Lore again, now as of Wizardry 2

Wizardry 2, Knight of Diamonds is the second game in the first Wizardry Trilogy and uses the same characters, spells, and basic commands as Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord. It is expected that you will import your heroes from Proving Grounds.

If you need to start new characters, you will need to do it in Wizardry 1. Find the Wizardry 1 Party Planner here.

Designed for 13th level characters and above.

Original packaging

Moving your Party

You will need a Mage that can cast MALOR to solve Level 1, to say, it is expected that you transfer your party from Wizardry 1 or use the Starter Party. In the Wizardry Archives version, the Training Grounds do not have an option to create new characters. The starter party does not have a Bishop and so if you plan to use a Bishop to identify, you need to make them in Wiz1 and then import them to Wiz2.

The Wizardry Archives process to move your characters from Wiz1 is pretty simple. First, you need all the characters you plan to import in the Castle, not out in the Maze – Exit Wiz1. Copy the SAVE1.DSK file from your Wiz1 folder to your Wiz2 folder. Launch Wiz2, and go to Utilities. Follow the prompts to import the character(s). It is done.

Notes on Importing Characters:

  • The character inventory does NOT import, so you will lose all your gear.
  • The Gold DOES import, so you will be able to buy new stuff from Boltac to get started.
  • Everything other than inventory imports.. levels, spells, chevron, age, etc.


Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link Ultimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay linkSNES cartridge version (translated)