Wizardry 1 Maps and Travelers Logbook Revealed

Wizardry 1 maps cover 10 dungeon levels and each level has increasingly difficult foes for the heroes to encounter. This game can be unforgiving and brutal. Resurrections can fail and characters can be lost forever. This is a hardcore game.

Explore the dungeon as it was intended, one square at a time.


Mapping Tools

Real-time mapping can be fun with the right tools. Explore the dungeon one square at a time.

Graph Paper

You only need some graph paper, a pencil, and the DUMAPIC spell to craft functional maps. As you take steps and turn corners you simply write it down. Notate doors, stairs, secret doors, elevators, sign clues, and encounters. All maps are 19×19. If you get teleported, write down where you were then cast DUMAPIC to see where you landed.


If you don’t want to use graph paper and pencil then go for a free mapping tool such as Gridmonger. This is a truly exceptional tool and I highly recommend it. Read the online manual it is very well written and clearly explains what you need to know. This tool is designed to use keyboard entry which makes it quite simple to Alt+Tab between the Game window and the Gridmonger window to map as you play, never needing to touch the mouse. Exceptional tool with themes and support for dungeon or overworld maps.


Where are We?

Another exceptional tool is the Where are We? application. This is companion software that runs while you are playing the Dos Archives version of Wizardry 1. Real-time maps reveal as you explore and display an arrow for your party that moves around the map in step with your in-game movements. Check it out.


Find a Map

If a will to map fails you. You can find plenty of maps online. I have curated a few below. But before you look… we still suggest you use real-time mapping. The dungeon can come alive as you reveal it, one square at a time. Ok, I have said my piece.

Click to reveal the maps
Classic Maps
Console Maps

Source: https://www.zimlab.com/

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay linkUltimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay link SNES cartridge version (translated)
GOG link – PC Reboot by Digital Eclipse