Wizardry 1 Spells Database

Wizardry 1 Spells database is provided to help you plan your adventure and to help along the way as a reference. Check the data to anticipate the character level that you will acquire a given spell. Discover what incantation is required to cast a spell, such as MABADI or LOKTOFEIT. The data also shows how many targets will be affected as well as how much damage the spell will do! Many spells can only be cast in certain settings such as while in Camp, while in Combat, or anywhere.

Check the Foe List if you want to learn about foe resistances.

Check the Gear List if you want to learn which items can cast spells.

Wizardry I Spells

In wizardry, spell casting requires a conservative approach. Use just enough spell power to get it done and not a touch more. When you run out of spell points you need to return to the castle to rest, increasing the dependance on the Inn. Spending too many hours at the Inn and you will be forced into retirement before finishing your quest. You can check the Foes list to understand how many hit points a foe has and then cast the appropriately powered spell!

Press or Tap the Spell Row for more details.

Arcane Spells
1HALITOLittle FireCombatFoe1d8 (1-8) fire damageDamage
1MOGREFBody IronCombatCasterReduce AC by 2Buff
1KATINOBad AirCombatFoe GroupCause "Asleep" condition (2x damage)Control
1DUMAPICClarityCampPartyShows current location
2DILTODarknessCombatFoe GroupIncrease AC by 2Debuff
2SOPICGlassCombatCasterReduce AC by 4Buff
3MAHALITOBig FireCombatFoe Group4d6 (4-24) fire damageDamage
3MOLITOSparksCombatFoe Group3d6 (3-18) physical damageDamage
4MORLISFearCombatFoe GroupIncrease AC by 3Debuff
4DALTOBlizzardCombatFoe Group6d6 (6-36) cold damageDamage
4LAHALITOTorchCombatFoe Group6d6 (6-36) fire damageDamage
5MAMORLISTerrorCombatAll FoesIncrease AC by 3Debuff
5MAKANITODeadly AirCombatAll FoesKill non-undead with 7 or fewer hit diceDamage
5MADALTOFrost KingCombatFoe Group8d8 (8-64) cold damageDamage
6LAKANITOVacuumCombatFoe GroupKill non-undead; (6*HitDice)% chance to resistDamage
6ZILWANDispellCombatFoe10d200 damage (undead only)Damage
6MASOPICCrystalCombatPartyReduce AC by 4Buff
6HAMANBegCombatVariableCure party or reduce magic resistanceCure
7MALORTeleportAnytimePartyMove party to another location
7MAHAMANBeseechCombatVariableCure party, silence or kill monstersCure
7TILTOWAITKa-Blam!CombatAll Foes10d15 (15-150) physical damageDamage
Divine Spells
1KALKIBlessingsCombatPartyReduce AC by 1Buff
1DIOSHealAnytimeCharacterHeal 1d8 (1-8) HPHeal
1BADIOSHarmCombatFoe1d8 (1-8) physical damageDamage
1MILWALightAnytimePartyAdd 15-29 steps of light
1PORFICShieldCombatCasterReduce AC by 4Buff
2MATUZealCombatPartyReduce AC by 2Buff
2CALFOX-RayLootingCaster95% chance to reveal correct trap type
2MANIFOStatueCombatFoe GroupCause "Paralyzed" condition (2x damage)Control
2MONTINOStill AirCombatFoe GroupPrevent spellcasting; (10*HitDice)% chance to resistControl
3LOMILWASunbeamAnytimePartyGives 10000 steps of light
3DIALKOSoftnessAnytimeCharacterRemove "Asleep" and "Paralyzed" conditionsCure
3LATUMAPICIdentifyAnytimePartyReveal monster names
3BAMATUPrayerCombatPartyReduce AC by 4Buff
4DIALCureAnytimeCharacterHeal 2d8 (2-16) HPHeal
4BADIALWoundCombatFoe2d8 (2-16) physical damageDamage
4LATUMOFISCleanseAnytimeCharacterRemove "Poisoned" conditionCure
4MAPORFICBig ShieldAnytimePartyReduce AC by 2Buff
5DIALMABig CureAnytimeCharacterHeal 3d8 (3-24) HPHeal
5BADIALMABig WoundCombatFoe3d8 (3-24) physical damageDamage
5LITOKANFlamesCombatFoe Group3d8 (3-24) fire damageDamage
5KANDILocationCampCasterReveal location of "out" character
5DILifeCampCharacterRemove "Dead", -1 Vitality; (4*Vitality)% chanceCure
5BADIDeathCombatFoeKill a monster; (10*HitDice)% chance to resistDamage
6LORTOBladesCombatFoe Group6d6 (6-36) physical damageDamage
6MADIRestoreAnytimeCharacterHeal all HP and remove minor conditionsHeal Cure
6MABADIMaimingCombatFoeReduce monster HP to 1d8 (1-8)Damage
6LOKTOFEITRecallCombatPartyMove party to castle without items; (2*Level)% chance
7MALIKTOWrathCombatAll Foes12d6 (12-72) physical damageDamage
7KADORTORebirthCampCharacterRemove "Ashes", -1 Vitality; (4*Vitality)% chanceCure


Table data provided by Where are We? application. Data collected, scrubbed, and presented with permission. Check out this superb tool, here.

How to obtain a copy of this game:

eBay linkUltimate Wizardry Archives PC CD-ROM version (1998), includes Wizardry 1-7
eBay link SNES cartridge version (translated)
GOG link – PC Reboot by Digital Eclipse