MM7 Party Planning and Creation

MM7 Party Planning and Development

MM7 Party Planning and Development is essential to complete your quest and save Enroth whether it is your first time or the final time. The final score is based on accomplishment vs time spent.

What is new?

There are 3 promotions for each Class, however, only 2 of them will be achieved in a given playthrough–midway, players must choose a Light or Dark path for the whole party and this choice will define which tier 2 promotions are available. The path chosen also determines access to Light Magic vs Dark Magic spells.

There are new restrictions for Skill Expertise progression per Class Rank and there is now a Grandmaster Expertise for each Skill. Selecting Classes that can achieve high expertise in the Skills you want is ideal. For example, if you want to craft the best Potions in the game then you need a Druid because they are the only Class that can progress to Grandmaster Alchemy.

Learn More: MM7 Skills by Class

Spellbooks and spell learning is restricted by Spell Skill Expertise. As an example, Archers and Druids can never achieve Grandmaster Expertise in Water Magic, thus they can never learn the Lloyd’s Beacon spell. Grandmaster Spells are only available to Rank 2 Priest and Sorcerers.

List of Spells exclusive to Rank 2 Clerics and Sorcerers.
Spell SkillSpellExpertiseSPBase Description
1Fire MagicTorch LightNovice1Increase radius of light surrounding Party for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Increased light radius.Increased light radius.Faster Recovery.
2Fire MagicFire BoltNovice2Deal (1-3/Skill Level) Fire Damage to Single Target with Slow Recovery.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
3Fire MagicFire ResistanceNovice3Add (1/Skill Level) Fire Resistance to Party for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Add (2/Skill Level) resistance.Add (3/Skill Level) resistance.Add (4/Skill Level) resistance.
4Fire MagicFire AuraNovice4Add "of Fire" to a non-magical weapon for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above."of Flame"."of Infernoes"Effect becomes Permanent.
5Fire MagicHasteExpert5Faster Recovery after a Cast or Attack for 1h+(1m/Spell Level). Grants WEAKNESS after-effect.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for 1h+(3m/Spell Level)for 1h+(4m/Spell Level)
6Fire MagicFireballExpert8Deal (1-6/Skill Level) Fire Damage to a Target and everyone nearby with Moderate Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
7Fire MagicFire SpikeExpert10Drop Fire Spikes on the ground, the spikes detonate dealing (1-6/Skill Level) Fire Damage to anyone approaching. 6 spikes. Forward delpoy. Party safe.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.(1-8/Skill Level) Fire Damage. 7 spikes.(1-10/Skill Level) Fire Damage. 9 spikes.
8Fire MagicImmolationMaster15Deal persistent (1-6/Skill Level) Fire Damage to all nearby monsters for (1m/Spell Level). Party safe.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for (10m/Spell Level).
9Fire MagicMeteor ShowerMaster20Deal 8+(1/Skill Level) Fire Damage to a Target and everyone nearby, 16 meteors. Forward outdoor deploy.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery. 20 meteors.
10Fire MagicInfernoMaster25Deal 12+(1/Skill Levle) Fire Damage to all Foes in Sight. Party safe.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
11Fire MagicIncinerateGrandmaster30Deal 15+(1-15/Spell Level) Fire Damage to Single Target.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Air MagicWizard EyeNovice1Terrain and Monsters are revealed on the Minimap for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Also shows Treasure.Also shows "Points of Interest".Free to Cast.
2Air MagicFeather FallNovice2Prevents falling damage for (5m/Skill Level).Base description as above.for (10m/Skill Level).for (1h/Skill Level).Faster Recovery.
3Air MagicAir ResistanceNovice3Add (1/Skill Level) Air Resistance to Party for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Add (2/Skill Level) resistance.Add (3/Skill Level) resistance.Add (4/Skill Level) resistance.
4Air MagicSparksNovice4Deal 2+(1/Skill Level) Air Damage in spread volley, 3 bouncing sparks with Moderate Recovery.Base description as above.Faster Recovery. 5 sparks.Faster Recovery. 7 sparks.Faster Recovery. 9 sparks.
5Air MagicJumpExpert5Jump forward 60 feet taking no falling damage and with Moderate Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
6Air MagicShieldExpert8Halves damage to Party from Ranged Attacks such as rocks and arrows for 1h+(5m/Spell Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for 1h+(15m/Spell Level).for 1h+(1h/Spell Level).
7Air MagicLightning BoltExpert10Deal (1-8/Skill Level) Air Damage to Single Target.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
8Air MagicInvisibilityMaster15Cast only in Safety and Party becomes undetectable for (10m/Skill Level). Any sort of attempted Attack or Contact will reveal yourself.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for (1h/Spell Level).
9Air MagicImplosionMaster20Deal 10+(1-10/Spell Level) Air damage to Single Target with Moderate Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
10Air MagicFlyMaster25Allows Flight with pgup/insert for (5m/Skill Level). Continuous in-air cost of 1SP per 5m.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.No Spell Point drain.
11Air MagicStarburstGrandmaster30Deal 20+(1/Skill Level) Air Damage, 8 stars. Area surrounds Outdoor Target.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Water MagicAwakenNovice1Removes ASLEEP condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).Base description as above.If (Time<1h/Skill Level).If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Faster Recovery.
2Water MagicPoison SprayNovice2Deal 2+(1-2/Skill Level) Water Damage in spread volley, 1 shot.Base description as above.Faster Recovery. 3 shots.Faster Recovery. 5 shots.Faster Recovery. 7 shots.
3Water MagicWater ResistanceNovice3Add (1/Skill Level) Water Resistance to Party for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Add (2/Skill Level) resistance.Add (3/Skill Level) resistance.Add (4/Skill Level) resistance.
4Water MagicIce BoltNovice4Deal (1-4/Skill Level) Water Damage to Single Target.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
5Water MagicWater WalkExpert5Allows water movement for (5m/Skill Level). Continuous cost of 1SP per 20m. Outdoor only.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for (1h/Skill Level).No Spell Point drain.
6Water MagicRecharge ItemExpert8Recharges any magic item that uses charges. Item permanently loses 50-(1/Skill Point)% of its charges each cast.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Loss of 30-(1/Skill Level)% of charges.Loss of 20-(1/Skill Level)% of charges.
7Water MagicAcid BurstExpert10Deal 9+(1-9/Skill Level) Water Damage to Single Target.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
8Water MagicEnchant ItemMaster15Attempt weak enchantment on non-magical non-weapon. Succeed (10%/Skill Level)Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Stronger Enchantments.
9Water MagicTown PortalMaster20Teleport Party from Safety to a town fountain. Succeed (10%/Skill Level)Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Able to teleport from Hostile environment.
10Water MagicIce BlastMaster25Erupt 7 shards from above a Target that deal 12+(1d2/Skill Level) Water Damage, if they hit someone. Moderate Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery. 9 shards.
11Water MagicLloyd's BeaconGrandmaster30Place a beacon at a location you want to teleport back to in the future. Beacons will decay after (1w/Skill Point).Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Earth MagicStunNovice1Knock a foe back a little and stun them for a time before they can act.Base description as above.Stronger Effect.Stronger Effect.Stronger Effect.
2Earth MagicSlowNovice2Attack and Walk speed reduced to 50% for a single monster for (1m/Skill Level).Base description as above.for (5m/Skill Level).reduced to 25%.reduced to 13%.
3Earth MagicEarth ResistanceNovice3Add (1/Skill Level) Earth Resistance to Party for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Add (2/Skill Level) resistance.Add (3/Skill Level) resistance.Add (4/Skill Level) resistance.
4Earth MagicDeadly SwarmNovice4Deal 5+(1-3/Skill Level) Earth Damage to Single Target.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
5Earth MagicStone SkinExpert5Increases the AC of Party by 5+(1/Skill Level) for 1h+(5m/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for 1h+(15m/Skill Level).for 1h+(1h/Spell Level).
6Earth MagicBladesExpert8Deal (1-9/Skill Level) Earth Damage to Single Target.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
7Earth MagicStone to FleshExpert10Removes STONED condition If (Time<1h/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Always works.
8Earth MagicRock BlastMaster15Deal (1-8/Skill Level) Earth Damage to a Target and others nearby.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
9Earth MagicTelekinesisMaster20Manipulate an object at a distance safe from Traps. Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
10Earth MagicDeath BlossomMaster25Deal 20+(1/Skill Level) Earth Damage to Outdoor Target and everyone nearby with Moderate Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Deal 20+(2/Skill Level). Faster Recovery.
11Earth MagicMass DistortionGrandmaster30Deal 25+(2/Spell Level)% of Target's Max HP as Earth Damage.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Spirit MagicDetect LifeNovice1Party can see Target Current HP for (10m/Skill Level)Base description as above.for (30m/Skill Level).for (1h/Skill Level).Shows active spells.
2Spirit MagicBlessNovice2Target has Increased Hit Rate 5+(1/Skill Level) for 60m+(5m/Skill Level).Base description as above.Effects entire Party.for 60m+(15m/Skill Level).for 60m+(1h/Skill Level).
3Spirit MagicFateNovice3Increased or Decreased Hit Chance by 20+(1/Skill Level) until triggered once or 5 minutes expire.Base description as above.Effect 20+(2/Skill Level).Effect 20+(4/Skill Level).Effect 20+(6/Skill Level).
4Spirit MagicTurn UndeadNovice4Forces visible undead to flee for 3m+(1m/Skill Level).Base description as above.for 3m+(3m/Skill Level).for 3m+(5m/Skill Level).Faster Recovery.
5Spirit MagicRemove CurseExpert5Removes CURSED condition If (Time<1h/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Always works.
6Spirit MagicPreservationExpert8Target has increased resistance to DEAD when HP are below 0. Heal up before the spell wears off.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Effects entire Party.for 1h+(15m/Skill Level).
7Spirit MagicHeroismExpert10Increase Damage 5+(1/Skill Level) for 1h+(5m/Skill Level)Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for 1h+(15m/Skill Level)for 1h+(1h/Skill Level)
8Spirit MagicSpirit LashMaster15Deal 10+(2-8/Skill Level) Spirit Damage to a vary near Target with Moderate Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
9Spirit MagicRaise DeadMaster20Removes DEAD condition if Time<1d/Skill Level. Grants WEAKNESS.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Always works.
10Spirit MagicShared LifeMaster25Total Party HP (+3/Skill Level), divide HP amongst party members evenly.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.(+4/Skill Level),
11Spirit MagicResurrectionGrandmaster30Removes ERADICATED condition with Very Slow Recovery. Grants WEAKNESS.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Mind MagicRemove FearNovice1Removes AFRAID condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).Base description as above.If (Time<1h/Skill Level).If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Always works.
2Mind MagicMind BlastNovice2Deal 3+(1-3/Skill Level) Mind Damage to Single Target.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
3Mind MagicMind ResistanceNovice3Add (1/Skill Level) Mind Resistance to Party for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Add (2/Skill Level) resistance.Add (3/Skill Level) resistance.Add (4/Skill Level) resistance.
4Mind MagicTelepathyNovice4Party can see Target Current Gold and Inventory with Slow Recovery.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
5Mind MagicCharmExpert5Prevents attack, Single Target for (5m/Skill Level). Damage breaks.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for (10m/Skill Level).Lasts until leave Map.
6Mind MagicCure ParalysisExpert8Removes PARALYSIS condition If (Time<1h/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Always works.
7Mind MagicBerserkExpert10Compells a Single Target to attack anyone nearby for (5m/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for (10m/Skill Level).for (1h/Skill Level).
8Mind MagicMass FearMaster15Seen Non-Undead will Flee for (3m/Skill Level). Damage breaks.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for (5m/Skill Level).
9Mind MagicCure InsanityMaster20Removes INSANE condition If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Always works.
10Mind MagicPsychic ShockMaster25Deal 12+(1-12/Skill Level) Mind Damage.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
11Mind MagicEnslaveGrandmaster30Compells a Single Target to attack creasures nearby for (10m/Skill Level). Party safe.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Body MagicCure WeaknessNovice1Removes WEAKNESS condition If (Time<3m/Skill Level).Base description as above.If (Time<1h/Skill Level).If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Always works.
2Body MagicHealNovice2Heal Single Target 5+(2/Skill Level) Hit Points.Base description as above.5+(3/Skill Level) Hit Points.5+(4/Skill Level) Hit Points.5+(5/Skill Level) Hit Points.
3Body MagicBody ResistanceNovice3Add (1/Skill Level) Body Resistance to Party for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Add (2/Skill Level) resistance.Add (3/Skill Level) resistance.Add (4/Skill Level) resistance.
4Body MagicHarmNovice4Deal 8+(1-2/Skill Level) Body Damage with Moderate Recovery.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
5Body MagicRegenerationExpert5Heals Single Target 5 Hit Points every 5m for (1h/Skill Point).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.15 Hit Points every 5 minutes. Faster Recovery.25 Hit Points every 5 minutes. Faster Recovery.
6Body MagicCure PoisonExpert8Removes POISONED condition If (Time<1h/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.If (Time<1d/Skill Level).Always works.
7Body MagicHammerhandsExpert10Increase Unarmed damage with Body Damage equal to the physical damage with Fast Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Effects entire Party.
8Body MagicCure DiseaseMaster15Removes DISEASED condition If (Time<1d/Skill Level)Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Always works.
9Body MagicProtection from MagicMaster20Cancels (1/Skill Level) actions that would grant POISONED, DISEASED, STONED, PARALYZED, or WEAKNESS and then dissaptes. Protected for (1h/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Also protects from DEAD and ERADICATION effects.
10Body MagicFlying FistMaster25Deal 30+(1d5/Skill Level) Body Damage to Single Target.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
11Body MagicPower CureGrandmaster30Heal Party 10+(5/Skill Level) Hit Points.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Light MagicLight BoltNovice5Deal (1-4/Skill Level) Light Damage with Moderate Recovery. Double damage vs Undead.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
2Light MagicDestroy UndeadNovice10Deal 16+(1-16/Spell Level) to Single Undead Target with Moderate Recovery.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
3Light MagicDispel MagicNovice15Removes all spells on all foes in the caster's sight with Moderate Recovery.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
6Light MagicParalyzeNovice20Prevents movement and attack, Single Target for (3m/Skill Level). Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
5Light MagicSummon ElementalExpert25Summons a Lesser Light Elemental for (5m/Skill Level). Max 1.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Normal Elemental for (15m/Skill Level). Max 3.Greater Elemental for (15m/Skill Level). Max 5.
6Light MagicDay of the GodsExpert30Boost all Seven Statistics on Party by 10+(3/Skill Level) until you Rest.Unable to learn spell.Base description as 10+(4/Skill Level).by 10+(5/Skill Level).
7Light MagicPrismatic LightExpert35Deal 25+(1/Skill Levle) Light Damage to all Indoor Foes in Sight.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
8Light MagicDay of ProtectionMaster40Wizard Eye, Feather Fall, and all Resistance spells on Party at (4/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as (5*Skill Level).
9Light MagicHour of PowerMaster45Casts Haste, Heroism, Shield, Stone Skin, and Bless on Party at (4/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as (5*Skill Level).
10Light MagicSunrayMaster50Deal 20+(1-20/Spell Level) Light Damage to Single Outdoor Daytime Target with Slow Recovery.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
11Light MagicDivine InterventionGrandmaster55Heal, Cure, and restore Spell Points to Max for whole Party 3x/day. Caster Ages +10 years each cast.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.
1Dark MagicReanimateNovice10Raise a dead foe with (10hp/Skill Level), but not more than Max Hit Points.Base description as above.with (30hp/Skill Level).with (40hp/Skill Level).with (50hp/Skill Level).
2Dark MagicToxic CloudNovice15Deal 25+(10/Spell Level) Dark Damage to Single Target via Slow Moving Cloud with Moderate Recovery.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.
3Dark MagicVampiric WeaponNovice20Adds "of Vampire" to non-magical weapon for (1h/Skill Level).Base description as above.Faster Recovery.Faster Recovery.Effect becomes Permanent.
4Dark MagicShrinking RayNovice25Shrink a foe's Size and Damage to 50% for (5min/Skill Point).Base description as 33%to 25%Effects a group of foes.
5Dark MagicShrapmetalExpert30Deal 6+(1d6/Skill Level) Dark Damage in spread volley with Normal Recovery. 3 fragments.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery. 7 fragments.Faster Recovery. 9 fragments.
6Dark MagicControl UndeadExpert35Compells a Single Undead Target to attack creasures nearby for (3m/Skill Level). Party safe.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.for (5m/Skill Level). Faster Recovery.Lasts until leave Map. Faster Recovery.
7Dark MagicPain ReflectionExpert40Incoming Damage is reflected back to source for 1h+(5m/Skill Level).Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Effects entire Party.for 1h+(15m/Skill Level).
8Dark MagicSacrificeMaster45Sacrifice a Hireling to Heal, Cure, and restore Spell Points and true Age for the Caster only. Reputation reduced significantly.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
9Dark MagicDragon BreathMaster50Deal (1-25/Skill Level) Dark Damage to Target in Front and everyone nearby.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.Faster Recovery.
10Dark MagicArmageddonMaster55Deal 50+(1/Skill Level) Dark Damage to EVERYONE on the Map, 3 times/day. Outdoors Only.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.4 times/day.
11Dark MagicSouldrinkerGrandmaster60Drain 25+(1-8/Skill Level) Hit Points from EVERYONE in sight and distributes the Hit Points to Party as a Heal, up to Max HP.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Unable to learn spell.Base description as above.

Party Design

Default Party is Knight, Thief, Cleric, Sorcerer and covers the basic needs to complete the game. This party will have access to grandmaster level skills with focus on dealing damage, sustaining damage, disarming traps, repairing items, identifying items, buying and selling items, as well as access to grandmaster level in all magic skills. Pretty universal.

In MM7, party design centers on Class selections that have access to desirable Skill Expertise and Spells. You can solve the game with many combinations.

Learn More: MM7 Skills List

Learn More: MM7 Spells List

Hirelings can be found and hired to bolster your party. You may hire up to 2 hirelings at a time by paying the up-front cost and by sacrificing a percentage of gold you find. Hirelings offer a myriad of things that can help your party in various ways. Hirelings may allow casting a spell once per day, such as Fly or Bless, make travel times shorter, boost XP gain, or enable free Item Identification. Understanding which hirelings are available may impact your party design.

Learn More: Hirelings List of Benefits

Once you have decided which Classes you want in your party, it is time to think about Statistics and how you plan to build up each character. You will have many opportunities to boost up your Statistics and knowing which of your characters benefit most from each statistic is key. The first opportunity to boost your Statistics is at character creation.

Learn More: MM7 Statistics and Character Creation


Official manual is here for reference.

How to obtain a copy of this game

eBay link PC version (1999)
GOG link – Digital PC Version