There are 6 dungeon levels to climb the Mountain and each level has increasingly difficult foes for the heroes to encounter. This game can be unforgiving and brutal. Resurrections can fail and characters can be lost forever, so read on and prepare with this Wizardry3 Walkthrough.
Neither good nor evil alone can triumph here.
Creating your Party
If you are here without a party, check the Party Planning page.
Alignment Concerns
Legacy of Llylgamyn has areas that are only accessible when Good or Evil aligned characters are in your party. You can mix alignments in your party by taking out an Evil expedition and leaving it there in Camp. Next take a Good expedition out to the same tile to make Camp. Once both expeditions are in the same camp, you will be able to reorganize into a mixed alignment party. Be sure not to forget some of your heroes out on expedition in camp.
Characters can change alignment on expedition. Sometimes you will see a prompt about friendly passers-by, do you want to let them pass or attack. Letting them pass with move you towards Good, while attacking will move you towards Evil.
If you try to use stairs to reach a level that your party is not allowed you will be teleported to the Castle. Use this when you need a shortcut back to the castle.
I am providing multiple levels of assistance to suit your play style. Use what you want and ignore the rest. Firstly, by reviewing the Title of each ‘expanding area’ you will see the optimal Order that you should explore each of the areas. This is the first level of assistance. If you want more, expand the details for the area and see the following, where applicable.
- Key Points: coordinates of the places you might want to visit or avoid.
- Grind Notes calling out optimal loops to grind experience.
- Travel Notes is the lore posted in the dungeons, for easy review.
- Riddle Info posts the question and the reward but not the answer.
- Walkthrough details the steps required to complete the level including Riddle Answers.
Volcano – Level 1
Access: Any Party Alignment
Key Points:
0,0 Stairs ↓ -TO- Castle
19,14 Stairs ↑ -TO- 3:2,2
19,13 Stairs ↑ -TO- 2:19,0
7,7 Stairs ↑ -TO- 4:7,1
7,6 Stairs ↑ -TO- 5:18,0
19,15 Teleport -TO- Castle
Grind Notes:
On Level 1, don't bother with any chests except for the High Corsair chest. Nothing drops here to warrant the risk. You will have difficulty with encounters as your characters will have a pittance of hit points. The closest fixed encounter to the stairs is usually at 18,3. If you total party wipe, you can import the characters again from Wiz 1/2. You want to reach Level 5 with your Mage(s) for MAHALITO then you are ready for Moat Monsters.
If you need gold you can collect/sell Staff of Earth and Amulet of Air. You can only have 1 of each at a time. They each sell for 12,500 gold.
Taking the GOOD path first is ideal because the last step of the Evil path requires a 25,000 gold payment. You may not have that much if you head there first.
Travel Notes:
1,2 You stand on a beach. Beyond it lies a dark lake, in which is a small island.
2,1 You stand on a beach. Beyond it lies a dark lake, in which is a small island.
2,19 A sign on the door reads: "Barracks"
1,17 Before you stands a great fortress. Between its parapets lies a deep moat, and a sign by the moat reads: "Beware of the moat monsters!"
18,13 Hear Ye the Words of L'Kbreth: To all who trespass here, good or bad, I give my warning: Neither good nor evil alone can triumph here.
Door to East at 1,0
Door to West at 2,17
Passage to West at 0,19
Defeat Moat Monsters at 16,19
Defeat Moat Monsters at 8,15
Door to East at 9,13
Door to East at 10,10
Door to North at 15,10
Door to West at 13,11
Door to East at 11,13
Defeat High Corsair at 16,13
-GOOD PARTY- (mostly good)
Up to Level 2 at 19,13
-EVIL PARTY- (no good at all)
Bring spare basic Broadsword
Up to Level 3 at 19,14
Volcano – Level 2
Access: Good Party Alignment (mostly good)
Key Points:
19,0 Stairs ↓ -TO- 1:19,13
10,8 Stairs ↑ -TO- 4:13,13
0,19 Stairs ↑ -TO- 4:10,2
Travel Notes:
2,1 A glowing message appears in mid-air: S.E.G. Po'Le, Grand Wizard Office Hours by Appointment Only The Wizard is *OUT* Do Not Enter Under Pain of Undeath!
18,12 This is the grand dining room of the Grand Wizard. To the north is a large kitchen area, and to the south is the wizard's opulent boudoir.
12,19 A sign on the door reads "Wine Cellar"
Riddle Info:
7,11 An elegantly dressed woman with a whip demands, "What's the password?"
Answer: ???
Reward: Allows Passage
4,19 I am around you always but you have never seen me. You would never leave me, but were I gone, you would not cry out for me. What am I?
Answer: ???
Reward: Allows Passage
Arrive at 19,0
Door to South at 10,5
Fake Wall to West at 10,2
Fake Wall to North at 9,2
Door to North at 7,6
Door to East at 7,8
Door to North at 11,15
Fake Wall to South 10,15
Door to East at 3,16
Answer "Air" at 4,19
Up to Level 4 at 0,19
Arrive at 2,11
Door to South at 0,8
Fake Wall to South at 0,1
Door to East at 2,1 for combat
Defeat Fiend
Collect Staff of Earth at 7,1
Backtrack to the Dark Area
Fake Wall to East at 6,10
Answer "Abdul sent you" at 7,11
Teleport from 8,10 to 11,9
Door to North at 18,11
Fake Wall to West at 14,18
Door to West at 12,19 for combat
Defeat Po'Le
Collect Amulet of Air at 11,19
Done with Level 2
Volcano – Level 3
Access: Evil Party Alignment (no good at all)
Key Points:
2,2 Stairs ↓ -TO- 1:19,14
0,1 Stairs ↑ -TO- 5:11,0
Bring a spare basic Broadsword
5 East from 2,2 to 7,2
5 North from 7,2 to 7,7
Search at 7,7
Trade Broadsword for Gold Medallion
11 North from 7,7 to 7,18
Door to East at 8,19
Search at 10,19
Trade Gold Medallion for Holy Water
Door to West at 9,19
Door to West at 8,1
Teleport from 8,1 to 1,0
Up to Level 5 to 0,1
Done with Level 3
Volcano – Level 4
Access: Good Party Alignment (mostly good)
Key Points:
10,2 Stairs ↓ -TO- 2:0,19
7,1 Stairs ↓ -TO- 1:7,7
19,14 Stairs ↑ -TO- 6:5,0
12,13 Chute ↓ -TO- 2:2,11
11,8 Chute -TO- 1,7
Travel Notes:
12,12 A short, swarthy man in a turban sidles up to you and whispers: "Tell them Abdul sent you"
Pool Info:
10,5 An oily black liquid drips from the ceiling, forming a pool on the floor. Who will wade?
Reward: The character becomes Paralyzed
Riddle Info:
18,11 Ours is an uneasy friendship. Your fathers toiled long to tame me, but even now I will go my own way if you do not tend me well. I am a powerful destroyer, yet my frailty is great. What am I?
Answer: ???
Reward: Allows Passage
Arrive at 10,2
Door to North at 13,4
Door to North at 13,6
Fake Wall to North at 6,14
Fake Wall to East at 5,16
Defeat Delf at 7,17
Collect the Crystal of Evil
Fake Wall to West at 6,16
Fake Wall to South at 6,15
Door to North at 15,9
Door to East at 15,12
Door to South at 17,11 Look Out Room
Read a Look Out sign for an encounter
Defeat the encounter and REPEAT until
you get the Ship in a Bottle key item
Head back to the Castle to buy, sell, and restore spell points. Identify the Ship in a Bottle item and leave it in your inventory. Prepare for a few named encounters. When you are ready, head back to Level 4 via the Stairs UP at 1:7,7 and you will arrive at 4:7,1... we will resume.
Arrive at 7,1
Door to East at 11,3
Door to North at 13,6
Door to North at 15,9
Door to North at 14,12
Follow the liner path through
Avoid the Chute at 11,8
Fake Wall to East at 11,12
Receive the Abdul clue
Chute from 12,13 -TO- 2:2,11
Done with Level 4
Volcano – Level 5
Access: Any Party Alignment
Key Points:
11,0 Stairs ↓ -TO- 3:0,1
18,0 Stairs ↓ -TO- 1:7,6
Travel Notes:
19,9 An inscription on the door reads: Temple of the Irascible Fung Private!! No Trespassing!!
You need 25,000 gold
Door to South at 13,0
Door to East at 8,9
Door to East at 10,10
Defeat Soul Trapper at 12,10
MAKANITO if you got em
Collect Crystal of Good at 12,10
Backtrack to hall of doors near stairs
Priest of Fung will spam BADIAL if they get a chance to, strike first. A couple of high AGI mages spamming Lv1 KATINO will mitigate some incoming damage. Conserve Spell Points as there will be a string of fights. You have to fight your way in and fight your way out. MALOR out if you have it.
Door to North at 15,0
Door to North at 16,3
Fake Wall to East at 16,9
Door to North at 2,9
Door to South at 3,11
Door to East at 3,9
Pay 25,000 gold
Collect Rod of Fire at 4,7
Done with Level 5
If you have both the Crystal of Good and the Crystal of Evil in the inventory of 1 non-neutral character. Equip and you will get the option to Invoke the crystal. Collect the Neutral Crystal.
There are two ways to get to Level 6, one for a Good party and one for an Evil party.
-GOOD PARTY- (mostly good)
Door to East at 6,7
Up to Level 4 at 7,7
Door to East at 14,3
Door to South at 18,12
Answer "Fire" at 18,11
Teleport from 19,10 to 17,15
Up to Level 6 at 19,14
-EVIL PARTY- (no good at all)
Door to East at 6,6
Up to Level 5 at 7,7
Door to North at 16,3
Door to South at 13,7
Door to North at 6,11
Answer "Chariot" at 5,13
Door to North at 2,13
Up to Level 6 at 0,13
Volcano – Level 6
Access: Any Party Alignment
Key Points:
5,0 Stairs ↓ -TO- 4:19,14
14,0 Stairs ↓ -TO- 5:0,13
5,19 Teleport -TO- Castle
13,2 Orb of Mhuuzfes (don't need it)
4,4 Fight with Xeno (optional)
Riddle Info:
11,14 On my roll you move forward; my turn is your turn. What am I?
Answer: ???
Reward: Allows Passage
19,17 Black figure on a black horsey, he carries the white rose. The rising sun - change will come, it follows wherever he goes. What card is he?
Answer: ???
Reward: Allows Passage
Door to North at 10,3
Passage to West at 0,7
Passage to East at 19,3
Passage to West at 0,2
Passage to South at 19,0
Answer "Death" at 19,17
Collect Orb of Earithin at 17,17
Return to Castle (MALOR can help)
Official Manual is here.
How to obtain a copy of this game:
eBay link – Ultimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay link – SNES cartridge version (translated)