MM7 Party Planning – For Blood and Honor

MM7 Party Planning

MM7 Party finds themselves on Enroth again in the middle of a conflict between Humans and Elves. Prepare here and rise as a king to save Enroth. Your final score is determined by how much you accomplish compared to the amount of in-game time it takes to complete those tasks. Efficiency is key to achieving a high score.

“You are to be a king.”

Lord Markham

What is new?

The Choice: The party must chose a Light or Dark path during the playthrough. This decision will define which which 2nd promotion will be available for each class. Additionally, light magic spells are only available when on the light path.. and dark magic spells on the dark path. The choice will also impact the way the story plays out and impact your affiliations with some towns and NPCs.

Class Promotions: The first promotion for each class will increase HP as well as SP when applicable. The second promotion may grant access to higher skill expertise and new spells.

Skill Progression: Changes in MM7 are more restrictive on class selection and now players must make hard decisions that will prevent access to certain skills and/or spells. Now there are 4 levels of expertise: Novice, Expert, Master, and Grandmaster. Skill Categories are not important anymore as the threshold for increased expertise is now the same across all skills. 4 for Expert, 7 for Master, 10 for Grandmaster.

Spells: Some spells can only be learned if the character has achieved a particular expertise in relevant skills. 2 Examples: Lloyd’s Beacon is learned only with Grandmaster Water Magic, which is exclusive to Archmage or Lich. Hour of Power is only learned with Master Light Magic, which is exclusive to Wizard, Archmage, Great Druid, and Arch Druid AND is exclusive to the light path.

Selecting Party Skills

The default party consists of a Knight, Thief, Cleric, and Sorcerer, covering all the essential roles needed to complete the game. This balanced team provides access to grandmaster expertise in critical skills, including dealing and sustaining damage, disarming traps, repairing and identifying items, and optimizing buying and selling. Additionally, this party can achieve grandmaster-level spells in all magic schools aligned with your chosen path, making this setup highly versatile for any playthrough.

If you’re planning to create a custom party, start by determining the spells you want access to. Next, identify the skill expertise your party needs to cover for a balanced and effective playthrough. Finally, consult the Skills/Limits chart below to select the best classes for your desired setup. Additionally, keep in mind that Hirelings can be recruited to strengthen your party’s skills or to fill any gaps in coverage.

Resource: MM7 Skills List

Resource: MM7 Spells List

Resource: MM7 Hirelings List

Skill Limits by Class – Light Path

MM7 Dark Path Class Skill Limits

Skill Limits By Class – Dark Path

MM7 Light Path Class Skill Limits


Statistical Analysis

Statistics impact various aspects of gameplay through the implementation of Bonuses. Bonuses can be positive or negative and understanding how statistic bonuses impact gameplay will help you design and develop your party. Certain classes and playstyle will benefit more or less from each statistic.

Might: MGT effects damage done in combat with melee weapons. MGT bonus is added to damage.

Endurance: END bonus effects hit points. END bonus subtracts from recovery time after taking damage from enemy attacks. END bonus also helps avoid the following Conditions: WEAKNESS, ASLEEP, DRUNK, DISEASED, and UNCONSCIOUS.

Speed: SPD bonus is added to Armor Class. SPD bonus is subtracted from recovery time which impacts attack frequency.

Accuracy: ACY bonus is added to Attack and Shoot values and effects ability to hit targets in combat. ACY bonus also helps with Stealing and not having items stolen from your own backpack.

Intellect: INT bonus is added to the amount of Spell Points for Sorcerers, Archers, Druids, Rangers and Thieves. INT bonus also helps resist Drain SP and Dispel Magic effects.

Personality: PER bonus is added the amount of Spell Points for Clerics, Paladins, Druids, Rangers and Monks. PER Bonus also helps resist the CURSED condition and Drain SP and Dispel Magic effects.

Luck: LCK bonus is added to Resistance rolls so long as the resistance value is not 0. LCK bonus also plays a role in avoiding all the Conditions and bad effects.

Bonus breakpoints
Statistics Bonus is used in various formula. Pay attention to the breakpoints to get the next bonus.  STR for an example: 42, 45, and 49 are effectively the same but 50 adds more damage.

0-2 -6
3-4 -5
5-6 -4
7-8 -3
9-10 -2
11-12 -1
13-14 +0
15-16 +1
17-18 +2
19-20 +3
21-24 +4
25-29 +5
30-34 +6
35-39 +7
40-49 +8
50-74 +9
75-99 +10
100-124 +11
125-149 +12
150-174 +13
175-199 +14
200-224 +15
225-249 +16
250-274 +17
275-299 +18
300-349 +19
350-399 +20
400-499 +25
500+ +30
Hit Point formula
Base Hit Points
Knight 34+(4x END Bonus)
Paladin 28+(3x END Bonus)
Archer 28+(3x END Bonus)
Ranger 28+(3x END Bonus)
Cleric 22+(2x END Bonus)
Sorcerer 22+(2x END Bonus)
Druid 22+(2x END Bonus)

Hit Points per Level
Knight 4 * Body Building Skill
Paladin 3 * Body Building Skill
Archer 3 * Body Building Skill
Ranger 3 * Body Building Skill
Cleric 2 * Body Building Skill
Sorcerer 2 * Body Building Skill
Druid 2 * Body Building Skill

Expert Body Building will Double the final total
Master Body Building will Triple the final total
Spell Point formula
Base Spell Points
Cleric 3(PER Bonus)+13
Sorcerer 3(INT Bonus)+13
Druid 3(INT Bonus + PER Bonus)+13
Paladin (PER Bonus)+6
Archer (INT Bonus)+6
Knight 0

Spell Points per Level
Cleric +3 * Meditation Skill
Sorcerer +3 * Meditation Skill
Druid +3 * Meditation Skill
Paladin +1 * Meditation Skill
Archer +1 * Meditation Skill
Knight +0 * Meditation Skill

Expert Meditation will Double the final total
Master Meditation will Triple the final total


Resource: Races List


Available Classes in MM7 are described below.

Knight details

Knights are a pure mundane damage dealer. They get the most Hit Points and zero Spell Points. Knights have access to all Weapons and Armor. Knights must start with Sword and Leather skills and can select two from: Axe, Spear, Bow, Mace, Shield, Chain, Body Building, Perception, and Armsmaster.

Knights can promote to Cavalier and Champion or Black Knight.

Monk details

Monks are a mundane damage dealer with minor access to Self Magic. Monks focus on Unarmed and Dodging early and can use a Staff and Leather effectively, later in the game. Monks must start with Dodging and Unarmed skills and can select two from: Staff, Sword, Dagger, Spear, Leather, Body Building, Perception, Identify, and Armsmaster.

Monks can promote to Initiate and Master or Ninja.

Thief details

Thieves are a mundane damage dealer with minor access to Elemental magic. Thieves must start with Dagger and Stealing skills and can select two from: Sword, Bow, Leather, Identify Item, Merchant, Perception, Disarm Trap, Dodging, and Alchemy.

Thieves can promote to Rogue and Spy or Assassin.

Paladin details

Paladins are part Knight and part Cleric. Paladins have smaller SP pools than Clerics and do not have access to Dark or Light magic. Paladins must start with Mace and Spirit Magic skills and can select two from: Sword, Dagger, Axe, Shield, Leather, Merchant, Repair Item, Body Building, Armsmaster.

Paladins can promote to Crusader and Hero or Villain.

Archer details

Archers are part Knight and part Sorcerer. Archers have smaller SP pools than Sorcerers and do not have access to Dark or Light magic. Archers must start with Bow and Air Magic skills and can select two from: Sword, Axe, Spear, Leather, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Perception, Armsmaster, Learning.

Archers can promote to Warrior Mage and Master Archer or Sniper.

Ranger details

Rangers are part Knight and part Druid. Rangers have smaller SP pools than Druids. Rangers must start with Axe and Spirit Magic skills and can select two from: Sword, Dagger, Bow, Leather, Body Building, Disarm Trap, Dodging, Identify, Armsmaster.

Rangers can promote to Hunter and Ranger Lord or Bounty Hunter.

Cleric details

Clerics are a pure Self Magic caster. Clerics have large SP pools and have access to Dark or Light magic. Clerics must start with Mace and Body Magic skills and can select two from: Shield, Leather, Spirit Magic, Mind Magic, Repair Item, Meditation, Alchemy, Learning.

Clerics can promote to Priest and Priest of Light or Priest of Dark.

Sorcerer details

Sorcerers are a pure Elemental Magic caster. Sorcerers have large SP pools and have access to Dark or Light magic. Sorcerers must start with Staff and Fire Magic skills and can select two from: Dagger, Leather, Air Magic, Water Magic, Earth Magic, Identify Item, Merchant, Identify Monster, Alchemy.

Sorcerers can promote to Wizard and Archmage or Lich.

Druid details

Druids are a part Cleric and part Sorcerer. Druids have the largest SP pool but does not have access to Dark or Light magic. Druids must start with Dagger and Earth Magic skills and can select two from: Mace, Leather, Water Magic, Spirit Magic, Body Magic, Meditation, Perception, Alchemy, Learning.

Druids can promote to Great Druid and Arch Druid or Warlock.


MMArchive used to extract game data for analysis then flattened and formatted for web presentation. Thanks to GreyFace for so many revelations about how the game works.

Official manual is here.

How to obtain a copy of this game

eBay link PC version (1999)
GOG link – Digital PC Version