Wizardry 2 Foes

Wizardry 2 Foes

Wizardry 2 Foes database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Check Foes you face for resistance or total HP value and drop rates on the gear you want.

Use the Gear Lists to find and right Foes to grind for the gear you want.


Most of the time down below, in the Temple of Gnilda, you will only be told what the monsters look like, not what they really are. You may be able to discern their true identities if your character’s IQ is high enough or if you use the LATUMAPIC spell to see through their disguises. Use the Foe Lore List to know and defeat Foes. Use the Foe Loot List to find and grind the right Foes for the gear you want.

Foe Lore Table Key

  • Damage shows the number of swings, number of attacks, and potential damage for each. Commas separate multiple attacks. #x, such as 2x, represents multiple swings for that attack.
  • Special Power of Cleric 5 or Mage 2 means the foe may cast spells from the noted Spell Book level.
  • Regen 5 means the foe will regen 5 HP per turn.
  • Autokill is a possible 1 hit kill, they need to hit you to get the chance.
  • Escape is when they run away.
  • Summon is when they call for help.

Click or Tap the Foe Row for more details.

Foe Lore List
IDMzLvlNameUnidentifiedGroupHPACDamageResistancesSpecial Powers
131CarrierMottled Figure1d6+19d5107x1d1+1PhParalyze
31Champ SamuraiMan in Armor1d610d1023x1d12+2Sleep, Mage 1
01DinkLittle Old Man1d11d1+30101d1Mag 100%Sleep, Escape
101Fuzzball ACave Dweller1d4100d1-9910Mag 100%, Fi,Co,Po,Le,St,MaSummon Fuzzball A
81Kobold KingMan in Armor1d3+26d8+643x1d8+4PhSleep, Regen 15
231Lesser DemonMan in Robes1d1210d802x2d6, 2x1d3, 1d4+4Mag 60%Summon Level 8 Ninja (80%), Mage 3
51Level 6 ThiefPriest1d66d634x1d4, 3d8Sleep
41Level 7 MageMan in Leather1d67d4+291d4Sleep, Mage 3
21Level 7 PriestMan in Robes1d67d832x1d8+2Sleep, Cleric 5
771Magic ArmorAnimated Object1d1300d1-101d6Mag 100%, AllRegen 5
11Major DaimyoMan in Black1d87d1202x1d10Mag 20%Sleep
71Ogre LordInsect1d58d842x1d12, 1d4PhSleep, Mage 3, Regen 1
141Rhino BeetleSkull1d412d613d6, 2d8Ph
91WebspinnerProtozoan1d15d8+331d4Mag 20%, Ph,Po,Le,St,MaCleric 3, Mage 3, Drain 2
111Were AmoebaCave Dweller9d110d5102d10Ph,FiPoison, Regen 15
61WerelionAnimals1d4+45d842x2d6, 1d4Ph,MaPoison, Sleep, Regen 1
262DoomtoadDragon2d19d604d8Mag 25%, PhPoisonBreath, Mage 2
222Earth GiantGlowing Sphere1d510d1+7092x10d5Mag 85%, Ma
252Fuzzball BFluffy Thing9d1100d1-9910Mag 100%, Fi,Co,Po,Le,St,MaSummon Fuzzball B (50%)
162HippopotamusUnseen Entity1d67d8+732x2d8, 1d6Poison, Sleep
182Level 10 FighterPriest1d810d1004x1d12Sleep
322Level 11 BishopMan in Leather3d311d824x1d8+4Sleep, Cleric 5, Mage 4
332Level 12 FighterMan in Robes1d812d10-14x1d12+2Sleep
202Level 7 ThiefMan in Black1d57d634x1d4+2, 3d8+3Sleep
192Level 8 MagePriest1d68d481d4Sleep, Mage 5
212Level 8 NinjaUnseen Entity1d88d443d6, 2x1d4Autokill, Sleep
172Level 8 PriestAnimated Object1d88d833x1d8+2Sleep, Cleric 4
752Magic ShieldMan in Armor1d130d5-103x2d10+10Mag 80%, All
293Blade BearStrange Animal2d3+17d8+1002x2d8, 1d12Mag 30%, FiRegen 5
403Fuzzball CFluffy Thing1d4100d1-9910Mag 100%, Fi,Co,Po,Le,St,MaSummon Fuzzball C (75%)
243HellhoundMan in Black1d89d622x1d3, 2x1d4, 2d4, 3d4Ph,FiFireBreath
733Magic SwordStrange Animal1d125d402x1d12Autokill
373Murphy's GhostGaunt Figure1d310d10+10-31d8Mag 40%, Ph,Fi,CoParalyze, Regen 1
153NightstalkerInsect2d35d8+341d6Mag 25%, Ph,MaDrain 1
303Orc LordCrustacean1d512d1+10872x10d7Fi
273Rabid RatSkull2d48d601d4, 2x3d6PhPoison, Sleep
283Were PantherUnseen Entity1d810d6+424x1d10Mag 25%, PhPoison
394BleebProtozoan1d810d803x1d8+1, 2d10+2AllEscape, Summon Master Ninja (20%)
704ConstrictorStange Animal1d88d513d8, 1d10, 1d8Fi,Co,Po,Le,St,MaSleep, Summon Rabid Rat (25%)
714Corrosive SlimeSnake2d3-18d5+10-44x1d1Ph,Fi,CoPoison
544Dragon ZombieGiant1d612d8-22x1d8, 3d12Mag 25%, PhLevelDrainBreath, Mage 5
724Foaming MoldStrange Animal2d3+110d10+2054x2d4+2PhStone
674Giant BatFluffy Thing2d4+17d8+5-13x1d8PhSleep
444Giant ViperInsect2d3+110d403d8, 2x1d8PhPoison, Sleep
424Hell MasterMan in Armor1d48d10-22x1d8, 2x2d10Mag 30%, PhMage 5, Drain 1
744Magic HelmAnimated Object1d1100d201d3Mag 75%, Ph,CoColdBreath, Cleric 7, Mage 7
414ScryllUnseen Entity1d310d6-11d8Mag 25%, PhDrain 1
694Vampire BatCave Dweller1d210d5-34d6PhParalyze, Drain 1
684Were BatAnimal1d8+110d8-5-34x2d6Mag 25%, PhPoison
384Will O' Wisp1d212d8-154x2d8Mag 95%, Ph
455Air GiantGiant1d515d1+14552x10d9Mag 95%, Ph,Co
465Fire DragonDragon1d412d8-13x1d10PhFireBreath, Mage 5
555Fuzzball DFluffy Thing9d1100d1-9910Mag 100%, Fi,Co,Po,Le,St,MaSummon Fuzzball D (100%)
585Giant CrabCave Dweller1d87d30-44x1d10Ph,Fi,CoSleep
435Giant WaspSnake9d19d302x1d6Ph,Co
535Giant ZombieInsect1d315d1+6534d10Mag 95%, PhPoison, PoisonBreath
315GorgonGiant1d88d822x2d6, 10d1Mag 10%, PhStoneBreath
525Greater DemonStrange Animal1d611d8-32d12, 2x1d8, 2x1d6Mag 75%, PhPoison, Paralyze, Summon Lesser Demon (80%), Mage 5, Regen 1
505HatamotoDemonic Figure1d812d4-12x2d8, 6d6PhAutokill, Sleep
485High WizardDemonic Figure1d612d441d6+2FiSleep, Mage 6
345Level 10 MageMan in Armor1d610d481d6Sleep, Mage 5
765Magic GauntletAnimated Object2d150d102x1d10Mag 100%, AllCleric 7, Mage 7
365Master NinjaMan in Leather1d810d434d6+2, 2x1d8PhAutokill, Sleep
495Master ThiefUnseen Entity1d812d614x1d4+4, 4d8+2PoSleep, Escape
565Smog BeastMan in Leather2d3+120d3+1031d3Mag 10%, PhMage 2
355ThiefStrange Animal1d510d624x1d6+2, 4d8Sleep, Escape
515VampireGaunt Figure1d411d8-13d8Mag 20%, Po,Le,StParalyze, Mage 3, Drain 2, Regen 1
606Arch DemonDemonic Figure1d125d10-510d9Mag 75%Sleep, Escape, Cleric 6, Mage 7, Drain 1
636Arch MageMan in Robes1d220d401d8+2PhSleep, Mage 7
596BlobAnimal1d6+215d10+30102x1d10+5Mag 85%, PhRegen 10
626FlackGiant1d320d12-38d8AllStone, Poison, Paralyze, Autokill, ColdBreath
576Giant HornetCrustacean9d110d4+1001d12+2PhPoison
616High MasterPriest1d315d4-22x2d10, 8d8AllAutokill, Sleep
476High PriestMan in Robes1d815d8-14x1d8+4Sleep, Cleric 7
646MaelificAnimated Object1d125d4-52x1d4Mag 50%, PhPoison, Paralyze, Mage 7, Drain 3, Regen 3
666SidelleDemonic Figure1d218d10-24x1d8Mag 50%, PhPoison, Paralyze, Mage 7
656Vampire LordGaunt Figure1d120d8-52d8, 2x1d4Paralyze, Mage 6, Drain 4, Regen 4

Foe Loot Table Key

  • MzLvl is the first level you may find this foe. Know they may appear more frequently on a deeper level.
  • Treasure is awarded per foe, to say large groups of enemies may net more gold. Listed in the table are 2 values the first is a static award and the second is a random award up to the amount listed. Static/Random
  • A Loot Box is awarded per Encounter and only the First Group in the encounter is considered. This was discovered by the developer of Where are We and I extensively verified in-game myself.
  • For a given encounter, there will be a chance to get a drop from each LB with a Percentage shown. Thus, it is not possible to get more then 4 items in any given encounter, nor is it possible to get multiple items from the same LB.
  • Notice that LB5 is more Rare than LB6.. all the good stuff is in LB5. There are only 22 Foes that have a chance to drop from LB5
  • If you want to know what items are in LB5, check the Weapons, Armor and Misc tables above

Click or Tap the Foe Row for more details.

Foe Loot List
13Carrier11d6+19d5102900360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
3Champ Samurai11d610d1022435360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
0Dink11d11d1+3010140360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
10Fuzzball A11d4100d1-99101360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
8Kobold King11d3+26d8+641000360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
23Lesser Demon11d1210d805106550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
5Level 6 Thief11d66d632050360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
4Level 7 Mage11d67d4+292000360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
2Level 7 Priest11d67d832040360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
77Magic Armor11d1300d1-1033333Kod's Armor
1Major Daimyo11d87d1202380360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
12No-See-Um19d19d2-80750360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
7Ogre Lord11d58d841830360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
14Rhino Beetle11d412d611900360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
9Webspinner11d15d8+332240360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
11Were Amoeba19d110d5101500360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
6Werelion11d4+45d842145360g / 360g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%1%L1 L2 L3 L6
26Doomtoad22d19d602750550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
22Earth Giant21d510d1+70920638550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
25Fuzzball B29d1100d1-99101550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
16Hippopotamus21d67d8+732350550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
18Level 10 Fighter21d810d1002540550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
32Level 11 Bishop23d311d823008825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
33Level 12 Fighter21d812d10-12992825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
20Level 7 Thief21d57d632000550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
19Level 8 Mage21d68d483070550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
21Level 8 Ninja21d88d442015550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
17Level 8 Priest21d88d833010550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
75Magic Shield21d130d5-1044444Kod's Shield
29Blade Bear32d3+17d8+1003476550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
40Fuzzball C31d4100d1-99101825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
24Hellhound31d89d623515550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
73Magic Sword31d125d4066666Hrathnir
37Murphy's Ghost31d310d10+10-33337825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
15Nightstalker32d35d8+343240550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
30Orc Lord31d512d1+108730111825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
27Rabid Rat32d48d602620550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
28Were Panther31d810d6+422080550g / 550g, Loot Boxes75%25%10%3%L2 L3 L4 L6
39Bleeb41d810d803300825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
70Constrictor41d88d5124601375g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
71Corrosive Slime42d3-18d5+10-415101375g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
54Dragon Zombie41d612d8-2170001375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
72Foaming Mold42d3+110d10+20523401375g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
67Giant Bat42d4+17d8+5-117601375g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
44Giant Viper42d3+110d402862825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
42Hell Master41d48d10-25432825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
74Magic Helm41d1100d2088888Kod's Helm
41Scryll41d310d6-14567825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
69Vampire Bat41d210d5-342111375g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
68Were Bat41d8+110d8-5-324801375g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
38Will O' Wisp41d212d8-1543567825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
45Air Giant51d515d1+1455410151375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
46Fire Dragon51d412d8-1123241375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
55Fuzzball D59d1100d1-991011375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
58Giant Crab51d87d30-451501375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
43Giant Wasp59d19d301000825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
53Giant Zombie51d315d1+653414401375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
31Gorgon51d88d822920825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
52Greater Demon51d611d8-387301375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
50Hatamoto51d812d4-149991375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
48High Wizard51d612d4450831375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
34Level 10 Mage51d610d485005825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
76Magic Gauntlet52d150d1099999Kod's Gauntlets
36Master Ninja51d810d434073825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
49Master Thief51d812d6146201375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
56Smog Beast52d3+120d3+10341081375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
35Thief51d510d623003825g / 825g, Loot Boxes100%50%15%5%L2 L3 L4 L6
51Vampire51d411d8-171511375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
60Arch Demon61d125d10-5144442475g / 2475g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6
63Arch Mage61d220d4080002475g / 2475g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6
59Blob61d6+215d10+301050001375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
62Flack61d320d12-391432475g / 2475g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6
57Giant Hornet69d110d4+10015121375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes70%25%5%10%L3 L4 L5 L6
61High Master61d315d4-286122475g / 2475g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6
47High Priest61d815d8-152201375g / 1375g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6
64Maelific61d125d4-574602475g / 2475g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6
66Sidelle61d218d10-277772475g / 2475g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6
65Vampire Lord61d120d8-583142475g / 2475g, Loot Boxes100%50%10%15%L3 L4 L5 L6


Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay link Ultimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay linkSNES cartridge version (translated)