. Up to 5 beacons can be deployed and each lasts for (10080m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery 5+(12-20) |
26 | Meteor Shower | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity, outdoors. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Call Meteors on outdoor Target+AOE(60in*Light Skill) that deal 50+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Lich | Call Meteors on outdoor Target+AOE(60in*Light Skill) that deal 50+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 35SP | |
32 | Poison Cloud | Cloud damages all foes it touches. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Dark | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Cloud will travel (20in*Dark Skill) away from party. Cloud deals 25+(d10*Elemental Skill) to each Foe in its path. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Mage, Lich | Cloud will travel (30in*Dark Skill) away from party. Cloud deals 25+(d10*Elemental Skill) to each Foe in its path. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
17 | Eye of the Storm | Elemental damage radiates out from caster. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Grandmaster Elemental | Expert Spirit | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | Deal (10-20)*Elemental Skill damage to Foes within AOE(120in) with Slow Recovery and for 45SP |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (2*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(3*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
15 | Enrage | Cause Foe to engage combat with nearby foes. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
30 | Phantom Fighter | Animate a 1-h Bladed weapon to fight with you. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-2 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 6 Fighter. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP. Weapon is consumed | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | Party Attack Bonus of 10+(1*Light Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | Party Attack Bonus of 15+(1*Light Skill) for (10m*Spirit Skill) with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes and Treasure in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes and Treasure in surrounding area for (15m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Clear all conditons from Character. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Priest | Clear all conditons from Character and heal (1*Light Skill) HP. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (3*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | Mage, Priest | Increase Party Dark Resistance by (4*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | Add 10+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Party attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Add 15+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Party attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Reduce Party Recovery Time by 3s*(2/Light Skill) for 60m+(3*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | Mage, Priest | Reduce Party Recovery Time by (2s*Light Skill) for 60m+(4*Light Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
41 | Spell Reaver | Foes in target vacinity are dispelled. | Light | Light | Control | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(10in*Light Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(15in*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(20in*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | |
35 | Regeneration | Regenerate HP over time. | Light | N/A | Support | Master Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | Character regenerates (1*Elemental Skill) HP per minute for (1m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Priest | Party regenerates (1*Elemental Skill) HP per minute for (3m*Light Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 40SP | |
37 | Resurrection | Resurrect a Dead character. | Light | N/A | Support | Master Light | Expert Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | Resurrect a Dead Character to Uncouncious state with 0HP. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 90SP | Mage, Priest | Resurrect a Dead Character to Weak state with 1HP. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 30SP | |
9 | Divine Intervention | Party Total Heal and Cure, once per day. | Light | N/A | Support | Grandmaster Light | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | Restore all HP, SP and Cure Conditions with Fast Recovery and for 55SP (once per day) |
5 | Curse | Foe(s) attack rate and casting progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Novice Dark | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Attack Penalty of 20+(1*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Attack Penalty of 20+(2*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP. Target attack rate is also halved. | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
8 | Disease | Dark damage over time. | Dark | Dark | Damage, DOT | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Deal 2 damage to Target per minute for (5m*Dark Skill) with Normal Recovery and for (2*Spirit Skill)SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
29 | Paralyze | Paralyze Foe for progressive duration. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Paralyze Target for (1m*Dark Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
19 | Fear | Non-Undead Foe flees. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Non-Undead Target flees for (5m*Dark Skill) or until damaged. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
28 | Pain Reflection | Return incoming damage to attacker. | Dark | Dark | Damage | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Character returns (10*Dark Skill)% of damage taken back to attacker for (5m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
16 | Eye of Leggib | Controllable avatar with progressive skillset. | Dark | N/A | Utility | Expert Dark | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Controllable 1HP avatar moves within 300in*(Dark Skill/2) for 5m. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 20SP. Avatar is visible to Foes | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn | |
47 | Wound | Dark damage to Foe. | Dark | Dark | Damage | Expert Dark | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Deal 10+(2d3*Dark Skill) damge on Target in melee range. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | unable to learn | Lich | unable to learn |
Lich Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Very Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-10)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Very Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1-2 Item with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Has (20*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1-3 Item with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 5SP | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Emit 9 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Emit 12 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 9SP | Mage, Lich | Large Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 12SP | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-10)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 150% damage to attacker. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 200% damage to attacker. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 40SP. Last until used up. | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 150% for 60m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Increase Party movement speed by 175% for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 15SP | |
0 | Arms of Earth | Foe(s) in target vacinity are immobilized. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Expert Elemental | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(30in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 75% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(60in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 50% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | Target+AOE(60in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 25% for (2m*Elemental Skill) and deal (2-12) damage with Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town of choice when you have Green risk bubble. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Transport Party to the Town of choice when you have Yellow or Green risk bubble. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
11 | Elemental Blast | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Expert Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(180in) with Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(240in) with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-10)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(420in) with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
25 | Magic Mine | Place a damaging proximity mine in the environment. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Expert Elemental | Novice Dark | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 7SP. Mine deals minimal damage | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Normal Recovery and for 15SP. Mine deals low damage | Mage, Lich | Drop a Mine that lasts until triggered with Fast Recovery and for 30SP. Mine deals moderate damage | |
48 | Wrath of Bugs! | Increase Foe recovery time. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Master Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Adds (Elemental Skill) and (Spirit Skill) to Target Foe Recovery for (2m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 35SP | Mage, Lich | Adds (Elemental Skill) and (Spirit Skill) to Target Foe Recovery and reduces Accuracy for (2m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 40SP | |
2 | Chain Lightning | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(100in) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich | Deal (1-8)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(200in) with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | |
4 | Column of Fire | Elemetnal damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Deal 30+(1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich | Deal 30+(1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target+AOE(100in) with Normal Recovery and for 30SP | |
24 | Lloyd's Beacon | Point to point teleport, once you have been there. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Master Elemental | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Cast for 60SP to drop beacon or to teleport. Up to 3 beacons can be deployed and each lasts for (10080m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery | Mage, Lich | Cast for 45SP to drop beacon or to teleport. Up to 5 beacons can be deployed and each lasts for (10080m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery 5+(12-20) |
26 | Meteor Shower | Elemental damage to Foe(s) in target vacinity, outdoors. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | Call Meteors on outdoor Target+AOE(60in*Light Skill) that deal 50+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Mage, Lich | Call Meteors on outdoor Target+AOE(60in*Light Skill) that deal 50+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 35SP | |
32 | Poison Cloud | Cloud damages all foes it touches. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Master Elemental | Expert Dark | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Cloud will travel (20in*Dark Skill) away from party. Cloud deals 25+(d10*Elemental Skill) to each Foe in its path. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Mage, Lich | Cloud will travel (30in*Dark Skill) away from party. Cloud deals 25+(d10*Elemental Skill) to each Foe in its path. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
17 | Eye of the Storm | Elemental damage radiates out from caster. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, AOE | Grandmaster Elemental | Expert Spirit | Expert Light | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | Deal (10-20)*Elemental Skill damage to Foes within AOE(120in) with Slow Recovery and for 45SP |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (2*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(3*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
15 | Enrage | Cause Foe to engage combat with nearby foes. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
30 | Phantom Fighter | Animate a 1-h Bladed weapon to fight with you. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-2 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 6 Fighter. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP. Weapon is consumed | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
41 | Spell Reaver | Foes in target vacinity are dispelled. | Light | Light | Control | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(10in*Light Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
5 | Curse | Foe(s) attack rate and casting progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Novice Dark | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Attack Penalty of 20+(1*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 10SP | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Attack Penalty of 20+(2*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP. Target attack rate is also halved. | Lich | Attack Penalty of 20+(4*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP. Target attack rate is halved and spell casting is blocked. | Lich | Attack Penalty of 20+(6*Dark Skill) for (1m*Light Skill) with Fast Recovery and for 10SP. Target(s) attack rate is halved and spell casting is blocked. Effects all visible creatures | |
8 | Disease | Dark damage over time. | Dark | Dark | Damage, DOT | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Deal 2 damage to Target per minute for (5m*Dark Skill) with Normal Recovery and for (2*Spirit Skill)SP | Lich | Deal 4 damage to Target per minute for (7m*Dark Skill) with Fast Recovery and for (4*Spirit Skill)SP | Lich | Deal 7 damage to Target per minute for (10m*Dark Skill) with Very Fast Recovery and for (5*Spirit Skill)SP | |
29 | Paralyze | Paralyze Foe for progressive duration. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Paralyze Target for (1m*Dark Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 25SP | Lich | Paralyze Target for (1m*Dark Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 25SP | Lich | Paralyze Target for (1m*Dark Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 25SP | |
19 | Fear | Non-Undead Foe flees. | Dark | Dark | Control | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Non-Undead Target flees for (5m*Dark Skill) or until damaged. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | Non-Undead Target flees for (10m*Dark Skill) or until damaged. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | Non-Undead Target flees for (15m*Dark Skill) or until damaged. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 10SP | |
28 | Pain Reflection | Return incoming damage to attacker. | Dark | Dark | Damage | Expert Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Scholar, Mage, Lich, Priest | Character returns (10*Dark Skill)% of damage taken back to attacker for (5m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP | Lich | Character returns (10*Dark Skill)% of damage taken back to attacker for (15m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP | Lich | Party returns (10*Dark Skill)% of damage taken back to attacker for (20m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 40SP | |
16 | Eye of Leggib | Controllable avatar with progressive skillset. | Dark | N/A | Utility | Expert Dark | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Controllable 1HP avatar moves within 300in*(Dark Skill/2) for 5m. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 20SP. Avatar is visible to Foes | Lich | Controllable 1HP avatar moves within (300in*Dark Skill) for 5m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Avatar is invisible to some Foes. | Lich | Controllable 1HP avatar moves within (300in*Dark Skill) for 5m. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 20SP. Avatar is invisible to Foes and will detect secrets as per Caster Perception value. | |
47 | Wound | Dark damage to Foe. | Dark | Dark | Damage | Expert Dark | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest | Deal 10+(2d3*Dark Skill) damge on Target in melee range. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Lich | Deal 10+(2d4*Dark Skill) damge on Target in melee range. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 15SP | Lich | Deal 10+(2d5*Dark Skill) damge on Target in melee range. Cast with Very Fast Recovery and for 20SP | |
44 | Transfusion | Transfer Conditions to a Foe. | Dark | Dark | Support | Master Dark | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Lich | Transfer conditions to a Target Foe, duration remains unchanged. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 20SP | Lich | Transfer conditions to a Target Foe, durations are reset as if just cast. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 30SP | |
6 | Dark Grasp | Foe(s) movement and attack rate progressively reduced. | Dark | Dark | Debuff | Master Dark | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Lich | Target movement reduced 50%, AC reduced 25%, melee damage reduced 50% for (10m*Dark Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 45SP | Lich | Target movement reduced 75%, AC reduced 50%, melee damage reduced 50% for (15m*Dark Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 45SP | |
39 | Souldrinker | Visible foes HP are pooled and distributed to party evenly. | Dark | Dark | Damage, Drain | Grandmaster Dark | Expert Spirit | Expert Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Lich | Drain 25+(d8*Dark Skill) HP from Visible Foes and distribute evenly to Characters up to MaxHP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 55SP |
7 | Death's Touch | Dark damage to Foe with self heal. | Dark | Dark | Drain | Grandmaster Dark | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | none | unable to learn | Lich | Deal 7+(1-7)*Dark Skill damage to Target, healing self for 30% of it with Very Slow Recovery and for (1*Dark Skill)SP |
Crusader Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Crusader | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn |
Paladin Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
31 | Poison | Elemental damage plus Dark damage over time. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage, DOT | Novice Elemental | Novice Dark | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill direct damage and (1-2)*Dark Skill damage per minute for 10m. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (2*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(3*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
15 | Enrage | Cause Foe to engage combat with nearby foes. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
30 | Phantom Fighter | Animate a 1-h Bladed weapon to fight with you. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-2 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 6 Fighter. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP. Weapon is consumed | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 5+(1*Light Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (10m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
34 | Purify | Cure conditions from target. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Clear Weakness and Insane conditons from Character. Reduce duration of other conditions by 50%. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
36 | Resist Death | Increase Dark resistance. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Characters Dark Resistance by (2*Light Skill) for (7m*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
18 | Faith | Party Attack Damage Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Add 5+(1*Light Skill) bonus damage to Character attacks for 5m+(1m*Sprit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
22 | Haste | Reduce Party recovery time, Weak afterwards. | Light | N/A | Support | Expert Light | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Reduce Character Recovery Time by (1s*Light Skill) for 60m+(2*Light Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
41 | Spell Reaver | Foes in target vacinity are dispelled. | Light | Light | Control | Expert Light | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Dispels magic on Target+AOE(10in*Light Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn |
Ranger Spells
Spell | Short Description | Primary Skill | Spell Resistance | Spell Type | Prerequisite 1 | Prerequisite 2 | Prerequisite 3 | Novice Power | Expert Power | Master Power | GM Power | |||||
12 | Elemental Bolt | Elemental damage to a Foe. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Ranger | Deal (1-4)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 2SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Deal (1-6)*Elemental Skill damage to Target with Fast Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
14 | Enchant Item | Bestow enchantment on non-magical items. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Ranger | Has (5*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Has (10*Spirit Skill)% chance to successfully enchant non-magical Quality 1 Item with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
20 | Feather Fall | Prevent Party falling damage. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Ranger | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent Party falling damage for (5m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
40 | Sparks | Emit progressively more sparks that deal Elemental damage. | Elemental | Elemental | Damage | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Ranger | Emit 5 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Emit 7 Sparks that each deal 2+(1*Elemental Skill) damage. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
42 | Torchlight | Light to illuminate a dark environment. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Novice Elemental | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid, Ranger | Tiny Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Small Aura of light lasts for (60m*Elemental Skill). Cast with Fast Recovery and for 7SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
10 | Elemental Aura | Prevent X damage and return it to attacker. | Elemental | Elemental | Support | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Prevent (5*Elemental Skill) damage and reflect 100% damage to attacker. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 20SP. Last until used up. | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
21 | Fleet Foot | Increase Party movement speed. | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Spirit | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Increase Party movement speed by 125% for 30m*(2/Elemental Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 15SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
0 | Arms of Earth | Foe(s) in target vacinity are immobilized. | Elemental | Elemental | Control | Expert Elemental | Expert Spirit | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Target+AOE(30in*Spirit Skill), Foe(s) speed reduced to 75% for (2m*Elemental Skill) with Very Slow Recovery and for 30SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
43 | Town Portal | Teleport to one of the towns of Chedian | Elemental | N/A | Utility | Expert Elemental | Novice Light | none | unable to learn | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Transport Party to the Town in the same region. Cast with Fast Recovery and for 10SP | Mage, Lich, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Lich | unable to learn | |
13 | Elemental Protection | Increase Party Elemental Resistance. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (1*Spirit Skill) for (5m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Boost Party Elemental Resistance by (2*Spirit Skill) for (7m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
23 | Heal | Heal Character's HP. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(2*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Heal Character 5+(3*Spirit Skill) HP. Cast with Normal Recovery and for 8SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
45 | Turn Undead | Cause Undead to Flee, Master level also does damage. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Novice Spirit | Novice Light | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 5SP | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Undead Foe to flee for 3m(1*Spirit Skill). Cast with Normal Recovery and for 10SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
15 | Enrage | Cause Foe to engage combat with nearby foes. | Spirit | Spirit | Control | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Cause Target to engage with nearby Foes for (1m*Spirit Skill). Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
30 | Phantom Fighter | Animate a 1-h Bladed weapon to fight with you. | Spirit | N/A | Support | Expert Spirit | Novice Elemental | none | unable to learn | Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Animate Level 1-2 non-magical 1-hand blade weapon which fights as Level 6 Fighter. Cast with Slow Recovery and for 15SP. Weapon is consumed | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Priest, Druid | unable to learn | |
1 | Bless | Party Attack Bonus. | Light | N/A | Support | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | Party Attack Bonus of 3+(1*Light Skill) for (3m*Spirit Skill) with Normal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | |
46 | Wizard Eye | Enable Scrying Sphere with radar-like dots. | Light | N/A | Utility | Novice Light | Novice Spirit | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | On Screen. Scrying Sphere shows dots for Foes in surrounding area for (5m*Light Skill). Cast withNormal Recovery and for 5SP | Initiate, Scholar, Mage, Lich, Healer, Priest, Druid | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn | Mage, Priest | unable to learn |
Spellbook Vendors
All Spellbook Vendors are listed here. Click or tap on a row to see inventory details.
Reveal the Vendors
Location | Clue | Vendor | Inventory | Days to Restock | |
99 | Drangheim City | NE Drangheim City | Daonai A'Norta a'meich | Spellbooks | 14 |
50 | Sturmford City | S Sturmford City | Injor Gostat | Spellbooks | 14 |
137 | Guberland City | NE Guberland City | Trian A'Lyrae | Spellbooks | 14 |
285 | Lindisfarne | N Lindisfarne town area | Rober Rachnid | Spellbooks | 14 |
249 | Thronheim City | W Thronheim City | Bones the Pale | Spellbooks | 14 |
12 | Thjorgard City | Central Thjorgard City | Geirrod A'Ghrie | Spellbooks | 14 |
203 | Frosgard | Central Frosgard City | Thora the Skull-toucher | Spellbooks | 60 |
343 | Arslegard City | NW Arslegard City | Thuridr the Able | Spellbooks | 14 |
Official manual is here.
Spells data extracted using Dragon Unpacker and then flattened and formatted for web presentation.
How to obtain a copy of this game
eBay link – PC version (2002)
GOG link – Digital PC Version