BT3 Party Planning – Thief of Fate

BT3 Party Planning for Thief of Fate, an adventure game packed with fantasy elements and puzzles. As with most classic RPGs the initial few levels are the hardest to earn. Prepare here.

Attack first and kill most dangerous foes quickly, the best defense is early victory!

High Level hero

Plan your Party

There are many classes to choose from and each has something to offer. Spell casters have the unique ability to change class and there are 7 distinct spell casting classes each with a unique spell book.

Creating a New Party

Check out BT1 Party Planning

The early level strategy is the same as in Volume 1 and 2.. therefore, gear up asap, stick close to the temple for healing. Keep your best buffs active, then attack first and kill most dangerous foes quickly. High DEX spell casters can lay waste to groups. Run when you are outmatched or if you are unsure.

Explore The Wilderness and Skara Brae extensively. Map it out and explore the full map and every building because you will need to grow your strength before going into the Catacombs.

Resource: Building Strength

Moving Party from Volume 2

When you move your Party from Volume 2, you have a few options:

  • Full Power Transfer, characters come as they are with inventory intact
  • Moderate Power Transfer, characters are reset to level 1, inventory intact
  • Full Reset, characters are reset to level 1, inventory cleared

I am choosing Full Power Transfer because I want to minimize the level grind in Volume 3. Note that the statistic MAX is upped to 30!


How to obtain a copy of this game

GOG link – Digital PC Bundle (Remastered Trilogy) (includes games 1-3)
GOG link – Digital PC Bundle (Action RPG Version 2004) (includes Original Trilogy 1-3)