Wizardry 5 Spells, Foes, and Gear Database

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Wizardry 5 Spells

Wizardry 5 Spells, Foes, and Gear Database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Check Foes you face for resistance or total HP value. Check the weapons list for damage values or class restrictions. See what the Rod of Flame actually does. Utilize the Search box, check it out! Try searching in multiple tables, pretty handy.


Wizardry 5 requires a conservative approach when casting spells. Use just enough spell power to get it done. When you run out of spell points you need to rest, increasing the dependance on the Inn. Spending too many hours at the Inn and you will be forced into retirement before finishing your quest. There are new spells here compared to Wizardry 1-4!

Arcane Spell List
1DUMAPICClarityCampCasterInforms exact position relative to the Stairs up to Castle
1HALITOLittle FireCombatFoeCauses 1-8 Fire damageDamage
1KATINOBad AirCombatFoe GroupCauses Sleep statusControl
1MOGREFBody IronCombatCasterReduce AC-2 for current combat onlyBuff
2BOLATUHeart StoneCombatFoeAttempts to stone a monsterControl
2DESTOUnlockCampCasterTries to unlock a locked door as a Thief
2MELITOLittle SparksCombatFoe GroupCause 1-8 Electric damageDamage
2PONTISpeedCombatCharacterMore attacks per round and reduce AC-1 for current combat onlyBuff
2MORLISFearCombatFoe GroupCause foes to flee or cower, also increase AC+4Control
3MAHALITOBig FireCombatFoe GroupCause 4-24 Fire damageDamage
3KANTIOSDisruptionCombatFoe GroupAttempts to confuse monstersControl
3CALIFICRevealAnyPartyShows secret doors
3CORTUMagic ScreenCombatPartyProtects from Breath weapon for current combat onlyBuff
4LITOFEITLevitateAnyPartyHelps avoid pit traps, helps avoid being suprisedBuff
4LAHALITOTorchCombatFoe GroupCause 6-36 Fire damageDamage
4ROKDOStunCombatFoe GroupAttempts to petrify monstersControl
4TZALIKFist of GodCombatFoeCause 24-58 damageDamage
5MADALTOFrost KingCombatFoe GroupCauses 8-64 Cold damageDamage
5BACORTUFizzle FieldCombatFoe GroupErects a dampening field around monstersDebuff
5PALIOSAnti-MagicCombatSpecialDestroy monster built spell dampening fieldsDebuff
5SOCORDIConjureCombatPartySummons and elemental for current combat onlySummon
5VASKYRERainbow RaysCombatFoe GroupRandom damaging effectsDamage
6LADALTOIce StormCombatFoe GroupCause 34-98 Cold damage and FreezeDamage
6LOKARAEarth FeastCombatAll FoesAttempts to eliminate all monstersDamage
6MAMOGREFWall of ForceCombatCharacterErects an AC-10 field around a party memberBuff
6ZILWANDispelCombatFoeCause 500-1000 damage to one undead monsterDamage
7MAHAMANGreat ChangeCombatSpecialDrains caster of 1 XP Level and spell is forgotten, possible effects: Silence the Monsters Make Magic More Effective Dialko the Party 3 Times Heal the Party Destroy the Monsters Protect the Party Teleport the Monsters Reanimate Corpses
7MALORTeleportAnyPartyFrom combat, result is random location same level of Maze. From camp, result can be specified. Improper coordinates may destroy party for good
7MAWXIWTZMad HouseCombatAll FoesCauses random but devastating effectsDamage
7TILTOWAITKa-Blam!CombatAll FoesCauses 10-100 damageDamage
7AbrielDivine MagicCombatSpecialSpecial
Divine Spell List
1BADIOSHarmCombatFoeCauses 1-8 damageDamage
1DIOSHealAnyCharacterHeals 1-8 hit pointsHeal
1KALKIBlessingsCombatPartyReduces AC-1 for current combat onlyBuff
1MILWALightAnyPartyCauses light source to follow party, increase vision distance
1PORFICShieldCombatCasterReduces AC-4Buff
2CALFOX-ray VisionLootingSpecialDetermine that Trap on a Chest with 95% accuracy
2KANDILocate SoulCampSpecialGives direction to the abandoned hero in Maze relative to caster
2KATUCharmCombatFoeAttempts to charm a monsterControl
2MONTINOStill AirCombatFoe GroupSilenced and unable to cast spellsControl
3BAMATUPrayerCombatPartyReduce AC-4 for current combat onlyBuff
3DIALKOSoftnessAnyFoeCures paralysis and sleepCure
3HAKANIDOMagic DrainCombatFoeAttempts to drain a monster of magicControl
3LATUMAPICIdentifyCombatFoe GroupReveals monsters true name
3LOMILWAMore LightAnyPartyMore powerful MILWA, lasts until return to Castle. Dark areas will extinguish
4BADIALMore HurtCombatFoeCauses 2-16 damageDamage
4BARIKORazor WindCombatFoe GroupCauses 6-15 damageDamage
4DIALMore HealAnyCharacterHeals 2-16 hit pointsHeal
4LATUMOFISCure PoisonAnyCharacterCures Poisoned statusCure
4MAPORFICBig ShieldAnyPartyReduce AC-2, lasts until return to CastleBuff
5BADIDeathCombatFoeCauses coronary attack, possible deathDamage
5BAMORDISummoningCombatPartyAttempts to summon 1 group to fight for partySummon
5DILifeCampCharacterRestores dead to life with 1 HP and decreased Vitality. If spell fails, AshesCure
5DIALMAGreat HealAnyCharacterHeals 3-24 hit pointsHeal
5MOGATOAstral GateCombatFoeAttempts to banish a demon monsterDamage
6LOKTOFEITRecallCampPartyTransport back to Castle, but spell is forgotten
6MADIHealingAnyCharacterHeals all hit points and cures any conditions except for death/ashes.Heal Cure
6KAKAMENFire WindCombatFoe GroupCauses 18-38 Fire damageDamage
6LABADILife StealCombatFoeDrain monster all but 1-8 hit points; heals casterDamage
7KADORTOResurrectionCampCharacterRestores dead and ashes to life with all hit points. If spell fails, PermadeathCure Heal
7MABARIKOMeteor WindsCombatAll FoesCauses 18-58 damageDamage
7BAKADIDeath WindCombatFoe GroupAttempts to slay a group of monsters
7IHALONWishAnyCharacterGrants favor but spell is also forgotten


Boltac’s inventory will change as the game progresses. Boltac will sell you something that you cannot wear so be careful. Items are not auto-equipped so be sure to Equip! Item lists below include items that can be purchased and also items that are only found in chests.

Weapon List
NameRangeAccessACDMGHitBonus2x DMG to1/2 DMG fromUse EffectsValue
Battle AxeLongFSLN1d5+3180
Battle Axe +1ShortFSLN2d4+611750
Battle Axe +2ShortFSLN2d6+828500
Broken ItemShort0
Faust HalberdShortFSLN4d4+42DemonDemonVitality -1 and break10000
Heavy CrossbowShortFTSLN1d8+7212000
Holy BasherMediumPB1d5+2400
Light CrossbowMediumFTSLN1d6+412500
Lightning RodShortMB4d4+4Cast Tzalik, 20% chance to break10000
Long BowLongFSLN1d6+1325
Long SwordCloseFSLN1d6+145
Long Sword +1ShortFSLN1d6+611500
Long Sword +2ShortFSLN1d10+725000
Long Sword +3ShortFSLN2d6+10320000
Mage's Yew BowShortM1d7+51MageVitality +1, MaxHP -1d4 and break12000
Master KatanaShortS3x 3d5+44Critical13500
Munke WandShortMB1d7+1Co, Fi Resistance10000
Muramasa KatanaShortSN4x 5d4+106MidgetCriticalVitality +1, 75% chance to break150000
OdinswordShortL24x 5d5+105Mythical, Dragon, DemonCritical, Po ResistanceMaxHP +1d4, 75% chance to break250000
RobinswordShortFTSLN1d8+72RogueStrength -1, Agility +1 and break into Short Sword7000
Sacred BasherShortPB1d7+72Undead7500
Short SwordCloseFTSLN1d530
Short Sword +1CloseFTSLN1d6+411500
Silver HammerShortFSLN2d6+82GiantStrength +1, Luck -1 and break10000
Staff of AirShortFMPTBSLN2d4+42Ma Resistance10000
Staff of EarthShortFMPTBSLN2d4+42St Resistance10000
Staff of FireShortFMPTBSLN2d4+42Fi Resistance10000
Staff of SummoningShortMPB1d6+3Cast Bamordi, 20% chance to break into Staff7750
Staff of WaterShortFMPTBSLN2d4+42Co Resistance10000
Sword of FireMediumFSLN2d8+62Fi ResistanceCast Mahalito, 20% chance to break into Long Sword +210000
Sylvan BowShortFTSLN4x 4d4+104ConstructAgility +1, 75% chance to break100000
Thieves BowMediumFTSLN1d5+11600
War HammerMediumFL1d6+3400
Armor List
TypeNameAccessAlignACEquip EffectsUse Effects1/2 DMG fromValue
ArmorGold Plate Mail +5FSLN10Heal 1, All Resistance250000
ArmorLeather ArmorFPTBSLN295
ArmorChain MailFPBSLN3145
ArmorScale MailFSLN4400
ArmorPlate MailFL5750
ArmorLeather Armor +1FPTBSLN31500
ArmorChain Mail +1FPBSLN41750
ArmorScale Mail +1FSLN52000
ArmorPlate Mail +1FL62500
ArmorLeather Armor +2FPTBSLN44000
ArmorChain Mail +2FPBSLN56000
ArmorScale Mail +2FSLN6Fi Resistance8000
ArmorPlate Mail +2FL7Fi Resistance10000
ArmorScarlet RobesFMPTBSLNEvil4Fi, St Resistance4500
ArmorEmerald RobesFMPTBSLNGood4Fi, St Resistance4500
ArmorPlate Mail +3FSLN8Fi, Co,St Resistance25000
GauntletsLeather GlovesFPTBSLN1500
GauntletsIron GlovesFSLN22500
GauntletsSilver GlovesFSLN37500
GauntletsGloves of MyrdallFSLN4Dr,St ResistanceAgility/Strength/Luck +1 and break40000
HelmetLeather SalletFPBSLN1250
HelmetBrass SalletFPBSLN21500
HelmetJeweled ArmetFL412500
HelmetWizard's CapM1Ma Resistance8000
ShieldTarget ShieldFTSLN165
ShieldHeater ShieldFL2125
ShieldTarget Shield +1FTSLN21500
ShieldHeater Shield +1FL32000
ShieldHeater Shield +2FL45000
ShieldShield Pro MagicFSLN3Ma ResistanceMage20000
Item List
TypeNameAccessAlignACEquip EffectsUse Effects1/2 DMG from2x DMG toValue
AccessoryRubber DuckFMPTBSLN5000
AccessoryBracers +1FSLN210000
AccessoryCloak of CapricornFMPTBSLN29000
AccessoryRing of FrozzM2Fi ResistanceMaximum SP and break5000
AccessoryRing of SkullsFMPTBSLNEvil1Piety -1, Age -1 and breakUndead5000
AccessoryRing of MadiFMPTBSLNCast Madi, 25% chance to break15000
AccessoryRing of SolitudeFMPTBSLNSt ResistanceLuck +1 and break20000
AccessoryAnkh of WonderFMPTBSLN1Heal 1Cast Ihalon and break12000
AccessoryAnkh of PowerFMPTBSLN1Strength +1 and break12000
AccessoryAnkh of LifeFMPTBSLN1Restore HP, 35% chance to break12000
AccessoryAnkh of IntellectFMPTBSLN1Intellect +1 and break12000
AccessoryAnkh of SanctityFMPTBSLN1Piety +1 and break12000
AccessoryAnkh of YouthFMPTBSLN1Age -1 and break12000
AccessoryGold MedallionFMPTBSLN2Dr Resistance50000
AccessoryJeweled ScepterFMPTBSLN2500
AccessoryAmulet of RainbowsFMPTBSLNCast Vaskyre, 20% chance to break10000
AccessoryAmulet of ScreensFMPTBSLNCast Cortu, 20% chance to break10000
AccessoryAmulet of FlamesFMPTBSLNCast Lahalito, 20% chance to break10000
MiscellaneousTorchFMPTBSLNCast Milwa and break10
MiscellaneousLanternFMPTBSLNCast Lomilwa, 35% chance to break75
MiscellaneousScroll of KatinoFMPTBSLNCast Katino and break250
MiscellaneousScroll of StoningFMPTBSLNCast Bolatu and break750
MiscellaneousScroll of FireFMPTBSLNCast Mahalito and break1250
MiscellaneousScroll of ConjuringFMPTBSLNCast Socordi and break3500
MiscellaneousPotion of DiosFMPTBSLNCast Dios and break100
MiscellaneousPotion of CharmingFMPTBSLNCast Katu and break350
MiscellaneousPotion of LatumofisFMPTBSLNCast Latumofis and break250
MiscellaneousPotion of DialkoFMPTBSLNCast Dialko and break400
MiscellaneousPotion of WoundingFMPTBSLNCast Badial and break500
MiscellaneousPotion of MadiFMPTBSLNCast Madi and break2500
MiscellaneousKing of DiamondsFMPTBSLN1
MiscellaneousQueen of HeartsFMPTBSLN1
MiscellaneousJack of SpadesFMPTBSLN1
MiscellaneousAce of ClubsFMPTBSLN1
MiscellaneousLark in a CageFMPTBSLNRogue10000
MiscellaneousPotion of Demon-OutFMPTBSLNCast Mogato and break1500
MiscellaneousIce KeyFMPTBSLN7000
MiscellaneousTicket StubsFMPTBSLN2500
MiscellaneousSkeleton KeyFMPTBSLN5000
MiscellaneousGold KeyFMPTBSLN3000
MiscellaneousBlue CandleFMPTBSLNCast MilwaUndead3000
MiscellaneousPotion of Spirit-AwayFMPTBSLNCast Morlis and break500
MiscellaneousBottle of RumFMPTBSLN50
MiscellaneousSilver KeyFMPTBSLN400
MiscellaneousBag of TokensFMPTBSLN300
MiscellaneousBrass KeyFMPTBSLN200
MiscellaneousOrb of LlylgamynFMPTBSLN100
MiscellaneousHeart of AbrielFMPTBSLNAll Resistance0
Cursed List
TypeNameRangeAccessACDMGHitBonus2x DMG to1/2 DMG fromEquip EffectsUse EffectsValue
WeaponRuned FlailShortFPBSLN-22d3+3-2WereWereCursedDrain Spells2000
WeaponSoulstealerShortFSLN-44d5+42FighterCursedVitality -1, Age +1, 20% chance to break13500
WeaponBlackbladeShortFSLN2d4+4-2PriestCursed, Regen -1Become Paralyzed1500
WeaponAxe of DeathShortFSLN-24d4+84Cursed, Regen -1, CriticalBecome Dead and break into Battle Axe8500
WeaponStaff of DeathShortMPB-23d4+3Cursed, Regen -1, CriticalCast Badi, 20% chance to break into Staff7750
HelmetCone of FireFMPTBSLN-4Fi ResistanceBecome Ashes and break3000
ShieldCrested ShieldFL-3DragonFi, Co ResistanceBecome Petrified2000
ArmorSilver MailFPBSLN4UndeadRegen -2, Co ResistRestore HP2500
AccessoryRing of JadeFMPTBSLN-2Age +110000
AccessoryPetrified DemonFMPTBSLN2DemonRegen -1, Fi,Co,Ma ResistanceFire, Cold, Magic5000
MiscellaneousHoly TalismanFMPTBSLNDr ResistancePiety -1 and break25000


Most of the time down below, in the Maze, you will only be told what the monsters look like, not what they really are. You may be able to discern their true identities if your character’s IQ is high enough or if you use the LATUMAPIC spell to see through their disguises.

Table Key

  • Heal X: heals X hit points per turn. This passive and just happens.
  • Drain X: if this foes hits, they will drain X experience levels.
  • Y Breath: Foe has ability to attack a group with specified element.
  • Run: This foe may run away and you will not get any XP.
  • Critical: This foe may Instakill targets when they hit.
  • Paralyze: This foe may Paralyze targets when they hit.
  • Poison: This foe may Poison targets when they hit.
  • Call: This foe may call for help and more groups my show up to fight.
  • Stone: This foe may Stone targets when they hit.
  • Sleep: This means that the Foe is susceptible to Sleep induction; note other foes are not.
Foe List
Acolyte91d2+13d2+41d41Escape, Cast 100%30976g
Air Elemental A21d112d4+403x (1d20)Ph,Fi,Co,St, Mag 50%LevelDrainBreath17438612g
Air Elemental B-21d112d4+404x (1d32)Ph,Fi,Co, Mag 50%1339245g
Amazon81d3+36d3+152x (1d4+1)2Escape, Cast 50%828150g, L1 Item
Ancient61d4+112d3+242x (1d6)6Cast 100%3440612g
Archdevil-121d142d5+5003d18+18, 2d18+18, 2x (1d18+18)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 85%Heal 10Autokill, Drain Strength, Cast 75%5821962800g, L4-6 Item
Armor Eater21d1+17d4+122d6+6, 1d8+4Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 35%Escape3100325g
Assassin A21d1+110d3+122x (2d4+2), 2x (1d4)Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 20%SleepPoison, Autokill4004270g
Assassin B21d1+110d3+122x (2d4+2), 2x (1d4)Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 20%SleepPoison, Autokill4004120g
Bandit81d3+11d3+31d5PhEscape, Steal 50%41676g
Barbarian51d3+310d6+303x (1d6+2)Escape2124504g
Basilisk31d210d4+201d10+1Ph,St,Mag 35%Stone, Escape3718270g
Big Max-21d120d4+4604x (2d18+8)Ph,Fi,Co,St,MaAutokill16656Tickets
Black Bat91d1+81d5+11d2PhEscape18492g
Black Knight-21d214d3+622d8+8, 2x (1d6)5Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 25%Cast 75%7844504g
BlackBlade41d3+28d4+102d5+2, 1d5+1PhSleepPoison, Escape1752270g
Blank Stare01d115d2+452d8Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 35%SleepStone, Poison, Paralyze, Cast 75%8784612g
Bleeb62d2+24d4+42x (1d8+2)Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 75%Poison159845g
Bloodweir51d210d8+183d12+12, 2d12+12, 1d12+12PhEscape, Drain Vitality4256612g
Bon Bon102d2+12d3+41d4+2Ph,CoEscape27292g
Cacodaemon-21d116d10+1202x (2d24), 1d245Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 55%Cast 75%63596726g
Cardinal Fang21d3+216d3+322x (1d4+2)5Escape, Cast 100%5536726g
Clone-141d199d1+99009x (4d4+13)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 35%Heal 1Escape9000528g
Conjurer91d2+25d2+71d3+12Escape, Cast 100%482120g
Dark Lord-121d132d6+3504x (1d24+4)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 85%Drain 4Stone, Paralyze, Autokill, Cast 75%6206202800g, L4-6 Item
Dark Wizard61d3+216d2+322x (1d4+2)6Escape, Cast 100%3248726g
Demon Dog61d25d4+102d5+2Ph,Fi,Mag 20%Escape, FireBreath2186150g, L1 Item
Demon Imp71d4+14d3+62d2+21Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 30%Steal 10%, Cast 50%1060150g
Djinni21d112d8+803x (1d16+8)55Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 45%Cast 75%1084845g
Dragonaire-21d114d6+883x (1d18)St,Mag 35%Stone, FireBreath20087726g
Dragonfinn-21d116d3+501d16+6, 2x (2d8+2)Ph,Co,St,Mag 30%Poison, Escape, ColdBreath150551320g, Staff of Water
Druid61d3+28d3+142x (1d4+1)5Escape, Cast 100%1824270g
Earth Elemental-21d112d4+404x (1d32)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 50%15004612g
Efreeti01d213d3+182x (2d8), 3d124Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 50%Heal 4FireBreath, Cast 75%13134612g
Enchanted Bard41d3+312d3+202x (1d5+1)45Mag 35%Escape, Steal 65%, Cast 32%3252270g
Evil Eyes51d110d2+452x (1d6+2)66Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 25%Escape, StoneBreath, Cast 75%15086612g
Fanged Toad91d2+11d3+11d3+1PhPoison, Escape47292g
Fay61d112d2+341d4+15Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 25%Escape, FireBreath, Cast 50%18762L3-7 Item
Fire Elemental21d112d4+403x (1d24)Ph,Fi,St,Mag 50%FireBreath14904612g
Firedrake41d18d4+161d12, 2d4Ph,St,Mag 35%Escape, FireBreath4692270g
Frankenstein21d112d5+1102d18+12, 2x (1d8+4)Ph,Co,Po,Le,St,Mag 35%11224504g
Frost Giant31d2+110d10+801d24+12, 2x (1d8+4)Ph,Co,Mag 50%Escape, ColdBreath9136612g
Gargoyle72d3+25d2+102x (1d4+1)Ph,Fi,CoEscape816150g, L1 Item
G'bli Gedook-21d112d1+642x (1d8+4)7Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 25%Heal 8Autokill, Cast 50%19104150g, L1 Item
Ghast41d26d4+122d4, 1d8PhParalyze, Escape2048150g, L1 Item
Ghoul62d24d4+42d3, 1d6PhSleepEscape1164150g, L1 Item
Giant Spider61d26d5+152d5+4PhParalyze, Escape1440150g, L1 Item
Gold Statue01d1+19d2+782x (2d10+2), 1d10+2Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 50%94241625g
Golem A01d16d2+363d6+18Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 80%Escape6552150g
Golem B01d2+16d2+363d6+18Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 50%621345g
Gorgon21d110d4+482d12Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 15%Escape, StoneBreath13876726g
Gorilla51d28d8+242d18+4, 1d8+2Escape2468150g, L1 Item
Greater Demon-21d116d8+1003x (1d18+2), 1d36+127Ph,Fi,Co,Po,Le,St,Mag 50%Cast 75%2071645g
Greater Devil-21d116d8+1203d18+2, 2d18+2, 3x (1d18+2)7Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 65%Cast 75%2323245g
Green Dragon21d210d4+202x (1d6), 2d20St,Mag 15%Escape, PoisonBreath8887360g, L1-3 Item
Green Slime141d2+11d21d2PhEscape6445g
Gwylion81d2+15d3+51d3+12Mag 25%Escape, Steal 20%, Cast 70%1100120g
Gypsy91d45d2+61d411Mag 20%Escape, Cast 75%490120g
Halycon41d2+18d4+323x (1d8+4)Ph,Fi,Co,Po,Mag 35%Cast 75%444745g
Hatamoto21d310d3+243x (1d7+1)3Autokill, Escape, Cast 75%2688360g
Hawdy Bawder61d2+110d2+301d4, 2d423Fi,Co,Mag 15%Escape, Cast 75%2032270g
Hell Hound81d1+14d2+81d4+2Ph,FiEscape, FireBreath1054150g
High Ninja-21d3+212d4+184x (2d4+4)Ph,Mag 25%SleepHeal 4Poison, Paralyze, Autokill7248726g
High Samurai31d3+29d3+183x (1d6+2)3Escape, Cast 35%1568150g, L1 Item
Horbule41d2+15d4+202d8+2Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 45%SleepStone, Poison, Paralyze, Escape, PoisonBreath5520726g, Ice Key
Houdini-61d118d6+484x (1d7+2)6All, Mag 45%SleepHeal 1Steal 85%, Cast 5%445801625g
Ice Phantom31d11d5+71d1+1Ph,Co,Mag 40%Paralyze, Escape162776g
Incubus-21d18d4+402x (1d5)5Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 45%Drain 2, Heal 3Paralyze, Cast 75%16814726g
Indigo Mushroom61d216d2+263x (1d2+2)Fi,Co,Mag 75%Poison, Paralyze, PoisonBreath6102726g
Jackalwere71d35d2+182d4+1PhPoison, Escape1072150g
Joker of Death21d38d5+243x (2d4+2)Ph,Mag 30%Poison, Autokill, Escape3500360g
Kalkydri41d310d3+162d12, 1d12, 1d63Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 50%Heal 2Cast 60%3931325g
King Cobra41d34d4+82d5PhPoison, Paralyze, Escape1960150g, L1 Item
Kong01d118d4+2243x (1d20+8), 1d20+24Ph,Co,St,Mag 75%Escape37827975g, Staff of Earth
Lady Neptune01d114d4+963x (6d8+12)5Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 65%Heal 4ColdBreath, Cast 50%666751620g, L4-7 Item
Lady Stinger121d3+11d2+11d2PhEscape8045g
Lala Moo-Moo-101d144d4+4005x (1d10+10)77All,Mag 80%Drain 2, Heal 4Stone, Paralyze, PoisonBreath, Drain Vitality, Cast 40%79040124240g, L5-6 Item
Leech Lizard91d3+21d31d2Escape10445g
Level 4 Fighter71d2+24d3+101d5+1Escape556120g
Level 8 Thief51d3+38d4+82x (1d6)PhEscape, Steal 70%1364270g
Lich01d116d2+351d105Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 45%Paralyze, Cast 75%10192612g
Loch Baby71d1+86d2+61d8+2PhEscape612325g
Lord Hienmitey51d17d2+251d44PhEscape, Cast 100%1352150g, L1 Item
Magician101d2+13d21d3+11Escape, Cast 100%21376g
Magsman51d4+15d3+141d6+2PhEscape, Steal 50%984150g, L1 Item
Makara-21d18d5+482d8+4, 1d7+2, 1d18+4Ph,Co,St,Mag 25%Paralyze, Escape14960367g, L3-7 Item
Mane72d2+14d6+63x (1d4+1)3Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 50%Cast 75%161045g
Manfretti's Ghost-41d112d3+484d4+4All,Mag 90%11138726g
Master Thief-41d4+212d4+142x (1d6+1)1PhEscape, Steal 60%, Cast 15%3136360g
Medusa51d17d7+441d4Ph,Co,Mag 30%Stone, Escape4060325g
Mighty Oak01d112d12+6002d16, 3d18, 4d24Co,St31298612g
Minotaur21d27d4+342d8+4, 1d6+1PhEscape2892150g, L1 Item
Murphy's Ghost01d16d6+482d8+2All,Mag 90%633345g
Mustard Slime101d1+56d41d6+1PhEscape528150g
Nessie01d112d3+962x (2d12+8), 3x (1d8+8)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 25%Poison, Paralyze21782729g, L3-7 Item
Nether Demon-121d120d10+1002x (2d12+12), 2x (1d8+8)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 85%Heal 12Paralyze, Autokill, DeathBreath, Drain Agility5181932800g, L4-6 Item
Night Locust91d1+84d4+41d5+1PhSleepEscape644150g, L1 Item
Nightmare-21d16d6+62d8, 2x (2d10)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 15%FireBreath9288504g
Phoenix-41d116d3+962d12+8, 1d20+8Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 75%Heal 10FireBreath122299726g, L4-5 Item
Pink Mushroom101d23d21d1LevelDrainBreath972150g
Pit Fiend-31d215d5+255d8, 7d125Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 45%Heal 2Cast 75%15364726g
Psionic01d114d4+342x (2d7)5Ph,Mag 75%Heal 2Escape, Drain IQ, Cast 20%34336726g
Quack81d3+110d2+142x (1d3+1)5Escape, Steal 50%, Cast 80%1656360g
Quasimodo41d112d6+361d64, 2x (1d4)PhEscape, Steal 35%3544504g
Qui-Sang Monk51d5+18d3+82x (2d4)2Autokill, Escape, Cast 50%1880270g
Raven51d2+12d3+21d2+1Paralyze, Escape738120g
Ropav Dica41d2+114d4+182x (1d9)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 35%Paralyze4778726g
Rotted Vapor21d2+15d4+41d4+8Ph,St,Mag 35%SleepHeal 3Poison, Escape2240150g, L1 Item
Royal Guard41d1+17d5+82x (1d7+1)PhEscape1232325g
Royal Lady71d3+29d2+141d4+14Escape, Cast 100%1184360g
Royal Lord21d3+210d3+162x (1d8+2)5Escape, Cast 70%2128360g
Samurai41d3+27d3+102x (1d6+2)2Escape, Cast 50%1092150g, L1 Item
Scorpion61d4+24d4+21d9+3PhPoison, Escape944150g
Sea Cobra61d1+54d6+42d4PhEscape720120g
Shiegetzu-21d18d6+201d8, 1d6, 1d4Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 45%Heal 4Poison, Paralyze, Escape6432325g
Shugenja81d3+16d2+101d4+12Escape, Cast 100%732150g, L1 Item
Silent Knight-21d3+216d4+724x (2d8+4)Escape4464726g
Skeleton61d5+42d6+62x (1d8+1)Ph,Mag 25%Escape112845g
Smoke Demon41d17d3+151d8, 1d6, 1d43Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 50%Heal 3Cast 90%3235325g
Snow Cat41d2+18d8+242x (2d8+8), 1d16+8CoEscape3000504g
Spectre21d39d5+201d8+1Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 65%Drain 2Paralyze8595726g
Spelunker41d1+33d7+81d4+22Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 35%SleepEscape, Cast 50%2144165g, L1-3 Item
Succubus01d2+16d3+242x (1d3)4Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 35%Drain 1, Heal 3Cast 75%6511726g
Swamp Thing21d211d6+62x (1d16+8)Ph,Co,Mag 55%Poison, LevelDrainBreath13324612g
The Beast21d114d5+1302x (1d24), 1d12Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 25%Heal 4Stone, Escape12607504g
The Beauty-21d114d2+281d43Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 89%SleepHeal 4Cast 75%12364504g
The Copper Demon01d110d4+722d12+8, 2x (1d8+2)4Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 75%Heal 4FireBreath, Cast 75%36348420g, L3-7 Item
The Dejin Wind King-21d110d5+852x (2d20)5Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 45%Cast 75%22358324g, L3-7 Item
The Duck of Sparks71d110d2+241d4+13Ph,Mag 25%Cast 90%1668120g
The Gatekeeper-121d124d1+4325x (2d4+4)66All,Mag 100%Heal 8Cast 100%24064845g
The Guardian01d16d3+422d8+8, 1d8+8, 1d83Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 50%Autokill, Cast 50%7268150g, L1 Item
The Hurkle Beast21d15d3+262d8+2, 1d8+2Ph,Fi,Co,Mag 45%Poison, Paralyze, Escape2844150g, L1 Item
The Kanzi Fire King-21d116d3+661d12+8, 1d12+44Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 45%FireBreath, Cast 50%32738726g, Lightning Rod
The Laughing Kettle-121d124d1+301d1+1All,Mag 100%SleepStone, Poison, Paralyze, Autokill, StoneBreath, Drain Luck, Cast 50%528158726g
The Loon-121d132d1+3272d8+2, 4x (1d8+2)7Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 100%Heal 4Paralyze, Autokill, Cast 75%117880350g, L3-6 Item
The Lord of Clubs-81d124d1+2802d18+12, 5x (1d12+4)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 99%Autokill, StoneBreath141768726g
The Lord of Diamonds-81d124d1+2802d18+8, 5x (1d12+4)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 99%Autokill, FireBreath123451726g
The Lord of Hearts-81d124d1+2802d18+8, 5x (1d12+4)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 99%Autokill, ColdBreath123451726g
The Lord of Spades-81d124d1+2802d18+8, 5x (1d12+4)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 99%Autokill, PoisonBreath132667726g
The Mad Stomper31d110d3+901d24+12, 1d12+8, 1d8+4Ph,Co,Mag 25%Escape8690150g
The Mighty Yog21d112d2+1242d18+8, 1d24+8Ph,Co,Mag 25%Paralyze9792162g
The Robuna Ice King21d110d3+903x (2d12+2)6Ph,Co,St,Mag 65%ColdBreath, Cast 75%44782726g, L4-7 Item
The Ruby Warlock41d16d2+242d8+24Ph,Mag 25%Escape, Cast 100%1792120g
The S*O*R*N-21d124d1+721d36+4, 1d12+477Ph,St,Mag 50%Drain 2, Heal 2Poison, Autokill, Drain Luck, Cast 90%986842800g, L4-6 Item
The Sly Nymph71d13d3+151d4+23Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 25%SleepHeal 1Escape, Cast 75%1358726g
The Snatch-31d114d2+483x (1d6+2)PhEscape, Steal 80%3868504g
The Zana Fire Queen-41d116d2+921d8+12, 1d8+44Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 65%Heal 5FireBreath, Cast 35%38930972g, Staff of Fire
Tiger62d25d4+122d4+8, 1d8+4Escape1120150g
Toga Llama71d3+26d3+121d4+24Escape, Cast 100%1132150g, L1 Item
Triton31d2+18d6+122x (1d12+2)Ph.Mag 15%Poison, Escape2332486g, L1-3 Item
Troglodyte93d3+38d5+202x (1d4+2)Escape1204504g
Undead Warrior103d31d5+21d5+1PhEscape27063g
Unholy Terror41d2+16d6+244x (2d2+2)Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 50%Drain Piety5012726g
Vampire01d210d3+181d7+74Ph,Co,St,Mag 35%Drain 1, Regen 1Paralyze, Escape, Cast 50%6942360g
Warlock81d4+18d2+122x (1d4+1)4Escape, Mage 4, Cast 100%1136270g
Water Elemental21d112d4+405d30Ph,Co,St,Mag 50%ColdBreath, Cast 75%17150612g
Werebat61d13d3+91d8Ph,Mag 15%Poison, Escape97692g, L1 Item
Wereboar81d26d4+262d5+1, 1d8PhEscape1192150g
Werewolf11d18d5+162d7+4, 1d7, 1d12Ph,CoPoison, Paralyze, Escape2788360g
White Mushroom71d48d2+81d1+1Mag 50%Poison, PoisonBreath5600612g
Wight51d27d71d4Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 15%Drain 1, Regen 2Paralyze3861325g
Will O' Wisp-121d29d2+252d16All,Mag 99%Regen 2Stone54692612g
Wraith41d28d6+81d6Ph,Fi,Co,St,Mag 25%Drain 1, Regen 6Paralyze, Escape6045612g
Wyvern31d18d4+241d15+1, 1d5+1Ph,St,Mag 15%Escape, FireBreath5101150g, L1 Item
Yeti41d28d6+622x (1d8+2), 1d1+19CoParalyze, Escape5056504g
Yomama51d3+112d3+182x (1d5+2)55Escape, Cast 100%3124612g
Zombie81d2+22d3+141d8Ph,CoSleepEscape1020138g, L1-7 Item


Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay linkUltimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay linkSNES cartridge version

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