MM7 Enchanting is accomplished with the Master Water spell Enchant Item. You can only enchant items that do not already have magical properties. If you fail or if the item is too low level it will become Broken. It is ideal to save your game before enchanting and then restore if you do not like the result. If you are only looking for Gold, you want the Antique property as it will elevate the Sell value by 10x.
Resource: Gear Database
Click or Tap on the Property Row to see what it may appear on. Use the May Appear on… filter to see which properties may appear on various item types.
Enchanting List
Name | Bonus Description | May Appear on... |
of Protection | Add +10 to all Elemental Resistances. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of The Gods | Add +10 to all Seven Statistics. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of Carnage | Add Fireball like radius with DMG based on Weapon | Missile |
of Cold | Add 3-4 points of Water DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Frost | Add 6-8 points of Water DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Ice | Add 9-12 points of Water DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Sparks | Add 2-5 points of Air DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Lightning | Add 4-10 points of Air DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Thunderbolts | Add 6-15 points of Air DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Fire | Add 1-6 points of Fire DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Flame | Add 2-12 points of Fire DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Infernos | Add 3-18 points of Fire DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Poison | Add 5 points of Body DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Venom | Add 8 points of Body DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Acid | Add 12 points of Body DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
Vampiric | Restore HP at 20% of DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Recovery | Increases rate of Recovery. | |
of Immunity | Wearer Immune to DISEASED. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of Sanity | Wearer Immune to INSANE. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of Freedom | Wearer Immune to PARALIZED. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of Antidotes | Wearer Immune to POISONED. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of Alarms | Wearer Immune to ASLEEP. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of The Medusa | Wearer Immune to STONED. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of Force | Increased Knockback. | |
of Power | Add +5 Level. | |
of Air Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Air spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Body Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Body spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Dark Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Dark spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Earth Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Earth spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Fire Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Fire spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Light Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Light spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Mind Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Mind spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Spirit Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Spirit spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Water Magic | 50% Increased Effect and Duration of Water spells (no stack). | Ring, Amulet |
of Thievery | 100% Increased Chance for Disarm Traps & Stealing. | |
of Shielding | 50% Decreased DMG from all missile attacks. | Armor, Shield, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of Regeneration | Regenerate 1HP every 5 minutes. | Armor, Belt, Cape, Ring, Amulet |
of Mana | Regenerate 1SP every 5 minutes. | Armor, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Ring, Amulet |
Demon Slaying | Double DMG vs Demons. | Weapon, Missile |
Dragon Slaying | Double DMG vs Dragons. | Weapon, Missile |
of Darkness | Increased Weapon speed; Restore HP at 20% of DMG. | Weapon, Missile |
of Doom | Add +1 to Seven Stats, HP, SP, Armor, Elemental Resistances. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of Earth | Add +10 to Endurance, Armor, HP | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of Life | Add +10 Max HP; Regenerate 1HP every 5 minutes. | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
Rogues' | Add +5 Speed and Accuracy. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Dragon | Add 10-20 points of Fire DMG and +25 MGT. | Weapon, Missile |
of The Eclipse | Add +10 Max SP; Regenerate 1SP every 5 minutes. | Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Golem | Add +15 END and +5 AC. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Moon | Add +10 INT and LCK. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Phoenix | Add +30 Fire Resistance; Regenerate 1HP every 5 minutes. | Armor, Shield, Helmet |
of The Sky | Add +10 Max SP, SPD, INT. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Stars | Add +10 END and ACY. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Sun | Add +10 MGT and PER. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Troll | Add +15 END; Regenerate 1HP every 5 minutes. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of The Unicorn | Add +15 LCK; Regenerate 1SP every 5 minutes. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
Warriors' | Add +5 MGT and END. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
Wizards' | Add +5 INT and PER. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
Antique | Increased Value by 10x. | Weapon, Missile, Armor, Shield, Helmet, Gauntlets, Ring, Amulet |
Swift | Increased Weapon speed. | Weapon, Missile |
Monks' | Add +3 Skill Level to Unarmed & Dodging. | Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
Thieves' | Add +3 Skill Level to Stealing & Disarm Traps. | Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of Identifying | Add +3 Skill Level to Identify Item & Identify Monster. | Belt, Cape, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
Elf Slaying | Double DMG vs. Elves. | Weapon, Missile |
Undead Slaying | Double DMG vs. Undead. | Weapon, Missile |
Of David | Double DMG vs. Titans. | Weapon, Missile |
of Plenty | Regenerate 1HP & 1SP every 5 minutes. | Armor, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Gauntlets, Ring, Amulet |
Assassins' | Add 5 points of Body DMG; +2 Skill Level to Disarm Traps. | Weapon, Missile |
Barbarians' | Add 6-8 points of Water DMG and +5 AC. | Weapon, Missile |
of the Storm | Add +20 Air Resistance; 50% Decreased DMG from all missile attacks. | Armor, Shield, Helmet |
of the Ocean | Add +10 Water Resistance; +2 Skill Level to Alchemy. | Armor, Shield, Helmet |
of Water Walking | Prevents DMG from drowning. (not whole party) | Armor, Shield, Helmet, Belt, Cape, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
of Feather Falling | Prevents DMG from falling. (not whole party) | Armor, Belt, Cape, Boots, Ring, Amulet |
MMArchive used to extract game data for analysis then flattened and formatted for web presentation. Google Sheets used for organization and to create formula for aggregation and analysis. Presented in NinjaTables.
How to obtain a copy of this game
eBay link – PC version (1999)
GOG link – Digital PC Version