BT3 Spells Database

BT3 Spells Database

BT3 Spells Database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Check the Target data for spell ranges. Search and quickly access the Cant for the spell you need. Spell descriptions available in short and long form.

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BT3 Spells

Conjurer Spells
Vol 31ARFIArc Fire3 SPCombatFoe10'Instant1d4 damage/levelA fan of blue flame jets from the spellcaster's fingers, inflicting 1 to 4 hits of damage, which are multiplied by the spellcaster's level, on the selected opponent.Buff
Vol 31MAFLMage Flame2 SPAnytimeParty120 minLight (3 squares)A small self-propelled "torch" appears and floats above the spellcaster as he travels (10-14 hours).Buff
Vol 21SOSHSorcerer Shield3 SPCombatCasterCombatAC-1The mage is protected by an invisible "shield" of magic, that turns aside many blows that would otherwise hit him.Buff
Vol 31TRZPTrap Zap2 SPAnytime30 FeetInstantDisarm trapsDisarms any trap within 30 feet (3 squares), in the direction the spellcaster is facing. TRZP also works on chests, but still costs the same amount of spell points.
Vol 22BASKBattleskill4 SPCombatCharacterCombatToHit/Damage+4This spell increases one of your party member's skill with weapons, increasing the accuracy and ferocity of his attacks.Buff
Vol 22FRFOFreeze Foes3 SPCombatFoe Group90'CombatAC+1Foes binds your enemies in magical force, slowing them down and making them easier to hit.Debuff
Vol 32MACOKiel's Magic Compass3 SPAnytimeParty300 minShow directionA compass of shimmering magelight appears above the party and shows the direction they face (10-14 hours).
Vol 32WOHLWord Of Healing4 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantHP+2d4Lets the spellcaster heal a party member who suffers from 4 to 16 points of damage by uttering a single word.Heal
Vol 23MASTArcyne's Magestar5 SPCombatFoe Group20'InstantLose combat turnA bright flare will ignite in front of a group of your enemies, temporarily blinding them and causing them to miss the next combat round.Control
Vol 33LERELesser Revelation5 SPAnytimeParty300 minLight (4 squares); Reveal secretsAn extended MAGE FLAME spell that also reveals secret doors (15-19 hours).Buff
Vol 33LEVILevitation4 SPAnytimeParty300 minFloat over traps and up portalsPartially nullifies gravity causing the party to float over traps, or up or down through portals (5-9 hours).Buff
Vol 33WASTWarstrike5 SPCombatFoe Group20'Instant4d5 damageAn energy strewn shot from the spellcaster's finger that sizzles a group of Foes for 5 to 20 hits of damage.Damage
Vol 34INWOElik's Instant Wolf6 SPAnytimePartyPersistentSummon WolfSummons a giant, extremely fierce wolf to join your party.Summon
Vol 34FLREFlesh Restore6 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantHP+6d4; Cure poison, nutsA powerful healing spell that restores 10 to 40 hit points to a party member, including those stricken with insanity or poisoning.Heal Cure
Vol 24POSTPoison Strike6 SPCombatFoe20'InstantCauses "Poison" conditionThis spell hurls porcupine-sharp needles from the mage's finger into a selected monster, poisoning it.Debuff
Vol 35GRREGreater Revelation7 SPAnytimeParty300 minLight (5 squares); Reveal secretsOperates like LESSER REVELATION, but illuminates a wider area for a longer period of time (20-24 hours).Buff
Vol 35SHSPShock-sphere7 SPCombatFoe Group30'Instant10d4 damageCreates a large globe of intense electrical energy that envelops a group of enemies and inflicts 10 to 40 hits of damage.Damage
Vol 25WROVWrath of Valhalla7 SPCombatCharacterCombatToHit/Damage+10Makes a member of your party fight with the strength and accuracy of ancient Norse heroes for the entire combat.Buff
Vol 26INOGElik's Instant Ogre9 SPAnytimePartyPersistentSummon OgreMaterializes the biggest, meanest ogre you've ever met to ally with your party.Summon
Vol 36FLANFlesh Anew9 SPAnytimePartyInstantHP+6d4; Cure poison, nutsOperates like FLRE, but affects every member of the party.Heal Cure
Vol 36MALEMajor Levitation8 SPAnytimePartyPersistentFloat over traps and up portalsOperates like LEVI from level 3, but it lasts until dispelled (i.e., until the spell is terminated by some event such as activating an anti-magic square).Buff
Vol 37APARApport Arcane15 SPAnytimePartyInstantChange locationTeleports the party within a dungeon to any location that's not protected by a teleportation shield. Also teleports the party between cities that are in the range of +1 to 6. Your party always arrives in the city's Adventurers' Guild.
Vol 37INSLElik's Instant Slayer12 SPAnytimePartyPersistentSummon SlayerMaterializes a slayer that joins your party. What's a slayer? The name speaks for itself...Summon
Vol 37FAFOFar Foe18 SPCombatFoe GroupInstantMove group 40' awayMoves a group of Foes 40 feet further away from your party, up to a maximum distance of 90 feet.Control
Vol 3712 SPRegeneration12 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantA health spell that revives all the hit points for one lucky member of the party.Heal
Magician Spells
Vol 11AIARAir Armor3 SPCombatCasterCombatAC-1This spell will make the air around the spell caster to bind itself into a weightless suit of "armor."Buff
Vol 31QUFIQuick Fix3 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantHeal +8 HPRegenerates a character for precisely 8 hit points up to the character's maximum hit point level.Heal
Vol 11STLISabhar's Steelight Spell2 SPAnytimeParty300 minLight (3 squares)Causes all metal near the party to glow with magical light, illuminating the surrounding area (lasts 5-8 hours).Buff
Vol 31SCSIScry Site2 SPAnytimePartyInstantShow locationCauses a dungeon or wilderness pathway to reveal the party's location.
Vol 31VOPLVorpal Plating3 SPCombatCharacterCombatAdd 2d4 damageCauses the weapon (or hands) of a party member to emit a magical field that inflicts 2 to 8 points of additional damage.Buff
Vol 32ARENArea Enchant5 SPAnytime30 Feet300 minLocate stairwaysCauses the dungeon walls within 30 feet (3 squares) of a stairway to call out if the party is headed toward the stairs (5-9 hours).
Vol 32HOWAHoly Water4 SPCombatFoe10'Instant6d4 damage to evil/supernaturalHoly water sprays from the spellcaster's fingers, inflicting 6 to 24 points of damage on any foe of evil or supernatural origin.Damage
Vol 32MAGAMage Gauntlets5 SPCombatCharacterCombatAdd 4d4 damageMakes the hands (or weapon) of a party member more deadly by adding 4 to 16 points of damage to every wound it inflicts on a foe.Buff
Vol 12WISTWither Strike5 SPCombatFoeInstantCauses "Old" conditionAny foe at whom this spell is cast is likely to be turned old, thus reducing his ability to attack and defend in combat.Cure
Vol 13MIMIMithril Might7 SPCombatPartyCombatAC-3Increases the armor protection of each party member by enhancing their armor's natural strength by magic.Buff
Vol 33OGSTOscon's Ogrestrength6 SPCombatCharacterCombatAdd 7 ToHit/DamageEndows a specific party member with the strength of Elik's ogre for the duration of the battle.Buff
Vol 33STFLStarflare6 SPCombatFoe Group40-80'Instant10d4 damageIgnites the air around your enemies, scorching them for 10 to 40 damage points.Damage
Vol 33MYSHYbarra's Mystic Shield6 SPAnytimeParty300 min-2 ACCauses the air in front of the party to form an invisible shield that's as hard as metal and precedes the party as they move (10-14 hours).Buff
Vol 34DRBRDragon Breath7 SPCombatFoe Group30'Instant11d4 damageLets the spellcaster breathe fire at a group of monsters, inflicting 11 to 44 points of damage on each monster.Damage
Vol 14STSISabhar's Stonelight Spell7 SPAnytimeParty300 minLight (5 squares); Reveal secretsMakes all stone and earth within range of the party glow with magical light, revealing even secret doors (lasts 10-14 hours).Buff
Vol 34SPTOSpectre Touch8 SPCombatFoe70'Instant15d4 damageDrains a single enemy of 15 to 60 hit points; like a touch from death itself.Damage
Vol 15ANSWAker's Animated Sword8 SPCombatSpecialCombatSummon Joe the SwordA magical sword will appear and fight like a summoned monster in defense of the party.Summon
Vol 35ANMAAnti-magic8 SPCombatPartyCombatAdd 2 Magic ResistCauses the ground to absorb a portion of the spells cast at the party by monsters. Often allows the party to escape unharmed. This spell also aids in disbelieving illusions and shielding against magical fire such as Dragon Breath.Control
Vol 35GISTGiant Strength10 SPCombatCharacterCombatAdd +10 To-Hit/DamageInstills tremendous power in your party, increasing their strike ability by 10.Buff
Vol 35STTOStone Touch8 SPCombatFoe10'InstantCause "Stone" conditionUsually turns an enemy to stone (except those already made of stone), instantly killing the enemy.Control
Vol 36PHDOPhase Door9 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantAllow passage through wallTurns almost any wall to air for exactly one move.
Vol 36YMCAYbarra's Mystical Coat Of Armor10 SPAnytimePartyPersistent-2 ACOperates like YBARRA'S MYSTIC SHIELD, but lasts indefinitely.Buff
Vol 37DESTDeathstrike14 SPCombatMonster10'InstantKill enemyVery likely to instantly kill one selected enemy.Kill
Vol 37ICESIce Storm11 SPCombatFoe Group50'Instant20d4 damagePummels a group of monsters with chunks of ice, causing 20 to 80 points of damage.Damage
Vol 37RESTRestoration12 SPAnytimePartyInstantHeal all HP; Cure poison/nutsRegenerates the body of every party member to perfect condition; it even cures insanity or poisoning.Heal Cure
Vol 37SASPSafety Spell30 SPAnytimePartyInstantTeleport to TangramayneTeleports your entire party to the Adventurers' Guild in Tangramayne, minus all gold. Use this spell only in dire emergencies because it is not 100% reliable.
Vol 37STONStone to Flesh20 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantCure stoneTakes a character who has been turned to stone and restores him to his natural flesh state.Cure
Vol 37WZWAWizard Wall11 SPAnytimePartyPersistentSummon WallCreates a wall of force that travels with the party and absorbs many of the enemy's attacks.Summon
Sorcerer Spells
Vol 11HYIMHypnotic Image3 SPCombatFoe GroupInstantPrevent attacksIf successfully cast, this spell will make a group of your enemies miss the following attack round.Control
Vol 31LOTRLocate Traps2 SPAnytime30 FeetShortDetect trapsHeightens the spellcaster's awareness in order to detect traps within 30' along the direction the spellcaster is facing (5-9 hours).
Vol 31MIJAMangar's Mind Jab3 SPCombatFoe40-80'Instant2d4 damage/levelCasts a concentrated blast of energy at one opponent, inflicting 2 to 8 points of damage for each experience level of the spellcaster.Damage
Vol 31PHBLPhase Blur2 SPCombatPartyCombatAC-1Causes the entire party to waver and blur in the sight of the enemy, rendering your party difficult to strike.Buff
Vol 32DISBDisbelieve4 SPCombatPartyInstantDispel illusionsReveals the true nature of any attacking illusion, causing it to vanish.Kill
Vol 12MIFIMangar's Mind Fist4 SPCombatFoe40Instant3d4 damageA higher power "Mind Jab," does 3-12 hits of damage to one foe, times the experience level of the mage.Damage
Vol 12TADUTarget-Dummy4 SPCombatSpecialCombatSummon Dummy IllusionA magical illusion appears in the party's special slot. Unable to attack, it will serve to draw enemy attacks to himself.Summon
Vol 32WIWAWind Warrior5 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Mercenary IllusionCreates the illusion of a battle-ready ninja among the ranks of your party. The illusionary ninja will fight until defeated or disbelieved.Summon
Vol 32FEARWord Of Fear4 SPCombatFoe GroupCombatToHit/Damage-1An incantation that causes a group of enemies to quake in fear, thus reducing their ability to attack and inflict damage.Debuff
Vol 13CURSCurse5 SPCombatFoe GroupCombatToHit/Damage-3Causes a group of your enemies to fear you greatly, lessening their morale and their ability to hit and damage you.Debuff
Vol 33INVIKylearan's Invisibility Spell6 SPCombatPartyCombatAC-4An invocation that renders the entire party nearly invisible to the enemy.Buff
Vol 13VANIKylearan's Vanishing Spell6 SPCombatCasterCombatAC-5The mage casting this spell will turn nearly invisible in the eyes of his enemies, who will have great difficulty in striking him.Buff
Vol 33SESISecond Sight6 SPAnytime30 Feet300 minDetect special areasHeightens the awareness of the spellcaster in order to detect all manner of traps and tricks that lie directly ahead (15-19 hours).Buff
Vol 33WIOGWind Ogre6 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Ogre IllusionSimilar to ELIK'S OGRE, but the WIOG is an illusion.Summon
Vol 13WIWOWind Wolf5 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantSummon Wolf IllusionThis spell creates an illusionary wolf to join the party. This and other illusions are only effective as long as an enemy "believes" them. Depending on power and location, the monster may see through the illusion, and cause it to vanish.Summon
Vol 34CAEYCat Eyes7 SPAnytimePartyPersistentLight (5 squares)Endows the entire party with perfect night vision for an indefinite period of time.Buff
Vol 34WIDRWind Dragon12 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Red Dragon IllusionCreates an illusionary red dragon to join the ranks of your party.Summon
Vol 35DIILDisrupt Illusion8 SPCombatAll FoesCombatDispel illusions and dopplegangersDestroys any illusions among the ranks of the enemy and prevents new illusions from appearing. This spell also exposes any Dopplegangers within the party.Kill
Vol 35MIBLMangar's Mind Blade10 SPCombatAll Foes30-60'Instant25d4 damageStrikes every opposing group within range with an explosion of energy capable of inflicting 25 to 100 points of damage.Damage
Vol 16MIWPMind Warp9 SPCombatSingleInstantCauses "Nuts" conditionThis spell will make a member of your party go totally insane. Useful for possessions.Debuff
Vol 36SOSISorcerer Sight11 SPAnytime30 FeetPersistentDetect special areasOperates like the SECOND SIGHT spell, but lasts indefinitely.Buff
Vol 36WIGIWind Giant11 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Storm Giant IllusionCreates an illusionary storm giant that joins and fights for your party.Summon
Vol 37MAGMMage Maelstrom40 SPCombatFoe Group90'Instant60d4 damage/stone/killAssaults a group of spellcasters and may do one of the following: inflict 60 to 240 points of damage, turn them to stone, or kill them outright. However, because the maelstrom is illusionary in nature, a disbelieving monster can totally disarm it.Damage Kill
Vol 37PRECPreclusion50 SPCombatAll FoesCombatPrevent SummoningKeeps the enemy from being able to summon any creatures.Control
Vol 37RIMERimefang20 SPCombatAll Foes40'InstantSummon Archmage IllusionCreates an illusionary Archmage to join your party.Summon
Vol 37WIHEWind Hero16 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Hero IllusionCreates an illusionary hero to join your party.Summon
Vol 27WIMAWind Mage14 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Archmage IllusionCreates an illusionary Archmage to join your party.Summon
Wizard Spells
Vol 34ANDEAnimate Dead14 SPCombatCharacterInstantAllow dead character to fightReanimates a dead character with living strength so he or she attacks enemies as if truly alive -- combat only spell.
Vol 35SPBIBaylor's Spell Bind16 SPAnytimeFoeInstantCauses "Possessed" conditionIf successful, this spell possesses the mind of an enemy and forces him to join and fight for your party.Cure
Vol 36BEDEBeyond Death18 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantCure "Dead" conditionRestores life and one hit point to a deceased character.Cure
Vol 32DEBADemon Bane11 SPCombatFoe30'Instant100d4 damage to evil/supernaturalInflicts 100 to 400 points of damage on a single creature of evil or supernatural origin.Damage
Vol 35DMSTDemon Strike14 SPCombatFoe Group30'Instant200d2 damageUnleashes the terrorizing power of demons into the enemy ranks, causing 200 to 400 points of damage.Damage
Vol 33DISPDispossess12 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantCure "Possessed" conditionReturns a possessed party member to the normal state of consciousness.Cure
Vol 31FOFOFanskar's Force Focus11 SPCombatFoe Group10'Instant25d4 damageLands a cone of gravitational energy on a group of your Foes, inflicting 25 to 100 points of damage.Damage
Vol 33FLCOFlame Column14 SPCombatFoe Group30'Instant22d4 damageCreates a cyclone of flame that lashes out and delivers 22 to 88 points of damage to a group of your Foes.Damage
Vol 32GATEGate12 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon WraithBids a shadowy wraith to unwillingly join your party.Summon
Vol 36GRSUGreater Summoning22 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon elemental creatureOperates like PRIME SUMMONING but causes a powerful elemental creature to appear and fight for the party.Summon
Vol 12LESULesser Summoning8 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantSummon Lesser DemonThis spell will gate into our universe a lower power elemental or demon, who will (under protest) join the party.Summon
Vol 34PRSUPrime Summoning14 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon undead creatureForces a powerful undead creature to join and fight for your party.Summon
Vol 11REDERepel Dead4 SPCombatFoe Group50'Instant16d5 damage to undeadThis spell will do 16 to 80 points of damage to a group of undead creatures.Damage
Vol 16SPSPSpell Spirit15 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantSummon Lich or SpectreThis spell will gate in a higher-level undead creature to fight for the party.Summon
Vol 35SOWHStoral's Soul Whip13 SPCombatFoe70'Instant50d4 damageWhips out a tendril of psionic (mind) power to strike a selected foe, inflicting 50 to 200 damage points.Damage
Vol 11SUDESummon Dead6 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantSummon Zombie or SkeletonThis will gate into our universe a zombie or skeleton to fight for the party.Summon
Vol 31SUELSummon Elemental10 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Fire ElementalCreates a fire-being from the raw elements of the universe to join and fight for your party.Summon
Vol 34HERBSummon Herb12 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon HerbSummons Herb to join your party. Herb is really busy, but he'll hang out with your party for a while if you need him.Summon
Vol 13SUPHSummon Phantom10 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantSummon Ghoul or WraithThis spell will bring a medium level undead creature into the party.Summon
Vol 37WIZWWacum's Wizard War16 SPCombatFoe Group50'Instant50d4 damageCreates a pyrotechnical storm over a group of monsters, inflicting 50 to 200 damage points.Damage
Archmage Spells
Vol 31HAFOOscon's Haltfoe15 SPCombatAll Foes20'1 RoundPrevent actionIf successful, this spell causes every attacking group to do nothing during the next round.Control
Vol 31MEMEMelee Men20 SPCombatFoe Group90'InstantPull into melee rangePulls an attacking group into melee range (10') regardless of how far they were when they began attacking.Control
Vol 33CAMRCamaraderie26 SPCombatPartyInstantCalm hostile monstersHas a 50% chance of calming any or all monsters in your party that have turned hostile.Cure
Vol 34NILAFanskar's Night Lance30 SPCombatFoe Group60'Instant100d4 damageLaunches a chilling missile against a group of Foes, inflicting 100 to 400 damage points.Damage
Vol 35HEALHeal All50 SPAnytimePartyInstantResurrect and heal allA Beyond Death spell that resurrects every dead party member and heals all wounds, paralysis, and insanity.Heal Cure
Vol 36BRKRThe Brothers Kringle60 SPAnytimePartyPersistentSummon Kringle BroThe brothers are always ready to help friends in trouble. Enough brothers appear to fill the empty slots in your party.Summon
Vol 37MAMAMangar's Mallet80 SPCombatAll Foes90'Instant200d4 damageInflicts 200 to 800 bone-crushing damage points against every monster group you face.Damage
Chronomancer Spells
1VITLVitality12 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantHeal 2d4 HP/levelInvigorates a character by healing 4 to 8 hit points times the spellcaster's level.Heal
1ARBOApport Arboria10 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport to ArboriaTeleports the party to Arboria if they are in the Skara Brae Wilderness at (6,14).
1OBRAReditus Arboria10 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport from ArboriaTeleports the party from Arboria back to Skara Brae.
2WIFIWitherfist20 SPCombatFoe Group20'Instant300d2 damageCrushes a group of enemies under a huge fist of power for 300 to 600 points of damage.Damage
2COLDFrost Force20 SPCombatFoe Group80'Instant50d8 damageBlasts the enemy with a deadly frost for 50 to 400 points of damage.Damage
2GELIApport Gelidia15 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport to GelediaTeleports the party to Geledia if they are in the Skara Brae Wilderness at (0,0).
2ILEGReditus Gelidia15 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport from GelediaTeleports the party from Geledia back to Skara Brae.
3GOFIGod Fire25 SPCombatFoe Group80'Instant60d4 damageA holy spell where blazing red fires are sent from the angry gods to roast the enemy for 60 to 240 damage points.Damage
3STUNStun30 SPCombatAll Foes90'Instant50d4 damageAn electric spell that gives the enemy a high-voltage zap for 50 to 200 damage points.Damage
3LUCEApport Lucencia20 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport to LucenciaTeleports the party to Lucencia if they are in the Skara Brae Wilderness at (17,2).
3ECULReditus Lucencia20 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport from LucenciaTeleports the party from Lucencia back to Skara Brae.
4LUCKLuck Chant45 SPCombatPartyCombatAdd +8 Magic ResistIncreases your chances of hitting or defending by eight points.Buff
4FADEFar Death50 SPCombatFoe30'InstantKill monsterA long-range spell that drops a distant foe dead in its tracks.Kill
4KINEApport Kinestia25 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport to KinestiaTeleports the party to Kinestia if they are in the Skara Brae Wilderness at (2,16).
4ENIKReditus Kinestia25 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport from KinestiaTeleports the party from Kinestia back to Skara Brae.
5WHATIdentify60 SPAnytimeOne itemInstantIdentify itemCast this spell on something to find out just what the heck it is.
5OLAYYouth60 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantCure oldCoats a character with a light, fragrant lotion to cure oldness.Cure
5OLUKApport Tenebrosia30 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport to TenabrosiaTeleports the party to Tenabrosia if they are in the Skara Brae Wilderness at (19,10).
5KULOReditus Tenebrosia30 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport from TenabrosiaTeleports the party from Tenabrosia back to Skara Brae.
6GRROGrave Robber65 SPAnytimeCharacterInstantRaise dead with full HPCasts Beyond Death and Regeneration for a life-giving combination of spells.Heal Cure
6FOTAForce of Tarjan70 SPCombatFoe Group90'InstantWitherfist/SandstormCasts Witherfist and Sandstorm for a double offensive punch.Damage
6AECEApport Tarmitia35 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport to TarmitiaTeleports the party to Tarmitia if they are in the Skara Brae Wilderness at (10,9).Teleport
6ECEAReditus Tarmitia35 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport from TarmitiaTeleports the party from Tarmitia back to Skara Brae.Teleport
7SHSHShadow Shield60 SPAnytimePartyPersistent-4 ACCasts a gray shadow around the party, and lowers their armor class by 4Buff
7FAFIFatal Fist100 SPCombatAll Foes90'Instant400d4 damageCrushes the enemy under an unearthly gravitational force for 400 to 1500 points of damage.Damage
7EVILApport Malefia50 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport to MalefiaTeleports the party to Malefia if they are in the Skara Brae Wilderness at (18,18).Teleport
7LIVEReditus Malefia50 SPNon-CombatPartyInstantTeleport from MalefiaTeleports the party from Malefia back to Skara Brae.Teleport
Geomancer Spells
1EADAEarth Dagger5 SPCombatFoe Group40'Instant200d4 damageCuts down the enemy with holy daggers for 200 to 800 points of damage.Damage
1EASOEarth Song5 SPAnytimeSpecial300 minutesShow trapsReveals all booby-trapped areas that can injure the party.
1EAWAEarth Ward8 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantDisarm trapsCasts the Trap Zap spell on the entire level.
2TREBTrebuchet10 SPCombatAll FoesInstant150d4 damageFries all foes with wickedly hot flames for 150 to 600 points.Damage
2EAELEarth Elemental15 SPAnytimePartyInstantSummon Earth ElementalSummons an Earth Elemental, which is a creature created from the raw elements of the earth.Summon
2WAWAWall Warp15 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantRemove wallWorks like Phase Door until the party leaves.
3ROCKPetrify18 SPCombatFoe60'InstantStone monsterTurns an enemy up to 60 feet away into the hardest stone.
3ROALRoscoe's Alert20 SPAnytimeSpecial300 minutesShow anti-magic squaresReveals to the party where the anti-magic areas are.
4SUSOSuccor Song20 SPAnytimeSpecial300 minutesShow HP regen squaresShows all heal-party squares, so your party can put an end to their weakness and pain.
4SASTSandstorm25 SPCombatFoe GroupInstantPush monsters 60'With a violent swirl of sand, all foes are whipped back 60 feet.
5SANTSanctuary30 SPAnytimeSpecial300 minutesShow SP regen squaresShows all mage regeneration squares, so your spellcasters can be refreshed.
5GLSTGlacier Strike40 SPCombatFoe90'Instant400d4 damageImpales the enemy with an icy stalagmite, causing 400 to 1600 points of damage.Damage
6PATHPathfinder40 SPAnytimeSpecialInstantShow mapAn instant map, this shows the entire maze that the party's in.
6MABAMagma Blast50 SPCombatFoe Group50'Instant300d4 damageBurns a group of foes with a blast of hot, fiery magma for 300 to 1200 points of damage.Damage
7JOBOJolt Bolt60 SPCombatAll FoesInstant400d4 damageWrenches the earth below the enemy, smashing them to the ground and gives them a jolting electrical shock to cause 400 to 1600 points of damage.Damage
7EAMAEarth Maw80 SPCombatFoe Group50'InstantKill monstersCommands the ground beneath the enemy's feet to open wide and drop the foes in, so they're never seen again.
Other Spells
1GILLGiles Gillis10 SPAnytimePartyMediumAdd 100 Underwater StepsAbora (1,11) 500g OR Ciera Brannia (6,5) 10,000gThis survival spell lets your party breathe under water. It is cumulative in effect; casting it more than once will extend the amount of time you can spend underwater. Buff
1DIVADivine Intervention250 SPAnytimeAllInstantHeal all/MAMA/+20 ACCelaria Bree (5,4) 50,000gRestores all hit points to the party. If you're in combat, it also does the following: 1) Lowers your armor class, saving throw, to hit, and damage by 20 points; 2) Increases your attack by eight points; and 3) Casts Mangar's Mallet.
1NUKEGotterdamurung150 SPCombatAll FoesInstant2000+280d4 damageBlack Scar (9,7) 50,000The finest in offensive obliteration, this spell annihilates the opponent for approximately 2000+280d4.Damage
Bard Songs
Vol 1Falkentyne's FuryAnytimeParty3 hoursIncrease melee damageThis tune increases the damage your party will do in combat, by driving them into a berserker rage (lasts 3 hours).Buff
Vol 1Seeker's BalladAnytimeParty3 hoursLight (3 squares); Increase to-hitThis song will produce light when exploring, and during combat it will increase the party's chance of hitting a foe with a weapon (lasts 3 hours).Buff
Vol 1Wayland's WatchAnytimeAll Foes3 hoursReduce damageThis song will soothe your savage foes, making them do less damage in combat (lasts 3 hours).Buff
Vol 1Badh'r KilnfestAnytimeParty3 hoursRestore HPThis is an ancient Elven melody, which will heal the Bard's wounds during traveling (1 HP every 15 minutes), and heal the party's wounds during combat (1 HP every round) (lasts 3 hours).Heal
Vol 1Traveller's TuneAnytimeAll Foes3 hoursReduce to-hitThis melody makes the members of your party more dexterous and agile, and thus more difficult to hit (lasts 3 hours).Buff
Vol 1LucklaranAnytimeParty3 hoursIncrease spell defenseThis song sets up a partial "anti-magic" field, which gives party members some increased protection against spell casting (lasts 3 hours).Buff
Vol 2The Archer's TuneAnytimeParty3 hours2x party missile, half foe missileDoubles the party's missile damage, and cuts the missile damage inflicted by a foe in half. Missile weapons are those weapons that are thrown or shot such as arrows, spears, and axes (3 hours).Buff
Vol 2SpellsongAnytimeParty3 hoursAssists with saving rollsAdds +2 Bonus to saving roll. This means the party is less likely to be damaged by magic and traps (3 hours).Buff
Vol 2Sanctuary ScoreAnytimeParty3 hours-2 ACLowers the Armor Class for all party members by 2 (3 hours).Buff
Vol 2The Melee MarchAnytimeParty3 hoursAdds +3 HP, also bonus damageIncreases the party's hit points for extra protection and also increase the damage points inflicted on enemies (3 hours).Buff
Vol 2Zanduvar CarackAnytimeParty3 hoursTrap protection, +3 HP per roundProtection from traps when played under normal conditions, but heals during combat (3 hours).Buff
Vol 2Rhyme of DuotimeAnytimeParty3 hours2x SP regen, +1 attackRegenerates spell points at twice the normal speed when played under normal conditions, and provides extra attacks during combat (3 hours).Buff
Vol 2The Watchwood MelodyAnytimeParty3 hoursLight (3 squares), keep bearingsThis creates light so you can find your way around. May even work in anti - magic zones. (90 min). Prevents spinners effect and disorientaton after telelport.Buff
Vol 3Sir Robin's TuneAnytimeParty3 hoursAllow running, prevent summoningThis lets you run away from attackers as long as the combat has not yet begun. During combat, this keeps the monsters from calling for additional help (90 min).Control
Vol 3Safety SongAnytimeParty3 hoursPrevent random encountersSets up an an anti-monster aura, so foes won't randomly attack you (90 min).Control
Vol 3Bringaround BalladAnytimeParty3 hoursAdd +1 HP/15min, +1 HP/roundIn non-combat situations, this rejuvenates the Bard's hit points. During combat, this song will affect everyone in your party, including the Bard. (90 min).Heal
Vol 3Kiel's OvertureAnytimeParty3 hoursCompass, TrebuchetIn non-combat situations, this calls up a compass so you can get your bearings. During combat, this casts the monster-frying Trebuchet spell for one round. (90 min).Buff Damage
Vol 3Minstrel ShieldAnytimeParty3 hoursTake half damageDuring combat, it also partially shields your party so they only take half damage from monster attacks. (90 min) Buff


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How to obtain a copy of this game

GOG link â€“ Digital PC Bundle (Remastered Trilogy) (includes games 1-3)
GOG link â€“ Digital PC Bundle (Action RPG Version 2004) (includes Original Trilogy 1-3)