Lore in Wizardry 5, Heart of the Maelstrom

Wizardry 5: Heart of the Maelstrom is a stand-alone adventure, it is not required to bring heroes from past adventures; however, you may import heroes from Proving Grounds, Knight of Diamonds, or Legacy of Llylgamyn if you wish.

New Features

There are many new features in Wizardry 5 as compared to the previous installments.

Expanded Battlefield

Weapon Range

Weapons now have a Range value. This allows characters in the back row to attack foes with more then just spells. There are 4 range values for weapons, which are Close, Short, Medium, and Long. As you know, there are also 6 positions in your party for your characters and many possible groups of foes. The following grid shows the logic:

Weapon RangeFrom Party PositionCan Reach Foe Group
Close1, 2, 31, 2
Short1, 2, 31, 2, 3
Short4, 5, 61, 2
Medium1, 2, 3ALL
Medium4, 5, 61, 2, 3


The Thief and the Ninja have a Hide option while in combat making them invisible to the foes. Foes do have a chance to spot hidden characters. The chance to hide and chance to stay hidden is dependent on various things including level and statistics but also depends on the foes level and ability to spot you. Hide option is available from any party position such as 1 or 6.

It should be noted that Hidden characters are not safe from attacks that target all characters, such as Breath.


If a character is currently Hidden when their turn comes up, the Hide option will change to Ambush. The Ambush option can target any group of foes regardless of the range of the weapon being used. For example, a Ninja with bare hands can ambush any foe group from any position in the party — finally, the thief and ninja have utility from the back row.

After an Ambush attack, the character will likely be Exposed. An exposed character is subject to attack regardless of positioning in the party. For example, a Ninja in Position 6 that ambushes and becomes exposed is subject to attack from any monster group. An exposed character can Hide once more on their next turn, should they survive that long.

Foe Reach

The foes also have a new way to reach the characters. Your mage is no longer safe cowing in the back row. Imagine a giant that steps over the front line to attack the pesky mage. Imagine a spirit that floats through a wall to attack the pesky mage. As before, foes can also cast spells at any character position. Take extra precaution for the squishy.. or make them less squishy through multi-classing.

Non-Player Characters (NPCs)


The Talk option allows the characters to talk with NPCs. You will select which of your characters is doing the talking and then you will be presented with a free-from text entry. Be nice or expect a just response.


Barter option allows you to try and barter with NPCs while in the maze.


This is a good way to make friends but you will definitely lose the item even if the NPC is not interested in making friends. Used in conjunction with the Divine spell KATU can be good but is not guaranteed to be good.


Steal option allows a Thief or Ninja to try and take something from an NPC. It might work. It also might upset them and start a fight.

Spell Defense

Magic Screens such as CORTU and Fizzle Fields BACORTU are defenses you can erect to protect from enemy spells and breath. Both screens and fields have a relative strength based on the level of the screen/field caster and the level of the attack caster. This is one major reason why a level 25 Mage is more powerful than a level 10 Bishop that used to be a level 25 mage. Screens and fields are cumulative so having multiple caster raise one will stack.

Fields and Screens deteriorate with each combat round. They also deteriorate more when defending breath attacks.

Foes can also have screens and shields. They can be removed with the Arcane spell PALIOS, however, successfully dispelling magic is also dependent on relative strength. If your spell casters is not strong enough, you will need to depend on the fighters, or run.


Both spell schools have level 5 summon spells, the divine is BAMORDI and the arcane is SOCORDI. Summoning is possible only in combat and at the end of combat any remaining summons are dismissed. Only one group of creatures can be summoned at a time. Once all the summoned creatures are gone you can attempt to summon once again. The specific result of your summon is random. The main benefit of summoning is to add more targets for the foes to choose from.


Swimming is a new skill that raises with use and represents a characters ability to swim in the many pools in the maze. Pools come in various levels of depth. Pools may or may not have effects that trigger at various levels. Some effects are good and some are bad. The higher the swim skill, the deeper the character can swim. Swimming has risk so do it with caution. There is also an item that can be found that allows swimming to any level regardless of the swim skill value.

Picking Locked Doors

While this option is available to all classes, Thieves and Ninjas are the only classes to have a reliable chance to open the lock. The chance is dependent on class, level, and abilities. If you fail to pick a lock, you can try again given some time (measured in steps). The Arcane spell DESTO may also successfully open locked doors. Some locked doors can only be opened by key items which must be found.


A class defines what the hero is training to do. They can change class mid-adventure and then they will start to learn new skills whilst retaining some of their previous training. There are minimum statistics that must be met before a Hero can become that Class.

Basic Classes

ClassDescriptions and Restrictions
FighterThe basic man-at-arms. A lifelong Fighter has high hit points, can use most armor or weapons, and fighters are great in the front line to absorb damage and also dish it out. Any Alignment.
MageMages have low hit points, can use only Daggers or Staffs for Weapons, and can only not wear any Armor other than Robes. They can learn Arcane Spells and may be of any Alignment.
PriestPriests have fairly high hit points and can wear almost light Armor and a Shield but they cannot wear Helmets. Priest Weapons are restricted but can use Maces and Flails. Priests can attempt Dispel groups of Undead foes. Priests learn Divine Spells. Priest cannot be Neutral Alignment.
ThiefThieves have average hit points. Weapons are limited to Daggers, Short Swords, and Bows. They can wear only Leather Armor and use a Shield. Thieves are the most proficient class to Disarm and Open trapped Chests. Thieves can open many locked doors and can also Hide and Ambush in combat. Thieves also have the ability to Pickpocket enemies in the Maze. Thief cannot be Good Alignment.

Elite Classes

Elite Classes require higher Statistics and therefor they are less available for new Level 1 Heroes. At character creation, if you randomly get a high amount of Bonus Statistics to allocate you will have more access to Elite Classes from the start. You can create many new Heroes until you randomly get a high amount of Bonus Statistic points.

ClassDescriptions and Restrictions
BishopBishops have average hit points. A Bishop can learn spells from Arcane and Divine schools but spells are learned slower than a Priest or Mage. A Bishop must reach level 4 before Divine spell learning starts. Bishops can wear Chain Armor and also what a Priest can wear. A Bishop has a unique ability to Identify Items for free at Level 1. Bishops cannot be Neutral Alignment.
SamuraiSamurai are exceptional warriors and can use most Weapons and Armor. Similar hit point levels to Fighters. At Level 4, Samurai begin to learn Arcane spells, although much slower than a Mage. Samurai cannot be Evil Alignment.
LordLords are exceptional warriors and can use most Weapons and Armor. Similar hit point levels to Fighters. At Level 4, Lords begin to learn Divine spells, although much slower than a Priest. Lords can also Dispel groups of Undead foes like a Priest. Lords must be Good Alignment.
NinjaNinja has hit points similar to the Thief and can use weapons and armor similar to a Samurai however at higher experience levels Ninja prefer to fight bare handed with no armor. Ninjas have the unique ability to kill foes with a single blow. AC goes up as their experience level goes up, so long as they are not wearing armor. Ninja have the same skills as a Thief and must be Evil.

Class Minimum Statistics


Pure Class


If you never change your class then at Level Up you will continue to have HP raises greater than 1. This is especially useful for a damage sponge Fighter in position 1. A fighter gets extra attacks at high levels. A Fighter is a great choice for a pure class hero.


Fizzle shield and the like works based on Class level.. so an actual level 30 Mage is better at defending spells and landing spells than a class that used to be level 30 Mage.


Changing class can enhance hero versatility at the cost of specialization. Having multiple characters capable of similar roles reduces downtime; for instance, if the sole divine caster is paralyzed, it usually necessitates a return to town. Additionally, there is a utility in having a lot of Healers or a lot of TILTOWAT’ers. Having a party with more overall Spell Points is very helpful.

Changing class does increase the need to grind XP. If you do not like to grind XP then you should instead go the Pure Class route. Changing Class happens in the Training Grounds after selecting Edit Character. Your current attributes must meet or exceed the class minimums to be eligible for each class. Also consider alignment restriction.

Changing Class, mundane notes

  • Changing class will reset your Attributes to the starting minimums for the Race
    when assigning attributes, prioritize the next class change and then extra points to Agility. If it is the final class, allocate attribute points to maximize (or balance) as per intended usage such as stacking STR for melee or PIE for Divine spells.
  • HP that you already have will be retained but HP rolls at Level Up will be restricted to 1 after a Class Change
    this means that most of your HPs will come from your first class. 10 levels of any second class will only net 10 more HPs. Any front line characters would benefit from starting out as a Fighter to maximize the chance of good HP gains. A Priest/Mage dual class will have more HP if the initial class is Priest.
  • Access to Weapons and Armor will follow the rules of the new class.
    this means that a Priest that used to be a Fighter can no longer use Swords.. or a Mage that used to be a Priest is now stuck with Robes.

Changing class, magical notes

  • Spells that you already know will be accessible even if the new class cannot learn new spells
  • Bonus Spell points will follow the rules of the new class.
    this means that a level 5 Fighter that used to be a Level 5 Mage will have less Spell Points than a level 5 Mage.. off-class spell point totals are equal to 1 point only for each spell known per spell level.
  • Learning more spells will follow the rules of the new class with an exception
    this means, If you know at least one spell of a particular type and level, then you will eventually learn all the spells of that type and level, even if your new class doesn’t learn spells of that type. So, for example, if you change a mage into a ninja, and the mage knew the 3rd level mage spell MAHALITO, then the ninja would eventually learn MOLITO, the other 3rd level mage spell.

Builds Spotlight

Power Bishop

You take a Priest to 13 to open Divine VII and then you switch them to a Mage to 13 again to open Arcane VII. As a Mage, your Divine Spell Points are minimal. So finally, you switch to Bishop and do your final leveling grind and statistic allocation to play out your career. You will have some powerful VII spells for both Arcane and Divine already, you will have Spell Bonus points for both Arcane and Divine, and eventually you will learn all Arcane and Divine spells as you continue to level.

Why not just make a Bishop from the start you say? Two reasons. First, the Bishop learns spells very slowly compared to a Priest or Mage, and so it would take the Bishop more levels to learn the same amount of spells. Second, the Priest/Mage route gets access to VII spells of the first class much quicker. As a bonus, consider that it takes a lot less XP to gain levels 2, 3, 4 , and 5 but those lower levels also have a chance to learn spells. Priest/13 to Mage/13 to Bishop 10..that is 33 levels, you will have all the spells.

Feeble Samurai

Be careful of the Mage to Samurai path.. the result will have very low HP for a front line hero. Fighter to Mage to Samurai will have more hit points assuming you stay fighter for a good many levels.


Hidden Items

Using the Inspect Hidden Item option will inspect the current dungeon tile you are standing on. The chance to find that which is hidden is dependent on class, race, level, and abilities. This is the only way to find some items.

Secret Doors

Using the Inspect Hidden Doors option will inspect the wall you are currently facing. Class, level, race, and level determine the ability to detect such doors. The arcane spell CALIFIC can also be used to find secret doors. Know that secret doors cannot be found by trying to use them.

Dead Bodies

Using the Inspect Dead Bodies option will inspect the current dungeon tile you are standing on. You may find characters that you let die previously. You may also find healthy characters that are camped out in the maze.

opening chests

Chests sometimes appear after defeating foes in the Maze. A Thief, Ninja, or a caster able to case CALFO, the Divine II spell can reveal if the chest has any armed traps with 95% accuracy. A Thief or Ninja can disarm Traps with a decent success rate. Why would a caster bother casting CALFO? If the chest is not trapped, then any character can open it. If the trap identified is known and is an acceptable risk, then have a high HP hero open it anyhow.


Official Manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay linkUltimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay linkSNES cartridge version