Wizardry3 is 6 more l3v3ls with m0re to decipher

lore – maps – guidedata
Wizardry3 is 6 more l3v3ls with m0re to decipher

There are 6 dungeon levels to climb the Mountain and each level has increasingly difficult foes for the heroes to encounter. This game can be unforgiving and brutal. Resurrections can fail and characters can be lost forever, so read on and prepare with this Wizardry3 Walkthrough.


At DungeonCrawl-Classics we want to honor the classic dungeon crawler and promote manual mapping and organic gameplay. We feel like these classic games are difficult on purpose and part of the experience is to try, fail, and try again. We provide party creation suggestions, mapping tools, and tables of game data to help you plan your adventure.

Creating your Party

Once you import your heroes and go through the Rite of Passage in the Training Grounds, you will get to select an Alignment for each of your heroes. You are restricted to valid alignments for your current Class. If you are confused about the import function, the manual can help.

Alignment Concerns

Legacy of Llylgamyn has areas that are only accessible when Good or Evil aligned characters are in your party. You can mix alignments in your party by taking out an Evil expedition and leaving it there in Camp. Next take a Good expedition out to the same tile to make Camp. Once both expeditions are in the same camp, you will be able to reorganize into a mixed alignment party. Be sure not to forget some of your heroes out on expedition in camp.

Characters can change alignment on expedition. Sometimes you will see a prompt about friendly passers-by, do you want to let them pass or attack. Letting them pass with move you towards Good, while attacking will move you towards Evil.

Ideal party makeup

The ideal party has a front line that can absorb and dish out a lot of melee damage. The ideal party collectively has a vast amount of Spell Points for spell casting. You want to build in redundancy so that if one falls another can step in and finalize the combat in a positive way. If you want to safely open any chests then you will need to have a Thief.

Growing in Strength

Invest your gold in gear upgrades immediately, prioritizing front line characters. You will upgrade most of you gear after grinding 6 levels, surely, this prepares you to navigate and map the first level of the Mountain. Encounters in the Mountain can yield chests, which may contain gold and unidentified items. A Bishop has a free and unlimited Item Identify skill at level 1, so keep a Bishop at the Tavern to identify items by temporarily moving them into your party.


The follow is a walkthrough written during my own playthrough. I have removed the Maps that I created using Gridmonger so that you can be inspired to make your own maps, that is part of the fun.

Expand to reveal Level 1 details
Starting point: (0E, 0N)

You are once again XP level 1 so you will need to grind up a few levels at least before you start exploring proper. Once you reach minimum level 6 you can start to work your way to the staircase at (19E, 13N) You will need to defeat Moat Monsters and the High Corsair on the way.

Beware of the water tiles until you acquire the Ship in a Bottle item later.
Expand to reveal level 2 details
Must have Good party to access this level.

Starting point: (19E, 0N)

Work your way to (4, 19) where you can answer the AIR riddle and then go up the stairs to Level 4.
Expand to reveal Level 4 details
Must have Good party to access this level.

Starting point: (10E, 2N)

Work your way to the DELF fight at (7E, 17N). Defeat him for the Crystal of Evil key item.

Work your way to the "Look Out" room at (17E, 10N). Read each Look Out sign for an encounter. Continue until you get the Ship in a Bottle key item. (This item allows you to traverse the water tiles on Level 1. Beyond those tiles you can find shortcut stairs back 4 and to 5)

Work your way to the stairs to level 1 at (7E, 1N). Heal up, raise levels, and prepare.

Now that you have the Ship in a Bottle, use the stairs back up to Level 4 located at (7E, 6N). On 4, work your way from (7E, 1N) up to the chute at (12E, 13N). This will take you back down the Level 2.
Expand to reveal Level 2 details
Must have Good party to access this level.

Starting point: (10E, 2N)

Work your way to the DELF fight at (7E, 17N). Defeat him for the Crystal of Evil key item.

Work your way to the "Look Out" room at (17E, 10N). Read each Look Out sign for an encounter. Continue until you get the Ship in a Bottle key item. (This item allows you to traverse the water tiles on Level 1. Beyond those tiles you can find shortcut stairs back 4 and to 5)

Work your way to the stairs to level 1 at (7E, 1N). Heal up, raise levels, and prepare.

Now that you have the Ship in a Bottle, use the stairs back up to Level 4 located at (7E, 6N). On 4, work your way from (7E, 1N) up to the chute at (12E, 13N). This will take you back down the Level 2.
Back to 4; expand for details
Must have Good party to access this level.

Starting point: (13E, 13N)

Work your way to (18E, 11N) and answer the FIRE riddle. Then make your way to the stairs up to Level 6 at (19E, 14N) via the 'd' teleporter at (19E, 10N).
Expand to reveal Level 6 details
Starting point: (5E, 0N)

Work your way to stairs down to Level 5 at (14E, 0N). Since you have a Good party still, you will go to the Castle instead.
Back to 1; expand for details
Starting point: 5,0

Heal up at the castle, buy a regular Broadsword and bring it.

Run around on Floor 1 fighting 'friendly monsters' to switch to Evil.

Once your party is Evil and healed up, MALOR to (7E, 7N, 2U). Remember to use relative coordinates.
Expand to reveal Level 3 details
Must have Evil party to access this level.

Starting point: (7E, 7N)

A monk is here and he will trade the Broadsword for the Gold Medallion key item.

Work your way straight North then east to reach (10E, 19N). Search the pool here to exchange the Gold Medallion for the Holy Water key item.

Go back to the Castle via the teleport at (5E, 19N) and then the stairs at (2E, 2N).

Rest up and heal and then use the stairs up to Level 5 which is at (7E, 7N) on floor 1.
Expand to reveal Level 5 details
Must have Evil party to access this level.

Starting point: (18N, 0E)

Proceed to (12E, 10N) defeat a large encounter to earn Amulet of Good key item.

Work your way back to the stairs down to Level 1 at (18E, 0N)

Heal up, collect 25,000 g.p. and then return to Level 5.

Work your way to Abdul at (4E, 8N), through some tough fights. Pay Abdul 25,000 g.p. for the Rod of Fire key item.

Work your way to (5E, 13N) and answer the CHARIOT riddle.

Work your way to (0E, 13N) to find the stairs to Level 6.
Back to 6; expand for details
Starting point: (14E, 0N)

Good point to save your game and backup the save file, if you are into that sort of thing. Put both Crystals with a Neutral hero and evoke one, or both Crystals on any hero and then Evoke the crystal that matches the alignment of the hero. Evocation will cause both crystals to merge into a Neutral Crystal key item.

Now, with the Neutral Crystal, go to (10E, 4N) to chat with L'Kbreth they will allow passage. 2N to (10E, 6N).

Make your way to (16E, 15N) and prepare for battle, then go 1E to enter the dark zone and fight.

After the fight go 9E then 5N out of the darkness. Now 3E then 1S into a new room.

Answer to WHEEL riddle. Orb of Mhuuzfes key item is obtained.

Answer the DEATH riddle. 2W and Search. Orb of Earithin key item is obtained.

Backtrack through the Dark zone to (6E, 15N). Return to town via (5E, 19N).

Give the Orbs to the Mages of Llylgamyn to obtain the Star of Llylgamyn key item and Win the game.


Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay linkUltimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay linkSNES cartridge version (translated)

lore – maps – guidedata