MM7 Guide – For Blood and Honor

MM7 Guide For Blood and Honor strives to slow-reveal the info you need so you can explore and solve the game in conjunction with your own mapping process. We choose not to use comprehensive map spoilers.

Creating your Party

If you want guidance on creating a party, take a look at Party Planning.

Building Strength

If you want guidance on building your party strength, take a look at Building Strength.

Questing on Enroth

If you want to follow the story and complete quests as they come you will meet friends and foes along the way. You will become kings and you will be faced with a choice to follow the path of light or the path of dark. All paths are fraught with danger, you will need to continue to build your strength to prevail.

Path of Adventurers
Historical ContextQuest OriginKey PointQuestXPGoldFameOther RewardsClueSpoilerGPS
GeneralYesThe Great ContestEmerald IslandThomas the JudgeRetrieve a Red PotionYou can craft a basic Red Potion without Alchemy skillBuy one from an Alchemist or craft one with Widowsweep Berries and a Potion Bottle.
GeneralYesThe Great ContestEmerald IslandThomas the JudgeRetrieve a Wealthy HatA chest in Temple of the MoonFind one in drawers in the Temple of the Moon. Hat (-5982,6791)
GeneralYesThe Great ContestEmerald IslandThomas the JudgeRetrieve a LongbowOn the ground or on SharktoothLoot from Sal Sharktooth's corpse in Temple of the Moon OR find lying on the ground in Dragon's Cave. Bow (186,2556)
GeneralYesThe Great ContestEmerald IslandThomas the JudgeRetrieve a SeashellSally sells seashells by the seashoreBuy one for 100g from Sally by the seashore OR loot her corpse OR find one in a chest near the dragonflies. (15323,16208)
GeneralYesThe Great ContestEmerald IslandThomas the JudgeRetrieve a Musical InstrumentAilyssa the Bard sells a Lute near Two Palms TavernBuy one for 500g from a Bard roaming near the dock OR loot her corpse. the Bard (12097,4321)
GeneralYesThe Great ContestEmerald IslandThomas the JudgeRetrieve a Floor TileBeyond a secret door in Temple of the MoonFind one on the ground in the Temple of the Moon. Tile (-4022,6355)
GeneralNoThe Great ContestEmerald IslandEI MarkhamFind the missing ContestantsA Dragon's Lair is on Emerald IslandExplore the Dragon's Cave and find the Contestant's Shield on the ground just inside. Markham (16037,8382)
GeneralYesThe Great ContestEmerald IslandLord MarkhamWin the Contest4,00016Castle HarmondaleTurn the items in and leave the islandTurn in all items to Thomas the Judge and talk to Lord Markham until he tells you to leave. Markham (16151,8276)
GeneralNoAnytimeErathiaGina BarnesAcromage ChampionThirteen challengers awaitWin an Acromage game in all 13 taverns located across the lands. Barnes (-13781,11929)
GeneralNoAnytimeHarmondaleDavrik PeladiumRetrieve Davrik's Signet RingBandit Cave is in NE Erathia in Erathia
Enter the Bandit Cave
 in Bandit Cave
Signet Ring is in a chest in a circular room - it is a hard left after the first chest Peladium (-5182,13422) Cave (18061,6981) Ring (1059,183)
GeneralNoAnytimeHarmondaleDarren TemperFind Darren's BrotherWhite Cliff Cave is SE Harmondale in Harmondale
Enter White Cliff Caves
 in White Cliff Caves
You can hug the Left wall and go directly to a Journal and Acromage Deck. Temper (-7359,9109) Cliff Cave (9567,-18032)
GeneralNoAnytimeHarmondaleTarin WithernRetrieve the Lantern of LightBarrows IX,V,II in Barrow Downs
Enter Barrow IX
 in Barrow IX
Clear the barrow
Set the LEFT switch UP
Enter Barrow V
 in Barrow V
Clear the barrow
Set the LEFT switch UP
Enter Barrow II
 in Barrow II
Clear the barrow
Find a secret passage on the N wall
In water, find small room to E
Chest with the Lantern of Light Withern (-13066,11029) IX (16605,12787) of Light (4357,662)
GeneralNoAnytimeStone CitySpark BurnkindleDefeat the Troglodytes in Stone CityStone City elevators, going down. ding. in Barrow Downs
Enter Stone City
 in Stone City
N from the entrance and then W
Past the Temple is a lift down
and a second lift down
Explore and clear the area of all Troglodytes. You will also find a passage to Nighon Tunnels, you do not need to clear that for this quest Burnkindle (3895,-3364) City (-2384,3064)
GeneralNoAnytimeTularean ForestJohann KerridDeliver Sealed Letter to Faerie KingHall Under the Hill is in NW Avlee in Avlee
Enter Hall Under the Hill
 in Hall Under the Hill
You just have to walk around the mound 3 times clockwise and the Fairy King will appear. (if you have the quest) Kerrid (-14291,-7600) Under the Hill entrance (1564,20758)
GeneralNoAnytimeTularean ForestThom LumbraRetrieve and Place 3 statuettes2 on Evenmorn Island and 1 in Mount NighonOBTAIN THE STATUETTES
 in Evenmorn Islands
Enter Grand Temple of the Moon
Door to E and up the stairs then S
Find the secret door just off the stair
The Eagle Statuette is in a chest
Enter Grand Temple of the Sun
Passage W just from entrance
The Knight Statuette is in a chest
 in Mount Nighon
Enter The Maze  in The Maze
Door to W, follow to W
N as soon as you are able
E as soon as you are able
N and acrosss a bridge
Find Angel Statuette with the Hydras
Passage E leads to exit
Eagle to SW Tatalia (-12750,22194)
Knight to W Avlee (-16815,-4618)
Angel to NW Bracada Desert(-20543,21506)" Lumbra (-11088,-5781) Temple of the Moon (8342,-3522) Statuette (3823,1894) Temple of the Sun (-7139,10808) Statuette (-1085,-2054) Maze (-11795,21116) Statuette (3758,14850)
GeneralNoAnytimeErathiaNorber ThrushDeliver Letter return Parson's QuillLord Markham's Manor is in SE TataliaDeliver the letter and return to Norber with Parson's Quill. Thrush (-15429,8433) Markham's Estate (10972,-14752)
GeneralNoAnytimeTataliaFerdinan ViscontiObtain 3 paintingsCastle Gryphonheart is in Erathia, Haunted Mansion in Barrow DownsThings to Bring; Invisibility, unless you want to clear Castle Gryphonheart

 in Barrow Downs
Enter Haunted Mansion
 in Haunted Mansion
W path under the stairs, then N
W into a bedroom
Angel Painting is on the wall
 in Erathia
Cast Invisibility
Enter Castle Gryphonheart
 in Castle Gryphonheart
From entrance, Up stairs to the N
W to end. Archibald Painting on wall
From entrance, Up the stairs to the S
W path just beyond the guards
W through room then N, and W to the end
Roland Painting is on the wall Visconti (12359,-9217) Mansion (-19157,12175) Painting (-1549,873) Gryphonheart (-619,9938) Roland Painting (-10666,-1901) Painting (-8844,5788)
GeneralNoAnytimeMount NighonMazim DuskRetrieve Haldar's RemainsThe Maze is in N Mount Nighon in Mount Nighon
Enter The Maze  in The Maze
Door to W, follow to W
N as soon as you are able
E as soon as you are able
N and acrosss a bridge
E leads to chest with remains Dusk (-397,-13152) Maze (-11795,21116)'s Remains (12142,10171)
GeneralYesRecognitionHarmondaleButlerClear Harmondale Castle5,00020Castle Harmondale is in NW HarmondaleSkeletons and Rats, plenty of room for Bows. Harmondale (-18163,12585)
GeneralYesRecognitionHarmondaleButlerMeet the Dwarven KingStone City is in central Barrow Downs in Barrow Downs
Take the bridge to the West
Up the hill slope to S
Cross the bridge to Stone City
Speak with Hothfarr IX City (-2384,3064) IX (4392,347)
GeneralYesRecognitionStone CityHothfarr IXRescue the Dwarves12,5005,00050Castle UpgradeRed Dwarf Mines are in NE Bracada DesertThings to Bring: Protection from Magic, Stone to Flesh, Cure Paralysis, Fire Aura

 in NW Bracada Desert
21088,14663  Enter Red Dwarf Mines
 in Red Dwarf Mines
11 o'clock path to N
1st Dwarf in first room
2nd Dwarf midway in W passage
3rd Dwarf end of W passage
4th Dwarf end of NE passage
5th Dwarf end of NE passage
6th Dwarf N,W,N passage
7th Dwarf end of the NE branch Dwarf Mines entrance (20972,14686) 1 (1297,3265) 2 (4987,8691) 3 (10025,6104) 4 (-3607,4830) 5 (-3580,9795) 6 (8540,13243) 7 (795,11489)
GeneralYesWar!Castle HarmondaleThrone RoomVisit Castle Harmondale Throne RoomNew QuestsCheck in at the throne room to start the warThrone room in Castle Harmondale Harmondale (-18163,12585)
GeneralYesWar!Castle GryphonheartThrone RoomMeet the Human QueenNew QuestsVisit the Queen in ErathiaThrone room in Castle Gryphonheart Gryphonheart (-665,9996)
GeneralYesWar!Castle NavanThrone RoomMeet the Elven KingNew QuestsVisit the King in Tularean ForestThrone room in Castle Navan Navan (-18435,-10216)
GeneralNoWar!Tularean ForestElf KingSteal Riverstride Plans10,0005,00040Fort Riverstride is in ErathiaOnly During the War:

Quest to Steal the Plans
1. Steal plans for Elves
2. Tell Catherine about the the plot
3. Do nothing
Side with Humans and talk to Cathrine
Deliver Fake Plans to Elf King
Side with Elves, head to Erathia
Enter Fort Riverside
From entrance, sharp W
S and down the stairs
Enter the first door to S
Hidden door to W
Down more stairs, first S
Behind the portait, loot Plans Riverstride (11265,-2254) (-3797,-1145)
GeneralNoWar!ErathiaQueen CatherineRescue Loren Steele10,0005,00040Tularean Caves is in Tularean ForestOnly During the War:

Quest to Rescue Loren Steele
1. Side with the Elves
2. Rescue Loren Steel
3. Do nothing
Side with Elves and talk to Elf King
Deliver Fake Loren to Catherin
Side with the Humans
Enter Tularean Caves
From entrance, S up stairs
First passage to W
Drop to NW onto platform
W through open passage
N straight across invisible bridge
NW up stairs and then N to end
Flip the switch on the wall
backtrack down stairs then NE
Up steps into Right Mud Portal
Drop to bottom
Brick Door to E
Up the ramp
Behind the bars, Free Loren Steele Caves (-14573,19890) Steele (12064,1411)
GeneralNoWar!Tularean ForestMysterious MessengerRetrieve Gryphonheart's TrumpetChest in N Tularean Forest, during the war  Only after message alerting  in Tularean Forest Chest in the NW near the Tularean Caves entrance
Collect Gryphonheart's Trumpet
Deliver to Humans to help them
Deliver to Elves to help them
Deliver to the judge to side with justice's Trumpet (-14573,19890)
GeneralYesTruceCastle HarmondaleThrone RoomChoose Light or DarkNew QuestsThe War is 4 months and 1 day longCheck History book
4 months and 1 day after war starts
Throne room in Castle Harmondale
Judge Fairweather is the path of Light
Judge Sleen is the path of Dark Harmondale (-18163,12585)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestAvleeBrazierContest of [statistic]>=100Brazier is in SW AvleeIF STAT>100 THEN 7 Skill Points Brazier (-9830,-19152)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestBarrow DownsBrazierContest of [statistic]>=50Brazier is in E Barrow DownsIF STAT>50 THEN 5 Skill Points Brazier (12849,-6997)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestBracada DesertBrazierContest of [statistic]>=50Brazier is in NW Bracada DesertIF STAT>50 THEN 5 Skill Points Brazier (-17694,17414)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestDeyja MoorsBrazierContest of [statistic]>=50Brazier is in SW Deyja MoorsIF STAT>50 THEN 5 Skill Points Brazier (-12154,-13470)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestEmerald IslandBrazierContest of [statistic]>=25Brazier is in NE Emerald IslandIF STAT>35 THEN 3 Skill Points Brazier (17509,11219)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestErathiaBrazierContest of [statistic]>=50Brazier is in E ErathiaIF STAT>50 THEN 5 Skill Points Brazier (21714,-10868)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestEvenmorn IslandBrazierContest of [statistic]>=100Brazier is in the center of the largest Evenmorn IslandIF STAT>100 THEN 7 Skill Points Brazier (7863,-1979)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestHarmondaleBrazierContest of [statistic]>=50Brazier is just outside of town to SEIF STAT>50 THEN 5 Skill Points Brazier (-4186,7520)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestLand of the GiantsBrazierContest of [statistic]>=200Brazier is in N Land of the GiantsIF STAT>200 THEN 10 Skill Points Brazier (-2167,18052)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestMount NighonBrazierContest of [statistic]>=200Brazier is in SW Mount NighonIF STAT>200 THEN 10 Skill Points Brazier (-13996,-12821)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestTataliaBrazierContest of [statistic]>=50Brazier is in E TataliaIF STAT>50 THEN 5 Skill Points Brazier (21732,-3997)
GeneralNoStatistic ContestTularean ForestBrazierContest of [statistic]>=50Brazier is in E Tularean ForestIF STAT>50 THEN 5 Skill Points Brazier (11845,2327)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleAvleeObelisk #13Find the ObelisksObelisk is in W Avlee on an islandFind it at (-17974,7207) (-18698,7049)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleBarrow DownsObelisk #10Find the ObelisksObelisk is in central Barrow DownsFind it at (6088,-5702) (6617,-5648)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleBracada DesertObelisk #5Find the ObelisksObelisk is in central Bracada DesertFind it at (-2303,624) (-2718,876)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleCelesteObelisk #6Find the ObelisksObelisk is in E of CelesteFind it at (7066, 12045) (7188,12044)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleDeyja MoorsObelisk #4Find the ObelisksObelisk is in W Deyja MoorsFind it at (-17095,986) (-17197,842)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleErathiaObelisk #2Find the ObelisksObelisk is in SW ErathiaFind it at (-19487,-17645) (-19393,-17522)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleEvenmorn IslandObelisk #8Find the ObelisksObelisk is on SW chain of Evenmorn IslandsFind it at (-12629,-7763) (-12270,-7874)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleHarmondaleObelisk #1Find the ObelisksObelisk is in NE HarmondaleFind it at (20953,15164) (20743,15554)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleLand of the GiantsObelisk #11Find the ObelisksObelisk is S Land of the GiantsFind it at (1894,-15834) (1894,-15834)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleMount NighonObelisk #9Find the ObelisksObelisk is in NW Mount NighonFind it at (-19678,15800) (-19753,15828)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleStone CityObelisk #14Find the ObelisksObelisk is NW Stone City in tunnelsFind it at (-9150,5516) (-9457,5728)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleTataliaObelisk #12Find the ObelisksObelisk is in NW TataliaFind it at (-18771,18566) (-18958,18576)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleThe PitObelisk #7Find the ObelisksNear Temple of Dark in The PitFind it at (-15016, -3202) (-15037,-3094)
GeneralNoObelisk PuzzleTularean ForestObelisk #3Find the ObelisksObelisk is in center of Tularean ForestFind it at (-8752,1114) (-8395,1522)
Kings Path of Light
Historical ContextQuest OriginKey PointQuestXPGoldFameOther AwardClueSpoilerGPS
LightNoTruceBracada DesertGary ZimmRetrieve the Season's Stole18,5002,50030Hall of the Pit is in NE Deyja Moors in Deyja Moors
Enter Hall of the Pit
Head all the way N
E of the passage to The Pit is a Chest
Collect the Seasons Stole Zimm (-934,20056) of the Pit (18467,6125) Stole (1040,15389)
LightYesPeace Huamans WinCastle LambentGavin MagnusMeet Gaven MagnusNew Quests in Castle Lambent
All the way N
All the way W
All the way N Lambent (-1315,19546)Gavin Magnus ()
LightYesThe Proving GroundsCastle LambentGavin MagnusNavigate the Walls of Mist50,000200Membership Light Magic GuildThe Walls of Mist is found in Celeste in Celeste
Enter Walls of Mist
 in Walls of Mist
Tap the Central Arch
Get to bottom and ride up the elevator
Key is at the top
Back to main chamber
Tap the East Arch
In the center, step on the platform
Push button on the railing
Push a button on each basin to drain it
Down to find a chest and exit
Tap the West Arch
Down the stairs to E
Push the center button
Back to stairs and go E
Push the center button
Pull the lever
Check starting room
Grab the Lich Jars from the Chest Lambent (-1315,19546) of Mist (1476,3679)West Key ()Center Key ()East Key ()
LightYesTemple of DarknessCelesteResurectraRetrieve the altar pieces100,000200Temple of Dark is deep in The Pit in Celeste
Talk to Resurectra for the quest
Enter the Temple of Dark
 in Temple of Dark
Walk all the way N to Altar
Press the button on back side
Loot the Altar Piece
 in Celeste
Enter the Temple of Light
 in Temple of Light
Hidden door to NE
Drop down into large door to N
Drop down again, continue N
Stairs up to E or W then N
Find 3 button panels
On the W panel press Sun
On the N panel press Moon
On the E panel press Stars
Click the large Star in floor
Hidden passage N opens
Go there for Chest and Piece (5934,11560) of Light (-5767,14923) of Light Piece (-448,17541) of Dark (-16205,-4356) of Dark (-13,2554)
LightYesRaiding The PitCelesteSir CaneghemCase of Soul Jars from Castle Gloaming50,000200Castle Gloaming is deep in The Pit in The Pit
Enter Castle Gloaming
 in Castle Gloaming
Defeat the 2 foes right at the door
Exit and cast Invisibility
Back inside, cross the bridge
Sharp Left, and S into narrow hall
Jump in the boat, tap the rudder
Exit boat and up ramp
Up stairs to Chest Caneghem (6352,12541) Gloaming (-10952,-20274) 1 (-1518,757) of Soul Jars (-9140,6566)
LightYesVampiresCelesteCrag HackInvestigate the Wine Cellar50,00020,000200The Wine Cellar is in Tatalia in Tatalia
Enter the Wine Cellar
 in Wine Cellar
Clear it out!
Hidden Passage behind Wine Rack to W
Hidden Passage near large coffin to W Hack(6299,11542) Cellar (8248,-10620)
LightYesAssassinationCelesteRobert the WiseTake Control Cube from Tolberti250,0001,000Learn Blaster skill, 1x BlasterTolberti resides in The Pit in The Pit
Enter The Small House
Defeat Tolberti
 in Castle Lambent
Meet with Gavin Magnus the Wise (5836,12430) Small House (-10174,-18472) (-15390,410)
LightYesRoland's RescueCastle LambentRobert the WiseRescue Roland and Slay Xenofex500,0002,000Xenofex is in Land of the Giants" in The Land of the Giants
Enter The Hive  in The Hive W at the first chance
Continue to end
N at the end
Press the button to rise
Go W to the end then S
Roalnd is in the last room E
Small elevator to reach him
Saving Roland opens the way to Xenofex
Backtrack to the first hallway
Find a new passage N
Folowi to end, large room
Door to N and Up elevator
There are 2 controls you need to hit
Room to E has 1 contorl
Room to W has 1 control
Opens way to S to another elevator
Return to Kastore
outside the throne room are chests!
Be sure to get all 4 Wetsuits!" the Wise (5836,12430) Hive (-17976,-11958) (-10851,8747) (-1392,3172)
LightYesThe VisitorsCastle LambentRobert the WiseRetreive Oscillation of OverthrusterGame Solution - LightShoals is accessed from Avlee only with diving gear in Avlee
Don the Wetsuit with everyone
Bring your actual gear with you
Enter Shoals
 in Shoals
Head to the NW and find the Lincoln
Enter The Lincoln
 in The Lincoln
Put your gear back on!
Run into the Hallway to NE quickly
Defeat 1 enemy there
Up elevator end of E passage
Use the Console turn power On
Back Down Elevator quickly
Passage S to stairs
As you exit stairs, many foes
Stay below and fight from there
Using stairs as cover
Once room is clear come up
Door to S in SE of room, top level
Snag the Oscillator quickly
Peace sign, Town Portal the Wise (5836,12430) Entrance (-22428,18164) (-7024,5470) Down (4060,-1927) Console (4354,-1765) to Final Room (5897,-7876) of Overthruster (4395,-9127)
Kings Path of Dark
Historical ContextQuest OriginKey PointQuestXPGoldFameOther AwardClueSpoilerGPS
DarkNoTruceDeyja MoorsSeth DrakksonKill all Griffins in Erathia and Bracada DesertEvery last one of them.What to Bring: Fly, Wizard Eye

 in Erathia
Fly around and exterminate the griffins
 in Bracada Desert
Fly around and exterminate the griffins Drakkson (-19031,14486)
DarkYesPeace Humans WinCastle GloamingArchibaldMeet ArchibaldNew QuestsArchibald is in Castle Gloaming in The Pit
Connecting tunnel in SE of cavern
You will notice a stutter
turn around and backtrack
until stuffer again
turn around and backtrack
until stutter again
after 3rd stutter, continue forward
to Castle Gloaming  in Castle Gloaming cross the bridge to first room
sharp Left, into small hallway
get in the boat, tap the rudder arm
tap the rudder arm second time
exit the boat and find stairs down
enter Throne Room Gloaming (-10952,-20274) (-10174,-18472)
DarkYesThe Proving GroundsCastle GloamingArchibaldNavigate the Breeding Zone50,000200Learn Dark Magic skillThe Breeding Zone is found in The Pit in The Pit
Breeding Zone is in NW of cavern  in Breeding Zone drop down and dash into tunnel W
reach the pool
Hidden Door on W wall, then N,E,N
Press the buttons on the panel
Backtrack to central passage N
At the chasm, check W fountain
Cross the bridge that extends
Press the Button
Jump into chasm, head E
Through the door to N Gloaming (-10952,-20274) (-10174,-18472) Zone (-5338,311)
DarkYesTemple of LightThe PitKastoreRetrieve the altar pieces100,000200Temple of Light is in Celeste in the Pit
Talk to Kastore for the quest
Enter the Temple of Dark
 in Temple of Dark
Walk all the way N to Altar
Press the button on back side
Loot the Altar Piece
 in Celeste
Enter the Temple of Light
 in Temple of Light
Hidden door to NE
Drop down into large door to N
Drop down again, continue N
Stairs up to E or W then N
Find 3 button panels
On the W panel press Sun
On the N panel press Moon
On the E panel press Stars
This reveals the Altar, activate it
Hidden passage N opens
Go there for Chest and Piece (-6310,-6770) of Light (-5767,14923) of Light Piece (-448,17541) of Dark (-16205,-4356) of Dark (-13,2554)
DarkYesWarlocks and MinotaursThe PitMaximusCase of Soul Jars from Thunderfist Mountain50,000200Access Thunderfist Mountain from Mount Nighon in Mount Nighon
Enter Thunderfist Mountain W of Temple
 in Thunderfist Mountain S and then W down elevator/shaft
Continue S past the lava pool
In the Libarary find a chest (-6447,-7954) Mountain (-7656,-7761) of Soul Jars (247,-9420)
DarkYesClanker's LaboratoryThe PitDark ShadeInvestigate Clanker's Laboratory50,00020,000200Clankers Laboratory is in Tularean Forest in Tularean Forest
Enter Clanker's Laboratory
 in Clankers Laboratory
Go up the W Stairs
Go to W follow to hallway around
to the Library to E
Hidden door to S
You will need to around until you find the swtich, it a total pain even when you know what you are doing.

Down steps to S
E into the gated room
Tap the machine to turn it off Shade (-7459,-7946) Laboratory (14501,12861) Controls (2747,665)
DarkYesAssassinationThe PitTolbertiAssassinate Robert the Wise250,0001,000Learn Blaster skillRobert the Wise is in Celeste in Celeste
from the central fountain
Go E then N
Find Robert in the last house to W (-10174,-18472) the Wise (5895,12451)
DarkYesRoland's RescueCastle GloamingTolbertiRescue Roland and Slay Xenofex500,0002,000Xenofex is in Land of the Giants in The Land of the Giants
Enter The Hive  in The Hive W at the first chance
Continue to end
N at the end
Press the button to rise
Go W to the end then S
Roalnd is in the last room E
Small elevator to reach him
Saving Roland opens the way to Xenofex
Backtrack to the first hallway
Find a new passage N
Folowi to end, large room
Door to N and Up elevator
There are 2 controls you need to hit
Room to E has 1 contorl
Room to W has 1 control
Opens way to S to another elevator
Return to Kastore
outside the throne room are chests!
Be sure to get all 4 Wetsuits! (-6310,-6770) Hive (-17976,-11958) (-10851,8747) (-1392,3172)
DarkYesThe VisitorsCastle GloamingTolbertiRetreive Oscillation of OverthrusterGame Solution - DarkShoals is accessed from Avlee in Avlee
Don the Wetsuit with everyone
Bring your actual gear with you
Enter Shoals
 in Shoals
Head to the NW and find the Lincoln
Enter The Lincoln
 in The Lincoln
Put your gear back on!
Run into the Hallway to NE quickly
Defeat 1 enemy there
Up elevator end of E passage
Use the Console turn power On
Back Down Elevator quickly
Passage S to stairs
As you exit stairs, many foes
Stay below and fight from there
Using stairs as cover
Once room is clear come up
Door to S in SE of room, top level
Snag the Oscillator quickly
Peace sign, Town Portal (-10174,-18472) Entrance (-22428,18164) (-7024,5470) Down (4060,-1927) Console (4354,-1765) to Final Room (5897,-7876) of Overthruster (4395,-9127)

Exploring Enroth

If you prefer to just start exploring Enroth you can refer to Map Details, which can sort locations by various factors. This tool can help you find the right place to be given your current party strength.

Veteran Quick Start Guide

Or.. if you prefer to follow more specific direction and mirror our playthrough, use this Quick Start Guide to get a solid start on your playthrough. This quick start takes us directly to Water Mastery so we can get Town Portal as soon as possible. To use the minimum game-time possible you will need to work quickly to complete the tasks and make it to the Ship/Stables before 6pm! It is very possible to keep this schedule but you will need to know where you are going so have your notes handy from a previous playthrough or use our Teachers List and Permanent Boosts List to get some direction.

This is intended for returning players looking for an advantageous start — this is not intended for first time players. We utilize save-game restoration for a few steps like getting the spells you need in the magic vendors, getting the hirelings you need, and getting that golem piece from Avlee so early in the game.

Our Party
Almost any party makeup will work but keep in mind that the stat allocations are intentional because we will be marching right to each of the capped statistic wells.  LCK is specifically intentional to maximize the LCK and Gold wells on Emerald Island. We have someone, Sorcerer, that can cast Town Portal because that is our first goal.

MGT 20 20 20 5
INT 5 5 5 30
PER 5 5 5 9
END 12 12 12 12
ACY 14 14 14 14
SPD 20 20 20 16
LCK 10 10 10 12

CHAR1: KNIGHT [Bow/Armsmaster]
CHAR2: MONK [Body Building/Armsmaster]
CHAR3: RANGER [Bow/Disarm Trap]
CHAR4: SORCERER [Water Magic/Air Magic]
Our Barrel Boost Strategy
We do not collect ANY barrels until after we have collected the permanent boosts well for that statistic--this is because the permanent boost wells are capped. Fret not though, our plan is to collect all the permanent well boosts before this Quick start is done.

MGT spread 1,2,3
END spread 1,2,3,4 up to 25, then focus 1,2,3
SPD spread 1,2,3,4
ACY spread 1,2,3
INT 3 to 21, then spread 3,4
PER focus 3
LCK focus 4
Emerald Island
This is a rush to get it all done on the first day--the reason we need to complete it on the first day is meet the Stable schedule from Harmondale to Tularean Forest on day 2 and Tularean Forest to Avlee on day 3. It is not that difficult but you need to move quickly and know where you are going.. do not worry about clearing out Temple of the Moon, just grab the Tile and get out.

1. Tap the LCK Well x2 per character
2. Buy all 4 Memberships for 200g, you have 0g
3. Tap the Gold Well w/CHAR4, now you have 1000g
4. Hire: Locksmith/Factor
5. Pull all the Fireflies into town
6. Loot Instrument, Wand, Shell
7. Train: Merchant, Bows
8. Day of Gods pedestal, then Contest of Luck
9. Collect Contestant Shield from Dragon Cave
10. Collect Tile from Water Temple
11. Complete Quest: Missing Contestants
12. Complete Quest: The Contest
13. Leave island on day 1 (6165 gold)
1. Get 3x Horseshoes
2. Buy rest of Memberships
3. Get Quest: Clear Castle Harmondale
4. Get Quest: Find Darren's Brother
5. Get Quest: Retrieve Davrik's Signet Ring
6. Get Quest: Retrieve the Lantern of Light
7. Get Quest: Find Meditation Spot in Barrows
8. Clear Castle Harmondale
9. Complete Quest: Clear Castle Harmondale
10. Hire: Locksmith/Horseman
11. Ride to Tularean Forest on day 2
Tularean Forest
1. Buy: Water Walk, Jump spells
2. Tap Water/Fire/Air Resist Shrine per character
3. Get 3x Horseshoes
4. Get Quest: Speak with Fairy King
5. Get Quest: Deliver Sealed Letter to Fairy King
6. Get Quest: Visit 3 Stone Monoliths
7. Get Quest: Retrieve and place 3 Statuettes
8. Train: Expert Water Magic
9. Train: Expert Air Magic
10. Train: Expert Disarm Traps
11. Ride to Avlee on day 3

Very first thing to do when entering Tularean Forest for the first time is to check the Water Spell vendor. If they do not have Water Walk, reload to autosave and enter Tularean Forest again for the first time. Repeat until Water Walk is there -- you need it.
1. Get Quest: Sabotage the Lift
2. Tap the END well per character
3. Get 3x Horseshoes
4. Clear Hall Under the Hill
5. Complete Quest: Speak with Fairy King
6. Continue Quest: Collect Fairy Pipes
7. Collect Golem Part: Left Arm
8. Hire Pathfinder/Explorer
9. Walk to Tularean Forest

Note that #7 is not trivial at all. You will need to save and make a few attempts to get it done. Be sure to grab the Water Resistance temporary boost pedestal in town.. and you should be using Water Walk and you should have a Locksmith to help with opening the Golem chest with your Water Walker still alive so you can jet and get to the temple to heal up.
Tularean Forest (revisit)
1. Complete Quest: Return Fairy Pipes
2. Walk to Harmondale
Harmondale (revisit)
1. Hire Pathfinder/Locksmith
2. Clear Harmondale
3. Clear White Cliff Caves
4. Complete Find Darren's Brother
5. Hire Pathfinder/Explorer
6. Walk to Erathia
1. Hire: Pathfinder/Locksmith 
2. 3x Horseshoes
3. Tap the MGT Well per character
4. Tap LCK Shrine per character
5. Get Quest: Clear Undead out of Haunted Mansion
6. Get Quest: Defeat Wromthrax
7. Get Quest: Acromage Champion
8. Get Quest: Deliver note to Lord Markham
8. Clear Erathian Sewers
9. Clear Bandit Caves
10. Hire: Pathfinder/Explorer
Erathian Sewers
1. Get Quest: Steal a vase from Markham's Estate
Deyja Moors
1. Hire: Pathfinder/Locksmith
2. 3x Horseshoes
3. 3x Genie Lamps
3. Tap the Fire Resistance Well per character
4. Tap the INT Well per character
5. Tap the Mind/Earth/Body Resist Shrine per character
6. Get Quest: Retrieve Map of Evenmorn
8. Collect Golem Part: Right Leg
9. Collect Golem Part: Left Leg
Erathia (revisit)
just passing through
1. Tap the SPD Well per character
2. Collect Golem Part: Right Arm
3. Clear Tidewater Caverns
4. Get Quest: 3 Paintings
4. Continue Quest: Collect Map of Evenmorn
5. Continue Quest: Return Quill to Norbert
Erathia (revisit)
1. Complete Quest: Return Quill to Norbert
Harmondale (revisit)
1. Complete Quest: Davrik's Signet Ring
2. Train: Spirit Magic, Body Magic
3. Buy: Bless, Cure Weakness, Heal

You can certainly train more while here. Expert Unarmed, Dodging, Axe, Leather, Perception are all here but be careful to save enough Gold to buy Town Portal and Train Master Water Magic because those are a must. Once you have Town Portal you can easily get back to Harmondale to train as desired.
Barrow Downs (passthru)
Go directly to Stone City
Stone City
1. Complete Quest: Meet the Dwarves
2. Get Quest: Clear Troglodytes
3. Get Quest: Rescue Dwarves
4. Complete Quest: Clear Troglodytes
Barrow Downs
1. Tap the RND Resistance Caldron
2. Collect Golem Part: Chest
3. Tap the MGT/END Altar per character
4. Clear Haunted Mansion
5. Clear Barrows
6. Clear Zokaar's Tomb
7. Complete Quest: Find Meditation Spot
Bracada Desert
1. Buy Town Portal
2. 2x Genie Lamps
3. 3x Horseshoes
4. Get Quest: Build a Golem
5. Complete Quest: Build a Golem
6. Save the Dwarves then leave Red Dwarf Mines

Very first thing to do when entering Bracada Desert for the first time is to check the Water Spell vendor. If they do not have Town Portal, reload the autosave and enter Bracada Desert again for the first time. Repeat until Town Portal is there -- you need it.
Barrow Downs (revist)
1. Complete Quest: Rescue Dwarves
Stone City (passthru)
just passing through
Nihgon Tunnels
1. Grab Zokarr's Remains while here
2. Head to Thunderfist Mountain
Thunderfist Mountains (passthru)
This is a mad dash.. figure out your route first. It is a pretty short run.
Mount Nihgon
1. Water Magic Master
2. Learn Town Portal
3. Port to Castle Harmondale and meet the envoys to start the War.

End of Quick Start.

Now that you have Town Portal (TP) you are free to move about Enroth with less map travel. Keep in mind that Bracada Desert is accessible from Celeste TP, Deyja Moors is accessible from The Pit TP, and Barrow Downs, Stone City, Nighon Tunnels, and Thunderfist Mountains are all accessible from Mount Nighon TP. You can get to any of these places on the same day without using map travel once you get there and activate the town portal.


MMArchive used to extract game data for analysis then flattened and formatted for web presentation. Google Sheets used for organization and to create formula for aggregation and analysis. Presented in NinjaTables.

Official manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game

eBay link PC version (1999)
GOG link – Digital PC Version