MM7 Map Details – For Blood and Honor

MM7 Map Details is provided to assist you while you explore 74 maps including 12 towns of Humans, Elves and Dwarves. Explore Dungeons, Caves, and Castles stocked with a vast array of treasures, traps, and boosts protected by over 150 types of foes.

Map Details

MXL is Maximum Level of foes present
AVL is Average Level of foes present
MXH is Maximum Hit Points of foes present
AVH is Average Hit Points of foes present
D2R is Days to Reset of map
BKS is Bookcases present in map
ORE is Ore Nodes present in map
PBB is Permanent Boost Barrels in map
PBC is Permanent Boost Cauldrons in map
BOX is Chests, Wardrobes, Drawers, etc in map
LMP is Genie Lamps in map
CPX is Complexity, Skill Level required to Disarm traps
TRP is Trap Power, damage factor for triggered traps

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NameDescriptionClueConditions to prepare forMXLAVLMXHAVHD2RBKSOREPBBPBCBOXLMPCPXTRPFoe 1AFoe 2AFoe 3AFoe 1BFoe 2BFoe 3BFoe 1CFoe 2CFoe 3C
Barrow XThe entrance to this barrow is pleasiing to the eye, yet at the same time forbidding. The air is very quiet near the entrance.NW Barrow DownsDISEASED752516672000010531Gogling725none--none--Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Emerald IslandNo Backsies853016672000020010Dragonfly26Fire Dragonfly413Queen Dragonfly830none--none--none--none--none--none--
Bandit CavesFrom the looks of the trash and decying garbage on the ground outside, many generations of bandts have used this cave to hide from the law.NE ErathiaSTOLEN ITEM883030336000020631Thief830none--none--Robber830none--none--none--none--none--
Hall under the HillIt doesn't look like much, but getting in isn't easy. Care not to stray from the path.NW Avlee853016672000020631Dragonfly26Fire Dragonfly413Queen Dragonfly830none--none--none--none--none--none--
Barrow IXThe entrance to this barrow is pleasiing to the eye, yet at the same time forbidding. The air is very quiet near the entrance.NE Barrow DownsDISEASED963523672000010531Gogling725none--none--Giant Bat39none--Inferno Bat935none--none--none--
Barrow XIIIDISEASED973525672000010531Ghast935none--none--Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935none--none--none--
Barrow XVDISEASED953518672000000531Rotted Corpse935none--none--Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413none--none--none--none--
Temple of the MoonThe dripping of water and a strange, unidentifiable squeaking are the only noises that seem to come from the entrance to this cave.E Emerald IsleDISEASED, POISONED9535196721800070010Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621Giant Spider517Venemous Spider830none--
Castle HarmondaleThe front door to your new home stands before you.NW HarmondaleDISEASED1064020672140320110110Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621Goblin413Hobgoblin621Goblin Lord1040Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935
Harmondale1074025672000070210Goblin413Hobgoblin621Goblin Lord1040none--none--none--none--none--none--
Barrow VIIThe entrance to this barrow is pleasiing to the eye, yet at the same time forbidding. The air is very quiet near the entrance.SE Barrow DownsDISEASED1164522672000010531Gogling725Gog1145none--Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Erathian SewersFoul water pours from a large drain pipe coming from the Erathian Sewer. It is said the Thieves' Guild can be found in here.N ErathiaSTOLEN ITEM, DISEASED1265024672006040521Thief830Rogue1250none--Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Barrow IAFRAID, DISEASED1496135672000000531Wight1461none--none--Giant Bat39none--none--none--none--none--
Barrow IVAFRAID, CURSED, DISEASED1486131672000030531Skeleton621Skeleton Warrior1040Skeleton Lord1461Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935none--none--none--
Barrow VAFRAID, CURSED, DISEASED1476127672000000531Skeleton621Skeleton Warrior1040Skeleton Lord1461Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Barrow VIAFRAID, DISEASED1476127672000000531Wight1461none--none--Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413none--none--none--none--
Barrow VIIIA lot of gold hereAFRAID, DISEASED1476125672000000531Wight1461none--none--Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Barrow XIIAFRAID, CURSED, DISEASED1486131672000000531Skeleton621Skeleton Warrior1040Skeleton Lord1461Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935none--none--none--
White Cliff CaveThese caves are the traditional hideout of goblins and bandits. Whatever lives there now doesn't make the place smell too good...S HarmondaleBROKEN WEAPON14126149672036070210Troglodyte Drone935Troglodyte Soldier1461none--Emerald Ooze1250none--none--none--none--none--
Barrow IIDISEASED1797935672000030531Rotted Corpse935Walking Dead1355Zombie1779Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Barrow IIIDISEASED, PARALYZED1797935672000000531Ghast935Ghoul1355Revenant1779Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Barrow XIDISEASED17107939672000000531Rotted Corpse935Walking Dead1355Zombie1779Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935none--none--none--
Barrow XIVDISEASED, PARALYZED17107939672000000531Ghast935Ghoul1355Revenant1779Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935none--none--none--
Deyja MoorsDRUNK, CURSED, AGED, DISEASED19159367672000073632none--none--none--Harpy1461Harpy Hag1779Harpy Queen1993Rotted Corpse935Walking Dead1355Zombie1779
Stone CityStone City is one of the great basions of the Dwarven race in the world. The front gate looks very secure.Central Barrow DownsPOISONED1914936367212110150631none--none--none--Troglodyte Drone935Troglodyte Soldier1461Troglodyte Queen1993none--none--none--
Tidewater CavernsThese caverns have been the hideout of pirates and ne'er-do-wells for centuries.E TataliaSTOLEN ITEM, AGED, UNCONSCIOUS, AFRAID, CURSED19129352672025030942Thief830Rogue1250Master Thief1886Shade935Specter1355Ghost1993Skeleton621Skeleton Warrior1040Skeleton Lord1461
Zokarr's Tombfrom Barrow IV or VIAFRAID, DRAIN_SP, DISEASED, PARALYZED19149361672000000532Wight1461Wraith1993none--Ghast935Ghoul1355none--none--none--none--
Barrow DownsAFRAID, AGED, UNCONSCIOUS, WEAKNESS, PARALYZED221411466168000060532Gogling725Gog1145Magog1886Shade935Specter1355Ghost1993Stone Gargoyle1673Marble Gargoyle22114none--
Tularean ForestBROKEN ITEM251813791672000050421Small Treant1250Medium Treant1886Large Treant25137none--none--none--none--none--none--
Haunted MansionOnce a stately mansion, this old house has long been abandoned by the original owners. The current residents don't seem to keep the place up very well.NW Barrow DownsDISEASED, PARALYZED, DRAIN_SP, AGED, AFRAID, UNCONSCIOUS261514572336180001101262Ghast935Ghoul1355Revenant1779Wight1461Wraith1993Barrow Wight26145Shade935Specter1355Ghost1993
Fort RiverstrideThis mighty fort does a superb job guarding the East Bridge from invaders. It doesn't look like visitors are welcome inside the fort.E ErathiaBROKEN WEAPON29181719233600100180431Swordsman1040Guard1779Adventurer24129Conscript1461Soldier24129none--Archer935Bowman1993Elite Archer29171
Erathia301918096672000190421Robber830Raider1461Bandit22114Griffin1567Hunting Griffin23121Royal Griffin30180none--none--none--
Grand Temple of the MoonThe sound of unholy chanting and the screams and moans of the undead can be heard quite clearly from the entrance.Central Evenmorn IslandAFRAID, DRAIN_SP, AGED30201801036722000050943Acolyte of the Moon1040Cleric of the Moon20100Priest of the Moon30180Wight1461Wraith1993Barrow Wight26145none--none--none--
Grand Temple of the SunOvergrown and weather beaten, the Grand Temple of the Sun has seen better days. It appears someone is still taking care of the place.NW Evenmorn Island3019180966720018040943Acolyte of the Sun1040Cleric of the Sun20100Priest of the Sun30180Monk830Initiate1673Master27153none--none--none--
Evenmorn IslandAFRAID, CURSED, AGED, UNCONSCIOUS, WEAKNESS, PARALYZED331620778168000031842Skeleton621Skeleton Warrior1040Skeleton Lord1461Shade935Specter1355Ghost1993Stone Gargoyle1673Marble Gargoyle22114Obsidian Gargoyle33207
Hall of the PitA frightening spectacle of shadowry claws and twisted demonic figures beckons you inside. You can hear a woman singing in the distance, but can't quite make out the words.NE Deyja MoorsDRUNK, CURSED, AGED, WEAKNESS, PARALYZED, DISEASED331820788672000020942Harpy1461Harpy Hag1779Harpy Queen1993Stone Gargoyle1673Marble Gargoyle22114Obsidian Gargoyle33207Rotted Corpse935Walking Dead1355Zombie1779
Castle NavanCastle Navan is the traditional seat of Elvish power. Centuries of plant growth around the castle contribute to its sylvan character.W Tularean Forest351722789336500100110632Elven Warrior1461Elven Defender22114Elven Lancer30180Elven Archer1145Elven Scout23121Elven Ranger35227Dragonfly26Fire Dragonfly413Queen Dragonfly830
AvleePOISONED, DEAD3725247143672000040842Elven Warrior1461Elven Defender22114Elven Lancer30180Wyvern1993Horned Wyvern28162Ancient Wyvern37247Sprite1461Sylph24129Water Elemental36237
Tularean CavesFresh human or elvish footprints lead into this cave, and weeds and brush have been cleared from the entrance recently.NW Tularean ForestPOISONED, DEAD3721247116672010050431Troglodyte Drone935Troglodyte Soldier1461Troglodyte Queen1993Elven Warrior1461Elven Defender22114Elven Lancer30180Wyvern1993Horned Wyvern28162Ancient Wyvern37247
Tatalia3828258169672000010842none--none--none--none--none--none--Swamp Troll1886River Troll28162Mountain Troll38258
Red Dwarf MinesThough recently abandoned by the Dwarves, you can still easily see the craft and care they put into this mine.NE Bracada DesertPARALYZED, STONED, BROKEN WEAPON, BROKEN ARMOR, BROKEN ITEM4529337186672220521Medusa35227Queen Medusa40280Empress Medusa45337Emerald Ooze1250Sapphire Ooze1886Bloodstone Ooze25137none--none--none--
ShoalsAFRAID4837374258168000010111Giant Shark28162Piranha Shark36237Dragon Shark48374none--none--none--none--none--none--
Temple of the DarkNE Pit, 3nd LevelDRAIN_SP, DISEASED, PARALYZED48223741306725001401301585Acolyte of the Moon1040Cleric of the Moon20100Priest of the Moon30180Minion Vampire20100Vampire33207Elder Vampire48374Ghast935Ghoul1355Revenant1779
Hidden TombThis tomb must be the resting place of an eccentric recluse. The tomb doesn't appear to have been disturbed in quite some time.SE ErathiaINSANE, DISEASED, DRAIN_SP48323742076720000601264Lich20100Power Lich30180Lich King40280Minion Vampire20100Vampire33207Elder Vampire48374none--none--none--
Castle GloamingWho knows why the Necromancers felt the need to build a castle deep within the bowels of the earth? Castle Gloaming is ugly, sinister, and very, very secure.Pit, 4th LevelINSANE, DISEASED, DRAIN_SP503340022333601264Lich20100Power Lich30180Lich King40280Minion Vampire20100Vampire33207Elder Vampire48374Necromancer25137Speaker for the Dead35227Queen of the Dead50400
Clanker's LaboratoryFaint sounds of distant explosions and mad laughter can be heard from beyond the door. There is a sharp acidic smell in the air.NE Tularean ForestASLEEP, AFRAID, INSANE, BROKEN ARMOR, BROKEN WEAPON, BROKEN ITEM5029400195672150201401474Floating Eye30180Gazer40280Evil Eye50400Gogling725Gog1145Magog1886Bronze Golem22114Brass Golem35227Gold Golem50400
Nighon TunnelsThis tunnel leads to Stone CityBelow Stone CityBROKEN ARMOR5023400138672010000842Dwarven Soldier1040Dwarven Lieutenant20100Dwarven Commander30180Gogling725Gog1145Magog1886Fire Warlock25137Water Warlock35227Air Warlock50400
Bracada DesertBROKEN ARMOR, BROKEN WEAPON, BROKEN ITEM5029400185672000063632Bronze Golem22114Brass Golem35227Gold Golem50400Griffin1567Hunting Griffin23121Royal Griffin30180none--none--none--
The PitBelow Hall of the PitINSANE, DISEASED, DRAIN_SP50334002236720000002073Lich20100Power Lich30180Lich King40280Necromancer25137Speaker for the Dead35227Queen of the Dead50400Minion Vampire20100Vampire33207Elder Vampire48374
School of SorceryThe sharp, electric smell of magic fills the air outside the School -- the result of hundreds of years of magical experiments and juvenile pranks happening in the same building.S Bracada DesertBROKEN ARMOR, BROKEN WEAPON, BROKEN ITEM50364002516721000001052Sorcerer25137Wizard35227Archmage50400Bronze Golem22114Brass Golem35227Gold Golem50400none--none--none--
Wine CellarA trail of ominous brown stains leads downstairs and into darkness...Central TataliaDISEASED, DRAIN_SP50254001686720000401373Minion Vampire20100Vampire33207Elder Vampire48374Giant Bat39Vampire Bat621Inferno Bat935Necromancer25137Speaker for the Dead35227Queen of the Dead50400
Watchtower 6The last of a series of watchtowers that once guarded the border of Deyja Moors, Watchtower 6 is battle scarred, but still standing tall.SW Deyja MoorsINSANE, BROKEN ARMOR, UNCONSCIOUS50334002136720000401163Necromancer25137Speaker for the Dead35227Queen of the Dead50400Lich20100Power Lich30180Lich King40280Clay Elemental25137Stone Elemental30180Earth Elemental40280
Walls of MistThe proving grounds of the Wizards, the Walls of Mist floats on clouds like a mirage of the sky. It is an entirely magical construct.S CelesteASLEEP, AFRAID5535467240001051Sorcerer25137Wizard35227Archmage50400Tempest1673Cyclone22114Air Elemental33207Djinni33207Genie44325Efreet55467
Mount Nighonfrom Thunderfist MountainBROKEN ARMOR654461733667200007?1053Fire Warlock25137Water Warlock35227Air Warlock50400Roc27153Greater Roc39269Thunderbird51413Fire Hydra45337Air Hydra55467Chaos Hydra65617
Castle LambentN CelesteBROKEN ARMOR, BROKEN WEAPON, BROKEN ITEM704170030933601264Sorcerer25137Wizard35227Archmage50400Angel30180Angel Lord50400Archangel70700Bronze Golem22114Brass Golem35227Gold Golem50400
Celestefrom Bracada DesertBROKEN ARMOR70427003206720000002073Angel30180Angel Lord50400Archangel70700Roc27153Greater Roc39269Thunderbird51413Sorcerer25137Wizard35227Archmage50400
Colony ZodWords cannot convey the horror. One of the pipes must be an entrance...SW Land of the GiantsDISEASED, DRAIN_SP705070042767200005020105Devil Worker30180Devil Warrior50400Devil Captain70700none--none--none--none--none--none--
Temple of the LightNW Celeste702970020667200140301585Acolyte of the Sun1040Cleric of the Sun20100Priest of the Sun30180Angel30180Angel Lord50400Archangel70700Monk830Initiate1673Master27153
Temple of BaaOnce the proud center of a false religion, the Temple has fallen into disrepair.SW AvleeDISEASED, DRAIN_SP, POISONED70267001896720090501153Acolyte of the Moon1040Cleric of the Moon20100Priest of the Moon30180Devil Worker30180Devil Warrior50400Devil Captain70700Giant Spider517Venemous Spider830Widowmaker1250
The MazeA huge, magical maze stretches before you as far as the eye can see. Looking at it for long dazzles the eyes and confuses the mind.NW Mount NighonINSANE, DEAD, BROKEN ARMOR79508614276720000401265Minotaur39269Minotaur Headsman59525Minotaur Lord79861Fire Hydra45337Air Hydra55467Chaos Hydra65617Fire Warlock25137Water Warlock35227Air Warlock50400
Thunderfist MountainAs you go deeper into this vast network of tunnels, your instinct tells you that many dangerous creatures dwell within. You vow to remain vigilant.SE Nighon TunnelsINSANE, DEAD, ASLEEP, AFRAID, INSANE794586136467250000601054Fire Warlock25137Water Warlock35227Air Warlock50400Minotaur39269Minotaur Headsman59525Minotaur Lord79861Floating Eye30180Gazer40280Evil Eye50400
Castle GryphonheartThe grand entrance to Castle Gryphonheart stands before you. A pair of tame griffins can frequenty be seen circling above the castle.N ErathiaBROKEN WEAPON80348802683367018070632Archer935Bowman1993Elite Archer29171Conscript1461Soldier24129Fighter35227Initiate of the Sword40280Champion of the Sword60540Master of the Sword80880
Lord Markham's ManorThe enourmous size and lavish decoration of Lord Markham's Manor provide a striking contrast to the humble peasant homes and huts nearby.S TataliaBROKEN WEAPON80398803256720000501052Initiate of the Sword40280Champion of the Sword60540Master of the Sword80880Swordsman1040Guard1779Adventurer24129none--none--none--
Mercenary GuildThe Mercenary Gulid is home to every swrodsman who fails at banditry. Visitors are unwelcome.NE Tatalia80318802456725080201154Archer935Bowman1993Elite Archer29171Robber830Raider1461Bandit22114Initiate of the Sword40280Champion of the Sword60540Master of the Sword80880
William Setag's TowerSW Deyja MoorsDISEASED80328802906720842Initiate of the Sword40280Champion of the Sword60540Master of the Sword80880Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Breeding ZoneTraitors and prisoners of war are freequently thrown in this horrible pit as object lessons in cruelty. All Necromancers must also enter the pit and escape before they can complete their apprenticeships.NW Pit, 1st LevelBROKEN ARMOR853497727500000101051Young Behemoth45337Behemoth60540Ancient Behemoth85977Warden of Fire1355Guardian of Flame26145Fire Elemental39269Gogling725Gog1145Magog1886
Tunnels to EeofolA thunderous howl pierces your ears, provoking a feeling of dread. Whatever produced that sound is drawing near, with each step rocking the earth beneath your feet.N Thunderfist MountainBROKEN ARMOR, PARALYZED, STONED85529774506720100001055Young Behemoth45337Behemoth60540Ancient Behemoth85977Medusa35227Queen Medusa40280Empress Medusa45337none--none--none--
The LincolnThis incredible starship is but a small sample of the wonders of the AncientsNW Shoals90701080727672020106Seeker Droid50400Sentinel Droid70700Assassin Droid901080none--none--none--none--none--none--
Wromthrax's CaveA nasty odor wafts from the entrance of this cave, propelled by an unseen subterranean breeze. It smells like decaying meat mixed with brimstone and.. peppermint? Whatever. Looks dangerous.N Tatalia9090108010806720000001053none--Blue Dragon901080none--none--none--none--none--none--none--
Dragon CavesA large dragon obviously makes his residence in these caves. The dead bodies near his home might have been adventurers seeking the dragon's treasure.NW Land of the GiantsBROKEN ARMOR, ERADICATED100931300114067200002020106Green Dragon80880Blue Dragon901080Red Dragon1001300Mega-Dragon1001300none--none--none--none--none--
Dragon's LairA large dragon obviously makes his residence in these caves. Perhaps this is where those missing adventurers are...NE Emerald IsleBROKEN ARMOR, DISEASED100281300335672000000531none--none--Red Dragon1001300Giant Rat26Lightning Rat413Fire Rat621none--none--none--
Land of the GiantsNE Tunnels of EeofolBROKEN ARMOR, BROKEN WEAPON, DEAD, DISEASED, DRAIN_SP1007313007921680000022096Green Dragon80880Blue Dragon901080Red Dragon1001300Titan65617Storm Titan75787Blood Titan951187Devil Worker30180Devil Warrior50400Devil Captain70700
Titans' StrongholdA mighty fortress housing the fantastic and murderous Titans. No on ehas ever entered and return to tell the tale.SE AvleeBROKEN ARMOR, BROKEN WEAPON, DEAD10084130097567200001001685Titan65617Storm Titan75787Blood Titan951187Green Dragon80880Blue Dragon901080Red Dragon1001300none--none--none--


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