MM6 Party finds themselves on Enroth battling demon and dragon for the fate of the realm. Prepare here and stand-fast against the coming horde. Your final score is determined by how much you accomplish compared to the amount of in-game time it takes to complete those tasks. Efficiency is key to achieving a high score.
“Only 4, choose wisely.”
What is new?
Spells are redesigned and fall under 9 spell skills each of which is available to certain classes. Find or buy Spellbooks to learn spells once your character has the requisite magic skill expertise.
Skills are redesigned and fall under 4 categories: Weapons, Armor, Magic, Miscellaneous. You pay gold to learn new skills at Novice Expertise. The game awards Skill Points at level up and you allocate skill points to skills to raise the Skill Level. Once the Skill Level reaches a threshold, you may seek out a Teacher NPC and pay them gold to raise your Expertise in a skill. The levels of Expertise are Novice, Expert, and Master. The thresholds vary by skill category and for some skills require promotion or honorary promotion for Master.
Class Promotions are available to each class. The first class promotion awards the character more HP and SP when applicable. The second class promotion awards more HP and SP and allows Master expertise in some skills. The game awards Promotion to primary class of quest and honorary promotions to the other classes.
Movement in the game world is now fluid and not constrained by a grid square coordinate system. Maps are no longer a flat 16×16 or 20×20 area. Now maps are vector based three dimensional spaces and the party is able to look up/down, jump, and fly to maneuver through the space.
Aggro Gem near the character portrait indicates safety. Red means that a foe is in melee range of you, if you don’t see them, turn around.. and/or look up or down. Yellow means a foe(s) is heading towards you. If you don’t see them they might be in an adjacent room or beyond the edge of light. Green means nobody notices you yet.
Reveal Strategies for pulling minimal foes…
If you see a pack of enemies in the distance and your gem is green.. you can slowly approach until your gem turns yellow, don't go any closer, even back up a bit.. some but not all the foes will approach you. In this way you can split large packs into more manageable groups.
Exiting and re-entering a dungeon will reset the foes. This will put them back to their starting position and with full hit points, unless they are dead. This is helpful in places like the Temple of Baa as you can shoot from the exit doorway to drop as many as you can then reset when foes get too close, just watch out for the fireball.
Devs removed Barbarian, Ranger, Robber, and Ninja classes. You cannot transition maps unless you are on land. Armor Class is now better with a higher number.
Selecting Party Skills
Knowing the skills available to each Final Class is helpful to design your Party in a way that provides access to the skills and spells you want to use. Select your base class first and then set forth on the path to reach progression goals.
Resource: MM6 Skills Database
Resource: MM6 Spells Database

There are no Races in MM6.
Statistical Analysis
You will allocate 50 Bonus Points to any of the 4 characters during character creation. You may also subtract up to 2 points from each Statistic which will net 106 total Bonus Points to work with. The selected class will define minimum possible values. Maximum values during character creation is 25.
Might: A higher MGT effects damage done in combat with melee weapons. MGT bonus is added to damage. Mace Mastery requires at least 40 MGT.
Endurance: A higher END effects hit points. END bonus subtracts from recover time after taking damage from enemy attacks. END bonus also helps avoid the following Status Effects: WEAKNESS, ASLEEP, DRUNK, DISEASED, UNCONSCIOUS, AFRAID.
Speed: A higher SPD effects AC and Recovery. SPD bonus is added to Armor Class. SPD bonus is subtracted from recovery time which impacts time between actions. Dagger Mastery requires at least 40 SPD.
Accuracy: ACY bonus is added to Attack and Shoot values and effects ability to hit targets in combat. ACY bonus also helps avoid having items stolen from your backpack. Mastery of Repair Item and/or Disarm Trap Mastery require 30 ACY.
Intellect: INT bonus is added to the amount of Spell Points for Sorcerers, Archer, and Druids. INT bonus also helps avoid the INSANE status effect. Mastery of Learning and/or Identify Item Mastery require 30 INT.
Personality: PER bonus is added the amount of Spell Points for Clerics, Paladins, and Druids. PER Bonus also helps avoid the CURSED condition. Mastery of Merchant and/or Meditation require 30 PER.
Luck: LCK bonus is added to Resistance rolls so long as the resistance value is not 0.
Bonus Breakpoints
Statistics Bonus is used in various formula. Pay attention to the breakpoints to get the next bonus. STR for an example: 42, 45, and 49 are effectively the same in damage calculations but 50 adds more damage.
0-2 -6
3-4 -5
5-6 -4
7-8 -3
9-10 -2
11-12 -1
13-14 +0
15-16 +1
17-18 +2
19-20 +3
21-24 +4
25-29 +5
30-34 +6
35-39 +7
40-49 +8
50-74 +9
75-99 +10
100-124 +11
125-149 +12
150-174 +13
175-199 +14
200-224 +15
225-249 +16
250-274 +17
275-299 +18
300-349 +19
350-399 +20
400-499 +25
500+ +30
Hit Point formula
Base Hit Points
Knight 34+(4x END Bonus)
Paladin 28+(3x END Bonus)
Archer 28+(3x END Bonus)
Cleric 22+(2x END Bonus)
Sorcerer 22+(2x END Bonus)
Druid 22+(2x END Bonus)
Hit Points per Level
Knight 4 * Body Building Skill
Paladin 3 * Body Building Skill
Archer 3 * Body Building Skill
Cleric 2 * Body Building Skill
Sorcerer 2 * Body Building Skill
Druid 2 * Body Building Skill
Expert Body Building will Double the final total
Master Body Building will Triple the final total
Spell Point formula
Base Spell Points
Cleric 3(PER Bonus)+13
Sorcerer 3(INT Bonus)+13
Druid 3(INT Bonus + PER Bonus)+13
Paladin (PER Bonus)+6
Archer (INT Bonus)+6
Knight 0
Spell Points per Level
Cleric +3 * Meditation Skill
Sorcerer +3 * Meditation Skill
Druid +3 * Meditation Skill
Paladin +1 * Meditation Skill
Archer +1 * Meditation Skill
Knight +0 * Meditation Skill
Expert Meditation will Double the final total
Master Meditation will Triple the final total
The party size is 4 and so class selection is important. You will solve trapped chests with Disarm Trap, Perception, or the Mind Magic spell Telekinesis. You will hire Hirelings to bolster party skills and/or to fill skill gaps.
Knight’s Path
Knights are the pure mundane damage dealer. They get the most Hit Points and zero Spell Points. Knights have access to all Weapons and Armor.
Knights must start with Sword and Leather skills and can select two from: Dagger, Axe, Spear, Bow, Shield, Chain, Body Building, Perception, or Disarm Traps.
You may promote Knights to Cavalier and then a Champion by completing quests for Lord Osric Temper in Free Haven. Each promotion grants the Knight +2 hit points per level, retroactive. Master training in Sword or Spear is only available to Cavalier or Honorary Cavalier.
Paladin’s Path
Paladins are a hybrid class part Knight and part Cleric. Paladins have access to all Weapons and Armor. Paladins have access to Mind, Body, Spirit spell skills but have less Spell Points than the Cleric.
Paladins must start with Sword and Spirit Magic skills and can select two from: Dagger, Spear, Mace, Shield, Leather, Chain, Perception, Diplomacy, or Disarm Trap.
You may promote Paladins to Crusader and then Hero by completing quests for Wilbur Humphrey in Castle Ironfist. Each promotion grants the Paladin +1 hit point and +1 spell point per level, retroactive. Master training in Chain Armor is only available to Crusaders or Honorary Crusaders. Plate Armor is only available to Heroes or Honorary Heroes.
Archer’s Path
Archers are a hybrid class part Knight and part Sorcerer. All Weapons are available to Archers but they are restricted from Plate armor and Shields. Archers have access to Fire, Water, Earth, and Air spell skills but have less Spell Points than the Sorcerer.
Archers must start with Bow and Air Magic skills and can select two from: Sword, Dagger, Axe, Leather, Fire, Identify, Perception, Diplomacy, or Disarm Trap.
You may promote Archers to Battle Mage and then Warrior Mage by completing quests for Erik Von Stromgard in Frozen Highlands. Each promotion grants the Archer +1 hit point and +1 spell point per level, retroactive. Master training in Bow is only available to Battle Mage or Honorary Battle Mage.
Cleric’s Path
Clerics have access to Mind, Body, Spirit, Light, and Dark spell skills. Clerics are restricted to Chain armor and Blunt weapons. Bows are allowed.
Clerics must start with Mace and Body Magic skills and can select two from: Staff, Shield, Leather, Spirit Magic, Mind Magic, Identify Item, Repair Item, Meditation, or Diplomacy.
You may promote Clerics to Priest and then High Priest by completing quests for Anthony Stone in Frozen Highlands. Each promotion grants the Cleric +1 hit point and +1 spell point per level, retroactive. Master training in Spirit Magic is only available to High Priest or Honorary High Priest.
Druid’s Path
Druids have access to Mind, Body, Spirit, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air spell skills. Druids are restricted to Leather armor and Staffs or Daggers. Shields are allowed. Bows are allowed.
Druids must start with Staff and Earth Magic skills and can select two from: Mace, Leather, Water Magic, Spirit Magic, Body Magic, Identify Item, Repair Item, Meditation, or Learning.
You may promote Druids to Great Druid and then Arch Druid by completing quests for Loretta Fleise in Silver Cove. Each promotion grants the Druid +1 hit point and +1 spell point per level, retroactive.
Sorcerer’s Path
Sorcerers have access to Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Dark spell skills. Sorcerers are restricted to Leather armor and Staffs or Daggers. No Shields. Bows are allowed.
Sorcerers must start with Dagger and Fire Magic skills and can select two from: Staff, Leather, Air Magic, Water Magic, Earth Magic, Identify Item, Repair Item, Meditation, or Diplomacy.
You may promote Sorcerers to Wizard and then Arch Mage by completing quests for Lord Albert in Misty Islands. Each promotion grants the Sorcerer +1 hit point and +1 spell point per level, retroactive. Master training in Air Magic is only available to Arch Mage or Honorary Arch Mage.
MMArchive used to extract game data for analysis then flattened and formatted for web presentation. Thanks to GreyFace for so many revelations about how the game works.
Official Manual is here.
How to obtain a copy of this game:
eBay link – PC version (1998)
GOG link – Digital PC version (includes games 1-6)