MM7 Permanent Boosts

MM7 Permanent Boosts increase the white number on the Stats screen and they come in a variety of forms. Wells typically grant +2 and Altars +10, each can be used once per party member. Barrels will have a random liquid color and grant +1 Stat for 1 character that you choose. Cauldrons operate like Barrels but grant +1 Resist instead.

Reveal Barrel/Cauldron types
This info is stored in your Auto Notes - Miscellaneous once you have interacted with each type

Red - MGT
Orange - INT
Blue - PER
Green - END
Yellow - ACY
Purple - SPD
White - LCK

Steaming - Fire Resistance
Frosty - Water Resistance
Shocking - Air Resistance
Dirty - Earth Resistance

The well on Emerald Island behaves differently than all the rest. The Emerald Island Well grants +2 LCK for any character with a LCK value < 15. The well can be used 8 times.

+2ENDWellAvlee672 day resetNE Spaward
+10MGT, ENDAltarBarrow Downs168 day resetSW Map Corner
+2RND, ResistanceCauldronBarrow Downs672 day resetPlataeu South of Stone City
+10Mind, Earth, Body, ResistanceAltarDeyja Moors672 day resetSE Map Corner, top of mountain
+2INTWellDeyja Moors672 day resetN of road E, near Snobbish Goblin
+5Fire, ResistanceWellDeyja Moors672 day resetSmall Villiage S of Moulder
+2LCKWellIF LCK<15 (8 times)Emerald IsleIF LCK<15 (8 times); 672 day resetUp hill W, across from Emerald Enchantments
+10LCKAltarErathia672 day resetE bank of River S
+2MGTWellErathia672 day resetSteadwick garden
+2Earth, ResistanceCauldronErathia672 day resetE of Road S
+10ACY, SPDAltarEvenmorn Islands168 day resetSW Island
+2ACYWellHarmondale672 day resetNear Magic Guilds
+10PER, INTAltarMount Nighon672 day resetSW Map Corner
+2PERWellMount Nighon672 day resetNear Fortune's Folly
+2Skill PointsWellMount Nighon672 day resetNear Offerings and Blessings
+2SPDWellTatalia672 day resetE of Dock, near Wine Cellar
+10Water, Fire, Air, ResistanceAltarTularean Forest672 day resetSW Map Corner


Information is available in game. Official manual is here.